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<h1>Justin Jabo<br /> | |
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<p> A qualified and capable Data Analyst professional, Data Scientist, Data Engineer, and Qualified In Data analyisis Filed with passion, dedication, and enthusiasm. <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=I want to hire you&body=Hello, I want to hire you for..." class="button">Hire me</a> | |
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<h2><a href="">Tehconnect Data Analysis<br /> | |
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<p>In this project, I used MySQL to analyze data for a telecom company called techconnect. I only have read access to this database, so I used only select statements for this Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA).</p> | |
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<h2><a href="">Wave Money Transfer Analysis<br /> | |
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<p>I used SQL to analyze a money transfer business operated by a company called Wave. The provided schema is a slightly simplified glimpse of some tables from Wave's actual PostgreSQL schema.</p> | |
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<h2><a href="">retrive data from Northwind database<br /> | |
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<p>This project uses SQL to answer five questions about a fictional online retail company. The data for the project is provided in the Northwind database.</p> | |
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