Justin Jabo

A qualified and capable Data Analyst professional, Data Scientist, Data Engineer, and Qualified In Data analyisis Filed with passion, dedication, and enthusiasm. Hire me

Sales Analysis and Forecasting Of The Grocery Stores

The project aims to analyze and forecast the number of products sold per stores per weeks for a neighborhood grocery store, the goal is to develop a model that can accurately anticipate future sales using data from 54 different stores and 33 different products collected from the same country.

Our goal is to build models use those models to make observations, and use them to guide future strategic decision-making. We would like to assist management (business managers) at the grocery shop in gathering some insights from their data in order to improve operations and eventually revenue.

The detection of fake news using deep learning algorithms Cybersecurity for Business.

A natural language processing technology called fake news detection is used to find and categorize erroneous or misleading material in news articles and social media posts. The prevalence of fake news has heightened the demand for automated systems that can scan information for possible deception and flag it. In this project, I looked into how to use Hugging Face to polish a pre-trained fake news detection model and distribute it on the Hugging Face model hub.






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