import os import cv2 import numpy as np import psutil from roop.ProcessOptions import ProcessOptions from roop.face_util import get_first_face, get_all_faces, rotate_image_180 from roop.utilities import compute_cosine_distance, get_device, str_to_class from typing import Any, List, Callable from roop.typing import Frame from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed from threading import Thread, Lock from queue import Queue from tqdm import tqdm from roop.ffmpeg_writer import FFMPEG_VideoWriter import roop.globals def create_queue(temp_frame_paths: List[str]) -> Queue[str]: queue: Queue[str] = Queue() for frame_path in temp_frame_paths: queue.put(frame_path) return queue def pick_queue(queue: Queue[str], queue_per_future: int) -> List[str]: queues = [] for _ in range(queue_per_future): if not queue.empty(): queues.append(queue.get()) return queues class ProcessMgr(): input_face_datas = [] target_face_datas = [] processors = [] options : ProcessOptions = None num_threads = 1 current_index = 0 processing_threads = 1 buffer_wait_time = 0.1 lock = Lock() frames_queue = None processed_queue = None videowriter= None progress_gradio = None total_frames = 0 plugins = { 'faceswap' : 'FaceSwapInsightFace', 'mask_clip2seg' : 'Mask_Clip2Seg', 'codeformer' : 'Enhance_CodeFormer', 'gfpgan' : 'Enhance_GFPGAN', 'dmdnet' : 'Enhance_DMDNet', 'gpen' : 'Enhance_GPEN', } def __init__(self, progress): if progress is not None: self.progress_gradio = progress def initialize(self, input_faces, target_faces, options): self.input_face_datas = input_faces self.target_face_datas = target_faces self.options = options processornames = options.processors.split(",") devicename = get_device() if len(self.processors) < 1: for pn in processornames: classname = self.plugins[pn] module = 'roop.processors.' + classname p = str_to_class(module, classname) p.Initialize(devicename) self.processors.append(p) else: for i in range(len(self.processors) -1, -1, -1): if not self.processors[i].processorname in processornames: self.processors[i].Release() del self.processors[i] for i,pn in enumerate(processornames): if i >= len(self.processors) or self.processors[i].processorname != pn: p = None classname = self.plugins[pn] module = 'roop.processors.' + classname p = str_to_class(module, classname) p.Initialize(devicename) if p is not None: self.processors.insert(i, p) def run_batch(self, source_files, target_files, threads:int = 1): progress_bar_format = '{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}{postfix}]' self.total_frames = len(source_files) self.num_threads = threads with tqdm(total=self.total_frames, desc='Processing', unit='frame', dynamic_ncols=True, bar_format=progress_bar_format) as progress: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor: futures = [] queue = create_queue(source_files) queue_per_future = max(len(source_files) // threads, 1) while not queue.empty(): future = executor.submit(self.process_frames, source_files, target_files, pick_queue(queue, queue_per_future), lambda: self.update_progress(progress)) futures.append(future) for future in as_completed(futures): future.result() def process_frames(self, source_files: List[str], target_files: List[str], current_files, update: Callable[[], None]) -> None: for f in current_files: if not roop.globals.processing: return temp_frame = cv2.imread(f) if temp_frame is not None: resimg = self.process_frame(temp_frame) if resimg is not None: i = source_files.index(f) cv2.imwrite(target_files[i], resimg) if update: update() def read_frames_thread(self, cap, frame_start, frame_end, num_threads): num_frame = 0 total_num = frame_end - frame_start if frame_start > 0: cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,frame_start) while True and roop.globals.processing: ret, frame = if not ret: break self.frames_queue[num_frame % num_threads].put(frame, block=True) num_frame += 1 if num_frame == total_num: break for i in range(num_threads): self.frames_queue[i].put(None) def process_videoframes(self, threadindex, progress) -> None: while True: frame = self.frames_queue[threadindex].get() if frame is None: self.processing_threads -= 1 self.processed_queue[threadindex].put((False, None)) return else: resimg = self.process_frame(frame) self.processed_queue[threadindex].put((True, resimg)) del frame progress() def write_frames_thread(self): nextindex = 0 num_producers = self.num_threads while True: process, frame = self.processed_queue[nextindex % self.num_threads].get() nextindex += 1 if frame is not None: self.videowriter.write_frame(frame) del frame elif process == False: num_producers -= 1 if num_producers < 1: return def run_batch_inmem(self, source_video, target_video, frame_start, frame_end, fps, threads:int = 1, skip_audio=False): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(source_video) # frame_count = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) frame_count = (frame_end - frame_start) + 1 width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) self.total_frames = frame_count self.num_threads = threads self.processing_threads = self.num_threads self.frames_queue = [] self.processed_queue = [] for _ in range(threads): self.frames_queue.append(Queue(1)) self.processed_queue.append(Queue(1)) self.videowriter = FFMPEG_VideoWriter(target_video, (width, height), fps, codec=roop.globals.video_encoder, crf=roop.globals.video_quality, audiofile=None) readthread = Thread(target=self.read_frames_thread, args=(cap, frame_start, frame_end, threads)) readthread.start() writethread = Thread(target=self.write_frames_thread) writethread.start() progress_bar_format = '{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}{postfix}]' with tqdm(total=self.total_frames, desc='Processing', unit='frames', dynamic_ncols=True, bar_format=progress_bar_format) as progress: with ThreadPoolExecutor(thread_name_prefix='swap_proc', max_workers=self.num_threads) as executor: futures = [] for threadindex in range(threads): future = executor.submit(self.process_videoframes, threadindex, lambda: self.update_progress(progress)) futures.append(future) for future in as_completed(futures): future.result() # wait for the task to complete readthread.join() writethread.join() cap.release() self.videowriter.close() self.frames_queue.clear() self.processed_queue.clear() def update_progress(self, progress: Any = None) -> None: process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) memory_usage = process.memory_info().rss / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 msg = 'memory_usage: ' + '{:.2f}'.format(memory_usage).zfill(5) + f' GB execution_threads {self.num_threads}' progress.set_postfix({ 'memory_usage': '{:.2f}'.format(memory_usage).zfill(5) + 'GB', 'execution_threads': self.num_threads }) progress.update(1) self.progress_gradio((progress.n, self.total_frames), desc='Processing', total=self.total_frames, unit='frames') def on_no_face_action(self, frame:Frame): if roop.globals.no_face_action == 0: return None, frame elif roop.globals.no_face_action == 2: return None, None faces = get_all_faces(frame) if faces is not None: return faces, frame return None, frame def process_frame(self, frame:Frame): if len(self.input_face_datas) < 1: return frame temp_frame = frame.copy() num_swapped, temp_frame = self.swap_faces(frame, temp_frame) if num_swapped > 0: return temp_frame if roop.globals.no_face_action == 0: return frame if roop.globals.no_face_action == 2: return None else: copyframe = frame.copy() copyframe = rotate_image_180(copyframe) temp_frame = copyframe.copy() num_swapped, temp_frame = self.swap_faces(copyframe, temp_frame) if num_swapped == 0: return frame temp_frame = rotate_image_180(temp_frame) return temp_frame def swap_faces(self, frame, temp_frame): num_faces_found = 0 if self.options.swap_mode == "first": face = get_first_face(frame) if face is None: return num_faces_found, frame num_faces_found += 1 temp_frame = self.process_face(self.options.selected_index, face, temp_frame) else: faces = get_all_faces(frame) if faces is None: return num_faces_found, frame if self.options.swap_mode == "all": for face in faces: num_faces_found += 1 temp_frame = self.process_face(self.options.selected_index, face, temp_frame) del face elif self.options.swap_mode == "selected": for i,tf in enumerate(self.target_face_datas): for face in faces: if compute_cosine_distance(tf.embedding, face.embedding) <= self.options.face_distance_threshold: if i < len(self.input_face_datas): temp_frame = self.process_face(i, face, temp_frame) num_faces_found += 1 break del face elif self.options.swap_mode == "all_female" or self.options.swap_mode == "all_male": gender = 'F' if self.options.swap_mode == "all_female" else 'M' for face in faces: if == gender: num_faces_found += 1 temp_frame = self.process_face(self.options.selected_index, face, temp_frame) del face if num_faces_found == 0: return num_faces_found, frame maskprocessor = next((x for x in self.processors if x.processorname == 'clip2seg'), None) if maskprocessor is not None: temp_frame = self.process_mask(maskprocessor, frame, temp_frame) return num_faces_found, temp_frame def process_face(self,face_index, target_face, frame:Frame): enhanced_frame = None inputface = self.input_face_datas[face_index].faces[0] for p in self.processors: if p.type == 'swap': fake_frame = p.Run(inputface, target_face, frame) scale_factor = 0.0 elif p.type == 'mask': continue else: enhanced_frame, scale_factor = p.Run(self.input_face_datas[face_index], target_face, fake_frame) upscale = 512 orig_width = fake_frame.shape[1] fake_frame = cv2.resize(fake_frame, (upscale, upscale), cv2.INTER_CUBIC) mask_offsets = inputface.mask_offsets if enhanced_frame is None: scale_factor = int(upscale / orig_width) result = self.paste_upscale(fake_frame, fake_frame, target_face.matrix, frame, scale_factor, mask_offsets) else: result = self.paste_upscale(fake_frame, enhanced_frame, target_face.matrix, frame, scale_factor, mask_offsets) return result def cutout(self, frame:Frame, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y): if start_x < 0: start_x = 0 if start_y < 0: start_y = 0 if end_x > frame.shape[1]: end_x = frame.shape[1] if end_y > frame.shape[0]: end_y = frame.shape[0] return frame[start_y:end_y, start_x:end_x], start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y # Paste back adapted from here # # which is revised insightface paste back code def paste_upscale(self, fake_face, upsk_face, M, target_img, scale_factor, mask_offsets): M_scale = M * scale_factor IM = cv2.invertAffineTransform(M_scale) face_matte = np.full((target_img.shape[0],target_img.shape[1]), 255, dtype=np.uint8) ##Generate white square sized as a upsk_face img_matte = np.full((upsk_face.shape[0],upsk_face.shape[1]), 255, dtype=np.uint8) if mask_offsets[0] > 0: img_matte[:mask_offsets[0],:] = 0 if mask_offsets[1] > 0: img_matte[-mask_offsets[1]:,:] = 0 ##Transform white square back to target_img img_matte = cv2.warpAffine(img_matte, IM, (target_img.shape[1], target_img.shape[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, borderValue=0.0) ##Blacken the edges of face_matte by 1 pixels (so the mask in not expanded on the image edges) img_matte[:1,:] = img_matte[-1:,:] = img_matte[:,:1] = img_matte[:,-1:] = 0 #Detect the affine transformed white area mask_h_inds, mask_w_inds = np.where(img_matte==255) #Calculate the size (and diagonal size) of transformed white area width and height boundaries mask_h = np.max(mask_h_inds) - np.min(mask_h_inds) mask_w = np.max(mask_w_inds) - np.min(mask_w_inds) mask_size = int(np.sqrt(mask_h*mask_w)) #Calculate the kernel size for eroding img_matte by kernel (insightface empirical guess for best size was max(mask_size//10,10)) # k = max(mask_size//12, 8) k = max(mask_size//10, 10) kernel = np.ones((k,k),np.uint8) img_matte = cv2.erode(img_matte,kernel,iterations = 1) #Calculate the kernel size for blurring img_matte by blur_size (insightface empirical guess for best size was max(mask_size//20, 5)) # k = max(mask_size//24, 4) k = max(mask_size//20, 5) kernel_size = (k, k) blur_size = tuple(2*i+1 for i in kernel_size) img_matte = cv2.GaussianBlur(img_matte, blur_size, 0) #Normalize images to float values and reshape img_matte = img_matte.astype(np.float32)/255 face_matte = face_matte.astype(np.float32)/255 img_matte = np.minimum(face_matte, img_matte) img_matte = np.reshape(img_matte, [img_matte.shape[0],img_matte.shape[1],1]) ##Transform upcaled face back to target_img paste_face = cv2.warpAffine(upsk_face, IM, (target_img.shape[1], target_img.shape[0]), borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) if upsk_face is not fake_face: fake_face = cv2.warpAffine(fake_face, IM, (target_img.shape[1], target_img.shape[0]), borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) paste_face = cv2.addWeighted(paste_face, self.options.blend_ratio, fake_face, 1.0 - self.options.blend_ratio, 0) ##Re-assemble image paste_face = img_matte * paste_face paste_face = paste_face + (1-img_matte) * target_img.astype(np.float32) del img_matte del face_matte del upsk_face del fake_face return paste_face.astype(np.uint8) def process_mask(self, processor, frame:Frame, target:Frame): img_mask = processor.Run(frame, self.options.masking_text) img_mask = cv2.resize(img_mask, (target.shape[1], target.shape[0])) img_mask = np.reshape(img_mask, [img_mask.shape[0],img_mask.shape[1],1]) target = target.astype(np.float32) result = (1-img_mask) * target result += img_mask * frame.astype(np.float32) return np.uint8(result) def unload_models(): pass def release_resources(self): for p in self.processors: p.Release() self.processors.clear()