""" |
Simple check list from AllenNLP repo: https://github.com/allenai/allennlp/blob/main/setup.py |
To create the package for PyPI. |
1. Run `make pre-release` (or `make pre-patch` for a patch release) then run `make fix-copies` to fix the index of the |
documentation. |
If releasing on a special branch, copy the updated README.md on the main branch for the commit you will make |
for the post-release and run `make fix-copies` on the main branch as well. |
2. Unpin specific versions from setup.py that use a git install. |
3. Checkout the release branch (v<RELEASE>-release, for example v4.19-release), and commit these changes with the |
message: "Release: <RELEASE>" and push. |
4. Manually trigger the "Nightly and release tests on main/release branch" workflow from the release branch. Wait for |
the tests to complete. We can safely ignore the known test failures. |
5. Wait for the tests on main to be completed and be green (otherwise revert and fix bugs). |
6. Add a tag in git to mark the release: "git tag v<RELEASE> -m 'Adds tag v<RELEASE> for PyPI'" |
Push the tag to git: git push --tags origin v<RELEASE>-release |
7. Build both the sources and the wheel. Do not change anything in setup.py between |
creating the wheel and the source distribution (obviously). |
For the wheel, run: "python setup.py bdist_wheel" in the top level directory |
(This will build a wheel for the Python version you use to build it). |
For the sources, run: "python setup.py sdist" |
You should now have a /dist directory with both .whl and .tar.gz source versions. |
Long story cut short, you need to run both before you can upload the distribution to the |
test PyPI and the actual PyPI servers: |
python setup.py bdist_wheel && python setup.py sdist |
8. Check that everything looks correct by uploading the package to the PyPI test server: |
twine upload dist/* -r pypitest |
(pypi suggests using twine as other methods upload files via plaintext.) |
You may have to specify the repository url, use the following command then: |
twine upload dist/* -r pypitest --repository-url=https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ |
Check that you can install it in a virtualenv by running: |
pip install -i https://testpypi.python.org/pypi diffusers |
If you are testing from a Colab Notebook, for instance, then do: |
pip install diffusers && pip uninstall diffusers |
pip install -i https://testpypi.python.org/pypi diffusers |
Check you can run the following commands: |
python -c "from diffusers import __version__; print(__version__)" |
python -c "from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline; pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained('fusing/unet-ldm-dummy-update'); pipe()" |
python -c "from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline; pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained('hf-internal-testing/tiny-stable-diffusion-pipe', safety_checker=None); pipe('ah suh du')" |
python -c "from diffusers import *" |
9. Upload the final version to the actual PyPI: |
twine upload dist/* -r pypi |
10. Prepare the release notes and publish them on GitHub once everything is looking hunky-dory. You can use the following |
Space to fetch all the commits applicable for the release: https://huggingface.co./spaces/lysandre/github-release. Repo should |
be `huggingface/diffusers`. `tag` should be the previous release tag (v0.26.1, for example), and `branch` should be |
the latest release branch (v0.27.0-release, for example). It denotes all commits that have happened on branch |
v0.27.0-release after the tag v0.26.1 was created. |
11. Run `make post-release` (or, for a patch release, `make post-patch`). If you were on a branch for the release, |
you need to go back to main before executing this. |
""" |
import os |
import re |
import sys |
from setuptools import Command, find_packages, setup |
_deps = [ |
"Pillow", |
"accelerate>=0.31.0", |
"compel==0.1.8", |
"datasets", |
"filelock", |
"flax>=0.4.1", |
"hf-doc-builder>=0.3.0", |
"huggingface-hub>=0.23.2", |
"requests-mock==1.10.0", |
"importlib_metadata", |
"invisible-watermark>=0.2.0", |
"isort>=5.5.4", |
"jax>=0.4.1", |
"jaxlib>=0.4.1", |
"Jinja2", |
"k-diffusion>=0.0.12", |
"torchsde", |
"note_seq", |
"librosa", |
"numpy", |
"parameterized", |
"peft>=0.6.0", |
"protobuf>=3.20.3,<4", |
"pytest", |
"pytest-timeout", |
"pytest-xdist", |
"python>=3.8.0", |
"ruff==0.1.5", |
"safetensors>=0.3.1", |
"sentencepiece>=0.1.91,!=0.1.92", |
"GitPython<3.1.19", |
"scipy", |
"onnx", |
"regex!=2019.12.17", |
"requests", |
"tensorboard", |
"torch>=1.4", |
"torchvision", |
"transformers>=4.41.2", |
"urllib3<=2.0.0", |
"black", |
] |
deps = {b: a for a, b in (re.findall(r"^(([^!=<>~]+)(?:[!=<>~].*)?$)", x)[0] for x in _deps)} |
def deps_list(*pkgs): |
return [deps[pkg] for pkg in pkgs] |
class DepsTableUpdateCommand(Command): |
""" |
A custom command that updates the dependency table. |
usage: python setup.py deps_table_update |
""" |
description = "build runtime dependency table" |
user_options = [ |
( |
"dep-table-update", |
None, |
"updates src/diffusers/dependency_versions_table.py", |
), |
] |
def initialize_options(self): |
pass |
def finalize_options(self): |
pass |
def run(self): |
entries = "\n".join([f' "{k}": "{v}",' for k, v in deps.items()]) |
content = [ |
"# 1. modify the `_deps` dict in setup.py", |
"# 2. run `make deps_table_update`", |
"deps = {", |
entries, |
"}", |
"", |
] |
target = "src/diffusers/dependency_versions_table.py" |
print(f"updating {target}") |
with open(target, "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as f: |
f.write("\n".join(content)) |
extras = {} |
extras["quality"] = deps_list("urllib3", "isort", "ruff", "hf-doc-builder") |
extras["docs"] = deps_list("hf-doc-builder") |
extras["training"] = deps_list("accelerate", "datasets", "protobuf", "tensorboard", "Jinja2", "peft") |
extras["test"] = deps_list( |
"compel", |
"GitPython", |
"datasets", |
"Jinja2", |
"invisible-watermark", |
"k-diffusion", |
"librosa", |
"parameterized", |
"pytest", |
"pytest-timeout", |
"pytest-xdist", |
"requests-mock", |
"safetensors", |
"sentencepiece", |
"scipy", |
"torchvision", |
"transformers", |
) |
extras["torch"] = deps_list("torch", "accelerate") |
if os.name == "nt": |
extras["flax"] = [] |
else: |
extras["flax"] = deps_list("jax", "jaxlib", "flax") |
extras["dev"] = ( |
extras["quality"] + extras["test"] + extras["training"] + extras["docs"] + extras["torch"] + extras["flax"] |
) |
install_requires = [ |
deps["importlib_metadata"], |
deps["filelock"], |
deps["huggingface-hub"], |
deps["numpy"], |
deps["regex"], |
deps["requests"], |
deps["safetensors"], |
deps["Pillow"], |
] |
version_range_max = max(sys.version_info[1], 10) + 1 |
setup( |
name="diffusers", |
version="0.32.0.dev0", |
description="State-of-the-art diffusion in PyTorch and JAX.", |
long_description=open("README.md", "r", encoding="utf-8").read(), |
long_description_content_type="text/markdown", |
keywords="deep learning diffusion jax pytorch stable diffusion audioldm", |
license="Apache 2.0 License", |
author="The Hugging Face team (past and future) with the help of all our contributors (https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/graphs/contributors)", |
author_email="[email protected]", |
url="https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers", |
package_dir={"": "src"}, |
packages=find_packages("src"), |
package_data={"diffusers": ["py.typed"]}, |
include_package_data=True, |
python_requires=">=3.8.0", |
install_requires=list(install_requires), |
extras_require=extras, |
entry_points={"console_scripts": ["diffusers-cli=diffusers.commands.diffusers_cli:main"]}, |
classifiers=[ |
"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", |
"Intended Audience :: Developers", |
"Intended Audience :: Education", |
"Intended Audience :: Science/Research", |
"License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License", |
"Operating System :: OS Independent", |
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence", |
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3", |
] |
+ [f"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.{i}" for i in range(8, version_range_max)], |
cmdclass={"deps_table_update": DepsTableUpdateCommand}, |
) |