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Heart of most evaluation scripts (DAVIS semi-sup/interactive, GUI)
Handles propagation and fusion
See / for examples
import numpy as np
import torch
from lib.MiVOS_STCN.model.aggregate import aggregate_wbg
from lib.MiVOS_STCN.model.fusion_net import FusionNet
from lib.MiVOS_STCN.model.propagation.prop_net import PropagationNetwork
from lib.MiVOS_STCN.util.tensor_util import pad_divide_by
class InferenceCore:
images - leave them in original dimension (unpadded), but do normalize them.
Should be CPU tensors of shape B*T*3*H*W
mem_profile - How extravagant I can use the GPU memory.
Usually more memory -> faster speed but I have not drawn the exact relation
0 - Use the most memory
1 - Intermediate, larger buffer
2 - Intermediate, small buffer
3 - Use the minimal amount of GPU memory
Note that *none* of the above options will affect the accuracy
This is a space-time tradeoff, not a space-performance one
mem_freq - Period at which new memory are put in the bank
Higher number -> less memory usage
Unlike the last option, this *is* a space-performance tradeoff
def __init__(self, prop_net:PropagationNetwork, fuse_net:FusionNet, images, num_objects,
mem_profile=0, mem_freq=5, device='cuda:0'):
self.prop_net =, non_blocking=True)
if fuse_net is not None:
self.fuse_net =, non_blocking=True)
self.mem_profile = mem_profile
self.mem_freq = mem_freq
self.device = device
if mem_profile == 0:
self.data_dev = device
self.result_dev = device
self.k_buf_size = 105
self.i_buf_size = -1 # no need to buffer image
elif mem_profile == 1:
self.data_dev = 'cpu'
self.result_dev = device
self.k_buf_size = 105
self.i_buf_size = 105
elif mem_profile == 2:
self.data_dev = 'cpu'
self.result_dev = 'cpu'
self.k_buf_size = 3
self.i_buf_size = 3
self.data_dev = 'cpu'
self.result_dev = 'cpu'
self.k_buf_size = 1
self.i_buf_size = 1
# True dimensions
t = images.shape[1]
h, w = images.shape[-2:]
self.k = num_objects
# Pad each side to multiples of 16
self.images, self.pad = pad_divide_by(images, 16, images.shape[-2:])
# Padded dimensions
nh, nw = self.images.shape[-2:]
self.images =, non_blocking=False)
# These two store the same information in different formats
self.masks = torch.zeros((t, 1, nh, nw), dtype=torch.uint8, device=self.result_dev)
self.np_masks = np.zeros((t, h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
# Object probabilities, background included
self.prob = torch.zeros((self.k+1, t, 1, nh, nw), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.result_dev)
self.prob[0] = 1e-7
self.t, self.h, self.w = t, h, w
self.nh, self.nw = nh, nw = self.nh//16 = self.nw//16
self.key_buf = {}
self.image_buf = {}
self.interacted = set()
self.certain_mem_k = None
self.certain_mem_v = None
def get_image_buffered(self, idx):
if self.data_dev == self.device:
return self.images[:,idx]
# buffer the .cuda() calls
if idx not in self.image_buf:
# Flush buffer
if len(self.image_buf) > self.i_buf_size:
self.image_buf = {}
self.image_buf[idx] = self.images[:,idx].to(self.device)
result = self.image_buf[idx]
return result
def get_key_feat_buffered(self, idx):
if idx not in self.key_buf:
# Flush buffer
if len(self.key_buf) > self.k_buf_size:
self.key_buf = {}
self.key_buf[idx] = self.prop_net.encode_key(self.get_image_buffered(idx))
result = self.key_buf[idx]
return result
def do_pass(self, key_k, key_v, idx, forward=True, step_cb=None):
Do a complete pass that includes propagation and fusion
key_k/key_v - memory feature of the starting frame
idx - Frame index of the starting frame
forward - forward/backward propagation
step_cb - Callback function used for GUI (progress bar) only
# Pointer in the memory bank
num_certain_keys = self.certain_mem_k.shape[2]
m_front = num_certain_keys
# Determine the required size of the memory bank
if forward:
closest_ti = min([ti for ti in self.interacted if ti > idx] + [self.t])
total_m = (closest_ti - idx - 1)//self.mem_freq + 1 + num_certain_keys
closest_ti = max([ti for ti in self.interacted if ti < idx] + [-1])
total_m = (idx - closest_ti - 1)//self.mem_freq + 1 + num_certain_keys
_, CK, _, H, W = key_k.shape
K, CV, _, _, _ = key_v.shape
# Pre-allocate keys/values memory
keys = torch.empty((1, CK, total_m, H, W), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
values = torch.empty((K, CV, total_m, H, W), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
# Initial key/value passed in
keys[:,:,0:num_certain_keys] = self.certain_mem_k
values[:,:,0:num_certain_keys] = self.certain_mem_v
last_ti = idx
# Note that we never reach closest_ti, just the frame before it
if forward:
this_range = range(idx+1, closest_ti)
end = closest_ti - 1
this_range = range(idx-1, closest_ti, -1)
end = closest_ti + 1
for ti in this_range:
this_k = keys[:,:,:m_front]
this_v = values[:,:,:m_front]
k16, qv16, qf16, qf8, qf4 = self.get_key_feat_buffered(ti)
out_mask = self.prop_net.segment_with_query(this_k, this_v, qf8, qf4, k16, qv16)
out_mask = aggregate_wbg(out_mask, keep_bg=True)
if ti != end and abs(ti-last_ti) >= self.mem_freq:
keys[:,:,m_front:m_front+1] = k16.unsqueeze(2)
values[:,:,m_front:m_front+1] = self.prop_net.encode_value(
self.get_image_buffered(ti), qf16, out_mask[1:])
m_front += 1
last_ti = ti
# In-place fusion, maximizes the use of queried buffer
# esp. for long sequence where the buffer will be flushed
if (closest_ti != self.t) and (closest_ti != -1):
self.prob[:,ti] = self.fuse_one_frame(closest_ti, idx, ti, self.prob[:,ti], out_mask,
key_k, k16).to(self.result_dev)
self.prob[:,ti] =
# Callback function for the GUI
if step_cb is not None:
return closest_ti
def fuse_one_frame(self, tc, tr, ti, prev_mask, curr_mask, mk16, qk16):
assert(tc<ti<tr or tr<ti<tc)
prob = torch.zeros((self.k, 1, self.nh, self.nw), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
# Compute linear coefficients
nc = abs(tc-ti) / abs(tc-tr)
nr = abs(tr-ti) / abs(tc-tr)
dist = torch.FloatTensor([nc, nr]).to(self.device).unsqueeze(0)
attn_map = self.prop_net.get_attention(mk16, self.pos_mask_diff, self.neg_mask_diff, qk16)
for k in range(1, self.k+1):
w = torch.sigmoid(self.fuse_net(self.get_image_buffered(ti),
prev_mask[k:k+1].to(self.device), curr_mask[k:k+1].to(self.device), attn_map[k:k+1], dist))
prob[k-1] = w
return aggregate_wbg(prob, keep_bg=True)
def interact(self, mask, idx, total_cb=None, step_cb=None):
Interact -> Propagate -> Fuse
mask - One-hot mask of the interacted frame, background included
idx - Frame index of the interacted frame
total_cb, step_cb - Callback functions for the GUI
Return: all mask results in np format for DAVIS evaluation
mask =
mask, _ = pad_divide_by(mask, 16, mask.shape[-2:])
self.mask_diff = mask - self.prob[:, idx].to(self.device)
self.pos_mask_diff = self.mask_diff.clamp(0, 1)
self.neg_mask_diff = (-self.mask_diff).clamp(0, 1)
self.prob[:, idx] = mask
key_k, _, qf16, _, _ = self.get_key_feat_buffered(idx)
key_k = key_k.unsqueeze(2)
key_v = self.prop_net.encode_value(self.get_image_buffered(idx), qf16, mask[1:])
if self.certain_mem_k is None:
self.certain_mem_k = key_k
self.certain_mem_v = key_v
self.certain_mem_k =[self.certain_mem_k, key_k], 2)
self.certain_mem_v =[self.certain_mem_v, key_v], 2)
if total_cb is not None:
# Finds the total num. frames to process
front_limit = min([ti for ti in self.interacted if ti > idx] + [self.t])
back_limit = max([ti for ti in self.interacted if ti < idx] + [-1])
total_num = front_limit - back_limit - 2 # -1 for shift, -1 for center frame
if total_num > 0:
self.do_pass(key_k, key_v, idx, True, step_cb=step_cb)
self.do_pass(key_k, key_v, idx, False, step_cb=step_cb)
# This is a more memory-efficient argmax
for ti in range(self.t):
self.masks[ti] = torch.argmax(self.prob[:,ti], dim=0)
out_masks = self.masks
# Trim paddings
if self.pad[2]+self.pad[3] > 0:
out_masks = out_masks[:,:,self.pad[2]:-self.pad[3],:]
if self.pad[0]+self.pad[1] > 0:
out_masks = out_masks[:,:,:,self.pad[0]:-self.pad[1]]
self.np_masks = (out_masks.detach().cpu().numpy()[:,0]).astype(np.uint8)
return self.np_masks
def update_mask_only(self, prob_mask, idx):
Interaction only, no propagation/fusion
prob_mask - mask of the interacted frame, background included
idx - Frame index of the interacted frame
Return: all mask results in np format for DAVIS evaluation
mask = torch.argmax(prob_mask, 0)
self.masks[idx] = mask
# Mask - 1 * H * W
if self.pad[2]+self.pad[3] > 0:
mask = mask[:,self.pad[2]:-self.pad[3],:]
if self.pad[0]+self.pad[1] > 0:
mask = mask[:,:,self.pad[0]:-self.pad[1]]
mask = (mask.detach().cpu().numpy()[0]).astype(np.uint8)
self.np_masks[idx] = mask
return self.np_masks |