# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # All rights reserved. """Encodec SEANet-based encoder and decoder implementation.""" import numpy as np """LSTM layers module.""" from torch import nn class SLSTM(nn.Module): """ LSTM without worrying about the hidden state, nor the layout of the data. Expects input as convolutional layout. """ def __init__(self, dimension: int, num_layers: int = 2, skip: bool = True): super().__init__() self.skip = skip self.lstm = nn.LSTM(dimension, dimension, num_layers) def forward(self, x): x = x.permute(2, 0, 1) y, _ = self.lstm(x) if self.skip: y = y + x y = y.permute(1, 2, 0) return y """Convolutional layers wrappers and utilities.""" import math import warnings from torch.nn import functional as F from torch.nn.utils import spectral_norm, weight_norm """Normalization modules.""" import typing as tp import einops import torch from torch import nn class ConvLayerNorm(nn.LayerNorm): """ Convolution-friendly LayerNorm that moves channels to last dimensions before running the normalization and moves them back to original position right after. """ def __init__(self, normalized_shape: tp.Union[int, tp.List[int], torch.Size], **kwargs): super().__init__(normalized_shape, **kwargs) def forward(self, x): x = einops.rearrange(x, 'b ... t -> b t ...') x = super().forward(x) x = einops.rearrange(x, 'b t ... -> b ... t') return CONV_NORMALIZATIONS = frozenset(['none', 'weight_norm', 'spectral_norm', 'time_layer_norm', 'layer_norm', 'time_group_norm']) def apply_parametrization_norm(module: nn.Module, norm: str = 'none') -> nn.Module: assert norm in CONV_NORMALIZATIONS if norm == 'weight_norm': return weight_norm(module) elif norm == 'spectral_norm': return spectral_norm(module) else: # We already check was in CONV_NORMALIZATION, so any other choice # doesn't need reparametrization. return module def get_norm_module(module: nn.Module, causal: bool = False, norm: str = 'none', **norm_kwargs) -> nn.Module: """Return the proper normalization module. If causal is True, this will ensure the returned module is causal, or return an error if the normalization doesn't support causal evaluation. """ assert norm in CONV_NORMALIZATIONS if norm == 'layer_norm': assert isinstance(module, nn.modules.conv._ConvNd) return ConvLayerNorm(module.out_channels, **norm_kwargs) elif norm == 'time_group_norm': if causal: raise ValueError("GroupNorm doesn't support causal evaluation.") assert isinstance(module, nn.modules.conv._ConvNd) return nn.GroupNorm(1, module.out_channels, **norm_kwargs) else: return nn.Identity() def get_extra_padding_for_conv1d(x: torch.Tensor, kernel_size: int, stride: int, padding_total: int = 0) -> int: """See `pad_for_conv1d`. """ length = x.shape[-1] n_frames = (length - kernel_size + padding_total) / stride + 1 ideal_length = (math.ceil(n_frames) - 1) * stride + (kernel_size - padding_total) return ideal_length - length def pad_for_conv1d(x: torch.Tensor, kernel_size: int, stride: int, padding_total: int = 0): """Pad for a convolution to make sure that the last window is full. Extra padding is added at the end. This is required to ensure that we can rebuild an output of the same length, as otherwise, even with padding, some time steps might get removed. For instance, with total padding = 4, kernel size = 4, stride = 2: 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 # (0s are padding) 1 2 3 # (output frames of a convolution, last 0 is never used) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 # (output of tr. conv., but pos. 5 is going to get removed as padding) 1 2 3 4 # once you removed padding, we are missing one time step ! """ extra_padding = get_extra_padding_for_conv1d(x, kernel_size, stride, padding_total) return F.pad(x, (0, extra_padding)) def pad1d(x: torch.Tensor, paddings: tp.Tuple[int, int], mode: str = 'zero', value: float = 0.): """Tiny wrapper around F.pad, just to allow for reflect padding on small input. If this is the case, we insert extra 0 padding to the right before the reflection happen. """ length = x.shape[-1] padding_left, padding_right = paddings assert padding_left >= 0 and padding_right >= 0, (padding_left, padding_right) if mode == 'reflect': max_pad = max(padding_left, padding_right) extra_pad = 0 if length <= max_pad: extra_pad = max_pad - length + 1 x = F.pad(x, (0, extra_pad)) padded = F.pad(x, paddings, mode, value) end = padded.shape[-1] - extra_pad return padded[..., :end] else: return F.pad(x, paddings, mode, value) def unpad1d(x: torch.Tensor, paddings: tp.Tuple[int, int]): """Remove padding from x, handling properly zero padding. Only for 1d!""" padding_left, padding_right = paddings assert padding_left >= 0 and padding_right >= 0, (padding_left, padding_right) assert (padding_left + padding_right) <= x.shape[-1] end = x.shape[-1] - padding_right return x[..., padding_left: end] class NormConv1d(nn.Module): """Wrapper around Conv1d and normalization applied to this conv to provide a uniform interface across normalization approaches. """ def __init__(self, *args, causal: bool = False, norm: str = 'none', norm_kwargs: tp.Dict[str, tp.Any] = {}, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.conv = apply_parametrization_norm(nn.Conv1d(*args, **kwargs), norm) self.norm = get_norm_module(self.conv, causal, norm, **norm_kwargs) self.norm_type = norm def forward(self, x): x = self.conv(x) x = self.norm(x) return x class NormConv2d(nn.Module): """Wrapper around Conv2d and normalization applied to this conv to provide a uniform interface across normalization approaches. """ def __init__(self, *args, norm: str = 'none', norm_kwargs: tp.Dict[str, tp.Any] = {}, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.conv = apply_parametrization_norm(nn.Conv2d(*args, **kwargs), norm) self.norm = get_norm_module(self.conv, causal=False, norm=norm, **norm_kwargs) self.norm_type = norm def forward(self, x): x = self.conv(x) x = self.norm(x) return x class NormConvTranspose1d(nn.Module): """Wrapper around ConvTranspose1d and normalization applied to this conv to provide a uniform interface across normalization approaches. """ def __init__(self, *args, causal: bool = False, norm: str = 'none', norm_kwargs: tp.Dict[str, tp.Any] = {}, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.convtr = apply_parametrization_norm(nn.ConvTranspose1d(*args, **kwargs), norm) self.norm = get_norm_module(self.convtr, causal, norm, **norm_kwargs) self.norm_type = norm def forward(self, x): x = self.convtr(x) x = self.norm(x) return x class NormConvTranspose2d(nn.Module): """Wrapper around ConvTranspose2d and normalization applied to this conv to provide a uniform interface across normalization approaches. """ def __init__(self, *args, norm: str = 'none', norm_kwargs: tp.Dict[str, tp.Any] = {}, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.convtr = apply_parametrization_norm(nn.ConvTranspose2d(*args, **kwargs), norm) self.norm = get_norm_module(self.convtr, causal=False, norm=norm, **norm_kwargs) def forward(self, x): x = self.convtr(x) x = self.norm(x) return x class SConv1d(nn.Module): """Conv1d with some builtin handling of asymmetric or causal padding and normalization. """ def __init__(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, kernel_size: int, stride: int = 1, dilation: int = 1, groups: int = 1, bias: bool = True, causal: bool = False, norm: str = 'none', norm_kwargs: tp.Dict[str, tp.Any] = {}, pad_mode: str = 'reflect'): super().__init__() # warn user on unusual setup between dilation and stride if stride > 1 and dilation > 1: warnings.warn('SConv1d has been initialized with stride > 1 and dilation > 1' f' (kernel_size={kernel_size} stride={stride}, dilation={dilation}).') self.conv = NormConv1d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, dilation=dilation, groups=groups, bias=bias, causal=causal, norm=norm, norm_kwargs=norm_kwargs) self.causal = causal self.pad_mode = pad_mode def forward(self, x): B, C, T = x.shape kernel_size = self.conv.conv.kernel_size[0] stride = self.conv.conv.stride[0] dilation = self.conv.conv.dilation[0] padding_total = (kernel_size - 1) * dilation - (stride - 1) extra_padding = get_extra_padding_for_conv1d(x, kernel_size, stride, padding_total) if self.causal: # Left padding for causal x = pad1d(x, (padding_total, extra_padding), mode=self.pad_mode) else: # Asymmetric padding required for odd strides padding_right = padding_total // 2 padding_left = padding_total - padding_right x = pad1d(x, (padding_left, padding_right + extra_padding), mode=self.pad_mode) return self.conv(x) class SConvTranspose1d(nn.Module): """ConvTranspose1d with some builtin handling of asymmetric or causal padding and normalization. """ def __init__(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, kernel_size: int, stride: int = 1, causal: bool = False, norm: str = 'none', trim_right_ratio: float = 1., norm_kwargs: tp.Dict[str, tp.Any] = {}): super().__init__() self.convtr = NormConvTranspose1d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, causal=causal, norm=norm, norm_kwargs=norm_kwargs) self.causal = causal self.trim_right_ratio = trim_right_ratio assert self.causal or self.trim_right_ratio == 1., \ "`trim_right_ratio` != 1.0 only makes sense for causal convolutions" assert self.trim_right_ratio >= 0. and self.trim_right_ratio <= 1. def forward(self, x): kernel_size = self.convtr.convtr.kernel_size[0] stride = self.convtr.convtr.stride[0] padding_total = kernel_size - stride y = self.convtr(x) # We will only trim fixed padding. Extra padding from `pad_for_conv1d` would be # removed at the very end, when keeping only the right length for the output, # as removing it here would require also passing the length at the matching layer # in the encoder. if self.causal: # Trim the padding on the right according to the specified ratio # if trim_right_ratio = 1.0, trim everything from right padding_right = math.ceil(padding_total * self.trim_right_ratio) padding_left = padding_total - padding_right y = unpad1d(y, (padding_left, padding_right)) else: # Asymmetric padding required for odd strides padding_right = padding_total // 2 padding_left = padding_total - padding_right y = unpad1d(y, (padding_left, padding_right)) return y class SEANetResnetBlock(nn.Module): """Residual block from SEANet model. Args: dim (int): Dimension of the input/output kernel_sizes (list): List of kernel sizes for the convolutions. dilations (list): List of dilations for the convolutions. activation (str): Activation function. activation_params (dict): Parameters to provide to the activation function norm (str): Normalization method. norm_params (dict): Parameters to provide to the underlying normalization used along with the convolution. causal (bool): Whether to use fully causal convolution. pad_mode (str): Padding mode for the convolutions. compress (int): Reduced dimensionality in residual branches (from Demucs v3) true_skip (bool): Whether to use true skip connection or a simple convolution as the skip connection. """ def __init__(self, dim: int, kernel_sizes: tp.List[int] = [3, 1], dilations: tp.List[int] = [1, 1], activation: str = 'ELU', activation_params: dict = {'alpha': 1.0}, norm: str = 'weight_norm', norm_params: tp.Dict[str, tp.Any] = {}, causal: bool = False, pad_mode: str = 'reflect', compress: int = 2, true_skip: bool = True): super().__init__() assert len(kernel_sizes) == len(dilations), 'Number of kernel sizes should match number of dilations' act = getattr(nn, activation) hidden = dim // compress block = [] for i, (kernel_size, dilation) in enumerate(zip(kernel_sizes, dilations)): in_chs = dim if i == 0 else hidden out_chs = dim if i == len(kernel_sizes) - 1 else hidden block += [ act(**activation_params), SConv1d(in_chs, out_chs, kernel_size=kernel_size, dilation=dilation, norm=norm, norm_kwargs=norm_params, causal=causal, pad_mode=pad_mode), ] self.block = nn.Sequential(*block) self.shortcut: nn.Module if true_skip: self.shortcut = nn.Identity() else: self.shortcut = SConv1d(dim, dim, kernel_size=1, norm=norm, norm_kwargs=norm_params, causal=causal, pad_mode=pad_mode) def forward(self, x): return self.shortcut(x) + self.block(x) class SEANetEncoder(nn.Module): """SEANet encoder. Args: channels (int): Audio channels. dimension (int): Intermediate representation dimension. n_filters (int): Base width for the model. n_residual_layers (int): nb of residual layers. ratios (Sequence[int]): kernel size and stride ratios. The encoder uses downsampling ratios instead of upsampling ratios, hence it will use the ratios in the reverse order to the ones specified here that must match the decoder order activation (str): Activation function. activation_params (dict): Parameters to provide to the activation function norm (str): Normalization method. norm_params (dict): Parameters to provide to the underlying normalization used along with the convolution. kernel_size (int): Kernel size for the initial convolution. last_kernel_size (int): Kernel size for the initial convolution. residual_kernel_size (int): Kernel size for the residual layers. dilation_base (int): How much to increase the dilation with each layer. causal (bool): Whether to use fully causal convolution. pad_mode (str): Padding mode for the convolutions. true_skip (bool): Whether to use true skip connection or a simple (streamable) convolution as the skip connection in the residual network blocks. compress (int): Reduced dimensionality in residual branches (from Demucs v3). lstm (int): Number of LSTM layers at the end of the encoder. """ def __init__(self, channels: int = 1, dimension: int = 128, n_filters: int = 32, n_residual_layers: int = 1, ratios: tp.List[int] = [8, 5, 4, 2], activation: str = 'ELU', activation_params: dict = {'alpha': 1.0}, norm: str = 'weight_norm', norm_params: tp.Dict[str, tp.Any] = {}, kernel_size: int = 7, last_kernel_size: int = 7, residual_kernel_size: int = 3, dilation_base: int = 2, causal: bool = False, pad_mode: str = 'reflect', true_skip: bool = False, compress: int = 2, lstm: int = 2): super().__init__() self.channels = channels self.dimension = dimension self.n_filters = n_filters self.ratios = list(reversed(ratios)) del ratios self.n_residual_layers = n_residual_layers self.hop_length = np.prod(self.ratios) # 计算乘积 act = getattr(nn, activation) mult = 1 model: tp.List[nn.Module] = [ SConv1d(channels, mult * n_filters, kernel_size, norm=norm, norm_kwargs=norm_params, causal=causal, pad_mode=pad_mode) ] # Downsample to raw audio scale for i, ratio in enumerate(self.ratios): # Add residual layers for j in range(n_residual_layers): model += [ SEANetResnetBlock(mult * n_filters, kernel_sizes=[residual_kernel_size, 1], dilations=[dilation_base ** j, 1], norm=norm, norm_params=norm_params, activation=activation, activation_params=activation_params, causal=causal, pad_mode=pad_mode, compress=compress, true_skip=true_skip)] # Add downsampling layers model += [ act(**activation_params), SConv1d(mult * n_filters, mult * n_filters * 2, kernel_size=ratio * 2, stride=ratio, norm=norm, norm_kwargs=norm_params, causal=causal, pad_mode=pad_mode), ] mult *= 2 if lstm: model += [SLSTM(mult * n_filters, num_layers=lstm)] model += [ act(**activation_params), SConv1d(mult * n_filters, dimension, last_kernel_size, norm=norm, norm_kwargs=norm_params, causal=causal, pad_mode=pad_mode) ] self.model = nn.Sequential(*model) def forward(self, x): return self.model(x) class SEANetDecoder(nn.Module): """SEANet decoder. Args: channels (int): Audio channels. dimension (int): Intermediate representation dimension. n_filters (int): Base width for the model. n_residual_layers (int): nb of residual layers. ratios (Sequence[int]): kernel size and stride ratios activation (str): Activation function. activation_params (dict): Parameters to provide to the activation function final_activation (str): Final activation function after all convolutions. final_activation_params (dict): Parameters to provide to the activation function norm (str): Normalization method. norm_params (dict): Parameters to provide to the underlying normalization used along with the convolution. kernel_size (int): Kernel size for the initial convolution. last_kernel_size (int): Kernel size for the initial convolution. residual_kernel_size (int): Kernel size for the residual layers. dilation_base (int): How much to increase the dilation with each layer. causal (bool): Whether to use fully causal convolution. pad_mode (str): Padding mode for the convolutions. true_skip (bool): Whether to use true skip connection or a simple (streamable) convolution as the skip connection in the residual network blocks. compress (int): Reduced dimensionality in residual branches (from Demucs v3). lstm (int): Number of LSTM layers at the end of the encoder. trim_right_ratio (float): Ratio for trimming at the right of the transposed convolution under the causal setup. If equal to 1.0, it means that all the trimming is done at the right. """ def __init__(self, channels: int = 1, dimension: int = 128, n_filters: int = 32, n_residual_layers: int = 1, ratios: tp.List[int] = [8, 5, 4, 2], activation: str = 'ELU', activation_params: dict = {'alpha': 1.0}, final_activation: tp.Optional[str] = None, final_activation_params: tp.Optional[dict] = None, norm: str = 'weight_norm', norm_params: tp.Dict[str, tp.Any] = {}, kernel_size: int = 7, last_kernel_size: int = 7, residual_kernel_size: int = 3, dilation_base: int = 2, causal: bool = False, pad_mode: str = 'reflect', true_skip: bool = False, compress: int = 2, lstm: int = 2, trim_right_ratio: float = 1.0): super().__init__() self.dimension = dimension self.channels = channels self.n_filters = n_filters self.ratios = ratios del ratios self.n_residual_layers = n_residual_layers self.hop_length = np.prod(self.ratios) act = getattr(nn, activation) mult = int(2 ** len(self.ratios)) model: tp.List[nn.Module] = [ SConv1d(dimension, mult * n_filters, kernel_size, norm=norm, norm_kwargs=norm_params, causal=causal, pad_mode=pad_mode) ] if lstm: model += [SLSTM(mult * n_filters, num_layers=lstm)] # Upsample to raw audio scale for i, ratio in enumerate(self.ratios): # Add upsampling layers model += [ act(**activation_params), SConvTranspose1d(mult * n_filters, mult * n_filters // 2, kernel_size=ratio * 2, stride=ratio, norm=norm, norm_kwargs=norm_params, causal=causal, trim_right_ratio=trim_right_ratio), ] # Add residual layers for j in range(n_residual_layers): model += [ SEANetResnetBlock(mult * n_filters // 2, kernel_sizes=[residual_kernel_size, 1], dilations=[dilation_base ** j, 1], activation=activation, activation_params=activation_params, norm=norm, norm_params=norm_params, causal=causal, pad_mode=pad_mode, compress=compress, true_skip=true_skip)] mult //= 2 # Add final layers model += [ act(**activation_params), SConv1d(n_filters, channels, last_kernel_size, norm=norm, norm_kwargs=norm_params, causal=causal, pad_mode=pad_mode) ] # Add optional final activation to decoder (eg. tanh) if final_activation is not None: final_act = getattr(nn, final_activation) final_activation_params = final_activation_params or {} model += [ final_act(**final_activation_params) ] self.model = nn.Sequential(*model) def forward(self, z): y = self.model(z) return y def test(): import torch encoder = SEANetEncoder() decoder = SEANetDecoder() x = torch.randn(1, 1, 24000) z = encoder(x) print('z ', z.shape) assert 1 == 2 assert list(z.shape) == [1, 128, 75], z.shape y = decoder(z) assert y.shape == x.shape, (x.shape, y.shape) if __name__ == '__main__': test()