2024-10-16 23:22:42 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : getting avaliable models 2024-10-16 23:22:42 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : getting avaliable models 2024-10-18 14:53:49 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : userQuery: user_question='Hi' user_name='.' broker_name='.' 2024-10-18 14:53:49 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : query : Hi 2024-10-18 14:53:49 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : run_agent : Question: Hi 2024-10-18 14:53:49 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : run_router_chain : Question: Hi 2024-10-18 14:53:51 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 14:53:51 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : Answer (took 1.17 s.) chain_type: Greeting 2024-10-18 14:53:51 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : chain_selector : chain_type: greeting Question: Hi 2024-10-18 14:53:51 INFO (reggpt.routers.general) : run_general_qa_chain : Question: Hi 2024-10-18 14:53:52 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 14:53:52 INFO (reggpt.routers.general) : Answer (took 1.14 s.) : {'question': 'Hi', 'text': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?'} 2024-10-18 14:53:52 ERROR (reggpt.controller.agent) : ---------------- Answer (took 2.31 s.) : {'user_input': 'Hi', 'bot_response': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 14:53:52 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : Response: {'user_input': 'Hi', 'bot_response': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 14:53:52 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- answer: {'user_input': 'Hi', 'bot_response': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?', 'format_data': []} -------------------------- 2024-10-18 14:53:52 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- Server process (took 2.32 s.) : {'user_input': 'Hi', 'bot_response': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:05:47 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : userQuery: user_question='Hi' user_name='.' broker_name='.' 2024-10-18 15:05:47 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : query : Hi 2024-10-18 15:05:47 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : run_agent : Question: Hi 2024-10-18 15:05:47 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : run_router_chain : Question: Hi 2024-10-18 15:05:49 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:05:49 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : Answer (took 1.29 s.) chain_type: Greeting 2024-10-18 15:05:49 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : chain_selector : chain_type: greeting Question: Hi 2024-10-18 15:05:49 INFO (reggpt.routers.general) : run_general_qa_chain : Question: Hi 2024-10-18 15:05:50 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:05:50 INFO (reggpt.routers.general) : Answer (took 1.1 s.) : {'question': 'Hi', 'text': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?'} 2024-10-18 15:05:50 ERROR (reggpt.controller.agent) : ---------------- Answer (took 2.4 s.) : {'user_input': 'Hi', 'bot_response': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:05:50 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : Response: {'user_input': 'Hi', 'bot_response': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:05:50 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- answer: {'user_input': 'Hi', 'bot_response': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?', 'format_data': []} -------------------------- 2024-10-18 15:05:50 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- Server process (took 2.41 s.) : {'user_input': 'Hi', 'bot_response': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:06:19 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : userQuery: user_question='What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka' user_name='.' broker_name='.' 2024-10-18 15:06:19 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : query : What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka 2024-10-18 15:06:19 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : run_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka 2024-10-18 15:06:19 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : run_router_chain : Question: What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka 2024-10-18 15:06:19 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:06:19 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : Answer (took 0.64 s.) chain_type: Complex 2024-10-18 15:06:19 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : chain_selector : chain_type: complex Question: What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka 2024-10-18 15:06:19 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : run_qa_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka 2024-10-18 15:06:21 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:06:21 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What are the macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka? 2024-10-18 15:06:22 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-18 15:06:23 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:06:23 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : Answer (took 1.82 s.) : {'question': 'What are the macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka?', 'chat_history': '', 'answer': "I don't know.", 'source_documents': [Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2024\\bsd_circular_no_2_of_2024_e_0.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2024}, page_content="CENTRAL BAIIK OF SRI LAI[KA\n28March2024 CIRCT]LAR No.02 of2024\nGTJIDELIIIES FOR THE ESTABLISIIMENT OF BUSIIYESS REVWAL T'MTS IN\nLICENSED BAI\\KS\nChallenging macroeconomic circumstances have led to disrupting the income generating\nactivities of businesses adversely impacting the ability of borrowers to duly repay their\nobligations and thereby impairing the recovery process of licensed commercial banks and\nlicensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks). Therefore, with a view\nto facilitating the sustainable economic revival of businesses affected by the extraordinary\nmacroeconomic circumstances and to improve asset quality of licensed banks, the Central Bank\nof Sri Lanka hereby issues broad guidelines to further strengthen the existing Post COVID-19\nRevival Units of licensed banks and reformulate such units as Business Revival Units with an\nenhanced scope.\n1. Objective t.1\n2. Governance\nFramework and\nResourcesThe purpose of Business Revival Units is to identifr and assist\nperforming and non-performing borrowers of licensed banks\nwho are facing challenges or may face potential financial\n[and/or business] difficulties inter-alia due to a reduction of\nincome, cash flows or sales, reduction or impairment of\nbusiness operations or the temporary closure of business\nemanating from the extraordinary macroeconomic\ncircumstances. The Unit aims to revive businesses that are\nfacing actual or potential financial difficulties but are\nfundamentally viable, with a view to providing benefits to such\nborrowers, leading to the revival of such businesses,\nenhancement of economic activities and contributing to the\ndevelopment of the national economy.\nThe Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and\nthe respective Key Management Personnel (KI/P) are\nresponsible for ensuring that the licensed bank has robust2.1"), Document(page_content="llMarch2022MONETARY BOARD\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.01 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON LENDING PRODUCTS\nOF LICENSED BANKS\nIssued under Section I 04(1)0) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.\nThe Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures in the recent\npast including an increase of policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying\ndemand pressures in the economy, which would, in turn, help ease pressures in the external sector,\nthus promoting greater macroeconomic stability. Consequently, considering the increase in\noverall market interest rates, the Monetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary\nLaw Act Order No. 02 of 2020 on the Maximum Interest Rates on Lending Products of Licensed\nBanks.\nAccordingly, Order 2.1 of the Cited Order is replaced as follows and Order 2.2 is deleted.\n2. Interest Rates on\nLKR\ndenominated\nloans and\nadvances2.1 Commencing 14 March 2022, the maximum interest rates that\nshall be charged by licensed commercial banks and licensed\nspecialised banks for the credit card advances, pre-alranged\ntemporary overdrafts and pawning advances are given below:\n(D 20 per cent per annum on credit card advances commencing\nfrom the next billing cycle.\n(iD l8 per cent per annum on pre-affanged temporary overdrafts.\n(iii) 12 per cent per annum on the money lent for pawning\nadvances collateralised by personal articles made of gold\naccepted as a pledge, for all new pawning advances and\nexisting pawning facilities that are renewed.\nh'/,wJul-\nNivard Ajittr Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka", metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_1_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': "llMarch2022MONETARY BOARD\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.01 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON LENDING PRODUCTS\nOF LICENSED BANKS\nIssued under Section I 04(1)0) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.\nThe Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures in the recent\npast including an increase of policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying\ndemand pressures in the economy, which would, in turn, help ease pressures in the external sector,\nthus promoting greater macroeconomic stability. Consequently, considering the increase in\noverall market interest rates, the Monetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary\nLaw Act Order No. 02 of 2020 on the Maximum Interest Rates on Lending Products of Licensed\nBanks.\nAccordingly, Order 2.1 of the Cited Order is replaced as follows and Order 2.2 is deleted.\n2. Interest Rates on\nLKR\ndenominated\nloans and\nadvances2.1 Commencing 14 March 2022, the maximum interest rates that\nshall be charged by licensed commercial banks and licensed\nspecialised banks for the credit card advances, pre-alranged\ntemporary overdrafts and pawning advances are given below:\n(D 20 per cent per annum on credit card advances commencing\nfrom the next billing cycle.\n(iD l8 per cent per annum on pre-affanged temporary overdrafts.\n(iii) 12 per cent per annum on the money lent for pawning\nadvances collateralised by personal articles made of gold\naccepted as a pledge, for all new pawning advances and\nexisting pawning facilities that are renewed.\nh'/,wJul-\nNivard Ajittr Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka", 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_1_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='llMarch2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.02 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY\nDEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS\nBANK\nIssued under Section 10a(1)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of l94i,as amended.\nConsidering the recent monetary policy tightening measures, the expected macroeconomic\ndevelopments and the prevailing interest rates on foreign culrency deposits of licensed banks, the\nMonetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 on\nMaximum Interest Rate on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the\nNational Savings Bank, removing the existing maximum interest rate limits imposed on foreign\ncuffency deposits of licensed commercial banks and the National Savings Bank.\nAccordingly, Orders 2 and 3 of the cited Order are deleted.\nA;u ^sJ cJ<-\nNivard Ajith Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_2_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'llMarch2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.02 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY\nDEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS\nBANK\nIssued under Section 10a(1)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of l94i,as amended.\nConsidering the recent monetary policy tightening measures, the expected macroeconomic\ndevelopments and the prevailing interest rates on foreign culrency deposits of licensed banks, the\nMonetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 on\nMaximum Interest Rate on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the\nNational Savings Bank, removing the existing maximum interest rate limits imposed on foreign\ncuffency deposits of licensed commercial banks and the National Savings Bank.\nAccordingly, Orders 2 and 3 of the cited Order are deleted.\nA;u ^sJ cJ<-\nNivard Ajith Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_2_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='8 June 2022MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKAMONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 04 of 2022MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS BANKIssued under Section 104(l)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 dated 30 December 2021 on Maximum Interest Rates on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the National Savings Bank except Order 7 is hereby revoked.Dr. P Nandalal WeerasinghChairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_4_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': '8 June 2022MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKAMONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 04 of 2022MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS BANKIssued under Section 104(l)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 dated 30 December 2021 on Maximum Interest Rates on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the National Savings Bank except Order 7 is hereby revoked.Dr. P Nandalal WeerasinghChairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_4_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2020\\bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_2_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 1, 'year': 2020}, page_content='CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEPARTME NT \n \n06 May 2020 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 02 of 2020 \n \n \n2 \n \n \n \n3. What is meant by �Debt Moratorium�? \n\uf0a7 Debt moratorium refers to the deferment of capital and/or interest payments which fall due \nwithin the respective concession periods. \n\uf0a7 However, debt moratorium does not mean a waive -off of capit al and/or interest permanently. \nThe customer should pay the capital and/or interest payments which fall due within the \nconcession periods at a later date according to the revised repayment plan. \n \n4. From whom can I get these reliefs? \nAll licensed commercial banks, licensed specialized banks, licensed finance companies and \nspecialized leasing companies that are regulated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka will be offering \nthese reliefs. \n \n5. Can�t I get a relief for loans obtained from Rural Banks, SANASA Banks and Co-operative \nBanks/Societies? \n\uf0a7 Only the licensed commercial banks, licensed specialized banks, licensed finance companies \nand specialized leasing companies regulated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka will be offering \nthese reliefs. \n\uf0a7 SANASA Development Bank PL C (A licensed specialized bank) is the only SANASA Bank \nregulated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. \n \n6. What types of credit facilities are eligible for reliefs under this scheme? \nTerm loans, leasing facilities, pawning, overdrafts and trade finance facilities denominated in \nRupees and foreign currency subject to the requirements specified in Circular Nos. 4, 5 & 6 of \n2020 issued by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka upon a request made by the eligible borrowers on \nor before 15.05.2020. \n \n7. Are cash backed fa cilities and housing loans excluded from reliefs?'), Document(page_content='MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA24 September 2019 MONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No. 03 of 2019MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON SRI LANKA RUPEE DEPOSITSOF LICENSED BANKSMonetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2019 dated 26.04.2019 on Maximum Interest Rates on Sri Lanka Rupee Deposits of Licensed Banks is hereby rescinded.Dr. Indrajit CoomaraswamyChairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2019\\BSD_MLA_Order_No_3_of_2019_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2019}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA24 September 2019 MONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No. 03 of 2019MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON SRI LANKA RUPEE DEPOSITSOF LICENSED BANKSMonetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2019 dated 26.04.2019 on Maximum Interest Rates on Sri Lanka Rupee Deposits of Licensed Banks is hereby rescinded.Dr. Indrajit CoomaraswamyChairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2019\\BSD_MLA_Order_No_3_of_2019_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2019}})]} 2024-10-18 15:06:24 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:06:24 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What are the macroeconomic objectives set by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka? 2024-10-18 15:06:24 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-18 15:06:25 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:06:25 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : Answer (took 1.12 s.) : {'question': 'What are the macroeconomic objectives set by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka?', 'chat_history': '', 'answer': "I don't know.", 'source_documents': [Document(page_content="llMarch2022MONETARY BOARD\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.01 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON LENDING PRODUCTS\nOF LICENSED BANKS\nIssued under Section I 04(1)0) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.\nThe Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures in the recent\npast including an increase of policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying\ndemand pressures in the economy, which would, in turn, help ease pressures in the external sector,\nthus promoting greater macroeconomic stability. Consequently, considering the increase in\noverall market interest rates, the Monetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary\nLaw Act Order No. 02 of 2020 on the Maximum Interest Rates on Lending Products of Licensed\nBanks.\nAccordingly, Order 2.1 of the Cited Order is replaced as follows and Order 2.2 is deleted.\n2. Interest Rates on\nLKR\ndenominated\nloans and\nadvances2.1 Commencing 14 March 2022, the maximum interest rates that\nshall be charged by licensed commercial banks and licensed\nspecialised banks for the credit card advances, pre-alranged\ntemporary overdrafts and pawning advances are given below:\n(D 20 per cent per annum on credit card advances commencing\nfrom the next billing cycle.\n(iD l8 per cent per annum on pre-affanged temporary overdrafts.\n(iii) 12 per cent per annum on the money lent for pawning\nadvances collateralised by personal articles made of gold\naccepted as a pledge, for all new pawning advances and\nexisting pawning facilities that are renewed.\nh'/,wJul-\nNivard Ajittr Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka", metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_1_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': "llMarch2022MONETARY BOARD\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.01 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON LENDING PRODUCTS\nOF LICENSED BANKS\nIssued under Section I 04(1)0) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.\nThe Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures in the recent\npast including an increase of policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying\ndemand pressures in the economy, which would, in turn, help ease pressures in the external sector,\nthus promoting greater macroeconomic stability. Consequently, considering the increase in\noverall market interest rates, the Monetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary\nLaw Act Order No. 02 of 2020 on the Maximum Interest Rates on Lending Products of Licensed\nBanks.\nAccordingly, Order 2.1 of the Cited Order is replaced as follows and Order 2.2 is deleted.\n2. Interest Rates on\nLKR\ndenominated\nloans and\nadvances2.1 Commencing 14 March 2022, the maximum interest rates that\nshall be charged by licensed commercial banks and licensed\nspecialised banks for the credit card advances, pre-alranged\ntemporary overdrafts and pawning advances are given below:\n(D 20 per cent per annum on credit card advances commencing\nfrom the next billing cycle.\n(iD l8 per cent per annum on pre-affanged temporary overdrafts.\n(iii) 12 per cent per annum on the money lent for pawning\nadvances collateralised by personal articles made of gold\naccepted as a pledge, for all new pawning advances and\nexisting pawning facilities that are renewed.\nh'/,wJul-\nNivard Ajittr Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka", 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_1_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='llMarch2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.02 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY\nDEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS\nBANK\nIssued under Section 10a(1)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of l94i,as amended.\nConsidering the recent monetary policy tightening measures, the expected macroeconomic\ndevelopments and the prevailing interest rates on foreign culrency deposits of licensed banks, the\nMonetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 on\nMaximum Interest Rate on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the\nNational Savings Bank, removing the existing maximum interest rate limits imposed on foreign\ncuffency deposits of licensed commercial banks and the National Savings Bank.\nAccordingly, Orders 2 and 3 of the cited Order are deleted.\nA;u ^sJ cJ<-\nNivard Ajith Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_2_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'llMarch2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.02 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY\nDEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS\nBANK\nIssued under Section 10a(1)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of l94i,as amended.\nConsidering the recent monetary policy tightening measures, the expected macroeconomic\ndevelopments and the prevailing interest rates on foreign culrency deposits of licensed banks, the\nMonetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 on\nMaximum Interest Rate on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the\nNational Savings Bank, removing the existing maximum interest rate limits imposed on foreign\ncuffency deposits of licensed commercial banks and the National Savings Bank.\nAccordingly, Orders 2 and 3 of the cited Order are deleted.\nA;u ^sJ cJ<-\nNivard Ajith Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_2_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='8 June 2022MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKAMONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 04 of 2022MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS BANKIssued under Section 104(l)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 dated 30 December 2021 on Maximum Interest Rates on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the National Savings Bank except Order 7 is hereby revoked.Dr. P Nandalal WeerasinghChairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_4_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': '8 June 2022MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKAMONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 04 of 2022MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS BANKIssued under Section 104(l)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 dated 30 December 2021 on Maximum Interest Rates on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the National Savings Bank except Order 7 is hereby revoked.Dr. P Nandalal WeerasinghChairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_4_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA24 April 2021MONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 01 of 2021PRIORITY SECTOR LENDING TARGETS FORLICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND LICENSED SPECIALISED BANKS TO THE MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES SECTORHaving recognised the need to promote economic sectors with high potential in terms of domestic economic growth and export earnings, leading to the broad-based revival of the economy, CBSL introduces priority sector lending target on credit granted by licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks) to individuals and businesses in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector, as follows:1. Empowerment2. Priority SectorLending Target1.1 In terms of Section 101 (1) (b) of the Monetary Law Act No. 58 of 1949 (as amended), the Monetary Board may from time to time fix limits to the rate at which the amount of loans and investments may be increasedwithin specified periods by licensed banks.2.1 Licensed banks shall grant credit to individuals and businesses inMSME sector and ensure a growth rate of not less than 20 per cent perannum on Y-o-Y basis, over the outstanding stock of lending to MSMEs at the end of the previous year.2.2 The lending target in 2.1 above shall be prioritised in the followingeconomic sub-sectors that display higher potential in terms of domestic growth and export earnings within the broader MSME sector, but shall not be restricted to the said sectors:(i) Food and beverage processing(ii) Production of medical utilities and related products(iii) Development of distance learning facilities(iv) Domestic cottage industry(v) Rubber and rubber products(vi) Ship and boat building(vii) Cosmetics(viii) Batik and handloom1', metadata={'source': '2021\\bsd_monetary_law_act_order_1_of_2021_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2021}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA24 April 2021MONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 01 of 2021PRIORITY SECTOR LENDING TARGETS FORLICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND LICENSED SPECIALISED BANKS TO THE MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES SECTORHaving recognised the need to promote economic sectors with high potential in terms of domestic economic growth and export earnings, leading to the broad-based revival of the economy, CBSL introduces priority sector lending target on credit granted by licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks) to individuals and businesses in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector, as follows:1. Empowerment2. Priority SectorLending Target1.1 In terms of Section 101 (1) (b) of the Monetary Law Act No. 58 of 1949 (as amended), the Monetary Board may from time to time fix limits to the rate at which the amount of loans and investments may be increasedwithin specified periods by licensed banks.2.1 Licensed banks shall grant credit to individuals and businesses inMSME sector and ensure a growth rate of not less than 20 per cent perannum on Y-o-Y basis, over the outstanding stock of lending to MSMEs at the end of the previous year.2.2 The lending target in 2.1 above shall be prioritised in the followingeconomic sub-sectors that display higher potential in terms of domestic growth and export earnings within the broader MSME sector, but shall not be restricted to the said sectors:(i) Food and beverage processing(ii) Production of medical utilities and related products(iii) Development of distance learning facilities(iv) Domestic cottage industry(v) Rubber and rubber products(vi) Ship and boat building(vii) Cosmetics(viii) Batik and handloom1', 'metadata': {'source': '2021\\bsd_monetary_law_act_order_1_of_2021_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2021}}), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2020\\bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_2_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 1, 'year': 2020}, page_content='CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEPARTME NT \n \n06 May 2020 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 02 of 2020 \n \n \n2 \n \n \n \n3. What is meant by �Debt Moratorium�? \n\uf0a7 Debt moratorium refers to the deferment of capital and/or interest payments which fall due \nwithin the respective concession periods. \n\uf0a7 However, debt moratorium does not mean a waive -off of capit al and/or interest permanently. \nThe customer should pay the capital and/or interest payments which fall due within the \nconcession periods at a later date according to the revised repayment plan. \n \n4. From whom can I get these reliefs? \nAll licensed commercial banks, licensed specialized banks, licensed finance companies and \nspecialized leasing companies that are regulated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka will be offering \nthese reliefs. \n \n5. Can�t I get a relief for loans obtained from Rural Banks, SANASA Banks and Co-operative \nBanks/Societies? \n\uf0a7 Only the licensed commercial banks, licensed specialized banks, licensed finance companies \nand specialized leasing companies regulated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka will be offering \nthese reliefs. \n\uf0a7 SANASA Development Bank PL C (A licensed specialized bank) is the only SANASA Bank \nregulated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. \n \n6. What types of credit facilities are eligible for reliefs under this scheme? \nTerm loans, leasing facilities, pawning, overdrafts and trade finance facilities denominated in \nRupees and foreign currency subject to the requirements specified in Circular Nos. 4, 5 & 6 of \n2020 issued by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka upon a request made by the eligible borrowers on \nor before 15.05.2020. \n \n7. Are cash backed fa cilities and housing loans excluded from reliefs?'), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2013\\Attachement_4_BaselineSecurityStandard.pdf', 'page': 2, 'year': 2013}, page_content='This Standard assumes the application of ISO 27005, to assign risk ratings to information assets which fall within the scope of the Information Security Management System of the Organization concerned.1.3. Security ConsiderationsAll organisations are required to derive their security requirements to conform to the laws in Sri Lanka including the regulatory requirements set by the respective regulators and the international best practices adopted globally. Additionally, security requirements are also governed by the business objectives set by the board of directors and the senior management of the organization. The BSS is developed taking into consideration the requirements set in these Standards, with a view towards increasing the level of conformance with such requirements. Significant changes to these requirements will be reflected in the revised versions of the BSS.1.3.1. Legal RequirementsAll organisations are liable to comply with the laws applicable in this regard including the Computer Crimes Act No. 24 of 2007, the Electronic Transactions Act No. 19 of 2006, Payment Devices Frauds Act No. 30 of 2006, and Intellectual Property Act No. 36 of 2003 of which any violations amounts to an offence.1.3.2. Regulatory RequirementsLocal industry regulations/directives set forth by the CBSL and other regulatory bodies must be complied with.1.3.3. International StandardsIn order to be recognized as competent online/e-banking service providers, organizations need to comply with internationally recognized industry specific security standards, such as PCI-DSS.1.3.4. Information Security ObjectivesInformation Security objectives must be identified supporting fulfillment of key business objectives within the framework of the information security policies, statutory requirements, other requirements and business processes.2')]} 2024-10-18 15:06:27 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:06:27 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: Can you provide details on the macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, including monetary policy goals and economic stability measures? 2024-10-18 15:06:27 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-18 15:06:28 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:06:28 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : Answer (took 1.21 s.) : {'question': 'Can you provide details on the macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, including monetary policy goals and economic stability measures?', 'chat_history': '', 'answer': "I don't know.", 'source_documents': [Document(page_content='w;s �fYI\nwxl 2380$01 - 2024 wfm%a,a ui 15 jeks i�od - 2024.04.15\nNo. 2380/01 - moNday , april 15 , 2024EXTRAORDINARYY%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd� ckrcfha .ei� m;%h\nThe Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka\n(Published by Authority)\nPART I : SECTION (I) � GENERAL\nCentral Bank of Sri Lanka Notices\n1a- G 41759 - 24 (04/2024) \nThis Gazette Extraordinary can be downloaded from www.documents.gov.lk\nCENTRAL BANk Of SRI LANkA ACT , No. 16 Of 2023\nordEr made under Section 106(1) of the Central Bank of Sri lanka act, No. 16 of 2023.\n dr. P. Nandalal Weerasinghe ,\n Chairman of the monetary policy Board and \n Governor of the Central Bank of Sri lanka.\n \nCentral Bank of Sri lanka,\nColombo,10\nth april, 2024.\nMaximum Interest Rates on Rupee Denominated Lending Products\nmonetary law act order No. 01 of 2023 dated 25th august 2023 on maximum interest rates on rupee denominated \nLending Products is hereby rescinded with immediate effect.\nThe aforesaid order is rescinded considering the notable easing of monetary policy and monetary conditions that has \nprovided space for licensed banks to reduce the lending rates further.EoG 04 - 0124\npriNTEd aT THE dEpar TmENT oF GoVErNmENT priNTiNG, Sri laNKa.', metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2024\\bsd_gazette_20240415_2380_01_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2024}), Document(page_content='a,\\ April2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.03 of2022\nINTEREST RATES ON LENDING AND DEPOSIT PRODUCTS OF\nLICENSED BANKS\n(1) The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) having considered the tight monetary policy measures\nadopted thus far hereby revokes Order 2. 1 of the Monetary Law Act drder No. 02 of 2020dated\n21 August 2020 as amended by the Order 2.1 of the Monetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2022\ndated 11 March 2022, effective as follows.\n(i) Credit card advances, cofllmencing from the next billing cycle.\n(ii) A11 new pre-alranged temporary overdrafts and existing pre-alranged temporary\noverdrafts that are renewed/extended.\n(iii) All new pawning advances and existing pawning advances that are renewed.\n(2) Licensed banks shall adjust the deposit rates adequately, in line with the tight monetary policy\nmeasures adopted by CBSL, to attract deposits into the banking system.\nMrs.TMJYPFernando\nSenior Deputy Governor\nCentral Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_3_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'a,\\ April2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.03 of2022\nINTEREST RATES ON LENDING AND DEPOSIT PRODUCTS OF\nLICENSED BANKS\n(1) The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) having considered the tight monetary policy measures\nadopted thus far hereby revokes Order 2. 1 of the Monetary Law Act drder No. 02 of 2020dated\n21 August 2020 as amended by the Order 2.1 of the Monetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2022\ndated 11 March 2022, effective as follows.\n(i) Credit card advances, cofllmencing from the next billing cycle.\n(ii) A11 new pre-alranged temporary overdrafts and existing pre-alranged temporary\noverdrafts that are renewed/extended.\n(iii) All new pawning advances and existing pawning advances that are renewed.\n(2) Licensed banks shall adjust the deposit rates adequately, in line with the tight monetary policy\nmeasures adopted by CBSL, to attract deposits into the banking system.\nMrs.TMJYPFernando\nSenior Deputy Governor\nCentral Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_3_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2022\\bsd_circular_no_2_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, page_content='07 July 2022 CIRCULAR No. 02 of 2022MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKACONCESSIONS TO AFFECTED BORROWERS AMIDST THE PREVAILING EXTRAORDINARY MACROECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCESWith a view to meeting the challenges faced by businesses and individuals engaged in various economic sectors due to the prevailing extraordinary macroeconomic circumstances, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL), requests licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks) to provide the following concessions, to affected borrowers, on a need basis.These concessions are granted to devise suitable repayment arrangements based on the new repayment capacities of the borrower, on a case-by-case basis, while preserving banking sector stability by preventing any elevated strain on the financial system. Accordingly, this Circular is issued to provide broad guidelines with prudential requirements for consistent implementation across all licensed banks. Licensed banks may consider implementing these concessions through the Post COVID-19 Revival Units which have already been established in terms of the Circular No. 01 of 2022 issued on 24 March 2022.1 Concessions for performing credit facilities1.1 Licensed banks are required to provide appropriate concessions (i.e., grace period for capital or interest or both capital and interest or part of the capital or interest, re-structuring of credit facilities, or any other concession) for performing credit facilities of individuals or businesses (hereinafter referred to as borrowers) whose income or business has been adversely affected by the current macroeconomic conditions including those borrowers who were already subject to COVID-19 moratoriums. These concessions are expected to be provided to affected borrowers in all economic sectors, including but not limited to tourism, transportation, and Micro, Small and Medium scale Enterprises (MSME) engaged in business sectors such as manufacturing, services,'), Document(page_content='8 June 2022MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKAMONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 04 of 2022MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS BANKIssued under Section 104(l)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 dated 30 December 2021 on Maximum Interest Rates on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the National Savings Bank except Order 7 is hereby revoked.Dr. P Nandalal WeerasinghChairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_4_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': '8 June 2022MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKAMONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 04 of 2022MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS BANKIssued under Section 104(l)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 dated 30 December 2021 on Maximum Interest Rates on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the National Savings Bank except Order 7 is hereby revoked.Dr. P Nandalal WeerasinghChairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_4_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='llMarch2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.02 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY\nDEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS\nBANK\nIssued under Section 10a(1)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of l94i,as amended.\nConsidering the recent monetary policy tightening measures, the expected macroeconomic\ndevelopments and the prevailing interest rates on foreign culrency deposits of licensed banks, the\nMonetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 on\nMaximum Interest Rate on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the\nNational Savings Bank, removing the existing maximum interest rate limits imposed on foreign\ncuffency deposits of licensed commercial banks and the National Savings Bank.\nAccordingly, Orders 2 and 3 of the cited Order are deleted.\nA;u ^sJ cJ<-\nNivard Ajith Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_2_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'llMarch2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.02 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY\nDEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS\nBANK\nIssued under Section 10a(1)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of l94i,as amended.\nConsidering the recent monetary policy tightening measures, the expected macroeconomic\ndevelopments and the prevailing interest rates on foreign culrency deposits of licensed banks, the\nMonetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 on\nMaximum Interest Rate on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the\nNational Savings Bank, removing the existing maximum interest rate limits imposed on foreign\ncuffency deposits of licensed commercial banks and the National Savings Bank.\nAccordingly, Orders 2 and 3 of the cited Order are deleted.\nA;u ^sJ cJ<-\nNivard Ajith Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_2_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}})]} 2024-10-18 15:06:30 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:06:30 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : Answer (took 10.22 s.) : I currently do not have access to specific information about the macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. 2024-10-18 15:06:30 ERROR (reggpt.controller.agent) : ---------------- Answer (took 10.85 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka', 'bot_response': 'I currently do not have access to specific information about the macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:06:30 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : Response: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka', 'bot_response': 'I currently do not have access to specific information about the macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:06:30 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- answer: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka', 'bot_response': 'I currently do not have access to specific information about the macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.', 'format_data': []} -------------------------- 2024-10-18 15:06:30 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- Server process (took 10.86 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka', 'bot_response': 'I currently do not have access to specific information about the macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:17:20 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : userQuery: user_question='What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka' user_name='.' broker_name='.' 2024-10-18 15:17:20 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : query : What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka 2024-10-18 15:17:20 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : run_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka 2024-10-18 15:17:20 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : run_router_chain : Question: What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka 2024-10-18 15:17:21 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:17:21 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : Answer (took 0.9 s.) chain_type: Complex 2024-10-18 15:17:21 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : chain_selector : chain_type: complex Question: What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka 2024-10-18 15:17:21 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : run_qa_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka 2024-10-18 15:17:22 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:17:22 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What are the macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka? 2024-10-18 15:17:22 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-18 15:17:23 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:17:23 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : Answer (took 1.3 s.) : {'question': 'What are the macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka?', 'chat_history': '', 'answer': "I don't know.", 'source_documents': [Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2024\\bsd_circular_no_2_of_2024_e_0.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2024}, page_content="CENTRAL BAIIK OF SRI LAI[KA\n28March2024 CIRCT]LAR No.02 of2024\nGTJIDELIIIES FOR THE ESTABLISIIMENT OF BUSIIYESS REVWAL T'MTS IN\nLICENSED BAI\\KS\nChallenging macroeconomic circumstances have led to disrupting the income generating\nactivities of businesses adversely impacting the ability of borrowers to duly repay their\nobligations and thereby impairing the recovery process of licensed commercial banks and\nlicensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks). Therefore, with a view\nto facilitating the sustainable economic revival of businesses affected by the extraordinary\nmacroeconomic circumstances and to improve asset quality of licensed banks, the Central Bank\nof Sri Lanka hereby issues broad guidelines to further strengthen the existing Post COVID-19\nRevival Units of licensed banks and reformulate such units as Business Revival Units with an\nenhanced scope.\n1. Objective t.1\n2. Governance\nFramework and\nResourcesThe purpose of Business Revival Units is to identifr and assist\nperforming and non-performing borrowers of licensed banks\nwho are facing challenges or may face potential financial\n[and/or business] difficulties inter-alia due to a reduction of\nincome, cash flows or sales, reduction or impairment of\nbusiness operations or the temporary closure of business\nemanating from the extraordinary macroeconomic\ncircumstances. The Unit aims to revive businesses that are\nfacing actual or potential financial difficulties but are\nfundamentally viable, with a view to providing benefits to such\nborrowers, leading to the revival of such businesses,\nenhancement of economic activities and contributing to the\ndevelopment of the national economy.\nThe Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and\nthe respective Key Management Personnel (KI/P) are\nresponsible for ensuring that the licensed bank has robust2.1"), Document(page_content="llMarch2022MONETARY BOARD\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.01 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON LENDING PRODUCTS\nOF LICENSED BANKS\nIssued under Section I 04(1)0) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.\nThe Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures in the recent\npast including an increase of policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying\ndemand pressures in the economy, which would, in turn, help ease pressures in the external sector,\nthus promoting greater macroeconomic stability. Consequently, considering the increase in\noverall market interest rates, the Monetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary\nLaw Act Order No. 02 of 2020 on the Maximum Interest Rates on Lending Products of Licensed\nBanks.\nAccordingly, Order 2.1 of the Cited Order is replaced as follows and Order 2.2 is deleted.\n2. Interest Rates on\nLKR\ndenominated\nloans and\nadvances2.1 Commencing 14 March 2022, the maximum interest rates that\nshall be charged by licensed commercial banks and licensed\nspecialised banks for the credit card advances, pre-alranged\ntemporary overdrafts and pawning advances are given below:\n(D 20 per cent per annum on credit card advances commencing\nfrom the next billing cycle.\n(iD l8 per cent per annum on pre-affanged temporary overdrafts.\n(iii) 12 per cent per annum on the money lent for pawning\nadvances collateralised by personal articles made of gold\naccepted as a pledge, for all new pawning advances and\nexisting pawning facilities that are renewed.\nh'/,wJul-\nNivard Ajittr Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka", metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_1_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': "llMarch2022MONETARY BOARD\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.01 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON LENDING PRODUCTS\nOF LICENSED BANKS\nIssued under Section I 04(1)0) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.\nThe Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures in the recent\npast including an increase of policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying\ndemand pressures in the economy, which would, in turn, help ease pressures in the external sector,\nthus promoting greater macroeconomic stability. Consequently, considering the increase in\noverall market interest rates, the Monetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary\nLaw Act Order No. 02 of 2020 on the Maximum Interest Rates on Lending Products of Licensed\nBanks.\nAccordingly, Order 2.1 of the Cited Order is replaced as follows and Order 2.2 is deleted.\n2. Interest Rates on\nLKR\ndenominated\nloans and\nadvances2.1 Commencing 14 March 2022, the maximum interest rates that\nshall be charged by licensed commercial banks and licensed\nspecialised banks for the credit card advances, pre-alranged\ntemporary overdrafts and pawning advances are given below:\n(D 20 per cent per annum on credit card advances commencing\nfrom the next billing cycle.\n(iD l8 per cent per annum on pre-affanged temporary overdrafts.\n(iii) 12 per cent per annum on the money lent for pawning\nadvances collateralised by personal articles made of gold\naccepted as a pledge, for all new pawning advances and\nexisting pawning facilities that are renewed.\nh'/,wJul-\nNivard Ajittr Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka", 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_1_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='llMarch2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.02 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY\nDEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS\nBANK\nIssued under Section 10a(1)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of l94i,as amended.\nConsidering the recent monetary policy tightening measures, the expected macroeconomic\ndevelopments and the prevailing interest rates on foreign culrency deposits of licensed banks, the\nMonetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 on\nMaximum Interest Rate on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the\nNational Savings Bank, removing the existing maximum interest rate limits imposed on foreign\ncuffency deposits of licensed commercial banks and the National Savings Bank.\nAccordingly, Orders 2 and 3 of the cited Order are deleted.\nA;u ^sJ cJ<-\nNivard Ajith Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_2_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'llMarch2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.02 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY\nDEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS\nBANK\nIssued under Section 10a(1)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of l94i,as amended.\nConsidering the recent monetary policy tightening measures, the expected macroeconomic\ndevelopments and the prevailing interest rates on foreign culrency deposits of licensed banks, the\nMonetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 on\nMaximum Interest Rate on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the\nNational Savings Bank, removing the existing maximum interest rate limits imposed on foreign\ncuffency deposits of licensed commercial banks and the National Savings Bank.\nAccordingly, Orders 2 and 3 of the cited Order are deleted.\nA;u ^sJ cJ<-\nNivard Ajith Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_2_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='8 June 2022MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKAMONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 04 of 2022MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS BANKIssued under Section 104(l)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 dated 30 December 2021 on Maximum Interest Rates on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the National Savings Bank except Order 7 is hereby revoked.Dr. P Nandalal WeerasinghChairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_4_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': '8 June 2022MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKAMONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 04 of 2022MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS BANKIssued under Section 104(l)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 dated 30 December 2021 on Maximum Interest Rates on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the National Savings Bank except Order 7 is hereby revoked.Dr. P Nandalal WeerasinghChairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_4_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2020\\bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_2_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 1, 'year': 2020}, page_content='CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEPARTME NT \n \n06 May 2020 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 02 of 2020 \n \n \n2 \n \n \n \n3. What is meant by �Debt Moratorium�? \n\uf0a7 Debt moratorium refers to the deferment of capital and/or interest payments which fall due \nwithin the respective concession periods. \n\uf0a7 However, debt moratorium does not mean a waive -off of capit al and/or interest permanently. \nThe customer should pay the capital and/or interest payments which fall due within the \nconcession periods at a later date according to the revised repayment plan. \n \n4. From whom can I get these reliefs? \nAll licensed commercial banks, licensed specialized banks, licensed finance companies and \nspecialized leasing companies that are regulated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka will be offering \nthese reliefs. \n \n5. Can�t I get a relief for loans obtained from Rural Banks, SANASA Banks and Co-operative \nBanks/Societies? \n\uf0a7 Only the licensed commercial banks, licensed specialized banks, licensed finance companies \nand specialized leasing companies regulated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka will be offering \nthese reliefs. \n\uf0a7 SANASA Development Bank PL C (A licensed specialized bank) is the only SANASA Bank \nregulated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. \n \n6. What types of credit facilities are eligible for reliefs under this scheme? \nTerm loans, leasing facilities, pawning, overdrafts and trade finance facilities denominated in \nRupees and foreign currency subject to the requirements specified in Circular Nos. 4, 5 & 6 of \n2020 issued by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka upon a request made by the eligible borrowers on \nor before 15.05.2020. \n \n7. Are cash backed fa cilities and housing loans excluded from reliefs?'), Document(page_content='MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA24 September 2019 MONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No. 03 of 2019MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON SRI LANKA RUPEE DEPOSITSOF LICENSED BANKSMonetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2019 dated 26.04.2019 on Maximum Interest Rates on Sri Lanka Rupee Deposits of Licensed Banks is hereby rescinded.Dr. Indrajit CoomaraswamyChairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2019\\BSD_MLA_Order_No_3_of_2019_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2019}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA24 September 2019 MONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No. 03 of 2019MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON SRI LANKA RUPEE DEPOSITSOF LICENSED BANKSMonetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2019 dated 26.04.2019 on Maximum Interest Rates on Sri Lanka Rupee Deposits of Licensed Banks is hereby rescinded.Dr. Indrajit CoomaraswamyChairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2019\\BSD_MLA_Order_No_3_of_2019_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2019}})]} 2024-10-18 15:17:24 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:17:24 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What are the macroeconomic objectives set by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka? 2024-10-18 15:17:25 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-18 15:17:26 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:17:26 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : Answer (took 1.12 s.) : {'question': 'What are the macroeconomic objectives set by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka?', 'chat_history': '', 'answer': "I don't know.", 'source_documents': [Document(page_content="llMarch2022MONETARY BOARD\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.01 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON LENDING PRODUCTS\nOF LICENSED BANKS\nIssued under Section I 04(1)0) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.\nThe Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures in the recent\npast including an increase of policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying\ndemand pressures in the economy, which would, in turn, help ease pressures in the external sector,\nthus promoting greater macroeconomic stability. Consequently, considering the increase in\noverall market interest rates, the Monetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary\nLaw Act Order No. 02 of 2020 on the Maximum Interest Rates on Lending Products of Licensed\nBanks.\nAccordingly, Order 2.1 of the Cited Order is replaced as follows and Order 2.2 is deleted.\n2. Interest Rates on\nLKR\ndenominated\nloans and\nadvances2.1 Commencing 14 March 2022, the maximum interest rates that\nshall be charged by licensed commercial banks and licensed\nspecialised banks for the credit card advances, pre-alranged\ntemporary overdrafts and pawning advances are given below:\n(D 20 per cent per annum on credit card advances commencing\nfrom the next billing cycle.\n(iD l8 per cent per annum on pre-affanged temporary overdrafts.\n(iii) 12 per cent per annum on the money lent for pawning\nadvances collateralised by personal articles made of gold\naccepted as a pledge, for all new pawning advances and\nexisting pawning facilities that are renewed.\nh'/,wJul-\nNivard Ajittr Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka", metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_1_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': "llMarch2022MONETARY BOARD\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.01 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON LENDING PRODUCTS\nOF LICENSED BANKS\nIssued under Section I 04(1)0) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.\nThe Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures in the recent\npast including an increase of policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying\ndemand pressures in the economy, which would, in turn, help ease pressures in the external sector,\nthus promoting greater macroeconomic stability. Consequently, considering the increase in\noverall market interest rates, the Monetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary\nLaw Act Order No. 02 of 2020 on the Maximum Interest Rates on Lending Products of Licensed\nBanks.\nAccordingly, Order 2.1 of the Cited Order is replaced as follows and Order 2.2 is deleted.\n2. Interest Rates on\nLKR\ndenominated\nloans and\nadvances2.1 Commencing 14 March 2022, the maximum interest rates that\nshall be charged by licensed commercial banks and licensed\nspecialised banks for the credit card advances, pre-alranged\ntemporary overdrafts and pawning advances are given below:\n(D 20 per cent per annum on credit card advances commencing\nfrom the next billing cycle.\n(iD l8 per cent per annum on pre-affanged temporary overdrafts.\n(iii) 12 per cent per annum on the money lent for pawning\nadvances collateralised by personal articles made of gold\naccepted as a pledge, for all new pawning advances and\nexisting pawning facilities that are renewed.\nh'/,wJul-\nNivard Ajittr Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka", 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_1_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='llMarch2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.02 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY\nDEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS\nBANK\nIssued under Section 10a(1)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of l94i,as amended.\nConsidering the recent monetary policy tightening measures, the expected macroeconomic\ndevelopments and the prevailing interest rates on foreign culrency deposits of licensed banks, the\nMonetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 on\nMaximum Interest Rate on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the\nNational Savings Bank, removing the existing maximum interest rate limits imposed on foreign\ncuffency deposits of licensed commercial banks and the National Savings Bank.\nAccordingly, Orders 2 and 3 of the cited Order are deleted.\nA;u ^sJ cJ<-\nNivard Ajith Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_2_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'llMarch2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.02 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY\nDEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS\nBANK\nIssued under Section 10a(1)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of l94i,as amended.\nConsidering the recent monetary policy tightening measures, the expected macroeconomic\ndevelopments and the prevailing interest rates on foreign culrency deposits of licensed banks, the\nMonetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 on\nMaximum Interest Rate on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the\nNational Savings Bank, removing the existing maximum interest rate limits imposed on foreign\ncuffency deposits of licensed commercial banks and the National Savings Bank.\nAccordingly, Orders 2 and 3 of the cited Order are deleted.\nA;u ^sJ cJ<-\nNivard Ajith Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_2_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='8 June 2022MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKAMONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 04 of 2022MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS BANKIssued under Section 104(l)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 dated 30 December 2021 on Maximum Interest Rates on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the National Savings Bank except Order 7 is hereby revoked.Dr. P Nandalal WeerasinghChairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_4_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': '8 June 2022MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKAMONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 04 of 2022MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSITS OF LICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND THE NATIONAL SAVINGS BANKIssued under Section 104(l)(a) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.Monetary Law Act Order No. 03 of 2021 dated 30 December 2021 on Maximum Interest Rates on Foreign Currency Deposits of Licensed Commercial Banks and the National Savings Bank except Order 7 is hereby revoked.Dr. P Nandalal WeerasinghChairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_4_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA24 April 2021MONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 01 of 2021PRIORITY SECTOR LENDING TARGETS FORLICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND LICENSED SPECIALISED BANKS TO THE MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES SECTORHaving recognised the need to promote economic sectors with high potential in terms of domestic economic growth and export earnings, leading to the broad-based revival of the economy, CBSL introduces priority sector lending target on credit granted by licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks) to individuals and businesses in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector, as follows:1. Empowerment2. Priority SectorLending Target1.1 In terms of Section 101 (1) (b) of the Monetary Law Act No. 58 of 1949 (as amended), the Monetary Board may from time to time fix limits to the rate at which the amount of loans and investments may be increasedwithin specified periods by licensed banks.2.1 Licensed banks shall grant credit to individuals and businesses inMSME sector and ensure a growth rate of not less than 20 per cent perannum on Y-o-Y basis, over the outstanding stock of lending to MSMEs at the end of the previous year.2.2 The lending target in 2.1 above shall be prioritised in the followingeconomic sub-sectors that display higher potential in terms of domestic growth and export earnings within the broader MSME sector, but shall not be restricted to the said sectors:(i) Food and beverage processing(ii) Production of medical utilities and related products(iii) Development of distance learning facilities(iv) Domestic cottage industry(v) Rubber and rubber products(vi) Ship and boat building(vii) Cosmetics(viii) Batik and handloom1', metadata={'source': '2021\\bsd_monetary_law_act_order_1_of_2021_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2021}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA24 April 2021MONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 01 of 2021PRIORITY SECTOR LENDING TARGETS FORLICENSED COMMERCIAL BANKS AND LICENSED SPECIALISED BANKS TO THE MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES SECTORHaving recognised the need to promote economic sectors with high potential in terms of domestic economic growth and export earnings, leading to the broad-based revival of the economy, CBSL introduces priority sector lending target on credit granted by licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks) to individuals and businesses in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector, as follows:1. Empowerment2. Priority SectorLending Target1.1 In terms of Section 101 (1) (b) of the Monetary Law Act No. 58 of 1949 (as amended), the Monetary Board may from time to time fix limits to the rate at which the amount of loans and investments may be increasedwithin specified periods by licensed banks.2.1 Licensed banks shall grant credit to individuals and businesses inMSME sector and ensure a growth rate of not less than 20 per cent perannum on Y-o-Y basis, over the outstanding stock of lending to MSMEs at the end of the previous year.2.2 The lending target in 2.1 above shall be prioritised in the followingeconomic sub-sectors that display higher potential in terms of domestic growth and export earnings within the broader MSME sector, but shall not be restricted to the said sectors:(i) Food and beverage processing(ii) Production of medical utilities and related products(iii) Development of distance learning facilities(iv) Domestic cottage industry(v) Rubber and rubber products(vi) Ship and boat building(vii) Cosmetics(viii) Batik and handloom1', 'metadata': {'source': '2021\\bsd_monetary_law_act_order_1_of_2021_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2021}}), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2020\\bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_2_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 1, 'year': 2020}, page_content='CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEPARTME NT \n \n06 May 2020 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 02 of 2020 \n \n \n2 \n \n \n \n3. What is meant by �Debt Moratorium�? \n\uf0a7 Debt moratorium refers to the deferment of capital and/or interest payments which fall due \nwithin the respective concession periods. \n\uf0a7 However, debt moratorium does not mean a waive -off of capit al and/or interest permanently. \nThe customer should pay the capital and/or interest payments which fall due within the \nconcession periods at a later date according to the revised repayment plan. \n \n4. From whom can I get these reliefs? \nAll licensed commercial banks, licensed specialized banks, licensed finance companies and \nspecialized leasing companies that are regulated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka will be offering \nthese reliefs. \n \n5. Can�t I get a relief for loans obtained from Rural Banks, SANASA Banks and Co-operative \nBanks/Societies? \n\uf0a7 Only the licensed commercial banks, licensed specialized banks, licensed finance companies \nand specialized leasing companies regulated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka will be offering \nthese reliefs. \n\uf0a7 SANASA Development Bank PL C (A licensed specialized bank) is the only SANASA Bank \nregulated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. \n \n6. What types of credit facilities are eligible for reliefs under this scheme? \nTerm loans, leasing facilities, pawning, overdrafts and trade finance facilities denominated in \nRupees and foreign currency subject to the requirements specified in Circular Nos. 4, 5 & 6 of \n2020 issued by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka upon a request made by the eligible borrowers on \nor before 15.05.2020. \n \n7. Are cash backed fa cilities and housing loans excluded from reliefs?'), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2013\\Attachement_4_BaselineSecurityStandard.pdf', 'page': 2, 'year': 2013}, page_content='This Standard assumes the application of ISO 27005, to assign risk ratings to information assets which fall within the scope of the Information Security Management System of the Organization concerned.1.3. Security ConsiderationsAll organisations are required to derive their security requirements to conform to the laws in Sri Lanka including the regulatory requirements set by the respective regulators and the international best practices adopted globally. Additionally, security requirements are also governed by the business objectives set by the board of directors and the senior management of the organization. The BSS is developed taking into consideration the requirements set in these Standards, with a view towards increasing the level of conformance with such requirements. Significant changes to these requirements will be reflected in the revised versions of the BSS.1.3.1. Legal RequirementsAll organisations are liable to comply with the laws applicable in this regard including the Computer Crimes Act No. 24 of 2007, the Electronic Transactions Act No. 19 of 2006, Payment Devices Frauds Act No. 30 of 2006, and Intellectual Property Act No. 36 of 2003 of which any violations amounts to an offence.1.3.2. Regulatory RequirementsLocal industry regulations/directives set forth by the CBSL and other regulatory bodies must be complied with.1.3.3. International StandardsIn order to be recognized as competent online/e-banking service providers, organizations need to comply with internationally recognized industry specific security standards, such as PCI-DSS.1.3.4. Information Security ObjectivesInformation Security objectives must be identified supporting fulfillment of key business objectives within the framework of the information security policies, statutory requirements, other requirements and business processes.2')]} 2024-10-18 15:17:29 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:17:29 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : Answer (took 8.04 s.) : The macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka typically include maintaining price stability, promoting economic growth, ensuring financial system stability, and managing the exchange rate. However, for precise and updated information, it is advisable to refer directly to the Central Bank of Sri Lanka's official publications or website. 2024-10-18 15:17:29 ERROR (reggpt.controller.agent) : ---------------- Answer (took 8.94 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka', 'bot_response': "The macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka typically include maintaining price stability, promoting economic growth, ensuring financial system stability, and managing the exchange rate. However, for precise and updated information, it is advisable to refer directly to the Central Bank of Sri Lanka's official publications or website.", 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:17:29 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : Response: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka', 'bot_response': "The macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka typically include maintaining price stability, promoting economic growth, ensuring financial system stability, and managing the exchange rate. However, for precise and updated information, it is advisable to refer directly to the Central Bank of Sri Lanka's official publications or website.", 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:17:29 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- answer: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka', 'bot_response': "The macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka typically include maintaining price stability, promoting economic growth, ensuring financial system stability, and managing the exchange rate. However, for precise and updated information, it is advisable to refer directly to the Central Bank of Sri Lanka's official publications or website.", 'format_data': []} -------------------------- 2024-10-18 15:17:29 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- Server process (took 8.94 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic objectives from the central bank of sri lanka', 'bot_response': "The macroeconomic objectives of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka typically include maintaining price stability, promoting economic growth, ensuring financial system stability, and managing the exchange rate. However, for precise and updated information, it is advisable to refer directly to the Central Bank of Sri Lanka's official publications or website.", 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:18:53 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : userQuery: user_question='What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?' user_name='.' broker_name='.' 2024-10-18 15:18:53 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : query : What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 15:18:53 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : run_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 15:18:53 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : run_router_chain : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 15:18:54 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:18:54 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : Answer (took 1.23 s.) chain_type: Complex 2024-10-18 15:18:54 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : chain_selector : chain_type: complex Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 15:18:54 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : run_qa_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 15:18:56 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:18:56 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What are the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 15:18:56 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-18 15:18:57 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:18:59 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:18:59 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What macroeconomic policies does the central bank currently implement? 2024-10-18 15:18:59 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-18 15:19:00 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:19:00 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : Answer (took 1.38 s.) : {'question': 'What macroeconomic policies does the central bank currently implement?', 'chat_history': '', 'answer': 'The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures, including an increase in policy interest rates to dampen underlying demand pressures in the economy, which helps ease pressures in the external sector and promotes greater macroeconomic stability. This information is from the document published in 2022.', 'source_documents': [Document(page_content="llMarch2022MONETARY BOARD\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.01 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON LENDING PRODUCTS\nOF LICENSED BANKS\nIssued under Section I 04(1)0) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.\nThe Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures in the recent\npast including an increase of policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying\ndemand pressures in the economy, which would, in turn, help ease pressures in the external sector,\nthus promoting greater macroeconomic stability. Consequently, considering the increase in\noverall market interest rates, the Monetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary\nLaw Act Order No. 02 of 2020 on the Maximum Interest Rates on Lending Products of Licensed\nBanks.\nAccordingly, Order 2.1 of the Cited Order is replaced as follows and Order 2.2 is deleted.\n2. Interest Rates on\nLKR\ndenominated\nloans and\nadvances2.1 Commencing 14 March 2022, the maximum interest rates that\nshall be charged by licensed commercial banks and licensed\nspecialised banks for the credit card advances, pre-alranged\ntemporary overdrafts and pawning advances are given below:\n(D 20 per cent per annum on credit card advances commencing\nfrom the next billing cycle.\n(iD l8 per cent per annum on pre-affanged temporary overdrafts.\n(iii) 12 per cent per annum on the money lent for pawning\nadvances collateralised by personal articles made of gold\naccepted as a pledge, for all new pawning advances and\nexisting pawning facilities that are renewed.\nh'/,wJul-\nNivard Ajittr Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka", metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_1_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': "llMarch2022MONETARY BOARD\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.01 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON LENDING PRODUCTS\nOF LICENSED BANKS\nIssued under Section I 04(1)0) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.\nThe Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures in the recent\npast including an increase of policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying\ndemand pressures in the economy, which would, in turn, help ease pressures in the external sector,\nthus promoting greater macroeconomic stability. Consequently, considering the increase in\noverall market interest rates, the Monetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary\nLaw Act Order No. 02 of 2020 on the Maximum Interest Rates on Lending Products of Licensed\nBanks.\nAccordingly, Order 2.1 of the Cited Order is replaced as follows and Order 2.2 is deleted.\n2. Interest Rates on\nLKR\ndenominated\nloans and\nadvances2.1 Commencing 14 March 2022, the maximum interest rates that\nshall be charged by licensed commercial banks and licensed\nspecialised banks for the credit card advances, pre-alranged\ntemporary overdrafts and pawning advances are given below:\n(D 20 per cent per annum on credit card advances commencing\nfrom the next billing cycle.\n(iD l8 per cent per annum on pre-affanged temporary overdrafts.\n(iii) 12 per cent per annum on the money lent for pawning\nadvances collateralised by personal articles made of gold\naccepted as a pledge, for all new pawning advances and\nexisting pawning facilities that are renewed.\nh'/,wJul-\nNivard Ajittr Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka", 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_1_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='23 May 2022MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKABANKING ACT DIRECTIONSNo. 04 of 2022REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AMIDST PREVAILING EXTRAORDINARY MACROECONOMIC CONDITIONSAs a measure to maintain adequate capital to meet any losses, the banking sector has over the years built-up capital to enable banks to operate in a sound and resilient manner. These buffers have stood well to absorb unexpected losses during challenging times and has also helped banks to mobilise long term funding at reduced levels of risk-premia as well as maintain its credit ratings.However, after carefully considering the extraordinary circumstances caused by the current macroeconomic conditions, the Monetary Board hereby issues the following Directions to licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks), subject to periodic review.1. Empowerment 1.1 In terms of Section 46(1) of the Banking Act, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all licensed commercial banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.1.2 In terms of Section 76J( 1) of the Banking Act, the Monetary Board is empowered to give Directions to licensed specialised banks or to any category of licensed specialised banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such banks is to be conducted.2. Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB)2.1 Licensed banks may drawdown the CCB, up to 2.5% subject to conditions stipulated in Direction No. 01 of 2016 on Capital Requirements under Basel III for licensed commercial banks and licensed specialized banks, which are specified below:(i) The distributions will be subject to the following restrictions as specified in Table 01.1', metadata={'source': '2022\\Banking_Act_Directions_No_4_of_2022.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': '23 May 2022MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKABANKING ACT DIRECTIONSNo. 04 of 2022REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AMIDST PREVAILING EXTRAORDINARY MACROECONOMIC CONDITIONSAs a measure to maintain adequate capital to meet any losses, the banking sector has over the years built-up capital to enable banks to operate in a sound and resilient manner. These buffers have stood well to absorb unexpected losses during challenging times and has also helped banks to mobilise long term funding at reduced levels of risk-premia as well as maintain its credit ratings.However, after carefully considering the extraordinary circumstances caused by the current macroeconomic conditions, the Monetary Board hereby issues the following Directions to licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks), subject to periodic review.1. Empowerment 1.1 In terms of Section 46(1) of the Banking Act, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all licensed commercial banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.1.2 In terms of Section 76J( 1) of the Banking Act, the Monetary Board is empowered to give Directions to licensed specialised banks or to any category of licensed specialised banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such banks is to be conducted.2. Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB)2.1 Licensed banks may drawdown the CCB, up to 2.5% subject to conditions stipulated in Direction No. 01 of 2016 on Capital Requirements under Basel III for licensed commercial banks and licensed specialized banks, which are specified below:(i) The distributions will be subject to the following restrictions as specified in Table 01.1', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\Banking_Act_Directions_No_4_of_2022.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='a,\\ April2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.03 of2022\nINTEREST RATES ON LENDING AND DEPOSIT PRODUCTS OF\nLICENSED BANKS\n(1) The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) having considered the tight monetary policy measures\nadopted thus far hereby revokes Order 2. 1 of the Monetary Law Act drder No. 02 of 2020dated\n21 August 2020 as amended by the Order 2.1 of the Monetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2022\ndated 11 March 2022, effective as follows.\n(i) Credit card advances, cofllmencing from the next billing cycle.\n(ii) A11 new pre-alranged temporary overdrafts and existing pre-alranged temporary\noverdrafts that are renewed/extended.\n(iii) All new pawning advances and existing pawning advances that are renewed.\n(2) Licensed banks shall adjust the deposit rates adequately, in line with the tight monetary policy\nmeasures adopted by CBSL, to attract deposits into the banking system.\nMrs.TMJYPFernando\nSenior Deputy Governor\nCentral Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_3_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'a,\\ April2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.03 of2022\nINTEREST RATES ON LENDING AND DEPOSIT PRODUCTS OF\nLICENSED BANKS\n(1) The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) having considered the tight monetary policy measures\nadopted thus far hereby revokes Order 2. 1 of the Monetary Law Act drder No. 02 of 2020dated\n21 August 2020 as amended by the Order 2.1 of the Monetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2022\ndated 11 March 2022, effective as follows.\n(i) Credit card advances, cofllmencing from the next billing cycle.\n(ii) A11 new pre-alranged temporary overdrafts and existing pre-alranged temporary\noverdrafts that are renewed/extended.\n(iii) All new pawning advances and existing pawning advances that are renewed.\n(2) Licensed banks shall adjust the deposit rates adequately, in line with the tight monetary policy\nmeasures adopted by CBSL, to attract deposits into the banking system.\nMrs.TMJYPFernando\nSenior Deputy Governor\nCentral Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_3_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA BANK SUPERVISION DEPARTMENT 19 March 2020 BANKING ACT DIRECTIONS No. 01 of 2020MEASURES TO CURTAIL IMPORTS AND FOREIGN CURRENCY INVESTMENTSIssued in terms of the powers conferred by Sections 46(1) and 76(J)( 1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, as amended.In terms of Sections 46(1) and 76J(1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all or any licensed commercial bank and licensed specialised bank, respectively, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.The Central Bank of Sri Lanka with a view to easing the pressure on the exchange rate and the stress on financial markets due to the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, requires licensed commercial banks and National Savings Bank, to adopt the following measures during the next three months.1. Suspend facilitating importation of:a. motor vehicles, other than items specified in Schedule A of Annex I, under Letters of Credit, andb. non-essential goods specified in Schedule B of Annex 1 under Letters of Credit, Documents Against Acceptance and Advance Payment.2. Suspend the purchase of Sri Lanka International Sovereign Bonds.These Directions shall be implemented with immediate effect.Chairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank ofSri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2020\\bsd_directions_no_1_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2020}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA BANK SUPERVISION DEPARTMENT 19 March 2020 BANKING ACT DIRECTIONS No. 01 of 2020MEASURES TO CURTAIL IMPORTS AND FOREIGN CURRENCY INVESTMENTSIssued in terms of the powers conferred by Sections 46(1) and 76(J)( 1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, as amended.In terms of Sections 46(1) and 76J(1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all or any licensed commercial bank and licensed specialised bank, respectively, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.The Central Bank of Sri Lanka with a view to easing the pressure on the exchange rate and the stress on financial markets due to the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, requires licensed commercial banks and National Savings Bank, to adopt the following measures during the next three months.1. Suspend facilitating importation of:a. motor vehicles, other than items specified in Schedule A of Annex I, under Letters of Credit, andb. non-essential goods specified in Schedule B of Annex 1 under Letters of Credit, Documents Against Acceptance and Advance Payment.2. Suspend the purchase of Sri Lanka International Sovereign Bonds.These Directions shall be implemented with immediate effect.Chairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank ofSri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2020\\bsd_directions_no_1_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2020}}), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2014\\bsd_Guidelines_Stress_testing_LCBs_LSBs_0.pdf', 'page': 14, 'year': 2014}, page_content='13 \n Q3 � Why these guidelines does not provide common risk factors and magnitude s of shock s \nto assist banks in developing appropriate scenarios? \n(a) It is not the intention of these guidelines to specify standard scenarios for comparability \nacross banking industry. \n(b) Given the objective and the scope of these guidelines, the prescribed scenarios may n ot \nbe broad enough to cover all the detailed information and experiences of specific bank or \nmay be irrelevant to others. \n(c) Hence, banks should identify their own vulnerabilities as they have the best \nunderstanding of their own business exposure and inherent vulnerabilities. \n \nQ4 - Why these guidelines does not specify any examples for operational risk events or \nscenarios? \n(a) By nature, operational risk events or scenarios are specific to a particular bank. \nTherefore, these guidelines are not specified any common scenarios for operational risk. \n(b) Based on business models, risk management systems, risk exposure, internal control \npolicies and procedures banks are free to generate operational risk scenarios, which suits \nto their size and complexity of business operations. \n \nQ5 - What is the acceptance level of second round or spillover effects? Is there a specific \napproach/common method ology to link the second layer risk elements to the first layer risk \nfactors? \n(a) While acknowledging the challenge in incorporating second round effects and \nunderstanding the complexity of the links between the scenarios, these guidelines do not \nspecify any c ommon methodology to conduct such an exercise. \n(b) Banks are expected to capture the second round effect based on the reasonable \nexpectation of the impact at least for the portfolio of material risk. \n \nQ6 � What are the possible measures available to handle non -availability of adequate data \nin carrying -out stress testing? \n(a) Lack of complete data does not preclude stress testing . However, the quality of data will'), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2013\\bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf', 'page': 209, 'year': 2013}, page_content='A11 Claims can be applied without a time bar .\nQ12 Under what circumstances does the CBSL envisage the requirement for cancellation of a deal? \nDoes this lead to more relaxed attitude and a practice of cancelling deals at will? [Direction \nNo. 3(9)].\nA12 CBSL does not encourage cancellation of deals. However, only in exceptional circumstances a \ndeal can be cancelled provided that both licensed commercial banks to the trade agree to such \ncancellation.\nQ13 Although CBSL requires adopting appropriate policies to restrict the usage of mobile phones \nin the dealing rooms, so as to ensure that mobile phones are not used to circumvent the \ntelephone \tr ecording \tsystem,\tit\tis\tdifficult\tto\tentirely\tfool-proof\tusage\tof\tmobile\tto\tcircumvent\t\nthe recording system. [Direction No. 4(8)(ii)].\nA13 Banks should have a mechanism to ensure that all the deal conversations are recorded.\nIssued on 26 September 2012.')]} 2024-10-18 15:19:02 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:19:02 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : Answer (took 7.29 s.) : The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures, including an increase in policy interest rates to dampen underlying demand pressures in the economy, which helps ease pressures in the external sector and promotes greater macroeconomic stability. 2024-10-18 15:19:02 ERROR (reggpt.controller.agent) : ---------------- Answer (took 8.52 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures, including an increase in policy interest rates to dampen underlying demand pressures in the economy, which helps ease pressures in the external sector and promotes greater macroeconomic stability.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:19:02 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : Response: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures, including an increase in policy interest rates to dampen underlying demand pressures in the economy, which helps ease pressures in the external sector and promotes greater macroeconomic stability.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:19:02 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- answer: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures, including an increase in policy interest rates to dampen underlying demand pressures in the economy, which helps ease pressures in the external sector and promotes greater macroeconomic stability.', 'format_data': []} -------------------------- 2024-10-18 15:19:02 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- Server process (took 8.53 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures, including an increase in policy interest rates to dampen underlying demand pressures in the economy, which helps ease pressures in the external sector and promotes greater macroeconomic stability.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:19:49 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : userQuery: user_question='What is the current bank interest rates?' user_name='.' broker_name='.' 2024-10-18 15:19:49 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : query : What is the current bank interest rates? 2024-10-18 15:19:49 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : run_agent : Question: What is the current bank interest rates? 2024-10-18 15:19:49 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : run_router_chain : Question: What is the current bank interest rates? 2024-10-18 15:19:50 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:19:50 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : Answer (took 0.89 s.) chain_type: Relevant 2024-10-18 15:19:50 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : chain_selector : chain_type: relevant Question: What is the current bank interest rates? 2024-10-18 15:19:50 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What is the current bank interest rates? 2024-10-18 15:19:50 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-18 15:19:52 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:19:52 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : Answer (took 1.84 s.) : {'question': 'What is the current bank interest rates?', 'chat_history': '', 'answer': 'The current bank interest rate for housing loans is fixed at 7% per annum for the first 5 years, after which it varies based on the Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) plus 1% per annum. This information is from 2021.', 'source_documents': [Document(page_content='CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n2 \n \n\uf0a7 Rate of interest: \no Interest duri ng the first 5 years will be fixed at a rate of 7% per annum. \no Interest during the period after the first 5 years will vary based on the Average Weighted \nPrime Lending Rate (AWPR) as the applicable rate is AWPR plus 1% per annum. \no The interest rate variance after the fixed 5 years will take place every 6 months based on the \naverage monthly AWPR for the banking sector published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka \nduring the immediately preceding 6 months. \n \n5. Will customers be allowed to o btain a housing loan under the terms specified in this Order to \nsettle existing housing loans at the same or any other bank? \nNo. \n \n6. For what purposes can the housing loan under this Order be utilized? \n\uf0a7 Housing loans under the terms of this Order can be obtained for the following purposes provided \nthat the facility is secured by primary mortgage over the same property: \no purchase of land for construction of a house, \no purchase of a house, \no construction of a house, or \no renovation of an existing house. \n\uf0a7 However, this scheme is not intended for commercial scale real estate developers. \n \n7. Can borrowers settle housing loans obtained under the terms of this Order without a pre -\nsettlement cost? \nYes, but only if the facility is settled in full at end of the first 5 years where the rate of interest remains \nfixed at 7% per annum. \n \n8. Is there a minimum or maximum limit on the amount permitted to be borrowed under the \nterms specified in this Order? \nNo. \nThe amount will depend on the respective bank�s assessment/evaluation over the borrower�s income, \nrepayment capacity, value of property offered as the primary mortgage and any other factors based \non the bank�s internal policy and/or business decision.', metadata={'source': '2021\\bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf', 'page': 1, 'year': 2021}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n2 \n \n\uf0a7 Rate of interest: \no Interest duri ng the first 5 years will be fixed at a rate of 7% per annum. \no Interest during the period after the first 5 years will vary based on the Average Weighted \nPrime Lending Rate (AWPR) as the applicable rate is AWPR plus 1% per annum. \no The interest rate variance after the fixed 5 years will take place every 6 months based on the \naverage monthly AWPR for the banking sector published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka \nduring the immediately preceding 6 months. \n \n5. Will customers be allowed to o btain a housing loan under the terms specified in this Order to \nsettle existing housing loans at the same or any other bank? \nNo. \n \n6. For what purposes can the housing loan under this Order be utilized? \n\uf0a7 Housing loans under the terms of this Order can be obtained for the following purposes provided \nthat the facility is secured by primary mortgage over the same property: \no purchase of land for construction of a house, \no purchase of a house, \no construction of a house, or \no renovation of an existing house. \n\uf0a7 However, this scheme is not intended for commercial scale real estate developers. \n \n7. Can borrowers settle housing loans obtained under the terms of this Order without a pre -\nsettlement cost? \nYes, but only if the facility is settled in full at end of the first 5 years where the rate of interest remains \nfixed at 7% per annum. \n \n8. Is there a minimum or maximum limit on the amount permitted to be borrowed under the \nterms specified in this Order? \nNo. \nThe amount will depend on the respective bank�s assessment/evaluation over the borrower�s income, \nrepayment capacity, value of property offered as the primary mortgage and any other factors based \non the bank�s internal policy and/or business decision.', 'metadata': {'source': '2021\\bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf', 'page': 1, 'year': 2021}}), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2021\\bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf', 'page': 3, 'year': 2021}, page_content='CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n4 \n \n15. Will a bank grant an additional housing loan (2nd loan) under the terms of this Order, for the \nsame property, which is purchased with bank funds, mortgaging the same property? \nHousing loans cannot be granted under the terms of this Order based on mortgages other than the \nprimary mortgages. \n \n \n16. Can a borrower apply for second loan for a new property with a primary mortgage? \nConsidering the objectives of this Order (i.e., need to support the expansion of home ownership of \ngeneral public and to provide an additional stimulus to the domestic construction sector and its supply \nchains), there is no restriction in this Order to grant a second loan for a new property with a primary \nmortgage provided that other requirements under the Order are met. \n \n \n17. Can a borrower apply for an additional loan for property /land already pledge d as a primary \nmortgage for the purpo se of constructing a house or for extension of the existing house? \nSince the bank has already granted a loan on the property before the date of this Order, granting an \nadditional loan on the same property may depend on the current valuation of the property . If the \ncurrent valuation is adequate to cover the additional loan banks may accommodate such request. \nAccordingly, customers may obtain an additional loan from the same bank . However, if the current \nvaluation is inadequate to cover the additional loan, banks may decline such request. \n \n18. What if the existing housing loans are repaid at a much higher interest rate compared to the \nterms specified under this Order? Can the interest rate of such existing housing loans be \nreduced? \nConsidering the cost of funds, market interest rates and other relevant factors based on their internal'), Document(page_content='after the respective moratorium period, plus 1 per cent per annum. In the case of foreign currency loans, licensed banks shall charge an interest rate below the current2', metadata={'source': '2020\\bsd_circular_No_10_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 1, 'year': 2020}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'after the respective moratorium period, plus 1 per cent per annum. In the case of foreign currency loans, licensed banks shall charge an interest rate below the current2', 'metadata': {'source': '2020\\bsd_circular_No_10_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 1, 'year': 2020}}), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2020\\bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_2_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 10, 'year': 2020}, page_content='late payment fee s on all credit cards and other credit facilities during the period up to \n30.09.2020. No additional interest will be charged on the capital and/or interest installments \ndeferred under the concessions granted. \n \n28. What are the concessions available for Overdra fts? \n\uf0a7 Permanent Overdraft facilities falling due for settlement or maturing or are reviewed during \nthe period up to 30.09.2020 have been extended up to 30.09.2020.'), Document(page_content='442 Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Commercial Banks\nLCB - 30 Nov 2013 (5th Final Proof) - 29/11/2013\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\n \nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', metadata={'source': '2013\\bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf', 'page': 451, 'year': 2013}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': '442 Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Commercial Banks\nLCB - 30 Nov 2013 (5th Final Proof) - 29/11/2013\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\n \nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'metadata': {'source': '2013\\bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf', 'page': 451, 'year': 2013}}), Document(page_content='Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Specialised Banks 361\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', metadata={'source': '2013\\bsd_LSB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf', 'page': 368, 'year': 2013}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Specialised Banks 361\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'metadata': {'source': '2013\\bsd_LSB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf', 'page': 368, 'year': 2013}})]} 2024-10-18 15:19:52 ERROR (reggpt.controller.agent) : ---------------- Answer (took 2.73 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the current bank interest rates?', 'bot_response': 'The current bank interest rate for housing loans is fixed at 7% per annum for the first 5 years, after which it varies based on the Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) plus 1% per annum. This information is from 2021.', 'format_data': [{'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n2 \n \n\uf0a7 Rate of interest: \no Interest duri ng the first 5 years will be fixed at a rate of 7% per annum. \no Interest during the period after the first 5 years will vary based on the Average Weighted \nPrime Lending Rate (AWPR) as the applicable rate is AWPR plus 1% per annum. \no The interest rate variance after the fixed 5 years will take place every 6 months based on the \naverage monthly AWPR for the banking sector published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka \nduring the immediately preceding 6 months. \n \n5. Will customers be allowed to o btain a housing loan under the terms specified in this Order to \nsettle existing housing loans at the same or any other bank? \nNo. \n \n6. For what purposes can the housing loan under this Order be utilized? \n\uf0a7 Housing loans under the terms of this Order can be obtained for the following purposes provided \nthat the facility is secured by primary mortgage over the same property: \no purchase of land for construction of a house, \no purchase of a house, \no construction of a house, or \no renovation of an existing house. \n\uf0a7 However, this scheme is not intended for commercial scale real estate developers. \n \n7. Can borrowers settle housing loans obtained under the terms of this Order without a pre -\nsettlement cost? \nYes, but only if the facility is settled in full at end of the first 5 years where the rate of interest remains \nfixed at 7% per annum. \n \n8. Is there a minimum or maximum limit on the amount permitted to be borrowed under the \nterms specified in this Order? \nNo. \nThe amount will depend on the respective bank�s assessment/evaluation over the borrower�s income, \nrepayment capacity, value of property offered as the primary mortgage and any other factors based \non the bank�s internal policy and/or business decision.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n4 \n \n15. Will a bank grant an additional housing loan (2nd loan) under the terms of this Order, for the \nsame property, which is purchased with bank funds, mortgaging the same property? \nHousing loans cannot be granted under the terms of this Order based on mortgages other than the \nprimary mortgages. \n \n \n16. Can a borrower apply for second loan for a new property with a primary mortgage? \nConsidering the objectives of this Order (i.e., need to support the expansion of home ownership of \ngeneral public and to provide an additional stimulus to the domestic construction sector and its supply \nchains), there is no restriction in this Order to grant a second loan for a new property with a primary \nmortgage provided that other requirements under the Order are met. \n \n \n17. Can a borrower apply for an additional loan for property /land already pledge d as a primary \nmortgage for the purpo se of constructing a house or for extension of the existing house? \nSince the bank has already granted a loan on the property before the date of this Order, granting an \nadditional loan on the same property may depend on the current valuation of the property . If the \ncurrent valuation is adequate to cover the additional loan banks may accommodate such request. \nAccordingly, customers may obtain an additional loan from the same bank . However, if the current \nvaluation is inadequate to cover the additional loan, banks may decline such request. \n \n18. What if the existing housing loans are repaid at a much higher interest rate compared to the \nterms specified under this Order? Can the interest rate of such existing housing loans be \nreduced? \nConsidering the cost of funds, market interest rates and other relevant factors based on their internal', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'after the respective moratorium period, plus 1 per cent per annum. In the case of foreign currency loans, licensed banks shall charge an interest rate below the current2', 'source': 'bsd_circular_No_10_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'late payment fee s on all credit cards and other credit facilities during the period up to \n30.09.2020. No additional interest will be charged on the capital and/or interest installments \ndeferred under the concessions granted. \n \n28. What are the concessions available for Overdra fts? \n\uf0a7 Permanent Overdraft facilities falling due for settlement or maturing or are reviewed during \nthe period up to 30.09.2020 have been extended up to 30.09.2020.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_2_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': '442 Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Commercial Banks\nLCB - 30 Nov 2013 (5th Final Proof) - 29/11/2013\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\n \nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Specialised Banks 361\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LSB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}]} 2024-10-18 15:19:52 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : Response: {'user_input': 'What is the current bank interest rates?', 'bot_response': 'The current bank interest rate for housing loans is fixed at 7% per annum for the first 5 years, after which it varies based on the Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) plus 1% per annum. This information is from 2021.', 'format_data': [{'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n2 \n \n\uf0a7 Rate of interest: \no Interest duri ng the first 5 years will be fixed at a rate of 7% per annum. \no Interest during the period after the first 5 years will vary based on the Average Weighted \nPrime Lending Rate (AWPR) as the applicable rate is AWPR plus 1% per annum. \no The interest rate variance after the fixed 5 years will take place every 6 months based on the \naverage monthly AWPR for the banking sector published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka \nduring the immediately preceding 6 months. \n \n5. Will customers be allowed to o btain a housing loan under the terms specified in this Order to \nsettle existing housing loans at the same or any other bank? \nNo. \n \n6. For what purposes can the housing loan under this Order be utilized? \n\uf0a7 Housing loans under the terms of this Order can be obtained for the following purposes provided \nthat the facility is secured by primary mortgage over the same property: \no purchase of land for construction of a house, \no purchase of a house, \no construction of a house, or \no renovation of an existing house. \n\uf0a7 However, this scheme is not intended for commercial scale real estate developers. \n \n7. Can borrowers settle housing loans obtained under the terms of this Order without a pre -\nsettlement cost? \nYes, but only if the facility is settled in full at end of the first 5 years where the rate of interest remains \nfixed at 7% per annum. \n \n8. Is there a minimum or maximum limit on the amount permitted to be borrowed under the \nterms specified in this Order? \nNo. \nThe amount will depend on the respective bank�s assessment/evaluation over the borrower�s income, \nrepayment capacity, value of property offered as the primary mortgage and any other factors based \non the bank�s internal policy and/or business decision.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n4 \n \n15. Will a bank grant an additional housing loan (2nd loan) under the terms of this Order, for the \nsame property, which is purchased with bank funds, mortgaging the same property? \nHousing loans cannot be granted under the terms of this Order based on mortgages other than the \nprimary mortgages. \n \n \n16. Can a borrower apply for second loan for a new property with a primary mortgage? \nConsidering the objectives of this Order (i.e., need to support the expansion of home ownership of \ngeneral public and to provide an additional stimulus to the domestic construction sector and its supply \nchains), there is no restriction in this Order to grant a second loan for a new property with a primary \nmortgage provided that other requirements under the Order are met. \n \n \n17. Can a borrower apply for an additional loan for property /land already pledge d as a primary \nmortgage for the purpo se of constructing a house or for extension of the existing house? \nSince the bank has already granted a loan on the property before the date of this Order, granting an \nadditional loan on the same property may depend on the current valuation of the property . If the \ncurrent valuation is adequate to cover the additional loan banks may accommodate such request. \nAccordingly, customers may obtain an additional loan from the same bank . However, if the current \nvaluation is inadequate to cover the additional loan, banks may decline such request. \n \n18. What if the existing housing loans are repaid at a much higher interest rate compared to the \nterms specified under this Order? Can the interest rate of such existing housing loans be \nreduced? \nConsidering the cost of funds, market interest rates and other relevant factors based on their internal', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'after the respective moratorium period, plus 1 per cent per annum. In the case of foreign currency loans, licensed banks shall charge an interest rate below the current2', 'source': 'bsd_circular_No_10_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'late payment fee s on all credit cards and other credit facilities during the period up to \n30.09.2020. No additional interest will be charged on the capital and/or interest installments \ndeferred under the concessions granted. \n \n28. What are the concessions available for Overdra fts? \n\uf0a7 Permanent Overdraft facilities falling due for settlement or maturing or are reviewed during \nthe period up to 30.09.2020 have been extended up to 30.09.2020.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_2_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': '442 Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Commercial Banks\nLCB - 30 Nov 2013 (5th Final Proof) - 29/11/2013\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\n \nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Specialised Banks 361\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LSB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}]} 2024-10-18 15:19:52 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- answer: {'user_input': 'What is the current bank interest rates?', 'bot_response': 'The current bank interest rate for housing loans is fixed at 7% per annum for the first 5 years, after which it varies based on the Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) plus 1% per annum. This information is from 2021.', 'format_data': [{'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n2 \n \n\uf0a7 Rate of interest: \no Interest duri ng the first 5 years will be fixed at a rate of 7% per annum. \no Interest during the period after the first 5 years will vary based on the Average Weighted \nPrime Lending Rate (AWPR) as the applicable rate is AWPR plus 1% per annum. \no The interest rate variance after the fixed 5 years will take place every 6 months based on the \naverage monthly AWPR for the banking sector published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka \nduring the immediately preceding 6 months. \n \n5. Will customers be allowed to o btain a housing loan under the terms specified in this Order to \nsettle existing housing loans at the same or any other bank? \nNo. \n \n6. For what purposes can the housing loan under this Order be utilized? \n\uf0a7 Housing loans under the terms of this Order can be obtained for the following purposes provided \nthat the facility is secured by primary mortgage over the same property: \no purchase of land for construction of a house, \no purchase of a house, \no construction of a house, or \no renovation of an existing house. \n\uf0a7 However, this scheme is not intended for commercial scale real estate developers. \n \n7. Can borrowers settle housing loans obtained under the terms of this Order without a pre -\nsettlement cost? \nYes, but only if the facility is settled in full at end of the first 5 years where the rate of interest remains \nfixed at 7% per annum. \n \n8. Is there a minimum or maximum limit on the amount permitted to be borrowed under the \nterms specified in this Order? \nNo. \nThe amount will depend on the respective bank�s assessment/evaluation over the borrower�s income, \nrepayment capacity, value of property offered as the primary mortgage and any other factors based \non the bank�s internal policy and/or business decision.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n4 \n \n15. Will a bank grant an additional housing loan (2nd loan) under the terms of this Order, for the \nsame property, which is purchased with bank funds, mortgaging the same property? \nHousing loans cannot be granted under the terms of this Order based on mortgages other than the \nprimary mortgages. \n \n \n16. Can a borrower apply for second loan for a new property with a primary mortgage? \nConsidering the objectives of this Order (i.e., need to support the expansion of home ownership of \ngeneral public and to provide an additional stimulus to the domestic construction sector and its supply \nchains), there is no restriction in this Order to grant a second loan for a new property with a primary \nmortgage provided that other requirements under the Order are met. \n \n \n17. Can a borrower apply for an additional loan for property /land already pledge d as a primary \nmortgage for the purpo se of constructing a house or for extension of the existing house? \nSince the bank has already granted a loan on the property before the date of this Order, granting an \nadditional loan on the same property may depend on the current valuation of the property . If the \ncurrent valuation is adequate to cover the additional loan banks may accommodate such request. \nAccordingly, customers may obtain an additional loan from the same bank . However, if the current \nvaluation is inadequate to cover the additional loan, banks may decline such request. \n \n18. What if the existing housing loans are repaid at a much higher interest rate compared to the \nterms specified under this Order? Can the interest rate of such existing housing loans be \nreduced? \nConsidering the cost of funds, market interest rates and other relevant factors based on their internal', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'after the respective moratorium period, plus 1 per cent per annum. In the case of foreign currency loans, licensed banks shall charge an interest rate below the current2', 'source': 'bsd_circular_No_10_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'late payment fee s on all credit cards and other credit facilities during the period up to \n30.09.2020. No additional interest will be charged on the capital and/or interest installments \ndeferred under the concessions granted. \n \n28. What are the concessions available for Overdra fts? \n\uf0a7 Permanent Overdraft facilities falling due for settlement or maturing or are reviewed during \nthe period up to 30.09.2020 have been extended up to 30.09.2020.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_2_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': '442 Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Commercial Banks\nLCB - 30 Nov 2013 (5th Final Proof) - 29/11/2013\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\n \nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Specialised Banks 361\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LSB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}]} -------------------------- 2024-10-18 15:19:52 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- Server process (took 2.73 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the current bank interest rates?', 'bot_response': 'The current bank interest rate for housing loans is fixed at 7% per annum for the first 5 years, after which it varies based on the Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) plus 1% per annum. This information is from 2021.', 'format_data': [{'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n2 \n \n\uf0a7 Rate of interest: \no Interest duri ng the first 5 years will be fixed at a rate of 7% per annum. \no Interest during the period after the first 5 years will vary based on the Average Weighted \nPrime Lending Rate (AWPR) as the applicable rate is AWPR plus 1% per annum. \no The interest rate variance after the fixed 5 years will take place every 6 months based on the \naverage monthly AWPR for the banking sector published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka \nduring the immediately preceding 6 months. \n \n5. Will customers be allowed to o btain a housing loan under the terms specified in this Order to \nsettle existing housing loans at the same or any other bank? \nNo. \n \n6. For what purposes can the housing loan under this Order be utilized? \n\uf0a7 Housing loans under the terms of this Order can be obtained for the following purposes provided \nthat the facility is secured by primary mortgage over the same property: \no purchase of land for construction of a house, \no purchase of a house, \no construction of a house, or \no renovation of an existing house. \n\uf0a7 However, this scheme is not intended for commercial scale real estate developers. \n \n7. Can borrowers settle housing loans obtained under the terms of this Order without a pre -\nsettlement cost? \nYes, but only if the facility is settled in full at end of the first 5 years where the rate of interest remains \nfixed at 7% per annum. \n \n8. Is there a minimum or maximum limit on the amount permitted to be borrowed under the \nterms specified in this Order? \nNo. \nThe amount will depend on the respective bank�s assessment/evaluation over the borrower�s income, \nrepayment capacity, value of property offered as the primary mortgage and any other factors based \non the bank�s internal policy and/or business decision.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n4 \n \n15. Will a bank grant an additional housing loan (2nd loan) under the terms of this Order, for the \nsame property, which is purchased with bank funds, mortgaging the same property? \nHousing loans cannot be granted under the terms of this Order based on mortgages other than the \nprimary mortgages. \n \n \n16. Can a borrower apply for second loan for a new property with a primary mortgage? \nConsidering the objectives of this Order (i.e., need to support the expansion of home ownership of \ngeneral public and to provide an additional stimulus to the domestic construction sector and its supply \nchains), there is no restriction in this Order to grant a second loan for a new property with a primary \nmortgage provided that other requirements under the Order are met. \n \n \n17. Can a borrower apply for an additional loan for property /land already pledge d as a primary \nmortgage for the purpo se of constructing a house or for extension of the existing house? \nSince the bank has already granted a loan on the property before the date of this Order, granting an \nadditional loan on the same property may depend on the current valuation of the property . If the \ncurrent valuation is adequate to cover the additional loan banks may accommodate such request. \nAccordingly, customers may obtain an additional loan from the same bank . However, if the current \nvaluation is inadequate to cover the additional loan, banks may decline such request. \n \n18. What if the existing housing loans are repaid at a much higher interest rate compared to the \nterms specified under this Order? Can the interest rate of such existing housing loans be \nreduced? \nConsidering the cost of funds, market interest rates and other relevant factors based on their internal', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'after the respective moratorium period, plus 1 per cent per annum. In the case of foreign currency loans, licensed banks shall charge an interest rate below the current2', 'source': 'bsd_circular_No_10_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'late payment fee s on all credit cards and other credit facilities during the period up to \n30.09.2020. No additional interest will be charged on the capital and/or interest installments \ndeferred under the concessions granted. \n \n28. What are the concessions available for Overdra fts? \n\uf0a7 Permanent Overdraft facilities falling due for settlement or maturing or are reviewed during \nthe period up to 30.09.2020 have been extended up to 30.09.2020.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_2_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': '442 Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Commercial Banks\nLCB - 30 Nov 2013 (5th Final Proof) - 29/11/2013\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\n \nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Specialised Banks 361\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LSB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}]} 2024-10-18 15:33:00 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : userQuery: user_question='What is the current bank interest rates?' user_name='.' broker_name='.' 2024-10-18 15:33:00 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : query : What is the current bank interest rates? 2024-10-18 15:33:00 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : run_agent : Question: What is the current bank interest rates? 2024-10-18 15:33:00 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : run_router_chain : Question: What is the current bank interest rates? 2024-10-18 15:33:01 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:33:01 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : Answer (took 1.29 s.) chain_type: Relevant 2024-10-18 15:33:01 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : chain_selector : chain_type: relevant Question: What is the current bank interest rates? 2024-10-18 15:33:01 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What is the current bank interest rates? 2024-10-18 15:33:01 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-18 15:33:04 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:33:04 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : Answer (took 2.88 s.) : {'question': 'What is the current bank interest rates?', 'chat_history': '', 'answer': 'The current bank interest rates for housing loans are fixed at a rate of 7% per annum for the first 5 years. After this period, the interest rate will vary based on the Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) plus 1% per annum, with adjustments occurring every 6 months based on the average monthly AWPR published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. This information is extracted from the document published in 2021.', 'source_documents': [Document(page_content='CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n2 \n \n\uf0a7 Rate of interest: \no Interest duri ng the first 5 years will be fixed at a rate of 7% per annum. \no Interest during the period after the first 5 years will vary based on the Average Weighted \nPrime Lending Rate (AWPR) as the applicable rate is AWPR plus 1% per annum. \no The interest rate variance after the fixed 5 years will take place every 6 months based on the \naverage monthly AWPR for the banking sector published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka \nduring the immediately preceding 6 months. \n \n5. Will customers be allowed to o btain a housing loan under the terms specified in this Order to \nsettle existing housing loans at the same or any other bank? \nNo. \n \n6. For what purposes can the housing loan under this Order be utilized? \n\uf0a7 Housing loans under the terms of this Order can be obtained for the following purposes provided \nthat the facility is secured by primary mortgage over the same property: \no purchase of land for construction of a house, \no purchase of a house, \no construction of a house, or \no renovation of an existing house. \n\uf0a7 However, this scheme is not intended for commercial scale real estate developers. \n \n7. Can borrowers settle housing loans obtained under the terms of this Order without a pre -\nsettlement cost? \nYes, but only if the facility is settled in full at end of the first 5 years where the rate of interest remains \nfixed at 7% per annum. \n \n8. Is there a minimum or maximum limit on the amount permitted to be borrowed under the \nterms specified in this Order? \nNo. \nThe amount will depend on the respective bank�s assessment/evaluation over the borrower�s income, \nrepayment capacity, value of property offered as the primary mortgage and any other factors based \non the bank�s internal policy and/or business decision.', metadata={'source': '2021\\bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf', 'page': 1, 'year': 2021}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n2 \n \n\uf0a7 Rate of interest: \no Interest duri ng the first 5 years will be fixed at a rate of 7% per annum. \no Interest during the period after the first 5 years will vary based on the Average Weighted \nPrime Lending Rate (AWPR) as the applicable rate is AWPR plus 1% per annum. \no The interest rate variance after the fixed 5 years will take place every 6 months based on the \naverage monthly AWPR for the banking sector published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka \nduring the immediately preceding 6 months. \n \n5. Will customers be allowed to o btain a housing loan under the terms specified in this Order to \nsettle existing housing loans at the same or any other bank? \nNo. \n \n6. For what purposes can the housing loan under this Order be utilized? \n\uf0a7 Housing loans under the terms of this Order can be obtained for the following purposes provided \nthat the facility is secured by primary mortgage over the same property: \no purchase of land for construction of a house, \no purchase of a house, \no construction of a house, or \no renovation of an existing house. \n\uf0a7 However, this scheme is not intended for commercial scale real estate developers. \n \n7. Can borrowers settle housing loans obtained under the terms of this Order without a pre -\nsettlement cost? \nYes, but only if the facility is settled in full at end of the first 5 years where the rate of interest remains \nfixed at 7% per annum. \n \n8. Is there a minimum or maximum limit on the amount permitted to be borrowed under the \nterms specified in this Order? \nNo. \nThe amount will depend on the respective bank�s assessment/evaluation over the borrower�s income, \nrepayment capacity, value of property offered as the primary mortgage and any other factors based \non the bank�s internal policy and/or business decision.', 'metadata': {'source': '2021\\bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf', 'page': 1, 'year': 2021}}), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2021\\bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf', 'page': 3, 'year': 2021}, page_content='CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n4 \n \n15. Will a bank grant an additional housing loan (2nd loan) under the terms of this Order, for the \nsame property, which is purchased with bank funds, mortgaging the same property? \nHousing loans cannot be granted under the terms of this Order based on mortgages other than the \nprimary mortgages. \n \n \n16. Can a borrower apply for second loan for a new property with a primary mortgage? \nConsidering the objectives of this Order (i.e., need to support the expansion of home ownership of \ngeneral public and to provide an additional stimulus to the domestic construction sector and its supply \nchains), there is no restriction in this Order to grant a second loan for a new property with a primary \nmortgage provided that other requirements under the Order are met. \n \n \n17. Can a borrower apply for an additional loan for property /land already pledge d as a primary \nmortgage for the purpo se of constructing a house or for extension of the existing house? \nSince the bank has already granted a loan on the property before the date of this Order, granting an \nadditional loan on the same property may depend on the current valuation of the property . If the \ncurrent valuation is adequate to cover the additional loan banks may accommodate such request. \nAccordingly, customers may obtain an additional loan from the same bank . However, if the current \nvaluation is inadequate to cover the additional loan, banks may decline such request. \n \n18. What if the existing housing loans are repaid at a much higher interest rate compared to the \nterms specified under this Order? Can the interest rate of such existing housing loans be \nreduced? \nConsidering the cost of funds, market interest rates and other relevant factors based on their internal'), Document(page_content='after the respective moratorium period, plus 1 per cent per annum. In the case of foreign currency loans, licensed banks shall charge an interest rate below the current2', metadata={'source': '2020\\bsd_circular_No_10_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 1, 'year': 2020}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'after the respective moratorium period, plus 1 per cent per annum. In the case of foreign currency loans, licensed banks shall charge an interest rate below the current2', 'metadata': {'source': '2020\\bsd_circular_No_10_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 1, 'year': 2020}}), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2020\\bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_2_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 10, 'year': 2020}, page_content='late payment fee s on all credit cards and other credit facilities during the period up to \n30.09.2020. No additional interest will be charged on the capital and/or interest installments \ndeferred under the concessions granted. \n \n28. What are the concessions available for Overdra fts? \n\uf0a7 Permanent Overdraft facilities falling due for settlement or maturing or are reviewed during \nthe period up to 30.09.2020 have been extended up to 30.09.2020.'), Document(page_content='442 Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Commercial Banks\nLCB - 30 Nov 2013 (5th Final Proof) - 29/11/2013\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\n \nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', metadata={'source': '2013\\bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf', 'page': 451, 'year': 2013}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': '442 Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Commercial Banks\nLCB - 30 Nov 2013 (5th Final Proof) - 29/11/2013\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\n \nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'metadata': {'source': '2013\\bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf', 'page': 451, 'year': 2013}}), Document(page_content='Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Specialised Banks 361\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', metadata={'source': '2013\\bsd_LSB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf', 'page': 368, 'year': 2013}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Specialised Banks 361\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'metadata': {'source': '2013\\bsd_LSB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf', 'page': 368, 'year': 2013}})]} 2024-10-18 15:33:04 ERROR (reggpt.controller.agent) : ---------------- Answer (took 4.17 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the current bank interest rates?', 'bot_response': 'The current bank interest rates for housing loans are fixed at a rate of 7% per annum for the first 5 years. After this period, the interest rate will vary based on the Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) plus 1% per annum, with adjustments occurring every 6 months based on the average monthly AWPR published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. This information is extracted from the document published in 2021.', 'format_data': [{'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n2 \n \n\uf0a7 Rate of interest: \no Interest duri ng the first 5 years will be fixed at a rate of 7% per annum. \no Interest during the period after the first 5 years will vary based on the Average Weighted \nPrime Lending Rate (AWPR) as the applicable rate is AWPR plus 1% per annum. \no The interest rate variance after the fixed 5 years will take place every 6 months based on the \naverage monthly AWPR for the banking sector published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka \nduring the immediately preceding 6 months. \n \n5. Will customers be allowed to o btain a housing loan under the terms specified in this Order to \nsettle existing housing loans at the same or any other bank? \nNo. \n \n6. For what purposes can the housing loan under this Order be utilized? \n\uf0a7 Housing loans under the terms of this Order can be obtained for the following purposes provided \nthat the facility is secured by primary mortgage over the same property: \no purchase of land for construction of a house, \no purchase of a house, \no construction of a house, or \no renovation of an existing house. \n\uf0a7 However, this scheme is not intended for commercial scale real estate developers. \n \n7. Can borrowers settle housing loans obtained under the terms of this Order without a pre -\nsettlement cost? \nYes, but only if the facility is settled in full at end of the first 5 years where the rate of interest remains \nfixed at 7% per annum. \n \n8. Is there a minimum or maximum limit on the amount permitted to be borrowed under the \nterms specified in this Order? \nNo. \nThe amount will depend on the respective bank�s assessment/evaluation over the borrower�s income, \nrepayment capacity, value of property offered as the primary mortgage and any other factors based \non the bank�s internal policy and/or business decision.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n4 \n \n15. Will a bank grant an additional housing loan (2nd loan) under the terms of this Order, for the \nsame property, which is purchased with bank funds, mortgaging the same property? \nHousing loans cannot be granted under the terms of this Order based on mortgages other than the \nprimary mortgages. \n \n \n16. Can a borrower apply for second loan for a new property with a primary mortgage? \nConsidering the objectives of this Order (i.e., need to support the expansion of home ownership of \ngeneral public and to provide an additional stimulus to the domestic construction sector and its supply \nchains), there is no restriction in this Order to grant a second loan for a new property with a primary \nmortgage provided that other requirements under the Order are met. \n \n \n17. Can a borrower apply for an additional loan for property /land already pledge d as a primary \nmortgage for the purpo se of constructing a house or for extension of the existing house? \nSince the bank has already granted a loan on the property before the date of this Order, granting an \nadditional loan on the same property may depend on the current valuation of the property . If the \ncurrent valuation is adequate to cover the additional loan banks may accommodate such request. \nAccordingly, customers may obtain an additional loan from the same bank . However, if the current \nvaluation is inadequate to cover the additional loan, banks may decline such request. \n \n18. What if the existing housing loans are repaid at a much higher interest rate compared to the \nterms specified under this Order? Can the interest rate of such existing housing loans be \nreduced? \nConsidering the cost of funds, market interest rates and other relevant factors based on their internal', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'after the respective moratorium period, plus 1 per cent per annum. In the case of foreign currency loans, licensed banks shall charge an interest rate below the current2', 'source': 'bsd_circular_No_10_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'late payment fee s on all credit cards and other credit facilities during the period up to \n30.09.2020. No additional interest will be charged on the capital and/or interest installments \ndeferred under the concessions granted. \n \n28. What are the concessions available for Overdra fts? \n\uf0a7 Permanent Overdraft facilities falling due for settlement or maturing or are reviewed during \nthe period up to 30.09.2020 have been extended up to 30.09.2020.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_2_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': '442 Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Commercial Banks\nLCB - 30 Nov 2013 (5th Final Proof) - 29/11/2013\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\n \nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Specialised Banks 361\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LSB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}]} 2024-10-18 15:33:04 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : Response: {'user_input': 'What is the current bank interest rates?', 'bot_response': 'The current bank interest rates for housing loans are fixed at a rate of 7% per annum for the first 5 years. After this period, the interest rate will vary based on the Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) plus 1% per annum, with adjustments occurring every 6 months based on the average monthly AWPR published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. This information is extracted from the document published in 2021.', 'format_data': [{'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n2 \n \n\uf0a7 Rate of interest: \no Interest duri ng the first 5 years will be fixed at a rate of 7% per annum. \no Interest during the period after the first 5 years will vary based on the Average Weighted \nPrime Lending Rate (AWPR) as the applicable rate is AWPR plus 1% per annum. \no The interest rate variance after the fixed 5 years will take place every 6 months based on the \naverage monthly AWPR for the banking sector published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka \nduring the immediately preceding 6 months. \n \n5. Will customers be allowed to o btain a housing loan under the terms specified in this Order to \nsettle existing housing loans at the same or any other bank? \nNo. \n \n6. For what purposes can the housing loan under this Order be utilized? \n\uf0a7 Housing loans under the terms of this Order can be obtained for the following purposes provided \nthat the facility is secured by primary mortgage over the same property: \no purchase of land for construction of a house, \no purchase of a house, \no construction of a house, or \no renovation of an existing house. \n\uf0a7 However, this scheme is not intended for commercial scale real estate developers. \n \n7. Can borrowers settle housing loans obtained under the terms of this Order without a pre -\nsettlement cost? \nYes, but only if the facility is settled in full at end of the first 5 years where the rate of interest remains \nfixed at 7% per annum. \n \n8. Is there a minimum or maximum limit on the amount permitted to be borrowed under the \nterms specified in this Order? \nNo. \nThe amount will depend on the respective bank�s assessment/evaluation over the borrower�s income, \nrepayment capacity, value of property offered as the primary mortgage and any other factors based \non the bank�s internal policy and/or business decision.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n4 \n \n15. Will a bank grant an additional housing loan (2nd loan) under the terms of this Order, for the \nsame property, which is purchased with bank funds, mortgaging the same property? \nHousing loans cannot be granted under the terms of this Order based on mortgages other than the \nprimary mortgages. \n \n \n16. Can a borrower apply for second loan for a new property with a primary mortgage? \nConsidering the objectives of this Order (i.e., need to support the expansion of home ownership of \ngeneral public and to provide an additional stimulus to the domestic construction sector and its supply \nchains), there is no restriction in this Order to grant a second loan for a new property with a primary \nmortgage provided that other requirements under the Order are met. \n \n \n17. Can a borrower apply for an additional loan for property /land already pledge d as a primary \nmortgage for the purpo se of constructing a house or for extension of the existing house? \nSince the bank has already granted a loan on the property before the date of this Order, granting an \nadditional loan on the same property may depend on the current valuation of the property . If the \ncurrent valuation is adequate to cover the additional loan banks may accommodate such request. \nAccordingly, customers may obtain an additional loan from the same bank . However, if the current \nvaluation is inadequate to cover the additional loan, banks may decline such request. \n \n18. What if the existing housing loans are repaid at a much higher interest rate compared to the \nterms specified under this Order? Can the interest rate of such existing housing loans be \nreduced? \nConsidering the cost of funds, market interest rates and other relevant factors based on their internal', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'after the respective moratorium period, plus 1 per cent per annum. In the case of foreign currency loans, licensed banks shall charge an interest rate below the current2', 'source': 'bsd_circular_No_10_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'late payment fee s on all credit cards and other credit facilities during the period up to \n30.09.2020. No additional interest will be charged on the capital and/or interest installments \ndeferred under the concessions granted. \n \n28. What are the concessions available for Overdra fts? \n\uf0a7 Permanent Overdraft facilities falling due for settlement or maturing or are reviewed during \nthe period up to 30.09.2020 have been extended up to 30.09.2020.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_2_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': '442 Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Commercial Banks\nLCB - 30 Nov 2013 (5th Final Proof) - 29/11/2013\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\n \nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Specialised Banks 361\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LSB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}]} 2024-10-18 15:33:04 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- answer: {'user_input': 'What is the current bank interest rates?', 'bot_response': 'The current bank interest rates for housing loans are fixed at a rate of 7% per annum for the first 5 years. After this period, the interest rate will vary based on the Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) plus 1% per annum, with adjustments occurring every 6 months based on the average monthly AWPR published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. This information is extracted from the document published in 2021.', 'format_data': [{'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n2 \n \n\uf0a7 Rate of interest: \no Interest duri ng the first 5 years will be fixed at a rate of 7% per annum. \no Interest during the period after the first 5 years will vary based on the Average Weighted \nPrime Lending Rate (AWPR) as the applicable rate is AWPR plus 1% per annum. \no The interest rate variance after the fixed 5 years will take place every 6 months based on the \naverage monthly AWPR for the banking sector published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka \nduring the immediately preceding 6 months. \n \n5. Will customers be allowed to o btain a housing loan under the terms specified in this Order to \nsettle existing housing loans at the same or any other bank? \nNo. \n \n6. For what purposes can the housing loan under this Order be utilized? \n\uf0a7 Housing loans under the terms of this Order can be obtained for the following purposes provided \nthat the facility is secured by primary mortgage over the same property: \no purchase of land for construction of a house, \no purchase of a house, \no construction of a house, or \no renovation of an existing house. \n\uf0a7 However, this scheme is not intended for commercial scale real estate developers. \n \n7. Can borrowers settle housing loans obtained under the terms of this Order without a pre -\nsettlement cost? \nYes, but only if the facility is settled in full at end of the first 5 years where the rate of interest remains \nfixed at 7% per annum. \n \n8. Is there a minimum or maximum limit on the amount permitted to be borrowed under the \nterms specified in this Order? \nNo. \nThe amount will depend on the respective bank�s assessment/evaluation over the borrower�s income, \nrepayment capacity, value of property offered as the primary mortgage and any other factors based \non the bank�s internal policy and/or business decision.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n4 \n \n15. Will a bank grant an additional housing loan (2nd loan) under the terms of this Order, for the \nsame property, which is purchased with bank funds, mortgaging the same property? \nHousing loans cannot be granted under the terms of this Order based on mortgages other than the \nprimary mortgages. \n \n \n16. Can a borrower apply for second loan for a new property with a primary mortgage? \nConsidering the objectives of this Order (i.e., need to support the expansion of home ownership of \ngeneral public and to provide an additional stimulus to the domestic construction sector and its supply \nchains), there is no restriction in this Order to grant a second loan for a new property with a primary \nmortgage provided that other requirements under the Order are met. \n \n \n17. Can a borrower apply for an additional loan for property /land already pledge d as a primary \nmortgage for the purpo se of constructing a house or for extension of the existing house? \nSince the bank has already granted a loan on the property before the date of this Order, granting an \nadditional loan on the same property may depend on the current valuation of the property . If the \ncurrent valuation is adequate to cover the additional loan banks may accommodate such request. \nAccordingly, customers may obtain an additional loan from the same bank . However, if the current \nvaluation is inadequate to cover the additional loan, banks may decline such request. \n \n18. What if the existing housing loans are repaid at a much higher interest rate compared to the \nterms specified under this Order? Can the interest rate of such existing housing loans be \nreduced? \nConsidering the cost of funds, market interest rates and other relevant factors based on their internal', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'after the respective moratorium period, plus 1 per cent per annum. In the case of foreign currency loans, licensed banks shall charge an interest rate below the current2', 'source': 'bsd_circular_No_10_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'late payment fee s on all credit cards and other credit facilities during the period up to \n30.09.2020. No additional interest will be charged on the capital and/or interest installments \ndeferred under the concessions granted. \n \n28. What are the concessions available for Overdra fts? \n\uf0a7 Permanent Overdraft facilities falling due for settlement or maturing or are reviewed during \nthe period up to 30.09.2020 have been extended up to 30.09.2020.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_2_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': '442 Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Commercial Banks\nLCB - 30 Nov 2013 (5th Final Proof) - 29/11/2013\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\n \nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Specialised Banks 361\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LSB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}]} -------------------------- 2024-10-18 15:33:04 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- Server process (took 4.18 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the current bank interest rates?', 'bot_response': 'The current bank interest rates for housing loans are fixed at a rate of 7% per annum for the first 5 years. After this period, the interest rate will vary based on the Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR) plus 1% per annum, with adjustments occurring every 6 months based on the average monthly AWPR published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. This information is extracted from the document published in 2021.', 'format_data': [{'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n2 \n \n\uf0a7 Rate of interest: \no Interest duri ng the first 5 years will be fixed at a rate of 7% per annum. \no Interest during the period after the first 5 years will vary based on the Average Weighted \nPrime Lending Rate (AWPR) as the applicable rate is AWPR plus 1% per annum. \no The interest rate variance after the fixed 5 years will take place every 6 months based on the \naverage monthly AWPR for the banking sector published by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka \nduring the immediately preceding 6 months. \n \n5. Will customers be allowed to o btain a housing loan under the terms specified in this Order to \nsettle existing housing loans at the same or any other bank? \nNo. \n \n6. For what purposes can the housing loan under this Order be utilized? \n\uf0a7 Housing loans under the terms of this Order can be obtained for the following purposes provided \nthat the facility is secured by primary mortgage over the same property: \no purchase of land for construction of a house, \no purchase of a house, \no construction of a house, or \no renovation of an existing house. \n\uf0a7 However, this scheme is not intended for commercial scale real estate developers. \n \n7. Can borrowers settle housing loans obtained under the terms of this Order without a pre -\nsettlement cost? \nYes, but only if the facility is settled in full at end of the first 5 years where the rate of interest remains \nfixed at 7% per annum. \n \n8. Is there a minimum or maximum limit on the amount permitted to be borrowed under the \nterms specified in this Order? \nNo. \nThe amount will depend on the respective bank�s assessment/evaluation over the borrower�s income, \nrepayment capacity, value of property offered as the primary mortgage and any other factors based \non the bank�s internal policy and/or business decision.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n4 \n \n15. Will a bank grant an additional housing loan (2nd loan) under the terms of this Order, for the \nsame property, which is purchased with bank funds, mortgaging the same property? \nHousing loans cannot be granted under the terms of this Order based on mortgages other than the \nprimary mortgages. \n \n \n16. Can a borrower apply for second loan for a new property with a primary mortgage? \nConsidering the objectives of this Order (i.e., need to support the expansion of home ownership of \ngeneral public and to provide an additional stimulus to the domestic construction sector and its supply \nchains), there is no restriction in this Order to grant a second loan for a new property with a primary \nmortgage provided that other requirements under the Order are met. \n \n \n17. Can a borrower apply for an additional loan for property /land already pledge d as a primary \nmortgage for the purpo se of constructing a house or for extension of the existing house? \nSince the bank has already granted a loan on the property before the date of this Order, granting an \nadditional loan on the same property may depend on the current valuation of the property . If the \ncurrent valuation is adequate to cover the additional loan banks may accommodate such request. \nAccordingly, customers may obtain an additional loan from the same bank . However, if the current \nvaluation is inadequate to cover the additional loan, banks may decline such request. \n \n18. What if the existing housing loans are repaid at a much higher interest rate compared to the \nterms specified under this Order? Can the interest rate of such existing housing loans be \nreduced? \nConsidering the cost of funds, market interest rates and other relevant factors based on their internal', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'after the respective moratorium period, plus 1 per cent per annum. In the case of foreign currency loans, licensed banks shall charge an interest rate below the current2', 'source': 'bsd_circular_No_10_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'late payment fee s on all credit cards and other credit facilities during the period up to \n30.09.2020. No additional interest will be charged on the capital and/or interest installments \ndeferred under the concessions granted. \n \n28. What are the concessions available for Overdra fts? \n\uf0a7 Permanent Overdraft facilities falling due for settlement or maturing or are reviewed during \nthe period up to 30.09.2020 have been extended up to 30.09.2020.', 'source': 'bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_2_of_2020_e.pdf'}, {'pageContent': '442 Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Commercial Banks\nLCB - 30 Nov 2013 (5th Final Proof) - 29/11/2013\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\n \nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}, {'pageContent': 'Directions, Determinations, and Circulars issued to Licensed Specialised Banks 361\nOur Ref. : 02 / 17 / 600 / 002 / 001\nBank Supervision Department\n17 April 2012\nTo : CEOs of all Licensed Commercial Banks and\n Licensed Specialised Banks\nDear Sir / Madam,\nINTEREST RATES ON CREDIT CARDS AND HOUSING LOANS\nWe refer to our letter dated 21 September 2010 on the Reduction of Interest Rates on Loans and \nAdvances and write to inform you that, considering the recent trends in market interest rates, the \nMonetary Board is of the view that licensed banks may increase interest rates on housing loans to 16 per \ncent per annum and credit card advances to 28 per cent per annum. \nYours faithfully,\n(Mrs.) T M J Y P Fernando\nDirector of Bank Supervision', 'source': 'bsd_LSB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf'}]} 2024-10-18 15:33:10 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : userQuery: user_question='What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?' user_name='.' broker_name='.' 2024-10-18 15:33:10 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : query : What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 15:33:10 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : run_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 15:33:10 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : run_router_chain : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 15:33:11 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:33:11 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : Answer (took 1.18 s.) chain_type: Complex 2024-10-18 15:33:11 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : chain_selector : chain_type: complex Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 15:33:11 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : run_qa_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 15:33:13 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:33:13 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What are the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 15:33:13 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-18 15:33:14 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:33:15 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:33:15 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What macroeconomic policies does the central bank implement? 2024-10-18 15:33:15 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-18 15:33:16 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:33:16 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : Answer (took 1.28 s.) : {'question': 'What macroeconomic policies does the central bank implement?', 'chat_history': '', 'answer': "I don't know.", 'source_documents': [Document(page_content='23 May 2022MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKABANKING ACT DIRECTIONSNo. 04 of 2022REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AMIDST PREVAILING EXTRAORDINARY MACROECONOMIC CONDITIONSAs a measure to maintain adequate capital to meet any losses, the banking sector has over the years built-up capital to enable banks to operate in a sound and resilient manner. These buffers have stood well to absorb unexpected losses during challenging times and has also helped banks to mobilise long term funding at reduced levels of risk-premia as well as maintain its credit ratings.However, after carefully considering the extraordinary circumstances caused by the current macroeconomic conditions, the Monetary Board hereby issues the following Directions to licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks), subject to periodic review.1. Empowerment 1.1 In terms of Section 46(1) of the Banking Act, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all licensed commercial banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.1.2 In terms of Section 76J( 1) of the Banking Act, the Monetary Board is empowered to give Directions to licensed specialised banks or to any category of licensed specialised banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such banks is to be conducted.2. Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB)2.1 Licensed banks may drawdown the CCB, up to 2.5% subject to conditions stipulated in Direction No. 01 of 2016 on Capital Requirements under Basel III for licensed commercial banks and licensed specialized banks, which are specified below:(i) The distributions will be subject to the following restrictions as specified in Table 01.1', metadata={'source': '2022\\Banking_Act_Directions_No_4_of_2022.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': '23 May 2022MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKABANKING ACT DIRECTIONSNo. 04 of 2022REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AMIDST PREVAILING EXTRAORDINARY MACROECONOMIC CONDITIONSAs a measure to maintain adequate capital to meet any losses, the banking sector has over the years built-up capital to enable banks to operate in a sound and resilient manner. These buffers have stood well to absorb unexpected losses during challenging times and has also helped banks to mobilise long term funding at reduced levels of risk-premia as well as maintain its credit ratings.However, after carefully considering the extraordinary circumstances caused by the current macroeconomic conditions, the Monetary Board hereby issues the following Directions to licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks), subject to periodic review.1. Empowerment 1.1 In terms of Section 46(1) of the Banking Act, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all licensed commercial banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.1.2 In terms of Section 76J( 1) of the Banking Act, the Monetary Board is empowered to give Directions to licensed specialised banks or to any category of licensed specialised banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such banks is to be conducted.2. Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB)2.1 Licensed banks may drawdown the CCB, up to 2.5% subject to conditions stipulated in Direction No. 01 of 2016 on Capital Requirements under Basel III for licensed commercial banks and licensed specialized banks, which are specified below:(i) The distributions will be subject to the following restrictions as specified in Table 01.1', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\Banking_Act_Directions_No_4_of_2022.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='a,\\ April2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.03 of2022\nINTEREST RATES ON LENDING AND DEPOSIT PRODUCTS OF\nLICENSED BANKS\n(1) The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) having considered the tight monetary policy measures\nadopted thus far hereby revokes Order 2. 1 of the Monetary Law Act drder No. 02 of 2020dated\n21 August 2020 as amended by the Order 2.1 of the Monetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2022\ndated 11 March 2022, effective as follows.\n(i) Credit card advances, cofllmencing from the next billing cycle.\n(ii) A11 new pre-alranged temporary overdrafts and existing pre-alranged temporary\noverdrafts that are renewed/extended.\n(iii) All new pawning advances and existing pawning advances that are renewed.\n(2) Licensed banks shall adjust the deposit rates adequately, in line with the tight monetary policy\nmeasures adopted by CBSL, to attract deposits into the banking system.\nMrs.TMJYPFernando\nSenior Deputy Governor\nCentral Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_3_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'a,\\ April2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.03 of2022\nINTEREST RATES ON LENDING AND DEPOSIT PRODUCTS OF\nLICENSED BANKS\n(1) The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) having considered the tight monetary policy measures\nadopted thus far hereby revokes Order 2. 1 of the Monetary Law Act drder No. 02 of 2020dated\n21 August 2020 as amended by the Order 2.1 of the Monetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2022\ndated 11 March 2022, effective as follows.\n(i) Credit card advances, cofllmencing from the next billing cycle.\n(ii) A11 new pre-alranged temporary overdrafts and existing pre-alranged temporary\noverdrafts that are renewed/extended.\n(iii) All new pawning advances and existing pawning advances that are renewed.\n(2) Licensed banks shall adjust the deposit rates adequately, in line with the tight monetary policy\nmeasures adopted by CBSL, to attract deposits into the banking system.\nMrs.TMJYPFernando\nSenior Deputy Governor\nCentral Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_3_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA BANK SUPERVISION DEPARTMENT 19 March 2020 BANKING ACT DIRECTIONS No. 01 of 2020MEASURES TO CURTAIL IMPORTS AND FOREIGN CURRENCY INVESTMENTSIssued in terms of the powers conferred by Sections 46(1) and 76(J)( 1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, as amended.In terms of Sections 46(1) and 76J(1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all or any licensed commercial bank and licensed specialised bank, respectively, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.The Central Bank of Sri Lanka with a view to easing the pressure on the exchange rate and the stress on financial markets due to the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, requires licensed commercial banks and National Savings Bank, to adopt the following measures during the next three months.1. Suspend facilitating importation of:a. motor vehicles, other than items specified in Schedule A of Annex I, under Letters of Credit, andb. non-essential goods specified in Schedule B of Annex 1 under Letters of Credit, Documents Against Acceptance and Advance Payment.2. Suspend the purchase of Sri Lanka International Sovereign Bonds.These Directions shall be implemented with immediate effect.Chairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank ofSri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2020\\bsd_directions_no_1_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2020}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA BANK SUPERVISION DEPARTMENT 19 March 2020 BANKING ACT DIRECTIONS No. 01 of 2020MEASURES TO CURTAIL IMPORTS AND FOREIGN CURRENCY INVESTMENTSIssued in terms of the powers conferred by Sections 46(1) and 76(J)( 1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, as amended.In terms of Sections 46(1) and 76J(1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all or any licensed commercial bank and licensed specialised bank, respectively, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.The Central Bank of Sri Lanka with a view to easing the pressure on the exchange rate and the stress on financial markets due to the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, requires licensed commercial banks and National Savings Bank, to adopt the following measures during the next three months.1. Suspend facilitating importation of:a. motor vehicles, other than items specified in Schedule A of Annex I, under Letters of Credit, andb. non-essential goods specified in Schedule B of Annex 1 under Letters of Credit, Documents Against Acceptance and Advance Payment.2. Suspend the purchase of Sri Lanka International Sovereign Bonds.These Directions shall be implemented with immediate effect.Chairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank ofSri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2020\\bsd_directions_no_1_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2020}}), Document(page_content='September 2019MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKAMONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 02 of 2019ENHANCING EFFICIENCY OF THE TRANSMISSION OF RECENT POLICY DECISIONS TO RUPEE DENOMINATED MARKET LENDING RATESIssued under Section 104(l)(b) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) has adopted several policy measures in the recent past such as reduction of policy interest rates and the statutory reserve ratio, and imposition of maximum interest rates on Sri Lanka Rupee (LKR) deposits to reduce cost of funds of licensed commercial banks (LCBs) and licensed specialised banks (LSBs), thereby reducing interest rates of lending products in the banking sector. However, due to the unduly long time lag observed in transmitting the reduction of policy and deposit rates broadly and equitably to interest rates of lending products, the Monetary Board hereby issues an Order on the interest rates applicable on LKR denominated loans and advances granted by LCBs and LSBs, while taking cognisance of differences in their funding structures.1. Empowerment1.1In terms of Section 104(l)(b) of the Monetary Law Act, the Monetaryunder the Monetary Law Act2. Interest rates on2.1Board may from time to time fix the maximum rates of interest which LCBs and LSBs may charge for different types of loans or other credit operations.Every LCB and LSB shall reduce the annual nominal interest rateLKR denominated loans and advances2.2applicable for all LKR denominated loans and advances, excluding credit facilities mentioned in Order 2.3 and credit facilities exempted under Order 5 below, by at least 200 basis points by 15.10.2019, in comparison to the interest rate applicable to the respective loans and advances as at 30.04.2019.However, if the annual nominal interest rate applicable to any LKR denominated loan or advance as at the date of this Order or anytime thereafter is 12.5 per cent or lower, it shall not be mandatory to give effect to the reduction required', metadata={'source': '2019\\BSD_MLA_Order_No_2_of_2019_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2019}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'September 2019MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKAMONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 02 of 2019ENHANCING EFFICIENCY OF THE TRANSMISSION OF RECENT POLICY DECISIONS TO RUPEE DENOMINATED MARKET LENDING RATESIssued under Section 104(l)(b) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) has adopted several policy measures in the recent past such as reduction of policy interest rates and the statutory reserve ratio, and imposition of maximum interest rates on Sri Lanka Rupee (LKR) deposits to reduce cost of funds of licensed commercial banks (LCBs) and licensed specialised banks (LSBs), thereby reducing interest rates of lending products in the banking sector. However, due to the unduly long time lag observed in transmitting the reduction of policy and deposit rates broadly and equitably to interest rates of lending products, the Monetary Board hereby issues an Order on the interest rates applicable on LKR denominated loans and advances granted by LCBs and LSBs, while taking cognisance of differences in their funding structures.1. Empowerment1.1In terms of Section 104(l)(b) of the Monetary Law Act, the Monetaryunder the Monetary Law Act2. Interest rates on2.1Board may from time to time fix the maximum rates of interest which LCBs and LSBs may charge for different types of loans or other credit operations.Every LCB and LSB shall reduce the annual nominal interest rateLKR denominated loans and advances2.2applicable for all LKR denominated loans and advances, excluding credit facilities mentioned in Order 2.3 and credit facilities exempted under Order 5 below, by at least 200 basis points by 15.10.2019, in comparison to the interest rate applicable to the respective loans and advances as at 30.04.2019.However, if the annual nominal interest rate applicable to any LKR denominated loan or advance as at the date of this Order or anytime thereafter is 12.5 per cent or lower, it shall not be mandatory to give effect to the reduction required', 'metadata': {'source': '2019\\BSD_MLA_Order_No_2_of_2019_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2019}}), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2014\\bsd_Guidelines_Stress_testing_LCBs_LSBs_0.pdf', 'page': 14, 'year': 2014}, page_content='13 \n Q3 � Why these guidelines does not provide common risk factors and magnitude s of shock s \nto assist banks in developing appropriate scenarios? \n(a) It is not the intention of these guidelines to specify standard scenarios for comparability \nacross banking industry. \n(b) Given the objective and the scope of these guidelines, the prescribed scenarios may n ot \nbe broad enough to cover all the detailed information and experiences of specific bank or \nmay be irrelevant to others. \n(c) Hence, banks should identify their own vulnerabilities as they have the best \nunderstanding of their own business exposure and inherent vulnerabilities. \n \nQ4 - Why these guidelines does not specify any examples for operational risk events or \nscenarios? \n(a) By nature, operational risk events or scenarios are specific to a particular bank. \nTherefore, these guidelines are not specified any common scenarios for operational risk. \n(b) Based on business models, risk management systems, risk exposure, internal control \npolicies and procedures banks are free to generate operational risk scenarios, which suits \nto their size and complexity of business operations. \n \nQ5 - What is the acceptance level of second round or spillover effects? Is there a specific \napproach/common method ology to link the second layer risk elements to the first layer risk \nfactors? \n(a) While acknowledging the challenge in incorporating second round effects and \nunderstanding the complexity of the links between the scenarios, these guidelines do not \nspecify any c ommon methodology to conduct such an exercise. \n(b) Banks are expected to capture the second round effect based on the reasonable \nexpectation of the impact at least for the portfolio of material risk. \n \nQ6 � What are the possible measures available to handle non -availability of adequate data \nin carrying -out stress testing? \n(a) Lack of complete data does not preclude stress testing . However, the quality of data will'), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2013\\bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf', 'page': 209, 'year': 2013}, page_content='A11 Claims can be applied without a time bar .\nQ12 Under what circumstances does the CBSL envisage the requirement for cancellation of a deal? \nDoes this lead to more relaxed attitude and a practice of cancelling deals at will? [Direction \nNo. 3(9)].\nA12 CBSL does not encourage cancellation of deals. However, only in exceptional circumstances a \ndeal can be cancelled provided that both licensed commercial banks to the trade agree to such \ncancellation.\nQ13 Although CBSL requires adopting appropriate policies to restrict the usage of mobile phones \nin the dealing rooms, so as to ensure that mobile phones are not used to circumvent the \ntelephone \tr ecording \tsystem,\tit\tis\tdifficult\tto\tentirely\tfool-proof\tusage\tof\tmobile\tto\tcircumvent\t\nthe recording system. [Direction No. 4(8)(ii)].\nA13 Banks should have a mechanism to ensure that all the deal conversations are recorded.\nIssued on 26 September 2012.')]} 2024-10-18 15:33:17 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:33:17 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What are the key macroeconomic policies typically implemented by central banks? 2024-10-18 15:33:17 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-18 15:33:18 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:33:18 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : Answer (took 0.86 s.) : {'question': 'What are the key macroeconomic policies typically implemented by central banks?', 'chat_history': '', 'answer': "I don't know.", 'source_documents': [Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2024\\Banking_Act_Directions_No_5_of_2024.pdf', 'page': 25, 'year': 2024}, page_content='24 \n recommendations to the Board relating to training, capacity \nbuilding and professional development programs for the directors \non a regular basis; \nl) review the structure, size, qualifications and composition of the \nBoard and Board committees to ensure effective discharge of duties \nand responsibilities; and, \nm) ensure that the overall corporate governance framework and \npolicies of the bank are reviewed, updated and effectively \nimplemented considering all applicable laws and regulations and \nindustry/international best practices. \n \nThe requirements of Direction 6.4 with extended compliance dates \nare provided in Schedule V. \n6.5 Integrated Risk \nManagement \nCommittee The Committee shall: \na) be chaired by an independent director who is not the chair of the \nBoard or any other Board committee; \nb) consist of at least three non -executive directors with a majority of \nindependent directors. The Committee members shall have sound \ncollective experience in risk management issues and practices in \nrelation to banking and/or financial services; \nc) A majority of the members of the Committee shall not be \nconstituted by the members of the Audit Committee and vice -versa; \nd) require CEO, CRO, CCO and key management personnel \nsupervising broad risk categories, i.e., credit, market, liquidity, \noperational and strategic risks to attend the meetings on needs basis; \ne) work with key management personnel very closely and make \ndecisions on behalf of the Board within the framework of the \nauthority and responsibility assigned to the Committee; \nf) establish an independent risk management function responsible for \nintegrated risk management of the bank; \ng) assess all risks, i.e., credit, market, liquidity, operational, \ninformation security and strategic risks to the bank on a monthly \nbasis through appropriate risk indicators and management'), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2024\\Banking_Act_Directions_No_5_of_2024.pdf', 'page': 26, 'year': 2024}, page_content='25 \n information. In the case of subsidiary companies and associate \ncompanies, risk management shall be conducted, both on solo and \nconsolidated basis; \nh) advise and report to the Board on the bank�s exposures against the \nrisk appetite; \ni) oversee the functioning of CRO. The Committee shall receive \nregular reports and communication from CRO and other relevant \nfunctions with respect to the risk profile, exposures against the \nestablished risk appetite limits and limit breaches; \nj) oversee the strategies implemented by CEO and the key \nmanagement personnel for capital and liquidity management and \nmanagement of all relevant risks of the bank, such as credit, market, \noperational, information security and strategic risks, to ensure \nconsi stency with the stated risk appetite; \nk) review the adequacy and effectiveness of all management level \ncommittees that are related to risk taking activities, such as the \ncredit committee and the asset -liability committee to address \nspecific risks and to manage those risks within quantitative and \nqualitative risk limits as specified by the Committee; \nl) take prompt corrective action to mitigate the effects of specific \nrisks where such risks are at levels beyond the prudent levels \ndecided by the Committee on the basis of the bank�s policies and \nregulatory and supervisory requirements; \nm) meet at least quarterly to assess all aspects of risk management \nincluding updated business continuity plans; \nn) take prompt corrective actions against the Officers responsible for \nfailure to identify specific risks as recommended by the Committee; \no) submit a risk assessment report within a week of each meeting to \nthe Board seeking the Board�s views, concurrence and/or specific \ndirections; \np) establish a compliance function to assess the bank�s compliance \nwith laws, regulations, regulatory guidelines and approved policies \non all areas of business operations. A dedicated compliance officer'), Document(page_content='23 May 2022MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKABANKING ACT DIRECTIONSNo. 04 of 2022REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AMIDST PREVAILING EXTRAORDINARY MACROECONOMIC CONDITIONSAs a measure to maintain adequate capital to meet any losses, the banking sector has over the years built-up capital to enable banks to operate in a sound and resilient manner. These buffers have stood well to absorb unexpected losses during challenging times and has also helped banks to mobilise long term funding at reduced levels of risk-premia as well as maintain its credit ratings.However, after carefully considering the extraordinary circumstances caused by the current macroeconomic conditions, the Monetary Board hereby issues the following Directions to licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks), subject to periodic review.1. Empowerment 1.1 In terms of Section 46(1) of the Banking Act, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all licensed commercial banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.1.2 In terms of Section 76J( 1) of the Banking Act, the Monetary Board is empowered to give Directions to licensed specialised banks or to any category of licensed specialised banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such banks is to be conducted.2. Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB)2.1 Licensed banks may drawdown the CCB, up to 2.5% subject to conditions stipulated in Direction No. 01 of 2016 on Capital Requirements under Basel III for licensed commercial banks and licensed specialized banks, which are specified below:(i) The distributions will be subject to the following restrictions as specified in Table 01.1', metadata={'source': '2022\\Banking_Act_Directions_No_4_of_2022.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': '23 May 2022MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKABANKING ACT DIRECTIONSNo. 04 of 2022REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AMIDST PREVAILING EXTRAORDINARY MACROECONOMIC CONDITIONSAs a measure to maintain adequate capital to meet any losses, the banking sector has over the years built-up capital to enable banks to operate in a sound and resilient manner. These buffers have stood well to absorb unexpected losses during challenging times and has also helped banks to mobilise long term funding at reduced levels of risk-premia as well as maintain its credit ratings.However, after carefully considering the extraordinary circumstances caused by the current macroeconomic conditions, the Monetary Board hereby issues the following Directions to licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks), subject to periodic review.1. Empowerment 1.1 In terms of Section 46(1) of the Banking Act, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all licensed commercial banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.1.2 In terms of Section 76J( 1) of the Banking Act, the Monetary Board is empowered to give Directions to licensed specialised banks or to any category of licensed specialised banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such banks is to be conducted.2. Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB)2.1 Licensed banks may drawdown the CCB, up to 2.5% subject to conditions stipulated in Direction No. 01 of 2016 on Capital Requirements under Basel III for licensed commercial banks and licensed specialized banks, which are specified below:(i) The distributions will be subject to the following restrictions as specified in Table 01.1', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\Banking_Act_Directions_No_4_of_2022.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA BANK SUPERVISION DEPARTMENT 19 March 2020 BANKING ACT DIRECTIONS No. 01 of 2020MEASURES TO CURTAIL IMPORTS AND FOREIGN CURRENCY INVESTMENTSIssued in terms of the powers conferred by Sections 46(1) and 76(J)( 1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, as amended.In terms of Sections 46(1) and 76J(1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all or any licensed commercial bank and licensed specialised bank, respectively, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.The Central Bank of Sri Lanka with a view to easing the pressure on the exchange rate and the stress on financial markets due to the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, requires licensed commercial banks and National Savings Bank, to adopt the following measures during the next three months.1. Suspend facilitating importation of:a. motor vehicles, other than items specified in Schedule A of Annex I, under Letters of Credit, andb. non-essential goods specified in Schedule B of Annex 1 under Letters of Credit, Documents Against Acceptance and Advance Payment.2. Suspend the purchase of Sri Lanka International Sovereign Bonds.These Directions shall be implemented with immediate effect.Chairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank ofSri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2020\\bsd_directions_no_1_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2020}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA BANK SUPERVISION DEPARTMENT 19 March 2020 BANKING ACT DIRECTIONS No. 01 of 2020MEASURES TO CURTAIL IMPORTS AND FOREIGN CURRENCY INVESTMENTSIssued in terms of the powers conferred by Sections 46(1) and 76(J)( 1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, as amended.In terms of Sections 46(1) and 76J(1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all or any licensed commercial bank and licensed specialised bank, respectively, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.The Central Bank of Sri Lanka with a view to easing the pressure on the exchange rate and the stress on financial markets due to the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, requires licensed commercial banks and National Savings Bank, to adopt the following measures during the next three months.1. Suspend facilitating importation of:a. motor vehicles, other than items specified in Schedule A of Annex I, under Letters of Credit, andb. non-essential goods specified in Schedule B of Annex 1 under Letters of Credit, Documents Against Acceptance and Advance Payment.2. Suspend the purchase of Sri Lanka International Sovereign Bonds.These Directions shall be implemented with immediate effect.Chairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank ofSri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2020\\bsd_directions_no_1_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2020}}), Document(page_content='iQ August 20192. Policy FrameworkMONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKABANKING ACT DIRECTIONS No. 06 of 20192.1 Licensed banks shall establish internal policies and procedures covering the entire treasury operations including dealing practices, financial markets and instruments referred to in 1.1 above.2.2 Licensed banks shall formulate a Board approved code of conduct for treasury operations.2.3 Licensed banks shall put in place Board approved prudent market risk management policies and connected procedures and oversee the implementation of the same.2.4 Licensed banks shall ensure controls and limits are established with the approval of the Board of Directors to identify, measure, monitor and control market risk.2.5 Licensed banks shall ensure that appropriate measures are in place to enforce the Customer Due Diligence and Know Your Customer principles in trading activities to ensure that transactions are not used to facilitate money laundering, fraud or other criminal activities.2.6 Licensed banks shall establish policies and procedures on the conduct of treasury and derivative transactions with counterparts, especially high-risk or highly leveraged counterparts, paying particular attention to evaluation and approvals.2.7 The policies and procedures at a minimum, shall cover the following:(i) ethical market conduct,(ii) handling confidential information,(iii) clear guidelines on whether Dealers are allowed to trade for their own account in any of the instruments and products that the licensed bank is dealing in,(iv) clear guidelines on use of non-public price sensitive information to ensure the best interest of the counterpart and the market in general,(v) practices of acceptance of entertainment, gifts or favours including a threshold value for gifts and entertainment, frequency and requirements to disclose such entertainment,2', metadata={'source': '2019\\Banking_Act_Directions_No_6_of_2019_0.pdf', 'page': 1, 'year': 2019}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'iQ August 20192. Policy FrameworkMONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKABANKING ACT DIRECTIONS No. 06 of 20192.1 Licensed banks shall establish internal policies and procedures covering the entire treasury operations including dealing practices, financial markets and instruments referred to in 1.1 above.2.2 Licensed banks shall formulate a Board approved code of conduct for treasury operations.2.3 Licensed banks shall put in place Board approved prudent market risk management policies and connected procedures and oversee the implementation of the same.2.4 Licensed banks shall ensure controls and limits are established with the approval of the Board of Directors to identify, measure, monitor and control market risk.2.5 Licensed banks shall ensure that appropriate measures are in place to enforce the Customer Due Diligence and Know Your Customer principles in trading activities to ensure that transactions are not used to facilitate money laundering, fraud or other criminal activities.2.6 Licensed banks shall establish policies and procedures on the conduct of treasury and derivative transactions with counterparts, especially high-risk or highly leveraged counterparts, paying particular attention to evaluation and approvals.2.7 The policies and procedures at a minimum, shall cover the following:(i) ethical market conduct,(ii) handling confidential information,(iii) clear guidelines on whether Dealers are allowed to trade for their own account in any of the instruments and products that the licensed bank is dealing in,(iv) clear guidelines on use of non-public price sensitive information to ensure the best interest of the counterpart and the market in general,(v) practices of acceptance of entertainment, gifts or favours including a threshold value for gifts and entertainment, frequency and requirements to disclose such entertainment,2', 'metadata': {'source': '2019\\Banking_Act_Directions_No_6_of_2019_0.pdf', 'page': 1, 'year': 2019}}), Document(page_content='September 2019MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKAMONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 02 of 2019ENHANCING EFFICIENCY OF THE TRANSMISSION OF RECENT POLICY DECISIONS TO RUPEE DENOMINATED MARKET LENDING RATESIssued under Section 104(l)(b) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) has adopted several policy measures in the recent past such as reduction of policy interest rates and the statutory reserve ratio, and imposition of maximum interest rates on Sri Lanka Rupee (LKR) deposits to reduce cost of funds of licensed commercial banks (LCBs) and licensed specialised banks (LSBs), thereby reducing interest rates of lending products in the banking sector. However, due to the unduly long time lag observed in transmitting the reduction of policy and deposit rates broadly and equitably to interest rates of lending products, the Monetary Board hereby issues an Order on the interest rates applicable on LKR denominated loans and advances granted by LCBs and LSBs, while taking cognisance of differences in their funding structures.1. Empowerment1.1In terms of Section 104(l)(b) of the Monetary Law Act, the Monetaryunder the Monetary Law Act2. Interest rates on2.1Board may from time to time fix the maximum rates of interest which LCBs and LSBs may charge for different types of loans or other credit operations.Every LCB and LSB shall reduce the annual nominal interest rateLKR denominated loans and advances2.2applicable for all LKR denominated loans and advances, excluding credit facilities mentioned in Order 2.3 and credit facilities exempted under Order 5 below, by at least 200 basis points by 15.10.2019, in comparison to the interest rate applicable to the respective loans and advances as at 30.04.2019.However, if the annual nominal interest rate applicable to any LKR denominated loan or advance as at the date of this Order or anytime thereafter is 12.5 per cent or lower, it shall not be mandatory to give effect to the reduction required', metadata={'source': '2019\\BSD_MLA_Order_No_2_of_2019_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2019}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'September 2019MONETARY BOARD CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKAMONETARY LAW ACT ORDERNo. 02 of 2019ENHANCING EFFICIENCY OF THE TRANSMISSION OF RECENT POLICY DECISIONS TO RUPEE DENOMINATED MARKET LENDING RATESIssued under Section 104(l)(b) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) has adopted several policy measures in the recent past such as reduction of policy interest rates and the statutory reserve ratio, and imposition of maximum interest rates on Sri Lanka Rupee (LKR) deposits to reduce cost of funds of licensed commercial banks (LCBs) and licensed specialised banks (LSBs), thereby reducing interest rates of lending products in the banking sector. However, due to the unduly long time lag observed in transmitting the reduction of policy and deposit rates broadly and equitably to interest rates of lending products, the Monetary Board hereby issues an Order on the interest rates applicable on LKR denominated loans and advances granted by LCBs and LSBs, while taking cognisance of differences in their funding structures.1. Empowerment1.1In terms of Section 104(l)(b) of the Monetary Law Act, the Monetaryunder the Monetary Law Act2. Interest rates on2.1Board may from time to time fix the maximum rates of interest which LCBs and LSBs may charge for different types of loans or other credit operations.Every LCB and LSB shall reduce the annual nominal interest rateLKR denominated loans and advances2.2applicable for all LKR denominated loans and advances, excluding credit facilities mentioned in Order 2.3 and credit facilities exempted under Order 5 below, by at least 200 basis points by 15.10.2019, in comparison to the interest rate applicable to the respective loans and advances as at 30.04.2019.However, if the annual nominal interest rate applicable to any LKR denominated loan or advance as at the date of this Order or anytime thereafter is 12.5 per cent or lower, it shall not be mandatory to give effect to the reduction required', 'metadata': {'source': '2019\\BSD_MLA_Order_No_2_of_2019_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2019}})]} 2024-10-18 15:33:20 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 15:33:20 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : Answer (took 8.27 s.) : Central banks typically implement macroeconomic policies that include monetary policy (such as interest rate adjustments and open market operations), regulatory policies (to ensure financial stability), and sometimes fiscal policy coordination. These policies aim to control inflation, manage employment levels, and stabilize the currency. However, specific policies can vary by country and economic context. 2024-10-18 15:33:20 ERROR (reggpt.controller.agent) : ---------------- Answer (took 9.45 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'Central banks typically implement macroeconomic policies that include monetary policy (such as interest rate adjustments and open market operations), regulatory policies (to ensure financial stability), and sometimes fiscal policy coordination. These policies aim to control inflation, manage employment levels, and stabilize the currency. However, specific policies can vary by country and economic context.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:33:20 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : Response: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'Central banks typically implement macroeconomic policies that include monetary policy (such as interest rate adjustments and open market operations), regulatory policies (to ensure financial stability), and sometimes fiscal policy coordination. These policies aim to control inflation, manage employment levels, and stabilize the currency. However, specific policies can vary by country and economic context.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 15:33:20 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- answer: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'Central banks typically implement macroeconomic policies that include monetary policy (such as interest rate adjustments and open market operations), regulatory policies (to ensure financial stability), and sometimes fiscal policy coordination. These policies aim to control inflation, manage employment levels, and stabilize the currency. However, specific policies can vary by country and economic context.', 'format_data': []} -------------------------- 2024-10-18 15:33:20 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- Server process (took 9.45 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'Central banks typically implement macroeconomic policies that include monetary policy (such as interest rate adjustments and open market operations), regulatory policies (to ensure financial stability), and sometimes fiscal policy coordination. These policies aim to control inflation, manage employment levels, and stabilize the currency. However, specific policies can vary by country and economic context.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 16:18:20 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : userQuery: user_question='What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?' user_name='.' broker_name='.' 2024-10-18 16:18:20 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : query : What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 16:18:20 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : run_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 16:18:20 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : run_router_chain : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 16:18:21 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 16:18:21 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : Answer (took 1.39 s.) chain_type: Complex 2024-10-18 16:18:21 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : chain_selector : chain_type: complex Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 16:18:21 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : run_qa_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 16:18:23 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 16:18:23 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What are the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-18 16:18:23 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-18 16:18:25 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 16:18:27 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 16:18:27 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: Can you provide details on the macroeconomic policies currently implemented by the central bank? 2024-10-18 16:18:27 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-18 16:18:28 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 16:18:29 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-18 16:18:29 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : Answer (took 7.54 s.) : I currently do not have access to specific details regarding the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank. 2024-10-18 16:18:29 ERROR (reggpt.controller.agent) : ---------------- Answer (took 8.92 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'I currently do not have access to specific details regarding the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 16:18:29 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : Response: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'I currently do not have access to specific details regarding the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-18 16:18:29 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- answer: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'I currently do not have access to specific details regarding the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank.', 'format_data': []} -------------------------- 2024-10-18 16:18:29 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- Server process (took 8.93 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'I currently do not have access to specific details regarding the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-21 10:20:18 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : userQuery: user_question='What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?' user_name='.' broker_name='.' 2024-10-21 10:20:18 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : query : What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:20:18 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : run_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:20:18 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : run_router_chain : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:20:19 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:20:19 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : Answer (took 1.33 s.) chain_type: Complex 2024-10-21 10:20:19 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : chain_selector : chain_type: complex Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:20:19 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : run_qa_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:20:21 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:20:21 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What are the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:20:22 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-21 10:20:22 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:20:24 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:20:24 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: Can you provide details on the macroeconomic policies currently implemented by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:20:24 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-21 10:20:25 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:20:26 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:20:26 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : Answer (took 7.11 s.) : I currently do not have access to specific details regarding the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank. 2024-10-21 10:20:26 ERROR (reggpt.controller.agent) : ---------------- Answer (took 8.45 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'I currently do not have access to specific details regarding the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-21 10:20:26 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : Response: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'I currently do not have access to specific details regarding the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-21 10:20:26 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- answer: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'I currently do not have access to specific details regarding the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank.', 'format_data': []} -------------------------- 2024-10-21 10:20:26 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- Server process (took 8.45 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'I currently do not have access to specific details regarding the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-21 10:22:36 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : userQuery: user_question='What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?' user_name='.' broker_name='.' 2024-10-21 10:22:36 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : query : What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:22:36 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : run_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:22:36 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : run_router_chain : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:22:37 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:22:37 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : Answer (took 1.16 s.) chain_type: Complex 2024-10-21 10:22:37 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : chain_selector : chain_type: complex Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:22:37 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : run_qa_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:22:38 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:22:38 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What are the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:22:39 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-21 10:22:40 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:22:41 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:22:41 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: Can you provide details on the current macroeconomic policies implemented by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:22:41 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-21 10:22:44 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:22:44 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : Answer (took 3.35 s.) : {'question': 'Can you provide details on the current macroeconomic policies implemented by the central bank?', 'chat_history': '', 'answer': "The current macroeconomic policies implemented by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka include the following:\n\n1. **Rescission of Maximum Interest Rates**: As of April 15, 2024, the Monetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2023 on maximum interest rates on rupee denominated lending products has been rescinded. This decision was made considering the notable easing of monetary policy and conditions that allow licensed banks to reduce lending rates further (2024).\n\n2. **Concessions for Affected Borrowers**: In response to extraordinary macroeconomic circumstances, licensed banks are requested to provide concessions to affected borrowers. This includes devising suitable repayment arrangements based on the new repayment capacities of borrowers, which may involve grace periods or restructuring of credit facilities (2022).\n\n3. **Capital Conservation Buffer**: Licensed banks may draw down the Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB) up to 2.5%, subject to certain conditions. This measure is aimed at ensuring the soundness of the banking system amidst prevailing macroeconomic challenges (2022).\n\nThese policies reflect the Central Bank's efforts to maintain financial stability and support economic recovery in the face of challenging macroeconomic conditions.", 'source_documents': [Document(page_content='w;s �fYI\nwxl 2380$01 - 2024 wfm%a,a ui 15 jeks i�od - 2024.04.15\nNo. 2380/01 - moNday , april 15 , 2024EXTRAORDINARYY%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd� ckrcfha .ei� m;%h\nThe Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka\n(Published by Authority)\nPART I : SECTION (I) � GENERAL\nCentral Bank of Sri Lanka Notices\n1a- G 41759 - 24 (04/2024) \nThis Gazette Extraordinary can be downloaded from www.documents.gov.lk\nCENTRAL BANk Of SRI LANkA ACT , No. 16 Of 2023\nordEr made under Section 106(1) of the Central Bank of Sri lanka act, No. 16 of 2023.\n dr. P. Nandalal Weerasinghe ,\n Chairman of the monetary policy Board and \n Governor of the Central Bank of Sri lanka.\n \nCentral Bank of Sri lanka,\nColombo,10\nth april, 2024.\nMaximum Interest Rates on Rupee Denominated Lending Products\nmonetary law act order No. 01 of 2023 dated 25th august 2023 on maximum interest rates on rupee denominated \nLending Products is hereby rescinded with immediate effect.\nThe aforesaid order is rescinded considering the notable easing of monetary policy and monetary conditions that has \nprovided space for licensed banks to reduce the lending rates further.EoG 04 - 0124\npriNTEd aT THE dEpar TmENT oF GoVErNmENT priNTiNG, Sri laNKa.', metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2024\\bsd_gazette_20240415_2380_01_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2024}), Document(page_content="llMarch2022MONETARY BOARD\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.01 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON LENDING PRODUCTS\nOF LICENSED BANKS\nIssued under Section I 04(1)0) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.\nThe Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures in the recent\npast including an increase of policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying\ndemand pressures in the economy, which would, in turn, help ease pressures in the external sector,\nthus promoting greater macroeconomic stability. Consequently, considering the increase in\noverall market interest rates, the Monetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary\nLaw Act Order No. 02 of 2020 on the Maximum Interest Rates on Lending Products of Licensed\nBanks.\nAccordingly, Order 2.1 of the Cited Order is replaced as follows and Order 2.2 is deleted.\n2. Interest Rates on\nLKR\ndenominated\nloans and\nadvances2.1 Commencing 14 March 2022, the maximum interest rates that\nshall be charged by licensed commercial banks and licensed\nspecialised banks for the credit card advances, pre-alranged\ntemporary overdrafts and pawning advances are given below:\n(D 20 per cent per annum on credit card advances commencing\nfrom the next billing cycle.\n(iD l8 per cent per annum on pre-affanged temporary overdrafts.\n(iii) 12 per cent per annum on the money lent for pawning\nadvances collateralised by personal articles made of gold\naccepted as a pledge, for all new pawning advances and\nexisting pawning facilities that are renewed.\nh'/,wJul-\nNivard Ajittr Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka", metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_1_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': "llMarch2022MONETARY BOARD\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.01 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON LENDING PRODUCTS\nOF LICENSED BANKS\nIssued under Section I 04(1)0) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.\nThe Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures in the recent\npast including an increase of policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying\ndemand pressures in the economy, which would, in turn, help ease pressures in the external sector,\nthus promoting greater macroeconomic stability. Consequently, considering the increase in\noverall market interest rates, the Monetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary\nLaw Act Order No. 02 of 2020 on the Maximum Interest Rates on Lending Products of Licensed\nBanks.\nAccordingly, Order 2.1 of the Cited Order is replaced as follows and Order 2.2 is deleted.\n2. Interest Rates on\nLKR\ndenominated\nloans and\nadvances2.1 Commencing 14 March 2022, the maximum interest rates that\nshall be charged by licensed commercial banks and licensed\nspecialised banks for the credit card advances, pre-alranged\ntemporary overdrafts and pawning advances are given below:\n(D 20 per cent per annum on credit card advances commencing\nfrom the next billing cycle.\n(iD l8 per cent per annum on pre-affanged temporary overdrafts.\n(iii) 12 per cent per annum on the money lent for pawning\nadvances collateralised by personal articles made of gold\naccepted as a pledge, for all new pawning advances and\nexisting pawning facilities that are renewed.\nh'/,wJul-\nNivard Ajittr Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka", 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_1_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='23 May 2022MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKABANKING ACT DIRECTIONSNo. 04 of 2022REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AMIDST PREVAILING EXTRAORDINARY MACROECONOMIC CONDITIONSAs a measure to maintain adequate capital to meet any losses, the banking sector has over the years built-up capital to enable banks to operate in a sound and resilient manner. These buffers have stood well to absorb unexpected losses during challenging times and has also helped banks to mobilise long term funding at reduced levels of risk-premia as well as maintain its credit ratings.However, after carefully considering the extraordinary circumstances caused by the current macroeconomic conditions, the Monetary Board hereby issues the following Directions to licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks), subject to periodic review.1. Empowerment 1.1 In terms of Section 46(1) of the Banking Act, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all licensed commercial banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.1.2 In terms of Section 76J( 1) of the Banking Act, the Monetary Board is empowered to give Directions to licensed specialised banks or to any category of licensed specialised banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such banks is to be conducted.2. Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB)2.1 Licensed banks may drawdown the CCB, up to 2.5% subject to conditions stipulated in Direction No. 01 of 2016 on Capital Requirements under Basel III for licensed commercial banks and licensed specialized banks, which are specified below:(i) The distributions will be subject to the following restrictions as specified in Table 01.1', metadata={'source': '2022\\Banking_Act_Directions_No_4_of_2022.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': '23 May 2022MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKABANKING ACT DIRECTIONSNo. 04 of 2022REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AMIDST PREVAILING EXTRAORDINARY MACROECONOMIC CONDITIONSAs a measure to maintain adequate capital to meet any losses, the banking sector has over the years built-up capital to enable banks to operate in a sound and resilient manner. These buffers have stood well to absorb unexpected losses during challenging times and has also helped banks to mobilise long term funding at reduced levels of risk-premia as well as maintain its credit ratings.However, after carefully considering the extraordinary circumstances caused by the current macroeconomic conditions, the Monetary Board hereby issues the following Directions to licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks), subject to periodic review.1. Empowerment 1.1 In terms of Section 46(1) of the Banking Act, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all licensed commercial banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.1.2 In terms of Section 76J( 1) of the Banking Act, the Monetary Board is empowered to give Directions to licensed specialised banks or to any category of licensed specialised banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such banks is to be conducted.2. Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB)2.1 Licensed banks may drawdown the CCB, up to 2.5% subject to conditions stipulated in Direction No. 01 of 2016 on Capital Requirements under Basel III for licensed commercial banks and licensed specialized banks, which are specified below:(i) The distributions will be subject to the following restrictions as specified in Table 01.1', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\Banking_Act_Directions_No_4_of_2022.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='a,\\ April2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.03 of2022\nINTEREST RATES ON LENDING AND DEPOSIT PRODUCTS OF\nLICENSED BANKS\n(1) The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) having considered the tight monetary policy measures\nadopted thus far hereby revokes Order 2. 1 of the Monetary Law Act drder No. 02 of 2020dated\n21 August 2020 as amended by the Order 2.1 of the Monetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2022\ndated 11 March 2022, effective as follows.\n(i) Credit card advances, cofllmencing from the next billing cycle.\n(ii) A11 new pre-alranged temporary overdrafts and existing pre-alranged temporary\noverdrafts that are renewed/extended.\n(iii) All new pawning advances and existing pawning advances that are renewed.\n(2) Licensed banks shall adjust the deposit rates adequately, in line with the tight monetary policy\nmeasures adopted by CBSL, to attract deposits into the banking system.\nMrs.TMJYPFernando\nSenior Deputy Governor\nCentral Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_3_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'a,\\ April2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.03 of2022\nINTEREST RATES ON LENDING AND DEPOSIT PRODUCTS OF\nLICENSED BANKS\n(1) The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) having considered the tight monetary policy measures\nadopted thus far hereby revokes Order 2. 1 of the Monetary Law Act drder No. 02 of 2020dated\n21 August 2020 as amended by the Order 2.1 of the Monetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2022\ndated 11 March 2022, effective as follows.\n(i) Credit card advances, cofllmencing from the next billing cycle.\n(ii) A11 new pre-alranged temporary overdrafts and existing pre-alranged temporary\noverdrafts that are renewed/extended.\n(iii) All new pawning advances and existing pawning advances that are renewed.\n(2) Licensed banks shall adjust the deposit rates adequately, in line with the tight monetary policy\nmeasures adopted by CBSL, to attract deposits into the banking system.\nMrs.TMJYPFernando\nSenior Deputy Governor\nCentral Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_3_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2022\\bsd_circular_no_2_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, page_content='07 July 2022 CIRCULAR No. 02 of 2022MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKACONCESSIONS TO AFFECTED BORROWERS AMIDST THE PREVAILING EXTRAORDINARY MACROECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCESWith a view to meeting the challenges faced by businesses and individuals engaged in various economic sectors due to the prevailing extraordinary macroeconomic circumstances, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL), requests licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks) to provide the following concessions, to affected borrowers, on a need basis.These concessions are granted to devise suitable repayment arrangements based on the new repayment capacities of the borrower, on a case-by-case basis, while preserving banking sector stability by preventing any elevated strain on the financial system. Accordingly, this Circular is issued to provide broad guidelines with prudential requirements for consistent implementation across all licensed banks. Licensed banks may consider implementing these concessions through the Post COVID-19 Revival Units which have already been established in terms of the Circular No. 01 of 2022 issued on 24 March 2022.1 Concessions for performing credit facilities1.1 Licensed banks are required to provide appropriate concessions (i.e., grace period for capital or interest or both capital and interest or part of the capital or interest, re-structuring of credit facilities, or any other concession) for performing credit facilities of individuals or businesses (hereinafter referred to as borrowers) whose income or business has been adversely affected by the current macroeconomic conditions including those borrowers who were already subject to COVID-19 moratoriums. These concessions are expected to be provided to affected borrowers in all economic sectors, including but not limited to tourism, transportation, and Micro, Small and Medium scale Enterprises (MSME) engaged in business sectors such as manufacturing, services,'), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2021\\bsd_frequently_asked_questions_no_1_of_2021_e.pdf', 'page': 3, 'year': 2021}, page_content='CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA \nBANK SUPERVISION DEP ARTMENT \n \n17 February 2021 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUE STIONS (FAQs) No. 01 of 2021 \n \n4 \n \n15. Will a bank grant an additional housing loan (2nd loan) under the terms of this Order, for the \nsame property, which is purchased with bank funds, mortgaging the same property? \nHousing loans cannot be granted under the terms of this Order based on mortgages other than the \nprimary mortgages. \n \n \n16. Can a borrower apply for second loan for a new property with a primary mortgage? \nConsidering the objectives of this Order (i.e., need to support the expansion of home ownership of \ngeneral public and to provide an additional stimulus to the domestic construction sector and its supply \nchains), there is no restriction in this Order to grant a second loan for a new property with a primary \nmortgage provided that other requirements under the Order are met. \n \n \n17. Can a borrower apply for an additional loan for property /land already pledge d as a primary \nmortgage for the purpo se of constructing a house or for extension of the existing house? \nSince the bank has already granted a loan on the property before the date of this Order, granting an \nadditional loan on the same property may depend on the current valuation of the property . If the \ncurrent valuation is adequate to cover the additional loan banks may accommodate such request. \nAccordingly, customers may obtain an additional loan from the same bank . However, if the current \nvaluation is inadequate to cover the additional loan, banks may decline such request. \n \n18. What if the existing housing loans are repaid at a much higher interest rate compared to the \nterms specified under this Order? Can the interest rate of such existing housing loans be \nreduced? \nConsidering the cost of funds, market interest rates and other relevant factors based on their internal')]} 2024-10-21 10:22:46 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:22:46 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : Answer (took 8.49 s.) : The current macroeconomic policies implemented by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka include the rescission of maximum interest rates on rupee denominated lending products, concessions for affected borrowers, and allowing licensed banks to draw down the Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB) up to 2.5%. These measures aim to maintain financial stability and support economic recovery amidst challenging macroeconomic conditions. 2024-10-21 10:22:46 ERROR (reggpt.controller.agent) : ---------------- Answer (took 9.65 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'The current macroeconomic policies implemented by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka include the rescission of maximum interest rates on rupee denominated lending products, concessions for affected borrowers, and allowing licensed banks to draw down the Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB) up to 2.5%. These measures aim to maintain financial stability and support economic recovery amidst challenging macroeconomic conditions.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-21 10:22:46 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : Response: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'The current macroeconomic policies implemented by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka include the rescission of maximum interest rates on rupee denominated lending products, concessions for affected borrowers, and allowing licensed banks to draw down the Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB) up to 2.5%. These measures aim to maintain financial stability and support economic recovery amidst challenging macroeconomic conditions.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-21 10:22:46 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- answer: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'The current macroeconomic policies implemented by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka include the rescission of maximum interest rates on rupee denominated lending products, concessions for affected borrowers, and allowing licensed banks to draw down the Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB) up to 2.5%. These measures aim to maintain financial stability and support economic recovery amidst challenging macroeconomic conditions.', 'format_data': []} -------------------------- 2024-10-21 10:22:46 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- Server process (took 9.65 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'The current macroeconomic policies implemented by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka include the rescission of maximum interest rates on rupee denominated lending products, concessions for affected borrowers, and allowing licensed banks to draw down the Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB) up to 2.5%. These measures aim to maintain financial stability and support economic recovery amidst challenging macroeconomic conditions.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-21 10:32:48 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : userQuery: user_question='What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?' user_name='.' broker_name='.' 2024-10-21 10:32:48 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : query : What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:32:48 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : run_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:32:48 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : run_router_chain : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:32:49 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:32:49 INFO (reggpt.controller.router) : Answer (took 0.8 s.) chain_type: Complex 2024-10-21 10:32:49 INFO (reggpt.controller.agent) : chain_selector : chain_type: complex Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:32:49 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : run_qa_agent : Question: What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:32:50 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:32:50 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What are the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank? 2024-10-21 10:32:51 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-21 10:32:52 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:32:54 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:32:54 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : run_qa_chain : Question: What macroeconomic policies does the central bank currently implement? 2024-10-21 10:32:54 INFO (reggpt.retriever.ensemble_retriever) : Ensemble Retriever Documents sorted by year 2024-10-21 10:32:55 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:32:55 INFO (reggpt.routers.qa) : Answer (took 1.48 s.) : {'question': 'What macroeconomic policies does the central bank currently implement?', 'chat_history': '', 'answer': 'The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures, including an increase in policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying demand pressures in the economy. This approach aims to ease pressures in the external sector and promote greater macroeconomic stability. This information is extracted from the document published in 2022.', 'source_documents': [Document(page_content="llMarch2022MONETARY BOARD\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.01 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON LENDING PRODUCTS\nOF LICENSED BANKS\nIssued under Section I 04(1)0) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.\nThe Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures in the recent\npast including an increase of policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying\ndemand pressures in the economy, which would, in turn, help ease pressures in the external sector,\nthus promoting greater macroeconomic stability. Consequently, considering the increase in\noverall market interest rates, the Monetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary\nLaw Act Order No. 02 of 2020 on the Maximum Interest Rates on Lending Products of Licensed\nBanks.\nAccordingly, Order 2.1 of the Cited Order is replaced as follows and Order 2.2 is deleted.\n2. Interest Rates on\nLKR\ndenominated\nloans and\nadvances2.1 Commencing 14 March 2022, the maximum interest rates that\nshall be charged by licensed commercial banks and licensed\nspecialised banks for the credit card advances, pre-alranged\ntemporary overdrafts and pawning advances are given below:\n(D 20 per cent per annum on credit card advances commencing\nfrom the next billing cycle.\n(iD l8 per cent per annum on pre-affanged temporary overdrafts.\n(iii) 12 per cent per annum on the money lent for pawning\nadvances collateralised by personal articles made of gold\naccepted as a pledge, for all new pawning advances and\nexisting pawning facilities that are renewed.\nh'/,wJul-\nNivard Ajittr Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka", metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_1_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': "llMarch2022MONETARY BOARD\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.01 of 2022\nAMENDMENT TO THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES ON LENDING PRODUCTS\nOF LICENSED BANKS\nIssued under Section I 04(1)0) of the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949, as amended.\nThe Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures in the recent\npast including an increase of policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying\ndemand pressures in the economy, which would, in turn, help ease pressures in the external sector,\nthus promoting greater macroeconomic stability. Consequently, considering the increase in\noverall market interest rates, the Monetary Board hereby issues an amendment to the Monetary\nLaw Act Order No. 02 of 2020 on the Maximum Interest Rates on Lending Products of Licensed\nBanks.\nAccordingly, Order 2.1 of the Cited Order is replaced as follows and Order 2.2 is deleted.\n2. Interest Rates on\nLKR\ndenominated\nloans and\nadvances2.1 Commencing 14 March 2022, the maximum interest rates that\nshall be charged by licensed commercial banks and licensed\nspecialised banks for the credit card advances, pre-alranged\ntemporary overdrafts and pawning advances are given below:\n(D 20 per cent per annum on credit card advances commencing\nfrom the next billing cycle.\n(iD l8 per cent per annum on pre-affanged temporary overdrafts.\n(iii) 12 per cent per annum on the money lent for pawning\nadvances collateralised by personal articles made of gold\naccepted as a pledge, for all new pawning advances and\nexisting pawning facilities that are renewed.\nh'/,wJul-\nNivard Ajittr Leslie Cabraal\nChairman of the Monetary Board and\nGovernor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka", 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_1_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='23 May 2022MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKABANKING ACT DIRECTIONSNo. 04 of 2022REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AMIDST PREVAILING EXTRAORDINARY MACROECONOMIC CONDITIONSAs a measure to maintain adequate capital to meet any losses, the banking sector has over the years built-up capital to enable banks to operate in a sound and resilient manner. These buffers have stood well to absorb unexpected losses during challenging times and has also helped banks to mobilise long term funding at reduced levels of risk-premia as well as maintain its credit ratings.However, after carefully considering the extraordinary circumstances caused by the current macroeconomic conditions, the Monetary Board hereby issues the following Directions to licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks), subject to periodic review.1. Empowerment 1.1 In terms of Section 46(1) of the Banking Act, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all licensed commercial banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.1.2 In terms of Section 76J( 1) of the Banking Act, the Monetary Board is empowered to give Directions to licensed specialised banks or to any category of licensed specialised banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such banks is to be conducted.2. Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB)2.1 Licensed banks may drawdown the CCB, up to 2.5% subject to conditions stipulated in Direction No. 01 of 2016 on Capital Requirements under Basel III for licensed commercial banks and licensed specialized banks, which are specified below:(i) The distributions will be subject to the following restrictions as specified in Table 01.1', metadata={'source': '2022\\Banking_Act_Directions_No_4_of_2022.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': '23 May 2022MONETARY BOARDCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKABANKING ACT DIRECTIONSNo. 04 of 2022REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AMIDST PREVAILING EXTRAORDINARY MACROECONOMIC CONDITIONSAs a measure to maintain adequate capital to meet any losses, the banking sector has over the years built-up capital to enable banks to operate in a sound and resilient manner. These buffers have stood well to absorb unexpected losses during challenging times and has also helped banks to mobilise long term funding at reduced levels of risk-premia as well as maintain its credit ratings.However, after carefully considering the extraordinary circumstances caused by the current macroeconomic conditions, the Monetary Board hereby issues the following Directions to licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks (hereinafter referred to as licensed banks), subject to periodic review.1. Empowerment 1.1 In terms of Section 46(1) of the Banking Act, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all licensed commercial banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.1.2 In terms of Section 76J( 1) of the Banking Act, the Monetary Board is empowered to give Directions to licensed specialised banks or to any category of licensed specialised banks, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such banks is to be conducted.2. Capital Conservation Buffer (CCB)2.1 Licensed banks may drawdown the CCB, up to 2.5% subject to conditions stipulated in Direction No. 01 of 2016 on Capital Requirements under Basel III for licensed commercial banks and licensed specialized banks, which are specified below:(i) The distributions will be subject to the following restrictions as specified in Table 01.1', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\Banking_Act_Directions_No_4_of_2022.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='a,\\ April2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.03 of2022\nINTEREST RATES ON LENDING AND DEPOSIT PRODUCTS OF\nLICENSED BANKS\n(1) The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) having considered the tight monetary policy measures\nadopted thus far hereby revokes Order 2. 1 of the Monetary Law Act drder No. 02 of 2020dated\n21 August 2020 as amended by the Order 2.1 of the Monetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2022\ndated 11 March 2022, effective as follows.\n(i) Credit card advances, cofllmencing from the next billing cycle.\n(ii) A11 new pre-alranged temporary overdrafts and existing pre-alranged temporary\noverdrafts that are renewed/extended.\n(iii) All new pawning advances and existing pawning advances that are renewed.\n(2) Licensed banks shall adjust the deposit rates adequately, in line with the tight monetary policy\nmeasures adopted by CBSL, to attract deposits into the banking system.\nMrs.TMJYPFernando\nSenior Deputy Governor\nCentral Bank of Sri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_3_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'a,\\ April2022MONETARY BOARI)\nCENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA\nMONETARY LAW ACT ORDER No.03 of2022\nINTEREST RATES ON LENDING AND DEPOSIT PRODUCTS OF\nLICENSED BANKS\n(1) The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) having considered the tight monetary policy measures\nadopted thus far hereby revokes Order 2. 1 of the Monetary Law Act drder No. 02 of 2020dated\n21 August 2020 as amended by the Order 2.1 of the Monetary Law Act Order No. 01 of 2022\ndated 11 March 2022, effective as follows.\n(i) Credit card advances, cofllmencing from the next billing cycle.\n(ii) A11 new pre-alranged temporary overdrafts and existing pre-alranged temporary\noverdrafts that are renewed/extended.\n(iii) All new pawning advances and existing pawning advances that are renewed.\n(2) Licensed banks shall adjust the deposit rates adequately, in line with the tight monetary policy\nmeasures adopted by CBSL, to attract deposits into the banking system.\nMrs.TMJYPFernando\nSenior Deputy Governor\nCentral Bank of Sri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2022\\bsd_act_order_3_of_2022_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2022}}), Document(page_content='CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA BANK SUPERVISION DEPARTMENT 19 March 2020 BANKING ACT DIRECTIONS No. 01 of 2020MEASURES TO CURTAIL IMPORTS AND FOREIGN CURRENCY INVESTMENTSIssued in terms of the powers conferred by Sections 46(1) and 76(J)( 1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, as amended.In terms of Sections 46(1) and 76J(1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all or any licensed commercial bank and licensed specialised bank, respectively, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.The Central Bank of Sri Lanka with a view to easing the pressure on the exchange rate and the stress on financial markets due to the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, requires licensed commercial banks and National Savings Bank, to adopt the following measures during the next three months.1. Suspend facilitating importation of:a. motor vehicles, other than items specified in Schedule A of Annex I, under Letters of Credit, andb. non-essential goods specified in Schedule B of Annex 1 under Letters of Credit, Documents Against Acceptance and Advance Payment.2. Suspend the purchase of Sri Lanka International Sovereign Bonds.These Directions shall be implemented with immediate effect.Chairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank ofSri Lanka', metadata={'source': '2020\\bsd_directions_no_1_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2020}, _lc_kwargs={'page_content': 'CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA BANK SUPERVISION DEPARTMENT 19 March 2020 BANKING ACT DIRECTIONS No. 01 of 2020MEASURES TO CURTAIL IMPORTS AND FOREIGN CURRENCY INVESTMENTSIssued in terms of the powers conferred by Sections 46(1) and 76(J)( 1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, as amended.In terms of Sections 46(1) and 76J(1) of the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988, in order to ensure the soundness of the banking system, the Monetary Board is empowered to issue Directions to all or any licensed commercial bank and licensed specialised bank, respectively, regarding the manner in which any aspect of the business of such bank or banks is to be conducted.The Central Bank of Sri Lanka with a view to easing the pressure on the exchange rate and the stress on financial markets due to the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, requires licensed commercial banks and National Savings Bank, to adopt the following measures during the next three months.1. Suspend facilitating importation of:a. motor vehicles, other than items specified in Schedule A of Annex I, under Letters of Credit, andb. non-essential goods specified in Schedule B of Annex 1 under Letters of Credit, Documents Against Acceptance and Advance Payment.2. Suspend the purchase of Sri Lanka International Sovereign Bonds.These Directions shall be implemented with immediate effect.Chairman of the Monetary Board and Governor of the Central Bank ofSri Lanka', 'metadata': {'source': '2020\\bsd_directions_no_1_of_2020_e.pdf', 'page': 0, 'year': 2020}}), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2014\\bsd_Guidelines_Stress_testing_LCBs_LSBs_0.pdf', 'page': 14, 'year': 2014}, page_content='13 \n Q3 � Why these guidelines does not provide common risk factors and magnitude s of shock s \nto assist banks in developing appropriate scenarios? \n(a) It is not the intention of these guidelines to specify standard scenarios for comparability \nacross banking industry. \n(b) Given the objective and the scope of these guidelines, the prescribed scenarios may n ot \nbe broad enough to cover all the detailed information and experiences of specific bank or \nmay be irrelevant to others. \n(c) Hence, banks should identify their own vulnerabilities as they have the best \nunderstanding of their own business exposure and inherent vulnerabilities. \n \nQ4 - Why these guidelines does not specify any examples for operational risk events or \nscenarios? \n(a) By nature, operational risk events or scenarios are specific to a particular bank. \nTherefore, these guidelines are not specified any common scenarios for operational risk. \n(b) Based on business models, risk management systems, risk exposure, internal control \npolicies and procedures banks are free to generate operational risk scenarios, which suits \nto their size and complexity of business operations. \n \nQ5 - What is the acceptance level of second round or spillover effects? Is there a specific \napproach/common method ology to link the second layer risk elements to the first layer risk \nfactors? \n(a) While acknowledging the challenge in incorporating second round effects and \nunderstanding the complexity of the links between the scenarios, these guidelines do not \nspecify any c ommon methodology to conduct such an exercise. \n(b) Banks are expected to capture the second round effect based on the reasonable \nexpectation of the impact at least for the portfolio of material risk. \n \nQ6 � What are the possible measures available to handle non -availability of adequate data \nin carrying -out stress testing? \n(a) Lack of complete data does not preclude stress testing . However, the quality of data will'), Document(metadata={'source': 'data\\CBSL\\2013\\bsd_LCB_Up_to_30_Nov_2013_compressed_0.pdf', 'page': 209, 'year': 2013}, page_content='A11 Claims can be applied without a time bar .\nQ12 Under what circumstances does the CBSL envisage the requirement for cancellation of a deal? \nDoes this lead to more relaxed attitude and a practice of cancelling deals at will? [Direction \nNo. 3(9)].\nA12 CBSL does not encourage cancellation of deals. However, only in exceptional circumstances a \ndeal can be cancelled provided that both licensed commercial banks to the trade agree to such \ncancellation.\nQ13 Although CBSL requires adopting appropriate policies to restrict the usage of mobile phones \nin the dealing rooms, so as to ensure that mobile phones are not used to circumvent the \ntelephone \tr ecording \tsystem,\tit\tis\tdifficult\tto\tentirely\tfool-proof\tusage\tof\tmobile\tto\tcircumvent\t\nthe recording system. [Direction No. 4(8)(ii)].\nA13 Banks should have a mechanism to ensure that all the deal conversations are recorded.\nIssued on 26 September 2012.')]} 2024-10-21 10:32:57 INFO (httpx) : HTTP Request: POST https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 2024-10-21 10:32:57 INFO (reggpt.agents.qa_agent) : Answer (took 7.58 s.) : The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures, including an increase in policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying demand pressures in the economy. This approach aims to ease pressures in the external sector and promote greater macroeconomic stability, as outlined in a document published in 2022. 2024-10-21 10:32:57 ERROR (reggpt.controller.agent) : ---------------- Answer (took 8.38 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures, including an increase in policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying demand pressures in the economy. This approach aims to ease pressures in the external sector and promote greater macroeconomic stability, as outlined in a document published in 2022.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-21 10:32:57 INFO (reggpt.routers.controller) : Response: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures, including an increase in policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying demand pressures in the economy. This approach aims to ease pressures in the external sector and promote greater macroeconomic stability, as outlined in a document published in 2022.', 'format_data': []} 2024-10-21 10:32:57 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- answer: {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures, including an increase in policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying demand pressures in the economy. This approach aims to ease pressures in the external sector and promote greater macroeconomic stability, as outlined in a document published in 2022.', 'format_data': []} -------------------------- 2024-10-21 10:32:57 INFO (reggpt.api.router) : -------------------------- Server process (took 8.39 s.) : {'user_input': 'What is the macroeconomic policies in effect by the central bank?', 'bot_response': 'The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has adopted monetary policy tightening measures, including an increase in policy interest rates to dampen the possible build-up of underlying demand pressures in the economy. This approach aims to ease pressures in the external sector and promote greater macroeconomic stability, as outlined in a document published in 2022.', 'format_data': []}