# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from typing import List, Optional, Union from mmengine import get_file_backend, list_from_file from mmcls.registry import DATASETS from .base_dataset import expanduser from .categories import VOC2007_CATEGORIES from .multi_label import MultiLabelDataset @DATASETS.register_module() class VOC(MultiLabelDataset): """`Pascal VOC `_ Dataset. After decompression, the dataset directory structure is as follows: VOC dataset directory: :: VOC2007 (data_root)/ ├── JPEGImages (data_prefix['img_path']) │ ├── xxx.jpg │ ├── xxy.jpg │ └── ... ├── Annotations (data_prefix['ann_path']) │ ├── xxx.xml │ ├── xxy.xml │ └── ... └── ImageSets (directory contains various imageset file) Extra difficult label is in VOC annotations, we will use `gt_label_difficult` to record the difficult labels in each sample and corresponding evaluation should take care of this field to calculate metrics. Usually, difficult labels are reckoned as negative in defaults. Args: data_root (str): The root directory for VOC dataset. image_set_path (str): The path of image set, The file which lists image ids of the sub dataset, and this path is relative to ``data_root``. data_prefix (dict): Prefix for data and annotation, keyword 'img_path' and 'ann_path' can be set. Defaults to be ``dict(img_path='JPEGImages', ann_path='Annotations')``. test_mode (bool): ``test_mode=True`` means in test phase. It determines to use the training set or test set. metainfo (dict, optional): Meta information for dataset, such as categories information. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Other keyword arguments in :class:`BaseDataset`. """ # noqa: E501 METAINFO = {'classes': VOC2007_CATEGORIES} def __init__(self, data_root: str, image_set_path: str, data_prefix: Union[str, dict] = dict( img_path='JPEGImages', ann_path='Annotations'), test_mode: bool = False, metainfo: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs): if isinstance(data_prefix, str): data_prefix = dict(img_path=expanduser(data_prefix)) assert isinstance(data_prefix, dict) and 'img_path' in data_prefix, \ '`data_prefix` must be a dict with key img_path' if test_mode is False: assert 'ann_path' in data_prefix and data_prefix[ 'ann_path'] is not None, \ '"ann_path" must be set in `data_prefix` if `test_mode` is' \ ' False.' self.data_root = data_root self.backend = get_file_backend(data_root, enable_singleton=True) self.image_set_path = self.backend.join_path(data_root, image_set_path) super().__init__( ann_file='', metainfo=metainfo, data_root=data_root, data_prefix=data_prefix, test_mode=test_mode, **kwargs) @property def ann_prefix(self): """The prefix of images.""" if 'ann_path' in self.data_prefix: return self.data_prefix['ann_path'] else: return None def _get_labels_from_xml(self, img_id): """Get gt_labels and labels_difficult from xml file.""" xml_path = self.backend.join_path(self.ann_prefix, f'{img_id}.xml') content = self.backend.get(xml_path) root = ET.fromstring(content) labels, labels_difficult = set(), set() for obj in root.findall('object'): label_name = obj.find('name').text # in case customized dataset has wrong labels # or CLASSES has been override. if label_name not in self.CLASSES: continue label = self.class_to_idx[label_name] difficult = int(obj.find('difficult').text) if difficult: labels_difficult.add(label) else: labels.add(label) return list(labels), list(labels_difficult) def load_data_list(self): """Load images and ground truth labels.""" data_list = [] img_ids = list_from_file(self.image_set_path) for img_id in img_ids: img_path = self.backend.join_path(self.img_prefix, f'{img_id}.jpg') labels, labels_difficult = None, None if self.ann_prefix is not None: labels, labels_difficult = self._get_labels_from_xml(img_id) info = dict( img_path=img_path, gt_label=labels, gt_label_difficult=labels_difficult) data_list.append(info) return data_list def extra_repr(self) -> List[str]: """The extra repr information of the dataset.""" body = [ f'Prefix of dataset: \t{self.data_root}', f'Path of image set: \t{self.image_set_path}', f'Prefix of images: \t{self.img_prefix}', f'Prefix of annotations: \t{self.ann_prefix}' ] return body