from utils import language_dict import math import torch import gc import time from faster_whisper import WhisperModel import os import re import uuid import shutil def get_language_name(lang_code): global language_dict # Iterate through the language dictionary for language, details in language_dict.items(): # Check if the language code matches if details["lang_code"] == lang_code: return language # Return the language name return lang_code def clean_file_name(file_path): # Get the base file name and extension file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name) # Replace non-alphanumeric characters with an underscore cleaned = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z\d]+', '_', file_name) # Remove any multiple underscores clean_file_name = re.sub(r'_+', '_', cleaned).strip('_') # Generate a random UUID for uniqueness random_uuid = uuid.uuid4().hex[:6] # Combine cleaned file name with the original extension clean_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path), clean_file_name + f"_{random_uuid}" + file_extension) return clean_file_path def format_segments(segments): saved_segments = list(segments) sentence_timestamp = [] words_timestamp = [] speech_to_text = "" for i in saved_segments: temp_sentence_timestamp = {} # Store sentence information in sentence_timestamp text = i.text.strip() sentence_id = len(sentence_timestamp) # Get the current index for the new entry sentence_timestamp.append({ "id": sentence_id, # Use the index as the id "text": text, "start": i.start, "end": i.end, "words": [] # Initialize words as an empty list within the sentence }) speech_to_text += text + " " # Process each word in the sentence for word in i.words: word_data = { "word": word.word.strip(), "start": word.start, "end": word.end } # Append word timestamps to the sentence's word list sentence_timestamp[sentence_id]["words"].append(word_data) # Optionally, add the word data to the global words_timestamp list words_timestamp.append(word_data) return sentence_timestamp, words_timestamp, speech_to_text def combine_word_segments(words_timestamp, max_words_per_subtitle=8, min_silence_between_words=0.5): if max_words_per_subtitle<=1: max_words_per_subtitle=1 before_translate = {} id = 1 text = "" start = None end = None word_count = 0 last_end_time = None for i in words_timestamp: try: word = i['word'] word_start = i['start'] word_end = i['end'] # Check for sentence-ending punctuation is_end_of_sentence = word.endswith(('.', '?', '!')) # Check for conditions to create a new subtitle if ((last_end_time is not None and word_start - last_end_time > min_silence_between_words) or word_count >= max_words_per_subtitle or is_end_of_sentence): # Store the previous subtitle if there's any if text: before_translate[id] = { "text": text, "start": start, "end": end } id += 1 # Reset for the new subtitle segment text = word start = word_start # Set the start time for the new subtitle word_count = 1 else: if word_count == 0: # First word in the subtitle start = word_start # Ensure the start time is set text += " " + word word_count += 1 end = word_end # Update the end timestamp last_end_time = word_end # Update the last end timestamp except KeyError as e: print(f"KeyError: {e} - Skipping word") pass # After the loop, make sure to add the last subtitle segment if text: before_translate[id] = { "text": text, "start": start, "end": end } return before_translate def custom_word_segments(words_timestamp, min_silence_between_words=0.3, max_characters_per_subtitle=17): before_translate = [] id = 1 text = "" start = None end = None last_end_time = None i = 0 while i < len(words_timestamp): word = words_timestamp[i]['word'] word_start = words_timestamp[i]['start'] word_end = words_timestamp[i]['end'] # Look ahead to check if the next word (i+1) starts with a hyphen if i + 1 < len(words_timestamp) and words_timestamp[i + 1]['word'].startswith("-"): # Combine the current word and the next word (i, i+1) if next word starts with a hyphen combined_text = word + words_timestamp[i + 1]['word'][:] # Skip the hyphen and combine combined_start_time = word_start combined_end_time = words_timestamp[i + 1]['end'] i += 1 # Skip the next word (i+1) since it has been combined # Look ahead for the next non-hyphenated word, check further if needed (i+2, i+3, etc.) while i + 1 < len(words_timestamp) and words_timestamp[i + 1]['word'].startswith("-"): combined_text += words_timestamp[i + 1]['word'][:] # Add word excluding hyphen combined_end_time = words_timestamp[i + 1]['end'] i += 1 # Skip the next hyphenated word else: # No hyphen at the next word, just take the current word combined_text = word combined_start_time = word_start combined_end_time = word_end # Check if the combined text exceeds the maximum character limit if len(text) + len(combined_text) > max_characters_per_subtitle: # If accumulated text is non-empty, store it as a subtitle if text: before_translate.append({ "word": text.strip(), "start": start, "end": end }) id += 1 # Start a new subtitle with the combined text text = combined_text start = combined_start_time else: # Accumulate text if not text: start = combined_start_time text += " " + combined_text # Update the end timestamp end = combined_end_time last_end_time = end # Move to the next word i += 1 # Add the final subtitle segment if text is not empty if text: before_translate.append({ "word": text.strip(), "start": start, "end": end }) return before_translate def convert_time_to_srt_format(seconds): """ Convert seconds to SRT time format (HH:MM:SS,ms) """ hours = int(seconds // 3600) minutes = int((seconds % 3600) // 60) secs = int(seconds % 60) milliseconds = int((seconds - int(seconds)) * 1000) return f"{hours:02}:{minutes:02}:{secs:02},{milliseconds:03}" def write_subtitles_to_file(subtitles, filename=""): # Open the file with UTF-8 encoding with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for id, entry in subtitles.items(): # Write the subtitle index f.write(f"{id}\n") if entry['start'] is None or entry['end'] is None: print(id) # Write the start and end time in SRT format start_time = convert_time_to_srt_format(entry['start']) end_time = convert_time_to_srt_format(entry['end']) f.write(f"{start_time} --> {end_time}\n") # Write the text and speaker information f.write(f"{entry['text']}\n\n") def word_level_srt(words_timestamp, srt_path="",shorts=False): punctuation_pattern = re.compile(r'[.,!?;:"\–—_~^+*|]') with open(srt_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as srt_file: for i, word_info in enumerate(words_timestamp, start=1): start_time = convert_time_to_srt_format(word_info['start']) end_time = convert_time_to_srt_format(word_info['end']) word=word_info['word'] word =re.sub(punctuation_pattern, '', word) if word.strip() == 'i': word = "I" if shorts==False: word=word.replace("-","") srt_file.write(f"{i}\n{start_time} --> {end_time}\n{word}\n\n") def generate_srt_from_sentences(sentence_timestamp, srt_path=""): with open(srt_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as srt_file: for index, sentence in enumerate(sentence_timestamp): start_time = convert_time_to_srt_format(sentence['start']) end_time = convert_time_to_srt_format(sentence['end']) srt_file.write(f"{index + 1}\n{start_time} --> {end_time}\n{sentence['text']}\n\n") def get_audio_file(uploaded_file): global temp_folder file_path = os.path.join(temp_folder, os.path.basename(uploaded_file)) file_path=clean_file_name(file_path) shutil.copy(uploaded_file, file_path) return file_path def whisper_subtitle(uploaded_file,Source_Language,max_words_per_subtitle=8): global language_dict,base_path,subtitle_folder #Load model if torch.cuda.is_available(): # If CUDA is available, use GPU with float16 precision device = "cuda" compute_type = "float16" # compute_type="int8_float16" else: # If CUDA is not available, use CPU with int8 precision device = "cpu" compute_type = "int8" faster_whisper_model = WhisperModel("deepdml/faster-whisper-large-v3-turbo-ct2",device=device, compute_type=compute_type) audio_path=get_audio_file(uploaded_file) if Source_Language=="Automatic": segments,d = faster_whisper_model.transcribe(audio_path, word_timestamps=True) lang_code=d.language src_lang=get_language_name(lang_code) else: lang=language_dict[Source_Language]['lang_code'] segments,d = faster_whisper_model.transcribe(audio_path, word_timestamps=True,language=lang) src_lang=Source_Language sentence_timestamp,words_timestamp,text=format_segments(segments) if os.path.exists(audio_path): os.remove(audio_path) del faster_whisper_model gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() word_segments=combine_word_segments(words_timestamp, max_words_per_subtitle=max_words_per_subtitle, min_silence_between_words=0.5) shorts_segments=custom_word_segments(words_timestamp, min_silence_between_words=0.3, max_characters_per_subtitle=17) #setup srt file names base_name = os.path.basename(uploaded_file).rsplit('.', 1)[0][:30] save_name = f"{subtitle_folder}/{base_name}_{src_lang}.srt" original_srt_name=clean_file_name(save_name) original_txt_name=original_srt_name.replace(".srt",".txt") word_level_srt_name=original_srt_name.replace(".srt","") customize_srt_name=original_srt_name.replace(".srt","") shorts_srt_name=original_srt_name.replace(".srt","") generate_srt_from_sentences(sentence_timestamp, srt_path=original_srt_name) word_level_srt(words_timestamp, srt_path=word_level_srt_name) word_level_srt(shorts_segments, srt_path=shorts_srt_name,shorts=True) write_subtitles_to_file(word_segments, filename=customize_srt_name) with open(original_txt_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f1: f1.write(text) return original_srt_name,customize_srt_name,word_level_srt_name,shorts_srt_name,original_txt_name #@title Using Gradio Interface def subtitle_maker(Audio_or_Video_File,Source_Language,max_words_per_subtitle): try: default_srt_path,customize_srt_path,word_level_srt_path,shorts_srt_name,text_path=whisper_subtitle(Audio_or_Video_File,Source_Language,max_words_per_subtitle=max_words_per_subtitle) except Exception as e: print(f"Error in whisper_subtitle: {e}") default_srt_path,customize_srt_path,word_level_srt_path,shorts_srt_name,text_path=None,None,None,None,None return default_srt_path,customize_srt_path,word_level_srt_path,shorts_srt_name,text_path import gradio as gr import click base_path="." subtitle_folder=f"{base_path}/generated_subtitle" temp_folder = f"{base_path}/subtitle_audio" if not os.path.exists(subtitle_folder): os.makedirs(subtitle_folder, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.exists(temp_folder): os.makedirs(temp_folder, exist_ok=True) source_lang_list = ['Automatic'] available_language=language_dict.keys() source_lang_list.extend(available_language) @click.command() @click.option("--debug", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Enable debug mode.") @click.option("--share", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Enable sharing of the interface.") def main(debug, share): description = """**Note**: Avoid uploading large video files. Instead, upload the audio from the video for faster processing. You can find the model at [faster-whisper-large-v3-turbo-ct2](""" # Define Gradio inputs and outputs gradio_inputs = [ gr.File(label="Upload Audio or Video File"), gr.Dropdown(label="Language", choices=source_lang_list, value="Automatic"), gr.Number(label="Max Word Per Subtitle Segment [Useful for Vertical Videos]", value=8) ] gradio_outputs = [ gr.File(label="Default SRT File", show_label=True), gr.File(label="Customize SRT File", show_label=True), gr.File(label="Word Level SRT File", show_label=True), gr.File(label="SRT File For Shorts", show_label=True), gr.File(label="Text File", show_label=True) ] # Create Gradio interface demo = gr.Interface(fn=subtitle_maker, inputs=gradio_inputs, outputs=gradio_outputs, title="Auto Subtitle Generator Using Whisper-Large-V3-Turbo-Ct2",description=description) # Launch Gradio with command-line options demo.queue().launch(debug=debug, share=share) if __name__ == "__main__": main()