import io import json import os import time import uuid from datetime import datetime from io import BytesIO from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from xmlrpc.client import Binary import jwt import numpy as np import requests import scipy import soundfile as sf import streamlit as st import streamlit_vertical_slider as svs from pydub import AudioSegment from scipy.signal import butter, sosfilt from streamlit import session_state as st_state from woocommerce import API from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client from wordpress_xmlrpc.compat import xmlrpc_client from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods import media # Try to get API_URL from environment variables, if not found set to a default value try: API_URL = os.environ["API_URL"] except KeyError: st.error("API_URL environment variable is not set.") st.stop() # Try to get the Bearer token from environment variables, if not found set to a default value try: BEARER_TOKEN = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"] except KeyError: st.error("BEARER_TOKEN environment variable is not set.") st.stop() print("API_URL:", os.environ["API_URL"]) print("BEARER_TOKEN:", os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]) page_bg_img = ''' ''' st.markdown(page_bg_img, unsafe_allow_html=True) def save_to_wordpress(channel1, channel2, sample_rate): channel1 = np.array(channel1).astype(np.float32) channel2 = np.array(channel2).astype(np.float32) stereo_audio = np.column_stack((channel1, channel2)) # Define your WordPress site URL and authentication credentials wordpress_url = "" woocommerce_url = "" consumer_key = "ck_93d516ba12289a6fd0eced56bbc0b05ecbf98735" consumer_secret = "cs_9d5eb716d631db408a4c47796b5d18b0313d8559" username = "admin_h2ibbgql" password = "um^VdaNK0H8Vw2*KNJlYABkh" # Authenticate with WordPress XML-RPC API wav_bytes = BytesIO() sf.write(wav_bytes, stereo_audio, samplerate=sample_rate, format="WAV") title = f"generated_audio_{}.wav" file_data = { "name": title, "type": "audio/x-wav", # Change the MIME type according to your file type "bits": xmlrpc_client.Binary(wav_bytes.getvalue()), } wp_client = Client(wordpress_url, username, password) for _ in range(4): try: # Upload the file to WordPress Media Library media_response = # Handle the response if media_response: print( "File successfully uploaded to WordPress with attachment ID:", media_response, ) # Create product data for WooCommerce product_data = { "status": "pending", "name": title, "type": "simple", "regular_price": "1.00", # Set the price as needed "sku": str(uuid.uuid4()), "downloadable": True, "download_limit": -1, "download_expiry": -1, } # Authenticate with WooCommerce API wc_api = API( url=woocommerce_url, consumer_key=consumer_key, consumer_secret=consumer_secret, version="wc/v3", ) # Create the product response ="products", product_data) # Handle the response if response.status_code == 201: print( "Product successfully created in WooCommerce:", response.json() ) # Update product to add downloadable file URL product_update_data = { "downloads": [ { "name": media_response["title"], "file": media_response["link"], } ] } product_id = response.json().get("id") response = wc_api.put(f"products/{product_id}", product_update_data) if response.status_code == 200: print( "Downloadable file URL added to product:", response.json() ) return ( response.json()["permalink"], response.json()["permalink"].split("p=")[-1], ) else: print( "Error adding downloadable file URL to product:", response.text, ) else: print("Error creating product in WooCommerce:", response.text) else: print("Error uploading file to WordPress.") break except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}", "Content-Type": "application/json", } # Streamlit app title st.title("Songlab AI") # Initialize session state variables if "vocal_audio" not in st_state: st_state.vocal_audio = None if "vocal_sample_rate" not in st_state: st_state.vocal_sample_rate = None if "audio" not in st_state: = None if "audio_pydub" not in st_state: st_state.audio_pydub = None if "audio_sample_rate" not in st_state: st_state.audio_sample_rate = None if "augmented_audio" not in st_state: st_state.augmented_audio = None if "augmented_audio_pydub" not in st_state: st_state.augmented_audio_pydub = None if "augmented_audio_sample_rate" not in st_state: st_state.augmented_audio_sample_rate = None genres = [ "Pop", "Rock", "Hip Hop", "Jazz", "Blues", "Country", "Classical", "Electronic", "Reggae", "Folk", "R&B", "Metal", "Punk", "Indie", "Dance", "World", "Gospel", "Soul", "Funk", "Ambient", "Techno", "Disco", "House", "Trance", "Dubstep", ] genre = st.selectbox("Select Genre:", genres) energy_levels = ["Low", "Medium", "High"] energy_level ="Energy Level:", energy_levels, horizontal=True) description = st.text_input("Description:", "") tempo = st.slider("Tempo (in bpm):", min_value=40, max_value=100, value=60, step=5) # Duration input duration = st.slider( "Duration (in seconds):", min_value=15, max_value=300, value=30, step=1 ) prompt2 = "Classical ,Low, 40, slow calm" def convert_audio_segment_to_float_array(audio_pydub): """ Convert a pydub AudioSegment to a NumPy array of type float32. Args: audio_pydub (AudioSegment): The AudioSegment object to be converted. Returns: np.ndarray: A NumPy array containing the audio data as float32. """ # Get the raw audio data as a sequence of samples samples = audio_pydub.get_array_of_samples() # Convert the samples to a NumPy array and normalize to float32 audio_array = np.array(samples).astype(np.float32) # Normalize the audio array to range between -1.0 and 1.0 max_val = 2**15 # Assuming 16-bit audio, modify this if using different bit depths audio_array /= max_val return audio_array def time_post_request(api_url, headers=None, payload=None): """ Times the execution of a POST request. Parameters: - api_url (str): The URL to which the POST request is sent. - headers (dict): The headers to include in the POST request. - payload (dict): The payload to include in the POST request. Returns: - response (requests.Response): The response object returned by the POST request. - execution_time (float): The time it took to execute the POST request. """ start_time = time.time() response =, headers=headers, json=payload) end_time = time.time() execution_time = end_time - start_time print(f"Execution time: {execution_time} seconds") return response def generate_audio(genre, energy_level, tempo, description, duration): count_down = 300 prompt = f"Genre: {genre}, Energy Level: {energy_level}, Tempo: {tempo}, Description: {description}," payload = {"inputs": {"prompt": prompt, "duration": duration}} with st.spinner("Generating audio ..."): response = time_post_request(API_URL, headers, payload) placeholder1 = st.empty() if response.status_code != 200: # Temp Jay Start print(f"Request Headers: {response.request.headers}") print(f"Request Body: {response.request.body}") print(f"Response Code: {response.status_code}") print(f"Response Body: {response.text}") # Temp Jay End print(str(response.content)) count_down_placeholder = st.empty() for seconds in range(count_down): f"The server is currently loading. Retrying in ⏳ {count_down - seconds} seconds." ) time.sleep(1) count_down_placeholder.empty() with st.spinner("Generating audio ..."): response = time_post_request(API_URL, headers, payload) if response.status_code != 200: count_down_placeholder = st.empty() for seconds in range(count_down): f"2nd attempt failed. trying again one more time in ⏳ {count_down - seconds} seconds." ) time.sleep(1) count_down_placeholder.empty() with st.spinner("Generating audio ..."): response = time_post_request(API_URL, headers, payload) if response.status_code != 200: placeholder1.error( "Failed to generate audio after multiple attempts. Please try again later." ) else: placeholder1.success(f"✔️ Audio Generated, Loading...") load_and_play_generated_audio(response) placeholder1.empty() else: placeholder1.success(f"✔️ Audio Generated, Loading...") load_and_play_generated_audio(response) placeholder1.empty() else: placeholder1.success(f"✔️ Audio Generated, Loading...") load_and_play_generated_audio(response) placeholder1.empty() def load_and_play_generated_audio(response): response_eval = json.loads(response.content) channel1 = response_eval[0]["generated_audio"][0] channel2 = response_eval[0]["generated_audio"][1] with NamedTemporaryFile() as f1:, rate=32000, data=np.array(channel1).astype(np.float32) ) channel1_temp = AudioSegment.from_file( with NamedTemporaryFile() as f2:, rate=32000, data=np.array(channel2).astype(np.float32) ) channel2_temp = AudioSegment.from_file( audio_pydub = AudioSegment.from_mono_audiosegments(channel1_temp, channel2_temp) st_state.audio_pydub = audio_pydub st_state.audio_pydub_sample_rate = audio_pydub.frame_rate = np.array(st_state.audio_pydub.get_array_of_samples()).astype(np.float32) sample_rate = response_eval[0]["sample_rate"] perm_link, product_code = save_to_wordpress( channel1, channel2, 32000 ) st_state.audio_sample_rate = sample_rate st_state.augmented_audio_pydub = st_state.audio_pydub col_btn, col_text = st.columns([2,4]) with col_btn: st.link_button("Publish your Song", "") st.link_button("Download Song", "") with col_text: st.write( f"To Publish, please contact the admin by sending the following link: {perm_link}" ) st.write(f"To download use the following product code: {product_code}") if st.button("Generate Audio"): if genre and energy_level and description and tempo: generate_audio(genre, energy_level, tempo, description, duration) if description == "":"Description field is required.") # Post-processing options st.header("Post-processing Options") vocal_file = st.file_uploader( "Upload Vocal File", type=["mp3", "wav", "ogg", "flac", "aac"] ) if vocal_file: st_state.vocal_audio = #, format="audio/wav") # Mixing mix_vocals = st.checkbox("Mix Vocals") if mix_vocals and st_state.vocal_audio is not None: with NamedTemporaryFile() as f: f.write(st_state.vocal_audio) st_state.vocal_audio = AudioSegment.from_file( st_state.augmented_audio_pydub = st_state.augmented_audio_pydub.overlay( st_state.vocal_audio, position=100 ) # st_state.augmented_audio = convert_audio_segment_to_float_array( st_state.augmented_audio_pydub ) st_state.augmented_audio_sample_rate = st_state.augmented_audio_pydub.frame_rate elif not mix_vocals and st_state.vocal_audio is not None: st_state.augmented_audio_pydub = st_state.audio_pydub st_state.augmented_audio_sample_rate = st_state.audio_pydub.frame_rate # Mastering st.header("Mastering") st.markdown("") # Volume Balance, Compression Ratio, and Reverb Amount vol_col, pitch_shift,buttons_col = st.columns([2, 2, 2.5,]) with buttons_col: with st.container(height=371, border=True): st.markdown("") apply_stereo = st.button("Apply Stereo Effect") st.markdown("") reverse = st.button("Apply Audio Reverse ") st.markdown("") reset_post_processing = st.button("Undo All Post-processings") st.markdown("") with vol_col: with st.container(border=True): volume_balance = svs.vertical_slider( "Volume Balance", min_value=-10.0, max_value=10.0, default_value=0.0, step=0.1, slider_color="green", track_color="lightgray", thumb_color="red", thumb_shape="pill", ) vol_button = st.button("Apply Vol-Balance") # Pitch shifting with pitch_shift: with st.container(border=True): pitch_semitones = svs.vertical_slider( label="Pitch (semitones)", min_value=-12, max_value=12, default_value=0, step=1, slider_color="red", track_color="lightgray", thumb_color="red", thumb_shape="pill", ) pitch_shift_button = st.button( "Apply Pitch Shift", ) if st_state.augmented_audio_pydub is not None: if vol_button: st_state.augmented_audio_pydub = st_state.augmented_audio_pydub + volume_balance if apply_stereo: st_state.augmented_audio_pydub = st_state.augmented_audio_pydub.pan( -0.5 ).overlay(st_state.augmented_audio_pydub.pan(0.5)) if reverse: st_state.augmented_audio_pydub = st_state.augmented_audio_pydub.reverse() if pitch_shift_button: st_state.augmented_audio_pydub = st_state.augmented_audio_pydub._spawn( st_state.augmented_audio_pydub.raw_data, overrides={ "frame_rate": int( st_state.augmented_audio_pydub.frame_rate * (2 ** (pitch_semitones / 12.0)) ) }, ) # Display the final audio if st_state.augmented_audio_pydub is not None: # sample_rate = st_state.augmented_audio_sample_rate #, format="audio/wav", sample_rate=sample_rate*2, start_time=0) st.link_button( label="⬇️ Download/Save", url="", type="primary", use_container_width=True, ) # m = st.markdown(""" # """, unsafe_allow_html=True) if reset_post_processing and st_state.audio_pydub is not None: st_state.augmented_audio_pydub = st_state.audio_pydub