library(shiny) library(shinycssloaders) library(shinythemes) library(shinyWidgets) library(shinyalert) library(spsComps) library(bslib) library(dplyr) library(reactable) library(reactablefmtr) my_theme <- bs_theme( bg = "#fdfefe", fg = "black", primary = "red", base_font = font_google("Geologica"), "font-size-base" = "1.2rem", version = 5, "navbar-bg" = "#9f0be4" ) options( shiny.browser = T, spinner.color = "#9f0be4", spinner.color.background = "#FFFFFF", spinner.size = 2 ) # options( # shiny.error = function(){ # shinyalert(text = "An error occurred!") # } # ) # # options(shiny.sanitize.errors = FALSE) # import search engine function #source("SearchEngine.R") # Define UI for application that fetches data from Open Alex ui <- list(fluidPage(title = "OpenAlex For Gephi", windowTitle = "OpenAlexForGephi", theme = my_theme, includeCSS("style.css"),includeScript("code.js"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel = "", mainPanel( align = "center", width = 12, h3(strong("OpenAlex For Gephi"), style = "color:#670e94;text-align:center;"),br(), fluidRow(column(6,actionButton("info",strong("Info"))), column(6,a(h6("Maintainer",style = "color:#670e94;text-align:right;"), style = "text-decoration:none;", target = "_blank", href = ""))), h6(strong("Select Publication Search Window",style = "color:#670e94;")), dateInput("date","From"),dateInput("date2","To"), br(), textInput("text",h6(strong("Keyword Search"),style = "color:#670e94"),placeholder = "Enter keyword(s) here",width = "25%"),br(), actionButton("search",strong("Search"),icon = icon("search")), withSpinner(reactableOutput("table",width = "80%",height = 400),type = 1), fluidRow(column(6,downloadButton("down_nodes",strong("Nodes CSV"),icon = icon("download"))), column(6,downloadButton("down_edges",strong("Edges CSV"),icon = icon("download")))), hr(), spsGoTop("up", right = "2%", bottom= "8%", icon = icon("arrow-up"), color = "purple"), )))) # Define server logic for application that fetches data from Open Alex server <- function(input, output, session) { # import nodes function source("OpenAlexNodes.R") # import edges display function source("OpenAlexEdgesDisp.R") # import edges function source("OpenAlexEdges.R") # convert functions to a reactive objects # searchEngine <- reactive({search_engine()}) # convert date inputs to a reactive object fromReactive <- reactive({input$date}) toReactive <- reactive({input$date2}) # convert text input to a reactive object textReactive <- reactive({input$text}) authorNodes <- reactive({authorPubNodes( keywords = c(unlist(strsplit(textReactive(),split = ","))), pub_start_date = fromReactive(), pub_end_date = toReactive() )}) authorEdgesDisp <- reactive({authorPubEdgesDisp( keywords = c(unlist(strsplit(textReactive(),split = ","))), pub_start_date = fromReactive(), pub_end_date = toReactive() )}) authorEdges <- reactive({authorPubEdges( keywords = c(unlist(strsplit(textReactive(),split = ","))), pub_start_date = fromReactive(), pub_end_date = toReactive() )}) # # run the search engine # searchReact <- eventReactive(input$search,{ # searchEngine(keywords = textReactive(), # pub_start_date = fromReactive(), # pub_end_date = toReactive()) # # }) # pass search output to nodes and edges nodes_df <- eventReactive(input$search,{ authorNodes() }) edges_df <- eventReactive(input$search,{ authorEdges() }) edges_disp <- eventReactive(input$search,{ authorEdgesDisp() }) # render data as a reactable output output$table <- renderReactable({ tryCatch( { reactable(edges_disp(), theme = reactableTheme(highlightColor = "#b615e7", borderColor = "#670e94", borderWidth = 3), bordered = T, compact = T, striped = T, highlight = T, searchable = T, filterable = T) }, error = function(e){ message("An error occurred!") print(e) } ) }) # activate download buttons output$down_nodes <- downloadHandler( filename = function(){ paste("Node",".csv",sep = "") }, content = function(file){ write.csv(nodes_df(),file,row.names = F) } ) output$down_edges <- downloadHandler( filename = function(){ paste("Edge",".csv",sep = "") }, content = function(file){ write.csv(edges_df(),file,row.names = F) } ) # create shiny alert observeEvent(input$info,{ shinyalert( text = "Please note that the bigger the search window, the more data is collected. The more data is collected, the longer the runtime and the longer it takes to commence file download.", title = "Info", closeOnEsc = TRUE, closeOnClickOutside = TRUE, confirmButtonText = "OK", confirmButtonCol = "#9f0be4", timer = 30000, showCancelButton = FALSE, showConfirmButton = TRUE, animation = "slide-from-top" ) }) } # Run the application shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)