<html lang="en"> | |
<head> | |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> | |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> | |
<title>Image Segmentation Tool</title> | |
<style> | |
.container { | |
max-width: 1200px; | |
margin: 0 auto; | |
padding: 20px; | |
} | |
.controls { | |
margin-bottom: 20px; | |
position: sticky; | |
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background: white; | |
z-index: 100; | |
padding: 10px 0; | |
} | |
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padding: 8px 16px; | |
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background-color: #45a049; | |
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background-color: #cccccc; | |
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border: 1px solid #ddd; | |
padding: 10px; | |
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img { | |
max-width: 100%; | |
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display: block; | |
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display: block; | |
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</style> | |
</head> | |
<body> | |
<div class="container"> | |
<h1>Image Annotation Tool</h1> | |
<div class="controls"> | |
<input type="file" id="fileInput" accept="image/*"> | |
<button id="voidButton" class="button">Mark Voids</button> | |
<button id="componentButton" class="button">Draw Components</button> | |
<button id="clearButton" class="button" disabled>Clear All</button> | |
<button id="generateMaskButton" class="button" disabled>Generate Mask</button> | |
<button id="retrainButton" class="button" disabled>Retrain Model</button> | |
</div> | |
<div id="status" class="status"></div> | |
<div class="image-container"> | |
<div class="image-wrapper"> | |
<h2>Original Image</h2> | |
<div class="canvas-wrapper" id="canvasWrapper"> | |
<img id="image" src="" alt="Upload an image" draggable="false"> | |
<canvas id="overlayCanvas"></canvas> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div class="image-wrapper"> | |
<h2>Segmented Result</h2> | |
<img id="segmentedImage" src="" alt="Segmented image will appear here"> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div class="top-right-buttons"> | |
<button class="button" disabled>Go to SAM</button> | |
<a href="{{ url_for('yolo') }}" class="button">Go to Yolo</a> | |
</div> | |
<script> | |
class SegmentationTool { | |
constructor() { | |
this.initializeElements(); | |
this.initializeState(); | |
this.setupEventListeners(); | |
} | |
initializeElements() { | |
this.fileInput = document.getElementById('fileInput'); | |
this.image = document.getElementById('image'); | |
this.overlayCanvas = document.getElementById('overlayCanvas'); | |
this.overlayCtx = this.overlayCanvas.getContext('2d'); | |
this.segmentedImage = document.getElementById('segmentedImage'); | |
this.status = document.getElementById('status'); | |
this.canvasWrapper = document.getElementById('canvasWrapper'); | |
this.buttons = { | |
void: document.getElementById('voidButton'), | |
component: document.getElementById('componentButton'), | |
clear: document.getElementById('clearButton'), | |
generate: document.getElementById('generateMaskButton'), | |
retrain: document.getElementById('retrainButton') | |
}; | |
} | |
initializeState() { | |
this.normalizedVoidPoints = []; | |
this.normalizedComponentBoxes = []; | |
this.currentMode = null; | |
this.hoverStart = null; | |
this.uploadedFilename = ''; | |
this.isDrawing = false; | |
this.tempBox = null; // Store the current box being drawn | |
} | |
setupEventListeners() { | |
this.fileInput.addEventListener('change', (e) => this.handleFileUpload(e)); | |
this.image.addEventListener('load', () => this.handleImageLoad()); | |
this.buttons.void.addEventListener('click', () => this.setMode('void')); | |
this.buttons.component.addEventListener('click', () => this.setMode('component')); | |
this.buttons.clear.addEventListener('click', () => this.clearAll()); | |
this.buttons.generate.addEventListener('click', () => this.generateMask()); | |
this.buttons.retrain.addEventListener('click', () => this.retrainModel()); | |
this.canvasWrapper.addEventListener('click', (e) => this.handleImageClick(e)); | |
this.canvasWrapper.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => this.handleMouseDown(e)); | |
this.canvasWrapper.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => this.handleMouseMove(e)); | |
this.canvasWrapper.addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => this.handleMouseUp(e)); | |
// Add ResizeObserver | |
const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(() => { | |
this.updateCanvasSize(); | |
this.redrawAllPoints(); | |
}); | |
resizeObserver.observe(this.canvasWrapper); | |
} | |
getImageCoordinates(event) { | |
const rect = this.image.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
const x = event.clientX - rect.left; | |
const y = event.clientY -; | |
return { | |
display: [x, y], | |
normalized: [x / rect.width, y / rect.height] | |
}; | |
} | |
updateCanvasSize() { | |
const rect = this.image.getBoundingClientRect(); | | = `${rect.width}px`; | | = `${rect.height}px`; | |
this.overlayCanvas.width = rect.width; | |
this.overlayCanvas.height = rect.height; | |
} | |
handleImageLoad() { | |
this.updateCanvasSize(); | |
this.redrawAllPoints(); | |
} | |
setMode(mode) { | |
this.currentMode = this.currentMode === mode ? null : mode; | |
Object.values(this.buttons).forEach(button => button.classList.remove('active')); | |
if (this.currentMode) { | |
this.buttons[this.currentMode].classList.add('active'); | |
} | | = this.currentMode ? 'crosshair' : 'default'; | |
} | |
handleImageClick(event) { | |
if (this.currentMode !== 'void') return; | |
const coords = this.getImageCoordinates(event); | |
this.normalizedVoidPoints.push(coords.normalized); | |
this.drawVoidPoint(coords.display); | |
} | |
handleMouseDown(event) { | |
if (this.currentMode !== 'component') return; | |
event.preventDefault(); | |
this.isDrawing = true; | |
const coords = this.getImageCoordinates(event); | |
this.hoverStart = coords; // Start point of the box | |
this.tempBox = null; // Reset temporary box | |
} | |
handleMouseMove(event) { | |
if (!this.isDrawing || this.currentMode !== 'component') return; | |
const coords = this.getImageCoordinates(event); | |
this.clearOverlay(); | |
this.redrawAllPoints(); | |
// Draw the temporary box | |
if (this.hoverStart) { | |
this.tempBox = { | |
start: this.hoverStart.display, | |
end: coords.display | |
}; | |
this.drawComponentBox(this.tempBox.start, this.tempBox.end); | |
} | |
} | |
handleMouseUp(event) { | |
if (this.currentMode !== 'component' || !this.isDrawing) return; | |
const coords = this.getImageCoordinates(event); | |
// Calculate normalized coordinates for the box | |
const normalizedBox = [ | |
Math.min(this.hoverStart.normalized[0], coords.normalized[0]), | |
Math.min(this.hoverStart.normalized[1], coords.normalized[1]), | |
Math.max(this.hoverStart.normalized[0], coords.normalized[0]), | |
Math.max(this.hoverStart.normalized[1], coords.normalized[1]) | |
]; | |
// Ensure box size is valid | |
const minSize = 0.01; // 1% of image size | |
if (Math.abs(normalizedBox[2] - normalizedBox[0]) > minSize && | |
Math.abs(normalizedBox[3] - normalizedBox[1]) > minSize) { | |
this.normalizedComponentBoxes.push(normalizedBox); | |
console.log('Added box:', normalizedBox); // Debug logging | |
} | |
// Reset drawing state | |
this.isDrawing = false; | |
this.hoverStart = null; | |
this.tempBox = null; // Clear temp box | |
this.redrawAllPoints(); // Redraw all points and boxes | |
} | |
normalizedToDisplay(point) { | |
const rect = this.image.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
return [ | |
point[0] * rect.width, | |
point[1] * rect.height | |
]; | |
} | |
normalizedToDisplayBox(box) { | |
const rect = this.image.getBoundingClientRect(); | |
return [ | |
box[0] * rect.width, | |
box[1] * rect.height, | |
box[2] * rect.width, | |
box[3] * rect.height | |
]; | |
} | |
drawVoidPoint([x, y]) { | |
this.overlayCtx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)'; | |
this.overlayCtx.beginPath(); | |
this.overlayCtx.arc(x, y, 5, 0, Math.PI * 2); | |
this.overlayCtx.fill(); | |
} | |
drawComponentBox([startX, startY], [endX, endY]) { | |
// Draw the box outline | |
this.overlayCtx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.8)'; | |
this.overlayCtx.lineWidth = 2; | |
this.overlayCtx.strokeRect( | |
startX, | |
startY, | |
endX - startX, | |
endY - startY | |
); | |
// Add semi-transparent fill | |
this.overlayCtx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.1)'; | |
this.overlayCtx.fillRect( | |
startX, | |
startY, | |
endX - startX, | |
endY - startY | |
); | |
} | |
clearOverlay() { | |
this.overlayCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.overlayCanvas.width, this.overlayCanvas.height); | |
} | |
redrawAllPoints() { | |
this.clearOverlay(); | |
// Draw all void points | |
this.normalizedVoidPoints.forEach(point => { | |
const displayPoint = this.normalizedToDisplay(point); | |
this.drawVoidPoint(displayPoint); | |
}); | |
// Draw all component boxes | |
this.normalizedComponentBoxes.forEach(box => { | |
const displayBox = this.normalizedToDisplayBox(box); | |
this.drawComponentBox( | |
[displayBox[0], displayBox[1]], | |
[displayBox[2], displayBox[3]] | |
); | |
}); | |
// Draw the temporary box if it exists | |
if (this.tempBox) { | |
this.drawComponentBox(this.tempBox.start, this.tempBox.end); | |
} | |
} | |
clearAll() { | |
// Reset only the data points and visual elements | |
this.normalizedVoidPoints = []; | |
this.normalizedComponentBoxes = []; | |
this.clearOverlay(); | |
this.currentMode = null; | |
this.hoverStart = null; | |
this.isDrawing = false; | |
this.tempBox = null; | |
// Reset button states | |
Object.values(this.buttons).forEach(button => button.classList.remove('active')); | | = 'default'; | |
// Clear the segmented image | |
this.segmentedImage.src = ''; | |
// Make sure the generate button is still enabled if we have an image | |
this.buttons.generate.disabled = !this.uploadedFilename; | |
this.buttons.clear.disabled = true; | |
// Redraw the canvas to ensure it's clear | |
this.redrawAllPoints(); | |
this.showStatus('All markings cleared', 'success'); | |
} | |
async handleFileUpload(event) { | |
const file =[0]; | |
if (!file) return; | |
this.clearAll(); | |
// Show "please wait" message | |
this.showStatus('Uploading and embedding image, please wait...', 'wait'); | |
try { | |
const formData = new FormData(); | |
formData.append('file', file); | |
const response = await fetch('/upload_sam', { | |
method: 'POST', | |
body: formData | |
}); | |
const result = await response.json(); | |
if (result.error) throw new Error(result.error); | |
this.image.src = result.image_url; | |
this.uploadedFilename = result.filename; | |
this.originalDimensions = result.dimensions; | |
this.buttons.generate.disabled = false; | |
// Show success message after upload is complete | |
this.showStatus('Image uploaded successfully', 'success'); | |
} catch (error) { | |
this.showStatus(`Upload failed: ${error.message}`, 'error'); | |
} | |
} | |
async generateMask() { | |
if (!this.uploadedFilename) { | |
this.showStatus('Please upload an image first', 'error'); | |
return; | |
} | |
try { | |
this.buttons.generate.disabled = true; | |
const requestData = { | |
void_points: this.normalizedVoidPoints, | |
component_boxes: this.normalizedComponentBoxes, | |
filename: this.uploadedFilename, | |
original_dimensions: this.originalDimensions | |
}; | |
console.log('Sending data to backend:', requestData); // Debug logging | |
const response = await fetch('/generate_mask', { | |
method: 'POST', | |
headers: { | |
'Content-Type': 'application/json', | |
}, | |
body: JSON.stringify(requestData), | |
}); | |
const result = await response.json(); | |
if (result.error) throw new Error(result.error); | |
this.segmentedImage.src = result.result_path + '?t=' + new Date().getTime(); | |
this.showStatus('Mask generated successfully', 'success'); | |
} catch (error) { | |
this.showStatus(`Failed to generate mask: ${error.message}`, 'error'); | |
console.error('Mask generation error:', error); // Debug logging | |
} finally { | |
this.buttons.generate.disabled = false; | |
this.buttons.retrain.disabled = false; | | = '#c62828'; | |
this.buttons.clear.disabled = false; | |
} | |
} | |
async retrainModel() { | |
try { | |
this.buttons.retrain.disabled = true; | |
this.showStatus('Starting model retraining...', 'wait'); | |
// First make the POST request to start the training | |
const response = await fetch('/start_retraining', { | |
method: 'POST', | |
headers: { | |
'Content-Type': 'application/json' | |
} | |
}); | |
if (!response.ok) { | |
throw new Error('Failed to start retraining'); | |
} | |
// If POST was successful, open the monitoring page in a new window | |'/start_retraining', '_blank'); | |
// Connect to Socket.IO to receive updates in the main window | |
const socket = io(); | |
socket.on('training_update', (data) => { | |
this.showStatus(`Retraining progress: ${data.status}`, 'wait'); | |
}); | |
socket.on('training_complete', (data) => { | |
this.showStatus('Model retraining completed successfully!', 'success'); | |
this.buttons.retrain.disabled = false; | |
socket.disconnect(); | |
}); | |
socket.on('training_error', (data) => { | |
this.showStatus(data.status, 'error'); | |
this.buttons.retrain.disabled = false; | |
socket.disconnect(); | |
}); | |
socket.on('connect_error', (error) => { | |
this.showStatus('Connection error: ' + error, 'error'); | |
this.buttons.retrain.disabled = false; | |
socket.disconnect(); | |
}); | |
} catch (error) { | |
this.showStatus(`Failed to start retraining: ${error.message}`, 'error'); | |
this.buttons.retrain.disabled = false; | |
} | |
} | |
showStatus(message, type) { | |
this.status.className = `status ${type}`; | |
this.status.textContent = message; | | = 'block'; | |
if (type === 'success' || type === 'error') { | |
setTimeout(() => { | | = 'none'; | |
}, 6000); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Initialize the tool when the page loads | |
window.addEventListener('load', () => { | |
new SegmentationTool(); | |
}); | |
</script> | |
</body> | |
</html> |