from text.symbols import * _symbol_to_id = {s: i for i, s in enumerate(symbols)} def cleaned_text_to_sequence(cleaned_text, tones, language): """Converts a string of text to a sequence of IDs corresponding to the symbols in the text. Args: text: string to convert to a sequence Returns: List of integers corresponding to the symbols in the text """ phones = [_symbol_to_id[symbol] for symbol in cleaned_text] tone_start = language_tone_start_map[language] tones = [i + tone_start for i in tones] lang_id = language_id_map[language] lang_ids = [lang_id for i in phones] return phones, tones, lang_ids def get_bert(norm_text, word2ph, language, device, style_text=None, style_weight=0.7): from .chinese_bert import get_bert_feature as zh_bert from .japanese_bert import get_bert_feature as jp_bert lang_bert_func_map = {"ZH": zh_bert, "JP": jp_bert} bert = lang_bert_func_map[language]( norm_text, word2ph, device, style_text, style_weight ) return bert def check_bert_models(): import json from pathlib import Path from config import config from .bert_utils import _check_bert if config.mirror.lower() == "openi": import openi kwargs = {"token": config.openi_token} if config.openi_token else {} openi.login(**kwargs) with open("./bert/bert_models.json", "r") as fp: models = json.load(fp) for k, v in models.items(): local_path = Path("./bert").joinpath(k) _check_bert(v["repo_id"], v["files"], local_path) def init_openjtalk(): import platform if platform.platform() == "Linux": import pyopenjtalk pyopenjtalk.g2p("こんにちは,世界。") init_openjtalk() check_bert_models()