from __future__ import absolute_import, division import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd from PIL import Image from .. import logging from ..dataset.davis import Davis from ..metrics import batched_f_measure, batched_jaccard from ..robot import InteractiveScribblesRobot from import LocalStorage ROBOT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS = { 'kernel_size': .2, 'max_kernel_radius': 16, 'min_nb_nodes': 4, 'nb_points': 1000 } class EvaluationService: """ Class responsible of the evaluation. This class is responsible of giving the samples to run the evaluation, to give the asked scribbles and to evaluate the interaction with the robot once the masks are submitted. # Arguments subset: String. Subset to evaluate. Possible values are `train`, `val`, 'trainval' and `test-dev`. davis_root: String or Path. Path to the DAVIS dataset root directory, where the scribbles and the masks are stored. robot_parameters: Dictionary. Dictionary of parameters to initialize the scribbles robot. max_t: Integer. Number of seconds maximum to evaluate a single sample. This value will overwrite the specified from the user at `DavisInteractiveSession` class. max_i: Integer. Maximum number of interactions to evaluate per sample. This value will overwrite the specified from the user at `DavisInteractiveSession` class. metric_to_optimize: Enum. Metric targeting to optimize. Possible values: J, F or J_AND_F. time_threshold: Integer. Time in seconds to use it as threshold to compute the jaccard and compare the evaluation of different methods. """ _AVAILABLE_METRICS = ('J', 'F', 'J_AND_F') def __init__(self, subset, storage=None, davis_root=None, robot_parameters=None, max_t=None, max_i=None, metric_to_optimize='J_AND_F', time_threshold=None, single_object=False, eval_each_object=False): if subset not in Davis.sets: raise ValueError('Subset must be a valid subset: {}'.format( Davis.sets.keys())) self.single_object = single_object self.eval_each_object = eval_each_object self.davis = Davis(davis_root=davis_root, single_object=single_object, eval_each_object=eval_each_object) robot_parameters = robot_parameters or ROBOT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS self.robot = InteractiveScribblesRobot(**robot_parameters) # Get the list of sequences to evaluate and also from all the scribbles # available self.sequences = self.davis.sets[subset] self.sequences_scribble_idx = [] for s in self.sequences: nb_scribbles = Davis.dataset[s]['num_scribbles'] for i in range(1, nb_scribbles + 1): self.sequences_scribble_idx.append((s, i)) # Check all the files are placed if subset != 'test-dev': logging.verbose('Checking DAVIS dataset files', 1) self.davis.check_files(self.sequences) # Init storage = storage or LocalStorage() # Parameters self.max_t = max_t self.max_i = max_i if metric_to_optimize not in self._AVAILABLE_METRICS: raise ValueError( 'metric_to_optimize not between available metrics: {}'.format( self._AVAILABLE_METRICS)) self.metric_to_optimize = metric_to_optimize # Num entries self.num_entries = 0 self.total_nb_objects = 0 for seq in self.sequences: nb_scribbles = Davis.dataset[seq]['num_scribbles'] nb_frames = Davis.dataset[seq]['num_frames'] nb_objects = Davis.dataset[seq]['num_objects'] self.num_entries += nb_scribbles * nb_frames * nb_objects self.total_nb_objects += nb_objects self.avg_nb_objects = self.total_nb_objects / len(self.sequences) # self.global_timeout = self.avg_nb_objects * self.max_t self.time_threshold = time_threshold or 60 # seconds if self.max_i is not None: self.num_entries *= self.max_i def get_samples(self): """ Get the list of samples. # Returns List of Tuples: List of pairs where the first element is the sequence name and the second is the scribble index to evaluate. """'Getting samples') return self.sequences_scribble_idx, self.max_t, self.max_i def get_scribble(self, sequence, scribble_idx): """ Get a scribble. # Arguments sequence: String. Sequence name of the scribble. scribble_idx: Integer. Index of the scribble to get. # Raises ValueError: when the sequence is invalid or the scribble index is out of range. """ if sequence not in self.sequences: raise ValueError('Invalid sequence: %s' % sequence) if (sequence, scribble_idx) not in self.sequences_scribble_idx: raise ValueError('Invalid scribble index: {}'.format(scribble_idx)) scribble = self.davis.load_scribble(sequence, scribble_idx) return scribble def post_predicted_masks(self, sequence, scribble_idx, pred_masks, timing, interaction, user_key, session_key, next_scribble_frame_candidates=None): """ Post the predicted masks and return new scribble. When the predicted masks are given, the metrics are computed and stored. # Arguments sequence: String. Sequence name of the predicted masks. scribble_idx: Integer. Scribble index of the sample evaluating. pred_masks: Numpy Array. Predicted masks for the given sequence. timing: Float. Timing in seconds of this interaction. interaction: Integer. Interaction number. user_key: String. User identifier. session_key: String. Session identifier. next_scribble_frame_candidates: List of Integers. Optional value specifying the possible frames from which generate the next scribble. If values given, the next scribble will be performed in the frame where the evaluation metric scores the least on the list of given frames. Invalid frames indexes are ignored. # Returns Dictionary: Scribble returned by the scribble robot # Raises RuntimeError: When a previous interaction is missing, or the interaction has already been submitted. ValueError: When interaction is higher than the maximum number of interactions in the evaluation. """ if self.max_i and interaction > self.max_i: raise ValueError( 'Interaction {} is higher than'.format(interaction) + ' the maximum number of interactions {}'.format(self.max_i)) if interaction < 1: raise ValueError( 'Interaction value invalid. Should be higher than 0.') if (sequence, scribble_idx) not in self.sequences_scribble_idx: raise ValueError( 'Sequence: {} and scribble index: {} invalid'.format( sequence, scribble_idx)) # Load ground truth masks and compute jaccard metric gt_masks = self.davis.load_annotations(sequence) nb_objects = Davis.dataset[sequence]['num_objects'] if not self.eval_each_object: gt_masks[gt_masks > 1] = 1 pred_masks[pred_masks > 1] = 1 jaccard = batched_jaccard( gt_masks, pred_masks, average_over_objects=False, nb_objects=nb_objects) contour = batched_f_measure( gt_masks, pred_masks, average_over_objects=False, nb_objects=nb_objects) nb_frames, _ = jaccard.shape frames_idx = np.arange(nb_frames) objects_idx = np.arange(nb_objects) + 1 objects_idx, frames_idx = np.meshgrid(objects_idx, frames_idx) # Save the results on storage user_key, session_key, sequence, scribble_idx, interaction, timing, objects_idx.ravel().tolist(), frames_idx.ravel().tolist(), jaccard.ravel().tolist(), contour.ravel().tolist()) if self.metric_to_optimize == 'J': metric = jaccard.mean(axis=1) elif self.metric_to_optimize == 'F': metric = contour.mean(axis=1) elif self.metric_to_optimize == 'J_AND_F': metric = .5 * jaccard + .5 * contour metric = metric.mean(axis=1) else: raise ValueError('Invalid metric_to_optimize: {}'.format( self.metric_to_optimize)) prev_frames_used = session_key, sequence, scribble_idx) prev_frames_used = set(prev_frames_used) override = next_scribble_frame_candidates is not None next_scribble_frame_candidates = next_scribble_frame_candidates or [ i for i in range(nb_frames) ] next_scribble_frame_candidates = set(next_scribble_frame_candidates) # Next frames candidates will be the ones requested by the used except # the ones previously used. next_frame = next_scribble_frame_candidates - prev_frames_used if not next_frame: # In case all the request frames have been previously used, use all # the requested frames as candidates. next_frame = next_scribble_frame_candidates metric_idx = metric.argsort() i = 0 while i < nb_frames and metric_idx[i] not in next_frame: i += 1 next_frame = metric_idx[i], sequence, scribble_idx, next_frame, override) # Generate next scribble next_scribble = self.robot.interact( sequence, pred_masks, gt_masks, nb_objects=nb_objects, frame=next_frame) return next_scribble def get_report(self, **kwargs): """ Get report for a session. # Arguments user_key: String. User identifier. session_key: String. Session identifier. # Returns Pandas DataFrame: Report. """ return**kwargs) def summarize_report(self, df): """ Given a report it will reconstruct the missing entries and compute a summarization of it. # Arguments df: Pandas DataFrame. The report to summarize. # Returns Dictionary: with different scores computed and the curve values """ if len(df) == 0: df = df.set_index( ['interaction', 'sequence', 'scribble_idx', 'object_id']) else: numeric_columns = df.select_dtypes(include=['number']).columns.tolist() group_columns = ['interaction', 'sequence', 'scribble_idx', 'object_id'] df = df[group_columns + numeric_columns].groupby(group_columns).mean() if 'frame' in df: df = df.drop(columns='frame') if 'session_id' in df: df = df.drop(columns='session_id') dfr = self._reconstruct_report(df) df_average = dfr.groupby(['interaction']).mean() df_average['timing'] = df_average['timing'].cumsum() df_average.loc[0] = [0, 0, 0, 0] df_average = df_average.sort_index() df_time = dfr.reset_index().groupby( ['sequence', 'scribble_idx', 'interaction']).agg({ 'timing': 'mean', }) df_time = df_time.groupby('interaction').mean() df_time['timing'] = df_time['timing'].cumsum() df_time.loc[0] = [0] df_time = df_time.sort_index() time = df_time['timing'].values if self.metric_to_optimize == 'J': metric = df_average['jaccard'].values elif self.metric_to_optimize == 'F': metric = df_average['contour'].values elif self.metric_to_optimize == 'J_AND_F': metric = df_average['j_and_f'].values else: raise ValueError('Invalid metric_to_optimize: {}'.format( self.metric_to_optimize)) if self.max_t: global_timeout = self.avg_nb_objects * self.max_t else: max_interactions = self.max_i or df.reset_index( )['interaction'].max() global_timeout = max_interactions * df['timing'].max() time = np.concatenate((time, [global_timeout])) metric = np.concatenate((metric, metric[-1:])) metric_th = np.interp(self.time_threshold, time, metric) if time.max() == 0.: auc = 0. else: auc = np.trapz(metric, x=time) / time.max() return { 'auc': auc, 'metric_at_threshold': { 'threshold': self.time_threshold, # 'metric': metric_th self.metric_to_optimize: metric_th }, 'curve': { 'time': time.tolist(), # 'metric': metric.tolist() self.metric_to_optimize: metric.tolist() } } def _reconstruct_report(self, df): """ Reconstruct the report with missing entries. In case the timeout has been reached and some interactions have not been evaluated, the reconstruction ensure to have a result for every interaction putting the jaccard of the previous evaluated interaction with a timing cost of 0. """ index = [] max_i = self.max_i or df.reset_index()['interaction'].max() if np.isnan(max_i): max_i = 1 for i in range(max_i): for seq in self.sequences: nb_scribbles = Davis.dataset[seq]['num_scribbles'] nb_objects = Davis.dataset[seq]['num_objects'] for j in range(nb_scribbles): for k in range(nb_objects): index.append((i + 1, seq, j + 1, k + 1)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( index, names=['interaction', 'sequence', 'scribble_idx', 'object_id']) df = df.reindex(index) for seq in self.sequences: nb_scribbles = Davis.dataset[seq]['num_scribbles'] nb_objects = Davis.dataset[seq]['num_objects'] nb_objects = 1 for scribble_idx in range(1, nb_scribbles + 1): prev_result = np.zeros((nb_objects, 4), dtype=np.float) for it in range(1, max_i + 1): result_iter = df.loc[it, seq, scribble_idx, :] if np.any(pd.isna(result_iter)): prev_result[:, -1] = 0 df.loc[it, seq, scribble_idx, :] = prev_result else: prev_result = result_iter.values return df