ARG MISTRAL_API_KEY ARG ELEVENLABS_API_KEY ARG CUSTOM_API_URL= ARG ARG API_BASE_PATH=/app # Use Python base image as the primary environment FROM python:3.10-alpine AS final RUN apk add --no-cache supervisor nginx RUN adduser -D -u 1000 user RUN mkdir -p /home/user/nginx /home/user/nginx/tmp RUN chown -R user:user /home/user ENV HOME=/home/user \ PATH=/home/user/.local/bin:$PATH WORKDIR $HOME/app WORKDIR /app COPY --chown=user ./requirements.txt /app RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt COPY --chown=user ./src /app COPY --chown=user ./WebGLBuild /unity COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf # Expose the port EXPOSE 8080 # Copy supervisord config to manage both processes (Nginx & Uvicorn/Flask/etc.) COPY --chown=user supervisord.conf /etc/supervisord.conf # Start both services using supervisord CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord", "-c", "/etc/supervisord.conf"]