""" |
Pipeline of LivePortrait |
""" |
import torch |
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True |
import cv2 |
import numpy as np |
import pickle |
import os |
import os.path as osp |
from rich.progress import track |
from .config.argument_config import ArgumentConfig |
from .config.inference_config import InferenceConfig |
from .config.crop_config import CropConfig |
from .utils.cropper import Cropper |
from .utils.camera import get_rotation_matrix |
from .utils.video import images2video, concat_frames, get_fps, add_audio_to_video, has_audio_stream |
from .utils.crop import _transform_img, prepare_paste_back, paste_back |
from .utils.retargeting_utils import calc_lip_close_ratio |
from .utils.io import load_image_rgb, load_driving_info, resize_to_limit |
from .utils.helper import mkdir, basename, dct2cuda, is_video, is_template |
from .utils.rprint import rlog as log |
from .live_portrait_wrapper import LivePortraitWrapper |
def make_abs_path(fn): |
return osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__)), fn) |
class LivePortraitPipeline(object): |
def __init__(self, inference_cfg: InferenceConfig, crop_cfg: CropConfig): |
self.live_portrait_wrapper: LivePortraitWrapper = LivePortraitWrapper(cfg=inference_cfg) |
self.cropper = Cropper(crop_cfg=crop_cfg) |
def execute(self, args: ArgumentConfig): |
inference_cfg = self.live_portrait_wrapper.cfg |
img_rgb = load_image_rgb(args.source_image) |
img_rgb = resize_to_limit(img_rgb, inference_cfg.ref_max_shape, inference_cfg.ref_shape_n) |
log(f"Load source image from {args.source_image}") |
crop_info = self.cropper.crop_single_image(img_rgb) |
source_lmk = crop_info['lmk_crop'] |
img_crop, img_crop_256x256 = crop_info['img_crop'], crop_info['img_crop_256x256'] |
if inference_cfg.flag_do_crop: |
I_s = self.live_portrait_wrapper.prepare_source(img_crop_256x256) |
else: |
I_s = self.live_portrait_wrapper.prepare_source(img_rgb) |
x_s_info = self.live_portrait_wrapper.get_kp_info(I_s) |
x_c_s = x_s_info['kp'] |
R_s = get_rotation_matrix(x_s_info['pitch'], x_s_info['yaw'], x_s_info['roll']) |
f_s = self.live_portrait_wrapper.extract_feature_3d(I_s) |
x_s = self.live_portrait_wrapper.transform_keypoint(x_s_info) |
if inference_cfg.flag_lip_zero: |
c_d_lip_before_animation = [0.] |
combined_lip_ratio_tensor_before_animation = self.live_portrait_wrapper.calc_combined_lip_ratio(c_d_lip_before_animation, source_lmk) |
if combined_lip_ratio_tensor_before_animation[0][0] < inference_cfg.lip_zero_threshold: |
inference_cfg.flag_lip_zero = False |
else: |
lip_delta_before_animation = self.live_portrait_wrapper.retarget_lip(x_s, combined_lip_ratio_tensor_before_animation) |
output_fps = 30 |
if is_video(args.driving_info): |
log(f"Load from video file (mp4 mov avi etc...): {args.driving_info}") |
output_fps = int(get_fps(args.driving_info)) |
log(f'The FPS of {args.driving_info} is: {output_fps}') |
driving_rgb_lst = load_driving_info(args.driving_info) |
driving_rgb_lst_256 = [cv2.resize(_, (256, 256)) for _ in driving_rgb_lst] |
I_d_lst = self.live_portrait_wrapper.prepare_driving_videos(driving_rgb_lst_256) |
n_frames = I_d_lst.shape[0] |
if inference_cfg.flag_eye_retargeting or inference_cfg.flag_lip_retargeting: |
driving_lmk_lst = self.cropper.get_retargeting_lmk_info(driving_rgb_lst) |
input_eye_ratio_lst, input_lip_ratio_lst = self.live_portrait_wrapper.calc_retargeting_ratio(source_lmk, driving_lmk_lst) |
elif is_template(args.driving_info): |
log(f"Load from video templates {args.driving_info}") |
with open(args.driving_info, 'rb') as f: |
template_lst, driving_lmk_lst = pickle.load(f) |
n_frames = template_lst[0]['n_frames'] |
input_eye_ratio_lst, input_lip_ratio_lst = self.live_portrait_wrapper.calc_retargeting_ratio(source_lmk, driving_lmk_lst) |
else: |
raise Exception("Unsupported driving types!") |
if inference_cfg.flag_pasteback: |
mask_ori = prepare_paste_back(inference_cfg.mask_crop, crop_info['M_c2o'], dsize=(img_rgb.shape[1], img_rgb.shape[0])) |
I_p_paste_lst = [] |
I_p_lst = [] |
R_d_0, x_d_0_info = None, None |
for i in track(range(n_frames), description='Animating...', total=n_frames): |
if is_video(args.driving_info): |
I_d_i = I_d_lst[i] |
x_d_i_info = self.live_portrait_wrapper.get_kp_info(I_d_i) |
R_d_i = get_rotation_matrix(x_d_i_info['pitch'], x_d_i_info['yaw'], x_d_i_info['roll']) |
else: |
x_d_i_info = template_lst[i] |
x_d_i_info = dct2cuda(x_d_i_info, inference_cfg.device_id) |
R_d_i = x_d_i_info['R_d'] |
if i == 0: |
R_d_0 = R_d_i |
x_d_0_info = x_d_i_info |
if inference_cfg.flag_relative: |
R_new = (R_d_i @ R_d_0.permute(0, 2, 1)) @ R_s |
delta_new = x_s_info['exp'] + (x_d_i_info['exp'] - x_d_0_info['exp']) |
scale_new = x_s_info['scale'] * (x_d_i_info['scale'] / x_d_0_info['scale']) |
t_new = x_s_info['t'] + (x_d_i_info['t'] - x_d_0_info['t']) |
else: |
R_new = R_d_i |
delta_new = x_d_i_info['exp'] |
scale_new = x_s_info['scale'] |
t_new = x_d_i_info['t'] |
t_new[..., 2].fill_(0) |
x_d_i_new = scale_new * (x_c_s @ R_new + delta_new) + t_new |
if not inference_cfg.flag_stitching and not inference_cfg.flag_eye_retargeting and not inference_cfg.flag_lip_retargeting: |
if inference_cfg.flag_lip_zero: |
x_d_i_new += lip_delta_before_animation.reshape(-1, x_s.shape[1], 3) |
else: |
pass |
elif inference_cfg.flag_stitching and not inference_cfg.flag_eye_retargeting and not inference_cfg.flag_lip_retargeting: |
if inference_cfg.flag_lip_zero: |
x_d_i_new = self.live_portrait_wrapper.stitching(x_s, x_d_i_new) + lip_delta_before_animation.reshape(-1, x_s.shape[1], 3) |
else: |
x_d_i_new = self.live_portrait_wrapper.stitching(x_s, x_d_i_new) |
else: |
eyes_delta, lip_delta = None, None |
if inference_cfg.flag_eye_retargeting: |
c_d_eyes_i = input_eye_ratio_lst[i] |
combined_eye_ratio_tensor = self.live_portrait_wrapper.calc_combined_eye_ratio(c_d_eyes_i, source_lmk) |
eyes_delta = self.live_portrait_wrapper.retarget_eye(x_s, combined_eye_ratio_tensor) |
if inference_cfg.flag_lip_retargeting: |
c_d_lip_i = input_lip_ratio_lst[i] |
combined_lip_ratio_tensor = self.live_portrait_wrapper.calc_combined_lip_ratio(c_d_lip_i, source_lmk) |
lip_delta = self.live_portrait_wrapper.retarget_lip(x_s, combined_lip_ratio_tensor) |
if inference_cfg.flag_relative: |
x_d_i_new = x_s + \ |
(eyes_delta.reshape(-1, x_s.shape[1], 3) if eyes_delta is not None else 0) + \ |
(lip_delta.reshape(-1, x_s.shape[1], 3) if lip_delta is not None else 0) |
else: |
x_d_i_new = x_d_i_new + \ |
(eyes_delta.reshape(-1, x_s.shape[1], 3) if eyes_delta is not None else 0) + \ |
(lip_delta.reshape(-1, x_s.shape[1], 3) if lip_delta is not None else 0) |
if inference_cfg.flag_stitching: |
x_d_i_new = self.live_portrait_wrapper.stitching(x_s, x_d_i_new) |
out = self.live_portrait_wrapper.warp_decode(f_s, x_s, x_d_i_new) |
I_p_i = self.live_portrait_wrapper.parse_output(out['out'])[0] |
I_p_lst.append(I_p_i) |
if inference_cfg.flag_pasteback: |
I_p_i_to_ori_blend = paste_back(I_p_i, crop_info['M_c2o'], img_rgb, mask_ori) |
I_p_paste_lst.append(I_p_i_to_ori_blend) |
mkdir(args.output_dir) |
wfp_concat = None |
flag_has_audio = has_audio_stream(args.driving_info) |
if is_video(args.driving_info): |
frames_concatenated = concat_frames(I_p_lst, driving_rgb_lst, img_crop_256x256) |
wfp_concat = osp.join(args.output_dir, f'{basename(args.source_image)}--{basename(args.driving_info)}_concat.mp4') |
images2video(frames_concatenated, wfp=wfp_concat, fps=output_fps) |
if flag_has_audio: |
wfp_concat_with_audio = osp.join(args.output_dir, f'{basename(args.source_image)}--{basename(args.driving_info)}_concat_with_audio.mp4') |
add_audio_to_video(wfp_concat, args.driving_info, wfp_concat_with_audio) |
os.replace(wfp_concat_with_audio, wfp_concat) |
log(f"Replace {wfp_concat} with {wfp_concat_with_audio}") |
wfp = osp.join(args.output_dir, f'{basename(args.source_image)}--{basename(args.driving_info)}.mp4') |
if inference_cfg.flag_pasteback: |
images2video(I_p_paste_lst, wfp=wfp, fps=output_fps) |
else: |
images2video(I_p_lst, wfp=wfp, fps=output_fps) |
if flag_has_audio: |
wfp_with_audio = osp.join(args.output_dir, f'{basename(args.source_image)}--{basename(args.driving_info)}_with_audio.mp4') |
add_audio_to_video(wfp, args.driving_info, wfp_with_audio) |
os.replace(wfp_with_audio, wfp) |
log(f"Replace {wfp} with {wfp_with_audio}") |
return wfp, wfp_concat |