Runtime error
Runtime error
import torch | |
import time | |
import numpy as np | |
import mediapipe as mp | |
from PIL import Image | |
import cv2 | |
# from pytorch_grad_cam.utils.image import show_cam_on_image | |
import as wav | |
# Importing necessary components for the Gradio app | |
from model import pth_model_static, pth_model_dynamic, cam, pth_processing | |
from face_utils import get_box, display_info | |
from config import DICT_EMO, config_data | |
from plot import statistics_plot | |
from moviepy.editor import AudioFileClip | |
import soundfile as sf | |
import torchaudio | |
from speechbrain.pretrained.interfaces import foreign_class | |
from paraformer import AudioReader, CttPunctuator, FSMNVad, ParaformerOffline | |
from gradio_client import Client | |
############################################################################################## | |
client = Client("Liusuthu/TextDepression") | |
mp_face_mesh = | |
classifier = foreign_class( | |
source="pretrained_models/local-speechbrain/emotion-recognition-wav2vec2-IEMOCAP", # ".\\emotion-recognition-wav2vec2-IEMOCAP" | |
pymodule_file="", | |
classname="CustomEncoderWav2vec2Classifier", | |
savedir="pretrained_models/local-speechbrain/emotion-recognition-wav2vec2-IEMOCAP", | |
) | |
ASR_model = ParaformerOffline() | |
vad = FSMNVad() | |
punc = CttPunctuator() | |
######################################################################################### | |
def text_api(text:str): | |
result = client.predict( | |
text, # str in '输入文字' Textbox component | |
api_name="/predict", | |
) | |
return result | |
# def get_text_score(text): | |
# string=text_api(text) | |
# part1 = str.partition(string, r"text") | |
# want1 = part1[2] | |
# label = want1[4:6] | |
# part2 = str.partition(string, r"probability") | |
# want2 = part2[2] | |
# prob = float(want2[3:-4]) | |
# return label, prob | |
# def classify_continuous(audio): | |
# print(type(audio)) | |
# print(audio) | |
# sample_rate, signal = (audio) # 这是语音的输入 | |
# signal = signal.astype(np.float32) | |
# signal /= np.max(np.abs(signal)) | |
# sf.write("data/a.wav", signal, sample_rate) | |
# signal, sample_rate = torchaudio.load("data/a.wav") | |
# signal1 = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(orig_freq=sample_rate, new_freq=16000)( | |
# signal | |
# ) | |
#"data/out.wav", signal1, 16000, encoding="PCM_S", bits_per_sample=16) | |
# Audio = "data/out.wav" | |
# speech, sample_rate = AudioReader.read_wav_file(Audio) | |
# if signal == "none": | |
# return "none", "none", "haha" | |
# else: | |
# segments = vad.segments_offline(speech) | |
# text_results = "" | |
# for part in segments: | |
# _result = ASR_model.infer_offline( | |
# speech[part[0] * 16 : part[1] * 16], hot_words="任意热词 空格分开" | |
# ) | |
# text_results += punc.punctuate(_result)[0] | |
# out_prob, score, index, text_lab = classifier.classify_batch(signal1) | |
# print(type(out_prob.squeeze(0).numpy())) | |
# print(out_prob.squeeze(0).numpy()) | |
# print(type(text_lab[-1])) | |
# print(text_lab[-1]) | |
# return text_results, out_prob.squeeze(0).numpy(), text_lab[-1], Audio | |
# def preprocess_image_and_predict(inp): | |
# return None, None, None | |
# def preprocess_video_and_predict(video): | |
# return None, None, None, None | |
####################################################################### | |
#规范函数,只管值输入输出: | |
def text_score(text): | |
string=text_api(text) | |
part1 = str.partition(string, r"text") | |
want1 = part1[2] | |
label = want1[4:6] | |
part2 = str.partition(string, r"probability") | |
want2 = part2[2] | |
prob = float(want2[3:-4]) | |
if label=="正向": | |
score=-prob*10 | |
else: | |
score=prob*10 | |
# print("from func:text_score————,text:",text,",score:",score) | |
return text,score | |
def speech_score(audio): | |
print(type(audio)) | |
print(audio) | |
sample_rate, signal = audio # 这是语音的输入 | |
signal = signal.astype(np.float32) | |
signal /= np.max(np.abs(signal)) | |
sf.write("data/a.wav", signal, sample_rate) | |
signal, sample_rate = torchaudio.load("data/a.wav") | |
signal1 = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(orig_freq=sample_rate, new_freq=16000)( | |
signal | |
) | |"data/out.wav", signal1, 16000, encoding="PCM_S", bits_per_sample=16) | |
Audio = "data/out.wav" | |
speech, sample_rate = AudioReader.read_wav_file(Audio) | |
if signal == "none": | |
return "none", "none", "haha" | |
else: | |
segments = vad.segments_offline(speech) | |
text_results = "" | |
for part in segments: | |
_result = ASR_model.infer_offline( | |
speech[part[0] * 16 : part[1] * 16], hot_words="任意热词 空格分开" | |
) | |
text_results += punc.punctuate(_result)[0] | |
out_prob, score, index, text_lab = classifier.classify_batch(signal1) | |
print("from func:speech_score————type and value of prob:") | |
print(type(out_prob.squeeze(0).numpy())) | |
print(out_prob.squeeze(0).numpy()) | |
print("from func:speech_score————type and value of resul_label:") | |
print(type(text_lab[-1])) | |
print(text_lab[-1]) | |
#return text_results, out_prob.squeeze(0).numpy(), text_lab[-1], Audio | |
prob=out_prob.squeeze(0).numpy() | |
#print(prob) | |
score2=10*prob[0]-10*prob[1] | |
# print("from func:speech_score————score2:",score2) | |
# print("from func:speech_score————",text_lab[-1]) | |
text,score1=text_score(text_results) | |
# # text_emo=str(get_text_score(text_results)) | |
# print("from func:speech_score————text:",text,",score1:",score1) | |
score=score1+score2 | |
return text,score | |
def video_score(video): | |
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video) | |
w = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) | |
h = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) | |
fps = np.round(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)) | |
path_save_video_face = 'result_face.mp4' | |
vid_writer_face = cv2.VideoWriter(path_save_video_face, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), fps, (224, 224)) | |
# path_save_video_hm = 'result_hm.mp4' | |
# vid_writer_hm = cv2.VideoWriter(path_save_video_hm, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), fps, (224, 224)) | |
lstm_features = [] | |
count_frame = 1 | |
count_face = 0 | |
probs = [] | |
frames = [] | |
last_output = None | |
last_heatmap = None | |
cur_face = None | |
with mp_face_mesh.FaceMesh( | |
max_num_faces=1, | |
refine_landmarks=False, | |
min_detection_confidence=0.5, | |
min_tracking_confidence=0.5) as face_mesh: | |
while cap.isOpened(): | |
_, frame = | |
if frame is None: break | |
frame_copy = frame.copy() | |
frame_copy.flags.writeable = False | |
frame_copy = cv2.cvtColor(frame_copy, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) | |
results = face_mesh.process(frame_copy) | |
frame_copy.flags.writeable = True | |
if results.multi_face_landmarks: | |
for fl in results.multi_face_landmarks: | |
startX, startY, endX, endY = get_box(fl, w, h) | |
cur_face = frame_copy[startY:endY, startX: endX] | |
if count_face%config_data.FRAME_DOWNSAMPLING == 0: | |
cur_face_copy = pth_processing(Image.fromarray(cur_face)) | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
features = torch.nn.functional.relu(pth_model_static.extract_features(cur_face_copy)).detach().numpy() | |
# grayscale_cam = cam(input_tensor=cur_face_copy) | |
# grayscale_cam = grayscale_cam[0, :] | |
# cur_face_hm = cv2.resize(cur_face,(224,224), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) | |
# cur_face_hm = np.float32(cur_face_hm) / 255 | |
# heatmap = show_cam_on_image(cur_face_hm, grayscale_cam, use_rgb=False) | |
# last_heatmap = heatmap | |
if len(lstm_features) == 0: | |
lstm_features = [features]*10 | |
else: | |
lstm_features = lstm_features[1:] + [features] | |
lstm_f = torch.from_numpy(np.vstack(lstm_features)) | |
lstm_f = torch.unsqueeze(lstm_f, 0) | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
output = pth_model_dynamic(lstm_f).detach().numpy() | |
last_output = output | |
if count_face == 0: | |
count_face += 1 | |
else: | |
if last_output is not None: | |
output = last_output | |
# heatmap = last_heatmap | |
elif last_output is None: | |
output = np.empty((1, 7)) | |
output[:] = np.nan | |
probs.append(output[0]) | |
frames.append(count_frame) | |
else: | |
if last_output is not None: | |
lstm_features = [] | |
empty = np.empty((7)) | |
empty[:] = np.nan | |
probs.append(empty) | |
frames.append(count_frame) | |
if cur_face is not None: | |
# heatmap_f = display_info(heatmap, 'Frame: {}'.format(count_frame), box_scale=.3) | |
cur_face = cv2.cvtColor(cur_face, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) | |
cur_face = cv2.resize(cur_face, (224,224), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) | |
cur_face = display_info(cur_face, 'Frame: {}'.format(count_frame), box_scale=.3) | |
vid_writer_face.write(cur_face) | |
# vid_writer_hm.write(heatmap_f) | |
count_frame += 1 | |
if count_face != 0: | |
count_face += 1 | |
vid_writer_face.release() | |
# vid_writer_hm.release() | |
stat = statistics_plot(frames, probs) | |
if not stat: | |
return None, None | |
#for debug | |
print("from func:video_score————") | |
print(type(frames)) | |
print(frames) | |
print(type(probs)) | |
print(probs) | |
# to calculate scores | |
nan=float('nan') | |
s1 = 0 | |
s2 = 0 | |
s3 = 0 | |
s4 = 0 | |
s5 = 0 | |
s6 = 0 | |
s7 = 0 | |
frames_len=len(frames) | |
for i in range(frames_len): | |
if np.isnan(probs[i][0]): | |
frames_len=frames_len-1 | |
else: | |
s1=s1+probs[i][0] | |
s2=s2+probs[i][1] | |
s3=s3+probs[i][2] | |
s4=s4+probs[i][3] | |
s5=s5+probs[i][4] | |
s6=s6+probs[i][5] | |
s7=s7+probs[i][6] | |
s1=s1/frames_len | |
s2=s2/frames_len | |
s3=s3/frames_len | |
s4=s4/frames_len | |
s5=s5/frames_len | |
s6=s6/frames_len | |
s7=s7/frames_len | |
scores=[s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7] | |
scores_str=str(scores) | |
score1=0*scores[0]-8*scores[1]+4*scores[2]+0*scores[3]+2*scores[4]+2*scores[5]+4*scores[6] | |
#print("from func:video_score————score1=",score1) | |
#print("from func:video_score————logs:") | |
# with open("local_data/data.txt",'a', encoding="utf8") as f: | |
# f.write(scores_str+'\n') | |
# with open("local_data/data.txt",'r', encoding="utf8") as f: | |
# for i in f: | |
# print(i) | |
#trans the audio file | |
my_audio_clip = AudioFileClip(video) | |
my_audio_clip.write_audiofile("data/audio.wav",ffmpeg_params=["-ac","1"]) | |
audio ='data/audio.wav') | |
text,score2=speech_score(audio) | |
#print("from func:video_score————text:",text) | |
score=score2+score1 | |
#print("from func:video_score————score:",score) | |
return text,score | |
####################################################################### | |