import { useState, KeyboardEvent, useEffect, useContext } from "react"; |
import { useSearchParams, useParams, useNavigate, useLocation } from "react-router-dom"; |
import { motion } from "framer-motion"; |
import { generateAIResponse, guessWord } from "@/services/mistralService"; |
import { createGame, createSession } from "@/services/gameService"; |
import { getDailyGame } from "@/services/dailyGameService"; |
import { useToast } from "@/components/ui/use-toast"; |
import { WelcomeScreen } from "./game/WelcomeScreen"; |
import { ThemeSelector } from "./game/ThemeSelector"; |
import { SentenceBuilder } from "./game/SentenceBuilder"; |
import { GuessDisplay } from "./game/GuessDisplay"; |
import { GameReview } from "./game/GameReview"; |
import { GameInvitation } from "./game/GameInvitation"; |
import { useTranslation } from "@/hooks/useTranslation"; |
import { LanguageContext } from "@/contexts/LanguageContext"; |
import { supabase } from "@/integrations/supabase/client"; |
import { Language } from "@/i18n/translations"; |
type GameState = "welcome" | "theme-selection" | "building-sentence" | "showing-guess" | "game-review" | "invitation"; |
const normalizeWord = (word: string): string => { |
return word.normalize('NFD') |
.replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '') |
.toLowerCase() |
.replace(/[^a-z]/g, '') |
.trim(); |
}; |
export const GameContainer = () => { |
const [searchParams] = useSearchParams(); |
const { gameId: urlGameId } = useParams(); |
const navigate = useNavigate(); |
const location = useLocation(); |
const fromSessionParam = searchParams.get('from_session'); |
const [fromSession, setFromSession] = useState<string | null>(fromSessionParam); |
const [gameState, setGameState] = useState<GameState>(fromSessionParam ? "invitation" : "welcome"); |
const [currentTheme, setCurrentTheme] = useState<string>("standard"); |
const [sessionId, setSessionId] = useState<string>(""); |
const [gameId, setGameId] = useState<string>(""); |
const [words, setWords] = useState<string[]>([]); |
const [currentWordIndex, setCurrentWordIndex] = useState<number>(0); |
const [playerInput, setPlayerInput] = useState<string>(""); |
const [sentence, setSentence] = useState<string[]>([]); |
const [isAiThinking, setIsAiThinking] = useState(false); |
const [aiGuess, setAiGuess] = useState<string>(""); |
const [successfulRounds, setSuccessfulRounds] = useState<number>(0); |
const [totalWordsInSuccessfulRounds, setTotalWordsInSuccessfulRounds] = useState<number>(0); |
const { toast } = useToast(); |
const t = useTranslation(); |
const { language, setLanguage } = useContext(LanguageContext); |
const currentWord = words[currentWordIndex] || ""; |
useEffect(() => { |
if (gameState === "theme-selection") { |
setGameId(""); |
setSessionId(""); |
setWords([]); |
setCurrentWordIndex(0); |
} |
}, [gameState]); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (urlGameId && !gameId) { |
handleLoadGameFromUrl(); |
} |
}, [urlGameId]); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (location.pathname === '/' && gameId) { |
console.log("Location changed to root with active gameId, handling back navigation"); |
handleBack(); |
} |
}, [location.pathname, gameId]); |
const handleStartDaily = async () => { |
try { |
const dailyGameId = await getDailyGame(language); |
handlePlayAgain(dailyGameId); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('Error starting daily game:', error); |
toast({ |
title: "Error", |
description: "Failed to start the daily challenge. Please try again.", |
variant: "destructive", |
}); |
} |
}; |
const handleLoadGameFromUrl = async () => { |
if (!urlGameId) return; |
try { |
const { data: gameData, error: gameError } = await supabase |
.from('games') |
.select('theme, words, language') |
.eq('id', urlGameId) |
.single(); |
if (gameError) throw gameError; |
const newSessionId = await createSession(urlGameId); |
if (gameData.language) { |
console.log("Setting language to match game's language:", gameData.language); |
setLanguage(gameData.language as Language); |
} |
setCurrentTheme(gameData.theme); |
setWords(gameData.words); |
setCurrentWordIndex(0); |
setGameId(urlGameId); |
setSessionId(newSessionId); |
setGameState("building-sentence"); |
console.log("Game started from URL with game ID:", urlGameId); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('Error loading game from URL:', error); |
toast({ |
title: "Error", |
description: "Failed to load the game. Please try again.", |
variant: "destructive", |
}); |
navigate('/'); |
} |
}; |
const handleStart = () => { |
setGameState("theme-selection"); |
}; |
const handleBack = () => { |
console.log("Handling back navigation, resetting game state"); |
setGameState("welcome"); |
setSentence([]); |
setAiGuess(""); |
setCurrentTheme("standard"); |
setSuccessfulRounds(0); |
setTotalWordsInSuccessfulRounds(0); |
setWords([]); |
setCurrentWordIndex(0); |
setGameId(""); |
setSessionId(""); |
setFromSession(null); |
navigate('/'); |
}; |
const handleInvitationContinue = async () => { |
if (!fromSession) return; |
try { |
const { data: sessionData, error: sessionError } = await supabase |
.from('sessions') |
.select('game_id') |
.eq('id', fromSession) |
.single(); |
if (sessionError) throw sessionError; |
navigate(`/game/${sessionData.game_id}`); |
console.log("Redirecting to game with ID:", sessionData.game_id); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('Error starting game from invitation:', error); |
toast({ |
title: "Error", |
description: "Failed to start the game. Please try again.", |
variant: "destructive", |
}); |
setGameState("welcome"); |
} |
}; |
const handleThemeSelect = async (theme: string) => { |
setCurrentTheme(theme); |
try { |
const newGameId = await createGame(theme, language); |
const newSessionId = await createSession(newGameId); |
const { data: gameData, error: gameError } = await supabase |
.from('games') |
.select('words') |
.eq('id', newGameId) |
.single(); |
if (gameError) throw gameError; |
navigate(`/game/${newGameId}`); |
setGameId(newGameId); |
setSessionId(newSessionId); |
setWords(gameData.words); |
setCurrentWordIndex(0); |
setGameState("building-sentence"); |
setSuccessfulRounds(0); |
setTotalWordsInSuccessfulRounds(0); |
console.log("Game started with theme:", theme, "language:", language); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('Error starting new game:', error); |
toast({ |
title: "Error", |
description: "Failed to start the game. Please try again.", |
variant: "destructive", |
}); |
} |
}; |
const handlePlayerWord = async (e: React.FormEvent) => { |
e.preventDefault(); |
if (!playerInput.trim()) return; |
const word = playerInput.trim(); |
const newSentence = [...sentence, word]; |
setSentence(newSentence); |
setPlayerInput(""); |
setIsAiThinking(true); |
try { |
const aiWord = await generateAIResponse(currentWord, newSentence, language); |
const newSentenceWithAi = [...newSentence, aiWord]; |
setSentence(newSentenceWithAi); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('Error in AI turn:', error); |
toast({ |
title: t.game.aiThinking, |
description: t.game.aiDelayed, |
variant: "default", |
}); |
} finally { |
setIsAiThinking(false); |
} |
}; |
const saveGameResult = async (sentenceString: string, aiGuess: string, isCorrect: boolean) => { |
try { |
const { error } = await supabase |
.from('game_results') |
.insert({ |
target_word: currentWord, |
description: sentenceString, |
ai_guess: aiGuess, |
is_correct: isCorrect, |
session_id: sessionId |
}); |
if (error) { |
console.error('Error saving game result:', error); |
} else { |
console.log('Game result saved successfully'); |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('Error saving game result:', error); |
} |
}; |
const handleMakeGuess = async () => { |
setIsAiThinking(true); |
try { |
let finalSentence = sentence; |
if (playerInput.trim()) { |
finalSentence = [...sentence, playerInput.trim()]; |
setSentence(finalSentence); |
setPlayerInput(""); |
} |
if (finalSentence.length === 0) return; |
const sentenceString = finalSentence.join(' '); |
const guess = await guessWord(sentenceString, language); |
setAiGuess(guess); |
const isCorrect = normalizeWord(guess) === normalizeWord(currentWord); |
if (isCorrect) { |
setTotalWordsInSuccessfulRounds(prev => prev + finalSentence.length); |
} |
await saveGameResult(sentenceString, guess, isCorrect); |
setGameState("showing-guess"); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('Error getting AI guess:', error); |
toast({ |
title: "AI Response Delayed", |
description: "The AI is currently busy. Please try again in a moment.", |
variant: "default", |
}); |
} finally { |
setIsAiThinking(false); |
} |
}; |
const handleNextRound = () => { |
if (isGuessCorrect()) { |
setSuccessfulRounds(prev => prev + 1); |
if (currentWordIndex < words.length - 1) { |
setCurrentWordIndex(prev => prev + 1); |
setGameState("building-sentence"); |
setSentence([]); |
setAiGuess(""); |
console.log("Next round started with word:", words[currentWordIndex + 1]); |
} else { |
handleGameReview(); |
} |
} else { |
setGameState("game-review"); |
} |
}; |
const handlePlayAgain = (gameId?: string, fromSession?: string) => { |
setSentence([]); |
setAiGuess(""); |
setSuccessfulRounds(0); |
setTotalWordsInSuccessfulRounds(0); |
setWords([]); |
setCurrentWordIndex(0); |
setSessionId(""); |
if (fromSession) { |
setFromSession(fromSession); |
} else { |
setFromSession(null); |
} |
if (gameId) { |
navigate(`/game/${gameId}`); |
handleLoadGameFromUrl() |
} |
else { |
setGameState("theme-selection"); |
setCurrentTheme("standard"); |
setGameId(""); |
navigate(`/`); |
} |
}; |
const handleGameReview = () => { |
setGameState("game-review"); |
} |
const isGuessCorrect = () => { |
return normalizeWord(aiGuess) === normalizeWord(currentWord); |
}; |
const getAverageWordsPerSuccessfulRound = () => { |
if (successfulRounds === 0) return 0; |
return totalWordsInSuccessfulRounds / successfulRounds; |
}; |
return ( |
<div className="flex min-h-screen items-center justify-center p-1 md:p-4"> |
<motion.div |
initial={{ opacity: 0, y: 20 }} |
animate={{ opacity: 1, y: 0 }} |
className="w-full md:max-w-md rounded-none md:rounded-xl bg-transparent md:bg-white p-4 md:p-8 md:shadow-lg" |
> |
{gameState === "welcome" ? ( |
<WelcomeScreen onStartDaily={handleStartDaily} onStartNew={handleStart} /> |
) : gameState === "theme-selection" ? ( |
<ThemeSelector onThemeSelect={handleThemeSelect} onBack={handleBack} /> |
) : gameState === "invitation" ? ( |
<GameInvitation onContinue={handleInvitationContinue} onBack={handleBack} /> |
) : gameState === "building-sentence" ? ( |
<SentenceBuilder |
currentWord={currentWord} |
successfulRounds={successfulRounds} |
sentence={sentence} |
playerInput={playerInput} |
isAiThinking={isAiThinking} |
onInputChange={setPlayerInput} |
onSubmitWord={handlePlayerWord} |
onMakeGuess={handleMakeGuess} |
normalizeWord={normalizeWord} |
onBack={handleBack} |
onClose={handleBack} |
/> |
) : gameState === "showing-guess" ? ( |
<GuessDisplay |
sentence={sentence} |
aiGuess={aiGuess} |
currentWord={currentWord} |
onNextRound={handleNextRound} |
onGameReview={handleGameReview} |
onBack={handleBack} |
currentScore={successfulRounds} |
avgWordsPerRound={getAverageWordsPerSuccessfulRound()} |
sessionId={sessionId} |
currentTheme={currentTheme} |
normalizeWord={normalizeWord} |
/> |
) : ( |
<GameReview |
currentScore={successfulRounds} |
avgWordsPerRound={getAverageWordsPerSuccessfulRound()} |
onPlayAgain={handlePlayAgain} |
onBack={handleBack} |
gameId={gameId} |
sessionId={sessionId} |
currentTheme={currentTheme} |
fromSession={fromSession} |
/> |
)} |
</motion.div> |
</div> |
); |
}; |