import os import re from copy import deepcopy from pathlib import Path import evo.main_ape as main_ape import evo.main_rpe as main_rpe import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from evo.core import sync from evo.core.metrics import PoseRelation, Unit from evo.core.trajectory import PosePath3D, PoseTrajectory3D from import file_interface, plot from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation def sintel_cam_read(filename): """Read camera data, return (M,N) tuple. M is the intrinsic matrix, N is the extrinsic matrix, so that x = M*N*X, with x being a point in homogeneous image pixel coordinates, X being a point in homogeneous world coordinates. """ TAG_FLOAT = 202021.25 f = open(filename, "rb") check = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float32, count=1)[0] assert ( check == TAG_FLOAT ), " cam_read:: Wrong tag in flow file (should be: {0}, is: {1}). Big-endian machine? ".format( TAG_FLOAT, check ) M = np.fromfile(f, dtype="float64", count=9).reshape((3, 3)) N = np.fromfile(f, dtype="float64", count=12).reshape((3, 4)) return M, N def load_replica_traj(gt_file): traj_w_c = np.loadtxt(gt_file) assert traj_w_c.shape[1] == 12 or traj_w_c.shape[1] == 16 poses = [ np.array( [ [r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]], [r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7]], [r[8], r[9], r[10], r[11]], [0, 0, 0, 1], ] ) for r in traj_w_c ] pose_path = PosePath3D(poses_se3=poses) timestamps_mat = np.arange(traj_w_c.shape[0]).astype(float) traj = PoseTrajectory3D(poses_se3=pose_path.poses_se3, timestamps=timestamps_mat) xyz = traj.positions_xyz # shift -1 column -> w in back column # quat = np.roll(traj.orientations_quat_wxyz, -1, axis=1) # uncomment this line if the quaternion is in scalar-first format quat = traj.orientations_quat_wxyz traj_tum = np.column_stack((xyz, quat)) return (traj_tum, timestamps_mat) def load_sintel_traj(gt_file): # './data/sintel/training/camdata_left/alley_2' # Refer to ParticleSfM gt_pose_lists = sorted(os.listdir(gt_file)) gt_pose_lists = [os.path.join(gt_file, x) for x in gt_pose_lists if x.endswith(".cam")] tstamps = [float(x.split("/")[-1][:-4].split("_")[-1]) for x in gt_pose_lists] gt_poses = [sintel_cam_read(f)[1] for f in gt_pose_lists] # [1] means get the extrinsic xyzs, wxyzs = [], [] tum_gt_poses = [] for gt_pose in gt_poses: gt_pose = np.concatenate([gt_pose, np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])], 0) gt_pose_inv = np.linalg.inv(gt_pose) # world2cam -> cam2world xyz = gt_pose_inv[:3, -1] xyzs.append(xyz) R = Rotation.from_matrix(gt_pose_inv[:3, :3]) xyzw = R.as_quat() # scalar-last for scipy wxyz = np.array([xyzw[-1], xyzw[0], xyzw[1], xyzw[2]]) wxyzs.append(wxyz) tum_gt_pose = np.concatenate([xyz, wxyz], 0) #TODO: check if this is correct tum_gt_poses.append(tum_gt_pose) tum_gt_poses = np.stack(tum_gt_poses, 0) tum_gt_poses[:, :3] = tum_gt_poses[:, :3] - np.mean( tum_gt_poses[:, :3], 0, keepdims=True ) tt = np.expand_dims(np.stack(tstamps, 0), -1) return tum_gt_poses, tt def load_traj(gt_traj_file, traj_format="sintel", skip=0, stride=1, num_frames=None): """Read trajectory format. Return in TUM-RGBD format. Returns: traj_tum (N, 7): camera to world poses in (x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw) timestamps_mat (N, 1): timestamps """ if traj_format == "replica": traj_tum, timestamps_mat = load_replica_traj(gt_traj_file) elif traj_format == "sintel": traj_tum, timestamps_mat = load_sintel_traj(gt_traj_file) elif traj_format in ["tum", "tartanair"]: traj = file_interface.read_tum_trajectory_file(gt_traj_file) xyz = traj.positions_xyz quat = traj.orientations_quat_wxyz timestamps_mat = traj.timestamps traj_tum = np.column_stack((xyz, quat)) else: raise NotImplementedError traj_tum = traj_tum[skip::stride] timestamps_mat = timestamps_mat[skip::stride] if num_frames is not None: traj_tum = traj_tum[:num_frames] timestamps_mat = timestamps_mat[:num_frames] return traj_tum, timestamps_mat def update_timestamps(gt_file, traj_format, skip=0, stride=1): """Update timestamps given a""" if traj_format == "tum": traj_t_map_file = gt_file.replace("groundtruth.txt", "rgb.txt") timestamps = load_timestamps(traj_t_map_file, traj_format) return timestamps[skip::stride] elif traj_format == "tartanair": traj_t_map_file = gt_file.replace("gt_pose.txt", "times.txt") timestamps = load_timestamps(traj_t_map_file, traj_format) return timestamps[skip::stride] def load_timestamps(time_file, traj_format="replica"): if traj_format in ["tum", "tartanair"]: with open(time_file, "r+") as f: lines = f.readlines() timestamps_mat = [ float(x.split(" ")[0]) for x in lines if not x.startswith("#") ] return timestamps_mat def make_traj(args) -> PoseTrajectory3D: if isinstance(args, tuple) or isinstance(args, list): traj, tstamps = args return PoseTrajectory3D( positions_xyz=traj[:, :3], orientations_quat_wxyz=traj[:, 3:], timestamps=tstamps, ) assert isinstance(args, PoseTrajectory3D), type(args) return deepcopy(args) def eval_metrics(pred_traj, gt_traj=None, seq="", filename="", sample_stride=1): if sample_stride > 1: pred_traj[0] = pred_traj[0][::sample_stride] pred_traj[1] = pred_traj[1][::sample_stride] if gt_traj is not None: updated_gt_traj = [] updated_gt_traj.append(gt_traj[0][::sample_stride]) updated_gt_traj.append(gt_traj[1][::sample_stride]) gt_traj = updated_gt_traj pred_traj = make_traj(pred_traj) if gt_traj is not None: gt_traj = make_traj(gt_traj) if pred_traj.timestamps.shape[0] == gt_traj.timestamps.shape[0]: pred_traj.timestamps = gt_traj.timestamps else: print(pred_traj.timestamps.shape[0], gt_traj.timestamps.shape[0]) gt_traj, pred_traj = sync.associate_trajectories(gt_traj, pred_traj) # ATE traj_ref = gt_traj traj_est = pred_traj ate_result = main_ape.ape( traj_ref, traj_est, est_name="traj", pose_relation=PoseRelation.translation_part, align=True, correct_scale=True, ) ate = ate_result.stats["rmse"] # RPE rotation and translation delta_list = [1] rpe_rots, rpe_transs = [], [] for delta in delta_list: rpe_rots_result = main_rpe.rpe( traj_ref, traj_est, est_name="traj", pose_relation=PoseRelation.rotation_angle_deg, align=True, correct_scale=True, delta=delta, delta_unit=Unit.frames, rel_delta_tol=0.01, all_pairs=True, ) rot = rpe_rots_result.stats["rmse"] rpe_rots.append(rot) for delta in delta_list: rpe_transs_result = main_rpe.rpe( traj_ref, traj_est, est_name="traj", pose_relation=PoseRelation.translation_part, align=True, correct_scale=True, delta=delta, delta_unit=Unit.frames, rel_delta_tol=0.01, all_pairs=True, ) trans = rpe_transs_result.stats["rmse"] rpe_transs.append(trans) rpe_trans, rpe_rot = np.mean(rpe_transs), np.mean(rpe_rots) # with open(filename, "w+") as f: # f.write(f"Seq: {seq} \n\n") # f.write(f"{ate_result}") # f.write(f"{rpe_rots_result}") # f.write(f"{rpe_transs_result}") # print(f"Save results to {filename}") return ate, rpe_trans, rpe_rot def best_plotmode(traj): _, i1, i2 = np.argsort(np.var(traj.positions_xyz, axis=0)) plot_axes = "xyz"[i2] + "xyz"[i1] return getattr(plot.PlotMode, plot_axes) def plot_trajectory( pred_traj, gt_traj=None, title="", filename="", align=True, correct_scale=True ): pred_traj = make_traj(pred_traj) if gt_traj is not None: gt_traj = make_traj(gt_traj) if pred_traj.timestamps.shape[0] == gt_traj.timestamps.shape[0]: pred_traj.timestamps = gt_traj.timestamps else: print("WARNING", pred_traj.timestamps.shape[0], gt_traj.timestamps.shape[0]) gt_traj, pred_traj = sync.associate_trajectories(gt_traj, pred_traj) if align: pred_traj.align(gt_traj, correct_scale=correct_scale) plot_collection = plot.PlotCollection("PlotCol") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) plot_mode = best_plotmode(gt_traj if (gt_traj is not None) else pred_traj) ax = plot.prepare_axis(fig, plot_mode) ax.set_title(title) if gt_traj is not None: plot.traj(ax, plot_mode, gt_traj, "--", "gray", "Ground Truth") plot.traj(ax, plot_mode, pred_traj, "-", "blue", "Predicted") plot_collection.add_figure("traj_error", fig) plot_collection.export(filename, confirm_overwrite=False) plt.close(fig=fig) print(f"Saved trajectory to {filename.replace('.png','')}_traj_error.png") def save_trajectory_tum_format(traj, filename): traj = make_traj(traj) tostr = lambda a: " ".join(map(str, a)) with Path(filename).open("w") as f: for i in range(traj.num_poses): f.write( f"{traj.timestamps[i]} {tostr(traj.positions_xyz[i])} {tostr(traj.orientations_quat_wxyz[i][[0,1,2,3]])}\n" ) print(f"Saved trajectory to {filename}") def extract_metrics(file_path): with open(file_path, 'r') as file: content = # Extract metrics using regex ate_match ='APE w.r.t. translation part \(m\).*?rmse\s+([0-9.]+)', content, re.DOTALL) rpe_trans_match ='RPE w.r.t. translation part \(m\).*?rmse\s+([0-9.]+)', content, re.DOTALL) rpe_rot_match ='RPE w.r.t. rotation angle in degrees \(deg\).*?rmse\s+([0-9.]+)', content, re.DOTALL) ate = float( if ate_match else 0.0 rpe_trans = float( if rpe_trans_match else 0.0 rpe_rot = float( if rpe_rot_match else 0.0 return ate, rpe_trans, rpe_rot def process_directory(directory): results = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(directory): if files is not None: files = sorted(files) for file in files: if file.endswith('_metric.txt'): file_path = os.path.join(root, file) seq_name = file.replace('_eval_metric.txt', '') ate, rpe_trans, rpe_rot = extract_metrics(file_path) results.append((seq_name, ate, rpe_trans, rpe_rot)) return results def calculate_averages(results): total_ate = sum(r[1] for r in results) total_rpe_trans = sum(r[2] for r in results) total_rpe_rot = sum(r[3] for r in results) count = len(results) if count == 0: return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 avg_ate = total_ate / count avg_rpe_trans = total_rpe_trans / count avg_rpe_rot = total_rpe_rot / count return avg_ate, avg_rpe_trans, avg_rpe_rot