#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[2]: import numpy as np import joblib import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import altair as alt import pydeck as pdk # SETTING PAGE CONFIG TO WIDE MODE st.set_page_config(layout="wide") st.title('Resume Parser') '##### Instructions:- Select text from LinkedIn Summary Section Only ' txt = st.text_input('Resume summary to Analyze', ''' Been a CS Graduate, I am a Data Science enthusiast with a good understanding of Machine Learning algorithms Techniques such as Regression, Classification, and Clustering, along with Computer Vision and NLP. Self Thaught Python Programmer. Has a good understanding of SQL and also has good Data Visualisation skills, and has worked with tools like Tableau and Python libraries such as Numpy and Pandas, Scikit learn, Matplotlib and Seaborn. I'm highly passionate about Data Science and intending to pursue a career in Big data/Data Scientist. github link - https://github.com/pramod1998-hash ''') model = joblib.load(open('modelf.pkl', 'rb')) st.write('**Summary Submitted**:\n', txt) int_features = [txt] #st.write(int_features) docs=list(model.pipe(int_features)) lst=[] for doc in docs: for entity in doc.ents: #st.write((entity.text,entity.label_)) lst.append((entity.text,entity.label_)) output = lst df = pd.DataFrame( lst) st.write("### OUTPUT:-") st.dataframe(df) st.write("*Note: So far our AI has been train to extract only skill and experience. This AI can be trained further for extraction required information* ") #st.write(output)