import streamlit as st |
from data_manager_bziiit import get_bziiit_data |
def display_labelled_companies(): |
st.markdown("## Entreprises Labellisées (source OPEN DATA bziiit)") |
st.markdown("### Découvrez les entreprises engagées avec au moins un label RSE") |
bziiit_data = get_bziiit_data() |
labelled_companies = [brand for brand in bziiit_data if brand['type'] == 'brand' and len(brand.get('labels', [])) > 0] |
for brand in labelled_companies: |
brand['label_count'] = len(brand['labels']) |
total_companies = len([brand for brand in bziiit_data if brand['type'] == 'brand']) |
labelled_companies_count = len(labelled_companies) |
percentage_labelled = round((labelled_companies_count / total_companies) * 100) |
st.markdown(f"**Nb entreprises labellisées :** {labelled_companies_count} ({percentage_labelled}%)") |
labelled_companies.sort(key=lambda x: x['label_count'], reverse=True) |
for i in range(0, len(labelled_companies), 5): |
cols = st.columns(5) |
image_placeholders = [col.empty() for col in cols] |
padding_placeholders = [col.empty() for col in cols] |
text_placeholders = [col.empty() for col in cols] |
for j in range(5): |
if i + j < len(labelled_companies): |
company = labelled_companies[i + j] |
with cols[j]: |
if company['logo_url'] != 'Unknown': |
image_placeholders[j].image(company['logo_url'], width=100) |
padding_placeholders[j].write("") |
text_placeholders[j].write(company['name']) |
text_placeholders[j].write(f"Nb labels : {company['label_count']}") |