import gradio as gr |
import py3Dmol |
from Bio.PDB import * |
import numpy as np |
from Bio.PDB import PDBParser |
import pandas as pd |
import os, sys |
print('importing...') |
from run_gfn import run_gfn2 |
print('done') |
resid_hover = """function(atom,viewer) {{ |
if(!atom.label) {{ |
atom.label = viewer.addLabel('{0}:'+atom.atom+atom.serial, |
{{position: atom, backgroundColor: 'mintcream', fontColor:'black'}}); |
}} |
}}""" |
hover_func = """ |
function(atom,viewer) { |
if(!atom.label) { |
atom.label = viewer.addLabel(atom.interaction, |
{position: atom, backgroundColor: 'black', fontColor:'white'}); |
} |
}""" |
unhover_func = """ |
function(atom,viewer) { |
if(atom.label) { |
viewer.removeLabel(atom.label); |
delete atom.label; |
} |
}""" |
def get_qm_atom_features(gfn2_output): |
qm_atom_features = {} |
atom_list = gfn2_output["fetchatomicprops"]["atmlist"] |
charge = gfn2_output["fetchatomicprops"]["charges"] |
pol = gfn2_output["fetchatomicprops"]["polarisabilities"] |
qm_atom_features['atom type'] = atom_list |
qm_atom_features['Charge'] = charge |
qm_atom_features['Polarizability'] = pol |
return qm_atom_features |
def get_qm_mol_features(gfn2_output): |
qm_mol_features = {} |
qm_mol_features['Total Energy'] = gfn2_output["etotal"] |
qm_mol_features['Total Polarizability'] = gfn2_output["totalpol"] |
return qm_mol_features |
def export_csv(d): |
d.to_csv("qm_atom_features.csv") |
return gr.File.update(value="qm_atom_features.csv", visible=True) |
def get_basic_visualization(input_f,input_format): |
view = py3Dmol.view(width=600, height=400) |
view.setBackgroundColor('white') |
view.addModel(input_f, input_format) |
view.setStyle({'stick': {'colorscheme': {'prop': 'resi', 'C': 'turquoise'}}}) |
view.zoomTo() |
output = view._make_html().replace("'", '"') |
print('output of html', output) |
x = f"""<!DOCTYPE html><html> {output} </html>""" |
visualization_html = f"""<iframe style="width: 100%; height:420px" data-ui="true" name="result" allow="midi; geolocation; microphone; camera; |
display-capture; encrypted-media;" sandbox="allow-modals allow-forms |
allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups |
allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-downloads" allowfullscreen="" |
allowpaymentrequest="" frameborder="0" srcdoc='{x}'></iframe>""" |
return visualization_html |
def add_spheres_feature_view(view, feature,xyz, viewnum, sizefactor, spec_color): |
normalization = max(max(feature),abs(min(feature))) |
for i in range(len(feature)): |
if feature[i]<0: |
color="#a0210f" |
else: |
color=spec_color |
view.addSphere({'center':{ |
'x':xyz[i][0], |
'y':xyz[i][1], |
'z':xyz[i][2]}, |
'radius':abs(feature[i])/normalization*sizefactor,'color':color,'alpha':1.00}, viewer=viewnum) |
return view |
def add_densities(view, dens, color, viewnum): |
view.addVolumetricData(dens, "cube", {'isoval': 0.01, 'color': color, 'opacity': 1.0}, viewer=viewnum) |
return view |
def get_feature_visualization(input_f,input_format, features, xyz): |
view = py3Dmol.view(width=620, height=620, viewergrid=(2,2)) |
view.setBackgroundColor('white') |
view.addModel(input_f, input_format, viewer=(0,0)) |
view.addModel(input_f, input_format, viewer=(0,1)) |
view.addModel(input_f, input_format, viewer=(1,0)) |
view.addModel(input_f, input_format, viewer=(1,0)) |
view.setStyle({'stick': {'colorscheme': {'prop': 'resi', 'C': '#cccccc'}}}, viewer=(0,0)) |
view.setStyle({'stick': {'colorscheme': {'prop': 'resi', 'C': '#cccccc'}}}, viewer=(0,1)) |
view.setStyle({'stick': {'colorscheme': {'prop': 'resi', 'C': '#cccccc'}}}, viewer=(1,0)) |
view.setStyle({'stick': {'colorscheme': {'prop': 'resi', 'C': '#cccccc'}}}, viewer=(0,1)) |
print('features', features) |
add_spheres_feature_view(view, features["fetchatomicprops"]["charges"], xyz, (0,1), 1.0, '#4c4e9e') |
add_spheres_feature_view(view, features["fetchatomicprops"]["polarisabilities"], xyz, (1,0), 1.0, '#809BAC') |
add_densities(view, open('dummy_struct_dens.cub', "r").read(), '#F7D7BE', (1,1)) |
view.zoomTo(viewer=(0,0)) |
output = view._make_html().replace("'", '"') |
x = f"""<!DOCTYPE html><html> {output} </html>""" |
visualization_html = f"""<iframe style="width: 100%; height:620px" name="result" allow="midi; geolocation; microphone; camera; |
display-capture; encrypted-media;" sandbox="allow-modals allow-forms |
allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups |
allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-downloads" allowfullscreen="" |
allowpaymentrequest="" frameborder="0" srcdoc='{x}'></iframe>""" |
return visualization_html |
def predict(input_file): |
input_f = open(input_file.name, "r").read() |
input_format = input_file.name.split('.')[-1] |
with open('dummy_struct.'+input_format, "w") as oF: |
oF.write(input_f) |
input_f2 = open('dummy_struct.'+input_format, "r").read() |
gfn2_input = ["filename","geom=dummy_struct."+input_format, 'calcdens=1'] |
gfn2_output = run_gfn2(gfn2_input) |
feature_visualization_html = get_feature_visualization(input_f,input_format, gfn2_output, gfn2_output['xyz']) |
qm_atom_features = get_qm_atom_features(gfn2_output) |
return feature_visualization_html, pd.DataFrame(qm_atom_features) |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: |
gr.Markdown("# QM property calculation") |
with gr.Row(): |
input_file = gr.File(label="Structure file for input") |
charge = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Total charge", label="Give the total charge of the input molecule. (Default=0)") |
single_btn = gr.Button(label="Run") |
with gr.Row(): |
basic_html = gr.HTML() |
gr.HighlightedText(value=[("Positive Charge","Purple"),("Negative charge","red"),("Polarizability","Light blue"), ("Electronic Densities", "Beige")], color_map={"red":"#a0210f", "Light blue":"#809BAC", "Purple":"#4c4e9e", "Beige":"#F7D7BE"}) |
with gr.Row(): |
Dbutton = gr.Button("Download calculated atom features") |
csv = gr.File(interactive=False, visible=False) |
with gr.Row(): |
df_atom_features = gr.Dataframe() |
single_btn.click(fn=predict, inputs=[input_file], outputs=[basic_html, df_atom_features]) |
Dbutton.click(export_csv, df_atom_features, csv) |
demo.launch(server_name="", server_port=7860) |