{ "texts": [ "12月30日", "除夜を祝う" ], "styles": [ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "jp-MotoyaMinchoMiyabiStd-W4" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "jp-JackeyFont" } ], "bbox": [ [ 0.4121580547112462, 0.08145896656534954, 0.17386018237082068, 0.02006079027355623 ], [ 0.33069908814589666, 0.29908814589665655, 0.34772036474164136, 0.31550151975683893 ] ], "bg_prompt": "The image shows a nighttime cityscape with a dark sky filled with stars. The city is illuminated with various lights, suggesting a bustling urban environment. The image is framed by a black border, and there is a watermark or logo in the bottom right corner, which appears to be a stylized letter 'C'. The overall style of the image is illustrative and colorful, with a focus on the contrast between the dark sky and the brightly lit city.", "seed": 42 }