diffvg / run Apps
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Create run Apps
cd apps
python single_circle.py
finite_difference_comp.py [-h] [--size_scale SIZE_SCALE]
[--clamping_factor CLAMPING_FACTOR]
[--use_prefiltering USE_PREFILTERING]
python finite_difference_comp.py imgs/tiger.svg
python svg_brush.py
painterly_rendering.py [-h] [--num_paths NUM_PATHS]
[--max_width MAX_WIDTH] [--use_lpips_loss]
[--num_iter NUM_ITER] [--use_blob]
python painterly_rendering.py imgs/fallingwater.jpg --num_paths 2048 --max_width 4.0 --use_lpips_loss
python refine_svg.py [-h] [--use_lpips_loss] [--num_iter NUM_ITER] svg target
python refine_svg.py imgs/flower.svg imgs/flower.jpg
python seam_carving.py [-h] [--svg SVG] [--optim_steps OPTIM_STEPS]
python seam_carving.py imgs/hokusai.svg
title = {Differentiable Vector Graphics Rasterization for Editing and Learning},
author = {Li, Tzu-Mao and Luk\'{a}\v{c}, Michal and Gharbi Micha\"{e}l and Jonathan Ragan-Kelley},
journal = {ACM Trans. Graph. (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia)},
volume = {39},
number = {6},
pages = {193:1--193:15},
year = {2020}