import argparse |
import os |
import pathlib |
from urllib.parse import urlparse |
import warnings |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
from app import WhisperTranscriber |
from src.config import ApplicationConfig |
from src.download import download_url |
from src.languages import get_language_names |
from src.utils import optional_float, optional_int, str2bool |
from src.whisper.whisperFactory import create_whisper_container |
def cli(): |
app_config = ApplicationConfig.create_default() |
whisper_models = app_config.get_model_names() |
output_dir = app_config.output_dir if app_config.output_dir is not None else "." |
default_whisper_implementation = os.environ.get("WHISPER_IMPLEMENTATION", app_config.whisper_implementation) |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) |
parser.add_argument("audio", nargs="+", type=str, \ |
help="audio file(s) to transcribe") |
parser.add_argument("--model", default=app_config.default_model_name, choices=whisper_models, \ |
help="name of the Whisper model to use") |
parser.add_argument("--model_dir", type=str, default=app_config.model_dir, \ |
help="the path to save model files; uses ~/.cache/whisper by default") |
parser.add_argument("--device", default=app_config.device, \ |
help="device to use for PyTorch inference") |
parser.add_argument("--output_dir", "-o", type=str, default=output_dir, \ |
help="directory to save the outputs") |
parser.add_argument("--verbose", type=str2bool, default=app_config.verbose, \ |
help="whether to print out the progress and debug messages") |
parser.add_argument("--whisper_implementation", type=str, default=default_whisper_implementation, choices=["whisper", "faster-whisper"],\ |
help="the Whisper implementation to use") |
parser.add_argument("--task", type=str, default=app_config.task, choices=["transcribe", "translate"], \ |
help="whether to perform X->X speech recognition ('transcribe') or X->English translation ('translate')") |
parser.add_argument("--language", type=str, default=app_config.language, choices=sorted(get_language_names()), \ |
help="language spoken in the audio, specify None to perform language detection") |
parser.add_argument("--vad", type=str, default=app_config.default_vad, choices=["none", "silero-vad", "silero-vad-skip-gaps", "silero-vad-expand-into-gaps", "periodic-vad"], \ |
help="The voice activity detection algorithm to use") |
parser.add_argument("--vad_merge_window", type=optional_float, default=app_config.vad_merge_window, \ |
help="The window size (in seconds) to merge voice segments") |
parser.add_argument("--vad_max_merge_size", type=optional_float, default=app_config.vad_max_merge_size,\ |
help="The maximum size (in seconds) of a voice segment") |
parser.add_argument("--vad_padding", type=optional_float, default=app_config.vad_padding, \ |
help="The padding (in seconds) to add to each voice segment") |
parser.add_argument("--vad_prompt_window", type=optional_float, default=app_config.vad_prompt_window, \ |
help="The window size of the prompt to pass to Whisper") |
parser.add_argument("--vad_cpu_cores", type=int, default=app_config.vad_cpu_cores, \ |
help="The number of CPU cores to use for VAD pre-processing.") |
parser.add_argument("--vad_parallel_devices", type=str, default=app_config.vad_parallel_devices, \ |
help="A commma delimited list of CUDA devices to use for parallel processing. If None, disable parallel processing.") |
parser.add_argument("--auto_parallel", type=bool, default=app_config.auto_parallel, \ |
help="True to use all available GPUs and CPU cores for processing. Use vad_cpu_cores/vad_parallel_devices to specify the number of CPU cores/GPUs to use.") |
parser.add_argument("--temperature", type=float, default=app_config.temperature, \ |
help="temperature to use for sampling") |
parser.add_argument("--best_of", type=optional_int, default=app_config.best_of, \ |
help="number of candidates when sampling with non-zero temperature") |
parser.add_argument("--beam_size", type=optional_int, default=app_config.beam_size, \ |
help="number of beams in beam search, only applicable when temperature is zero") |
parser.add_argument("--patience", type=float, default=app_config.patience, \ |
help="optional patience value to use in beam decoding, as in https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05424, the default (1.0) is equivalent to conventional beam search") |
parser.add_argument("--length_penalty", type=float, default=app_config.length_penalty, \ |
help="optional token length penalty coefficient (alpha) as in https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.08144, uses simple lengt normalization by default") |
parser.add_argument("--suppress_tokens", type=str, default=app_config.suppress_tokens, \ |
help="comma-separated list of token ids to suppress during sampling; '-1' will suppress most special characters except common punctuations") |
parser.add_argument("--initial_prompt", type=str, default=app_config.initial_prompt, \ |
help="optional text to provide as a prompt for the first window.") |
parser.add_argument("--condition_on_previous_text", type=str2bool, default=app_config.condition_on_previous_text, \ |
help="if True, provide the previous output of the model as a prompt for the next window; disabling may make the text inconsistent across windows, but the model becomes less prone to getting stuck in a failure loop") |
parser.add_argument("--fp16", type=str2bool, default=app_config.fp16, \ |
help="whether to perform inference in fp16; True by default") |
parser.add_argument("--compute_type", type=str, default=app_config.compute_type, choices=["default", "auto", "int8", "int8_float16", "int16", "float16", "float32"], \ |
help="the compute type to use for inference") |
parser.add_argument("--temperature_increment_on_fallback", type=optional_float, default=app_config.temperature_increment_on_fallback, \ |
help="temperature to increase when falling back when the decoding fails to meet either of the thresholds below") |
parser.add_argument("--compression_ratio_threshold", type=optional_float, default=app_config.compression_ratio_threshold, \ |
help="if the gzip compression ratio is higher than this value, treat the decoding as failed") |
parser.add_argument("--logprob_threshold", type=optional_float, default=app_config.logprob_threshold, \ |
help="if the average log probability is lower than this value, treat the decoding as failed") |
parser.add_argument("--no_speech_threshold", type=optional_float, default=app_config.no_speech_threshold, \ |
help="if the probability of the <|nospeech|> token is higher than this value AND the decoding has failed due to `logprob_threshold`, consider the segment as silence") |
args = parser.parse_args().__dict__ |
model_name: str = args.pop("model") |
model_dir: str = args.pop("model_dir") |
output_dir: str = args.pop("output_dir") |
device: str = args.pop("device") |
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) |
whisper_implementation = args.pop("whisper_implementation") |
print(f"Using {whisper_implementation} for Whisper") |
if model_name.endswith(".en") and args["language"] not in {"en", "English"}: |
warnings.warn(f"{model_name} is an English-only model but receipted '{args['language']}'; using English instead.") |
args["language"] = "en" |
temperature = args.pop("temperature") |
temperature_increment_on_fallback = args.pop("temperature_increment_on_fallback") |
if temperature_increment_on_fallback is not None: |
temperature = tuple(np.arange(temperature, 1.0 + 1e-6, temperature_increment_on_fallback)) |
else: |
temperature = [temperature] |
vad = args.pop("vad") |
vad_merge_window = args.pop("vad_merge_window") |
vad_max_merge_size = args.pop("vad_max_merge_size") |
vad_padding = args.pop("vad_padding") |
vad_prompt_window = args.pop("vad_prompt_window") |
vad_cpu_cores = args.pop("vad_cpu_cores") |
auto_parallel = args.pop("auto_parallel") |
compute_type = args.pop("compute_type") |
transcriber = WhisperTranscriber(delete_uploaded_files=False, vad_cpu_cores=vad_cpu_cores, app_config=app_config) |
transcriber.set_parallel_devices(args.pop("vad_parallel_devices")) |
transcriber.set_auto_parallel(auto_parallel) |
model = create_whisper_container(whisper_implementation=whisper_implementation, model_name=model_name, |
device=device, compute_type=compute_type, download_root=model_dir, models=app_config.models) |
if (transcriber._has_parallel_devices()): |
print("Using parallel devices:", transcriber.parallel_device_list) |
for audio_path in args.pop("audio"): |
sources = [] |
if (uri_validator(audio_path)): |
for source_path in download_url(audio_path, maxDuration=-1, destinationDirectory=output_dir, playlistItems=None): |
source_name = os.path.basename(source_path) |
sources.append({ "path": source_path, "name": source_name }) |
else: |
sources.append({ "path": audio_path, "name": os.path.basename(audio_path) }) |
for source in sources: |
source_path = source["path"] |
source_name = source["name"] |
result = transcriber.transcribe_file(model, source_path, temperature=temperature, |
vad=vad, vadMergeWindow=vad_merge_window, vadMaxMergeSize=vad_max_merge_size, |
vadPadding=vad_padding, vadPromptWindow=vad_prompt_window, **args) |
transcriber.write_result(result, source_name, output_dir) |
transcriber.close() |
def uri_validator(x): |
try: |
result = urlparse(x) |
return all([result.scheme, result.netloc]) |
except: |
return False |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
cli() |