import librosa import soundfile as sf from tqdm import tqdm from Preprocessing.TextFrontend import get_feature_to_index_lookup from Utility.path_to_transcript_dicts import * def make_silence_cleaned_versions(train_sets): torch.hub._validate_not_a_forked_repo = lambda a, b, c: True # torch 1.9 has a bug in the hub loading, this is a workaround # careful: assumes 16kHz or 8kHz audio silero_model, utils = torch.hub.load(repo_or_dir='snakers4/silero-vad', model='silero_vad', force_reload=False, onnx=False, verbose=False) (get_speech_timestamps, save_audio, read_audio, VADIterator, collect_chunks) = utils torch.set_grad_enabled(True) # finding this issue was very infuriating: silero sets # this to false globally during model loading rather than using inference mode or no_grad device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" silero_model = for train_set in train_sets: for index in tqdm(range(len(train_set))): filepath = train_set.datapoints[index][8] phonemes = train_set.datapoints[index][0] speech_length = train_set.datapoints[index][3] durations = train_set.datapoints[index][4] cumsum = 0 legal_silences = list() for phoneme_index, phone in enumerate(phonemes): if phone[get_feature_to_index_lookup()["silence"]] == 1 or phone[get_feature_to_index_lookup()["end of sentence"]] == 1 or phone[get_feature_to_index_lookup()["questionmark"]] == 1 or phone[get_feature_to_index_lookup()["exclamationmark"]] == 1 or phone[get_feature_to_index_lookup()["fullstop"]] == 1: legal_silences.append([cumsum, cumsum + durations[phoneme_index]]) cumsum = cumsum + durations[phoneme_index] wave, sr = resampled_wave = librosa.resample(wave, orig_sr=sr, target_sr=16000) with torch.inference_mode(): speech_timestamps = get_speech_timestamps(torch.Tensor(resampled_wave).to(device), silero_model, sampling_rate=16000) silences = list() prev_end = 0 for speech_segment in speech_timestamps: if prev_end != 0: silences.append([prev_end, speech_segment["start"]]) prev_end = speech_segment["end"] # at this point we know all the silences and we know the legal silences. # We have to transform them both into ratios, so we can compare them. # If a silence overlaps with a legal silence, it can stay. illegal_silences = list() for silence in silences: illegal = True start = silence[0] / len(resampled_wave) end = silence[1] / len(resampled_wave) for legal_silence in legal_silences: legal_start = legal_silence[0] / speech_length legal_end = legal_silence[1] / speech_length if legal_start < start < legal_end or legal_start < end < legal_end: illegal = False break if illegal: # If it is an illegal silence, it is marked for removal in the original wave according to ration with real samplingrate. illegal_silences.append([start, end]) # print(f"{len(illegal_silences)} illegal silences detected. ({len(silences) - len(illegal_silences)} legal silences left)") wave = list(wave) orig_wave_length = len(wave) for illegal_silence in reversed(illegal_silences): wave = wave[:int(illegal_silence[0] * orig_wave_length)] + wave[int(illegal_silence[1] * orig_wave_length):] # Audio with illegal silences removed will be saved into a new directory. new_filepath_list = filepath.split("/") new_filepath_list[-2] = new_filepath_list[-2] + "_silence_removed" os.makedirs("/".join(new_filepath_list[:-1]), exist_ok=True) sf.write("/".join(new_filepath_list), wave, sr)