{ "texts": [ "小满是二十四节气之一,夏季的第二个节气。该节气是指夏熟作物的籽粒开始灌浆饱满,但还未成熟,只是小满,还未大满。", "2022.5.21", "饱满的灵魂 无畏的生长 二十四节气之一", "今日小满", "Grain Buds" ], "styles": [ { "color": "#427227", "font-family": "cn-HYQiHei-AZEJ" }, { "font-family": "en-TAN MERINGUE", "color": "#f89b2b" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "cn-SourceHanSansSC-ExtraLight" }, { "color": "#427227", "font-family": "cn-AlibabaPuHuiTi-Bold" }, { "color": "#427227", "font-family": "en-SairaCondensed-Regular" } ], "bbox": [ [ 0.09969604863221884, 0.4370820668693009, 0.31124620060790276, 0.2072948328267477 ], [ 0.10455927051671733, 0.09908814589665653, 0.22127659574468084, 0.034650455927051675 ], [ 0.09969604863221884, 0.9398176291793313, 0.7993920972644377, 0.026747720364741642 ], [ 0.09787234042553192, 0.17142857142857143, 0.4231003039513678, 0.10577507598784194 ], [ 0.10091185410334347, 0.3100303951367781, 0.2772036474164134, 0.053495440729483285 ] ], "bg_prompt": "The image portrays a young girl sitting on a large green leaf. The leaf is part of a plant with other green leaves. The girl is wearing a yellow dress and a straw hat. She is holding a small yellow flower in her hand. The background of the image is a light blue sky with a few clouds. The overall style of the image is a colorful, cartoon-like illustration.", "seed": 0 }