{ "texts": [ "生日快乐", "只愿你被这世界温柔相待", "妹妹" ], "styles": [ { "font-family": "cn-HelloFont-ID-DianHei-EEJ", "color": "#ffe2bf" }, { "font-family": "cn-Hellofont-ID-QingHuaXingKai", "color": "#ffe2bf" }, { "font-family": "cn-HelloFont-ID-LingLiTi", "color": "#ffe2bf" } ], "bbox": [ [ 0.601823708206687, 0.5556231003039513, 0.35501519756838906, 0.08693009118541034 ], [ 0.6261398176291794, 0.6723404255319149, 0.3252279635258359, 0.1270516717325228 ], [ 0.6553191489361702, 0.4401215805471125, 0.23829787234042554, 0.11063829787234042 ] ], "bg_prompt": "The image features a delicious-looking chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. The cake is placed on a white plate, which is set on a blue tablecloth. The cake appears to be a celebration, possibly a birthday or anniversary, given the presence of a candle. The overall presentation of the cake is elegant and inviting.", "seed": 7 }