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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from datetime import date, timedelta
import random
# [All the scheduling functions and analytics functions here]
# Team Workload Analysis
def team_workload_analysis(schedule_df):
"""Generate a bar chart showing the number of matches each team has per week."""
schedule_df['Week'] = schedule_df['Date'].dt.isocalendar().week
team_counts = schedule_df.groupby(['Week', 'Team 1']).size().unstack().fillna(0)
# Plot
team_counts.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, figsize=(15, 7), cmap='Oranges')
plt.title('Team Workload Analysis')
plt.ylabel('Number of Matches')
plt.xlabel('Week Number')
plt.legend(title='Teams', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left')
# Match Distribution
def match_distribution(schedule_df):
"""Generate a histogram showing match distribution across months."""
schedule_df['Month'] = schedule_df['Date'].dt.month_name()
month_order = ['November', 'December', 'January', 'February', 'March']
# Plot
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
sns.countplot(data=schedule_df, x='Month', order=month_order, palette='Oranges_r')
plt.title('Match Distribution Across Months')
plt.ylabel('Number of Matches')
# Inter-Conference Match Analysis
def inter_conference_analysis(schedule_df):
"""Generate a heatmap showing inter-conference match frequencies."""
# Extract the conference from the team names
schedule_df['Conference 1'] = schedule_df['Team 1'].str[0]
schedule_df['Conference 2'] = schedule_df['Team 2'].str[0]
# Filter out intra-conference matches
inter_conference_df = schedule_df[schedule_df['Conference 1'] != schedule_df['Conference 2']]
# Create a crosstab for the heatmap
heatmap_data = pd.crosstab(inter_conference_df['Conference 1'], inter_conference_df['Conference 2'])
# Ensure every conference combination has a value
all_conferences = schedule_df['Conference 1'].unique()
for conf in all_conferences:
if conf not in heatmap_data.columns:
heatmap_data[conf] = 0
if conf not in heatmap_data.index:
heatmap_data.loc[conf] = 0
heatmap_data = heatmap_data.sort_index().sort_index(axis=1)
# Plot
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
sns.heatmap(heatmap_data, annot=True, cmap='Oranges', linewidths=.5, cbar_kws={'label': 'Number of Matches'})
plt.title('Inter-Conference Match Analysis')
plt.ylabel('Conference 1')
plt.xlabel('Conference 2')
# Commissioner Analytics
def commissioner_analytics(schedule_df, commissioners):
"""Generate a bar chart showing matches overseen by each commissioner."""
# Assuming each commissioner oversees a specific conference
comm_dict = {f"Conference {chr(65+i)}": comm for i, comm in enumerate(commissioners)}
schedule_df['Commissioner'] = schedule_df['Conference 1'].map(comm_dict)
# Count matches overseen by each commissioner
commissioner_counts = schedule_df['Commissioner'].value_counts()
# Plot using matplotlib
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)), commissioner_counts.values, color='orange')
plt.title('Matches Overseen by Each Commissioner')
plt.ylabel('Number of Matches')
# Streamlit App
st.title("Basketball Game Schedule Generator")
# Initialize session state for schedule_df
if 'schedule_df' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.schedule_df = None
# Configuration UI
num_teams = st.number_input("Number of teams per conference:", min_value=2, value=10)
num_conferences = st.number_input("Number of conferences:", min_value=2, value=4)
num_inter_games = st.number_input("Number of inter-conference games per team:", min_value=1, value=3)
commissioners = st.multiselect("Add commissioners:", options=[], default=[])
add_commissioner = st.text_input("New commissioner name:")
if add_commissioner:
# Schedule Generation
if st.button("Generate Schedule"):
st.session_state.schedule_df = create_schedule(num_teams, num_conferences, num_inter_games)
# Schedule Viewing
st.header("View Schedule")
conference_selector = st.selectbox("Select conference to view schedule:", options=["All"] + [f"Conference {chr(65+i)}" for i in range(num_conferences)])
if st.session_state.schedule_df is not None:
if conference_selector == "All":
filtered_schedule = st.session_state.schedule_df[(st.session_state.schedule_df["Team 1"].str.startswith(conference_selector)) | (st.session_state.schedule_df["Team 2"].str.startswith(conference_selector))]
# Analytics & Comparisons
st.header("Analytics & Comparisons")
analytics_option = st.selectbox("Choose an analysis type:", ["Team Workload Analysis", "Match Distribution", "Inter-Conference Match Analysis", "Commissioner Analytics"])
historical_data = generate_mock_historical_data(num_teams, num_conferences, num_inter_games, date(2022, 11, 6), date(2023, 3, 1))
if analytics_option == "Team Workload Analysis":
st.subheader("Historical Data")
st.subheader("Current Data")
elif analytics_option == "Match Distribution":
st.subheader("Historical Data")
st.subheader("Current Data")
elif analytics_option == "Inter-Conference Match Analysis":
st.subheader("Historical Data")
st.subheader("Current Data")
elif analytics_option == "Commissioner Analytics":
st.subheader("Historical Data")
st.pyplot(commissioner_analytics(historical_data, commissioners))
st.subheader("Current Data")
st.pyplot(commissioner_analytics(st.session_state.schedule_df, commissioners))
# Export functionality can be added later