songlab-melody /
mubashiralli's picture
adding code for saving to wordpress
2164e3e verified
history blame
10.1 kB
import streamlit as st
import requests
import numpy as np
import os
import base64
from streamlit import session_state as st_state
import streamlit_vertical_slider as svs
import librosa
import soundfile as sf
from scipy.signal import butter, sosfilt
from wordpress_xmlrpc.compat import xmlrpc_client
from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy
from io import BytesIO
import soundfile as sf
from datetime import datetime
def save_to_wordpress(audio, sample_rate):
# Define your WordPress site URL and authentication credentials
wordpress_url = ''
username = 'admin_h2ibbgql'
password = 'um^VdaNK0H8Vw2*KNJlYABkh'
# Authenticate with WordPress XML-RPC API
proxy = ServerProxy(wordpress_url)
wav_bytes = BytesIO()
sf.write(wav_bytes, audio, samplerate=sample_rate, format='WAV')
file_data = {
'name': f"generated_audio_{}.wav",
'type': 'audio/x-wav', # Change the MIME type according to your file type
'bits': xmlrpc_client.Binary(wav_bytes.getvalue()),
for _ in range(4):
# Upload the file to WordPress Media Library
response_upload = proxy.wp.uploadFile(0, username, password, file_data)
# Handle the response
if response_upload['id']:
attachment_id = response_upload['id']
print("File successfully uploaded to WordPress with attachment ID:", attachment_id)
print("Error uploading file to WordPress.")
except Exception as e:
print("Error:", e)
# Try to get API_URL from environment variables, if not found set to a default value
API_URL = os.environ["API_URL"]
except KeyError:
st.error("API_URL environment variable is not set.")
# Try to get the Bearer token from environment variables, if not found set to a default value
except KeyError:
st.error("BEARER_TOKEN environment variable is not set.")
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
# Initialize session state variables
if 'audio' not in st_state: = None
if 'augmented_audio' not in st_state:
st_state.augmented_audio = None
# Streamlit app title
# Initialize session state variables
if 'vocal_audio' not in st_state:
st_state.vocal_audio = None
if 'audio' not in st_state: = None
if 'augmented_audio' not in st_state:
st_state.augmented_audio = None
genres = [
"Pop", "Rock", "Hip Hop", "Jazz", "Blues",
"Country", "Classical", "Electronic", "Reggae",
"Folk", "R&B", "Metal", "Punk", "Indie",
"Dance", "World", "Gospel", "Soul", "Funk",
"Ambient", "Techno", "Disco", "House", "Trance",
genre = st.selectbox("Select Genre:", genres)
energy_levels = ["Low", "Medium", "High"]
energy_level ="Energy Level:", energy_levels, horizontal=True)
description = st.text_input("Description:", "")
tempo = st.slider("Tempo (in bpm):", min_value=40, max_value=100, value=60, step=5)
# Duration input
duration = st.slider("Duration (in seconds):", min_value=15, max_value=90, value=30, step=1)
# Generate audio based on the user's prompt
if st.button("Generate Audio") and genre and energy_level and description and tempo:
prompt = f"{genre} ,{energy_level}, {tempo}, {description}"
payload = {"inputs": {"prompt": prompt, "duration": duration}}
st.text("Generating audio...")
response =, headers=headers, json=payload)
response = response.json()[0]
audio = np.array(response['generated_audio'], dtype=np.float32)
sample_rate = response['sample_rate'] = audio
save_to_wordpress(audio, sample_rate), format="audio/wav", sample_rate=sample_rate, start_time=0)
# Post-processing options
st.header("Post-processing Options")
vocal_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Vocal File", type=["mp3", "wav", "ogg", "flac", "aac"])
if vocal_file:
st_state.vocal_audio =
# Mixing
mix_vocals = st.checkbox("Mix Vocals")
if mix_vocals and st_state.vocal_audio is not None:
# Load the vocal audio
vocal_audio, _ = librosa.load(, mono=False)
# Adjust the vocal audio length to match the generated audio
vocal_audio = librosa.util.fix_length(vocal_audio, len(
# Mix the vocal audio with the generated audio
st_state.augmented_audio = ( + vocal_audio) / 2
# Mastering
# Volume Balance, Compression Ratio, and Reverb Amount
vol_col, comp_col, reverb_col = st.columns(3)
with vol_col:
volume_balance = svs.vertical_slider(
"Volume Balance", min_value=-10.0, max_value=10.0, default_value=0.0, step=0.1,
slider_color="green", track_color="lightgray", thumb_color="red"
vol_button = st.button("Apply Volume Balance")
with comp_col:
compression_ratio = svs.vertical_slider(
"Compression Ratio", min_value=1.0, max_value=10.0, default_value=3.0, step=0.1,
slider_color="blue", track_color="lightgray", thumb_color="navy"
comp_button = st.button("Apply Compression")
with reverb_col:
reverb_amount = svs.vertical_slider(
"Reverb Amount", min_value=1.0, max_value=10.0, default_value=3.0, step=0.1,
slider_color="orange", track_color="lightgray", thumb_color="darkorange"
reverb_button = st.button("Apply Reverb")
if vol_button:
if st_state.augmented_audio is None:
st_state.augmented_audio =
st_state.augmented_audio *= 10 ** (volume_balance / 20)
if comp_button:
if st_state.augmented_audio is None:
st_state.augmented_audio =
# Apply compression using a simple soft-knee compressor
threshold = -20 # dBFS
ratio = compression_ratio
knee = 10 # dB
max_gain = 20 # dB
def compress(x, threshold, ratio, knee, max_gain):
over = np.maximum(x - threshold, 0)
gain = over / (over + knee) * (1 - (1 / ratio)) + 1
gain = np.maximum(gain, 1 - max_gain)
return x * gain
st_state.augmented_audio = compress(st_state.augmented_audio, threshold, ratio, knee, max_gain)
if reverb_button:
if st_state.augmented_audio is None:
st_state.augmented_audio =
# Apply a simple reverb effect using convolution
ir_length = int(sample_rate * 2.5) # 2.5 seconds
ir = np.zeros(ir_length)
ir[0] = 1
ir = np.append(ir, np.zeros(len(st_state.augmented_audio) - ir_length))
reverb = np.convolve(st_state.augmented_audio, ir, mode='full')[:len(st_state.augmented_audio)]
st_state.augmented_audio = st_state.augmented_audio + reverb_amount * reverb
# Create two main columns
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
# EQ Controls
with col1:
eq_cols1 = st.columns(3)
with eq_cols1[0]:
eq_low = svs.vertical_slider(
"Low", default_value=0.0, step=0.1, min_value=-10.0, max_value=10.0,
slider_color="green", track_color="lightgray", thumb_color="red"
with eq_cols1[1]:
eq_mid = svs.vertical_slider(
"Medium", default_value=0.0, step=0.1, min_value=-10.0, max_value=10.0,
slider_color="green", track_color="lightgray", thumb_color="red"
with eq_cols1[2]:
eq_high = svs.vertical_slider(
"High", default_value=0.0, step=0.1, min_value=-10.0, max_value=10.0,
slider_color="green", track_color="lightgray", thumb_color="red"
eq_cols2 = st.columns(3)
with eq_cols2[0]:
with eq_cols2[1]:
eq_button = st.button("Apply EQ")
with eq_cols2[2]:
# Delay Controls
with col2:
delay_cols1 = st.columns(2)
with delay_cols1[0]:
delay_amount = svs.vertical_slider(
"Value", default_value=25, step=1, min_value=0, max_value=100,
slider_color="#6A5ACD", track_color="#F5F5F5", thumb_color="#4B0082"
with delay_cols1[1]:
delay_time = svs.vertical_slider(
"Time", default_value=75, step=1, min_value=0, max_value=100,
slider_color="#3CB371", track_color="#F5F5F5", thumb_color="#2E8B57"
delay_cols2 = st.columns(3)
with delay_cols2[0]:
with delay_cols2[1]:
delay_button = st.button("Delay")
with delay_cols2[2]:
if eq_button:
if st_state.augmented_audio is None:
st_state.augmented_audio =
# Apply a simple 3-band EQ using a butterworth filter
nyquist = sample_rate / 2
low_cutoff = 200 / nyquist
mid_cutoff = 2000 / nyquist
high_cutoff = 8000 / nyquist
low_sos = butter(4, low_cutoff, btype='low', output='sos', analog=False)
mid_sos = butter(4, [low_cutoff, mid_cutoff], btype='band', output='sos', analog=False)
high_sos = butter(4, high_cutoff, btype='high', output='sos', analog=False)
st_state.augmented_audio = sosfilt(np.dstack((low_sos, mid_sos, high_sos)), st_state.augmented_audio, np.stack((eq_low, eq_mid, eq_high)))
# Add delay logic here if needed
if delay_button:
if st_state.augmented_audio is None:
st_state.augmented_audio =
# Apply a simple delay effect
delay_samples = int(delay_time / 1000 * sample_rate)
delay = np.zeros(len(st_state.augmented_audio) + delay_samples)
delay[delay_samples:] = st_state.augmented_audio
delay[:len(st_state.augmented_audio)] += delay_amount * delay[:-delay_samples]
st_state.augmented_audio = delay[:len(st_state.augmented_audio)]
# Display the final audio
if st_state.augmented_audio is not None:, format="audio/wav", sample_rate=sample_rate, start_time=0)
# Redirect Button for subscribe
st.link_button("Download/Save", "")