UVR5-UI / app.py
Eddycrack864's picture
Update app.py
8c8860a verified
history blame
36.6 kB
import os
import re
import random
from scipy.io.wavfile import write
from scipy.io.wavfile import read
import numpy as np
import gradio as gr
import yt_dlp
import subprocess
roformer_models = {
'BS-Roformer-Viperx-1297.ckpt': 'model_bs_roformer_ep_317_sdr_12.9755.ckpt',
'BS-Roformer-Viperx-1296.ckpt': 'model_bs_roformer_ep_368_sdr_12.9628.ckpt',
'BS-Roformer-Viperx-1053.ckpt': 'model_bs_roformer_ep_937_sdr_10.5309.ckpt',
'Mel-Roformer-Viperx-1143.ckpt': 'model_mel_band_roformer_ep_3005_sdr_11.4360.ckpt'
mdx23c_models = [
mdxnet_models = [
vrarch_models = [
demucs_models = [
output_format = [
mdxnet_overlap_values = [
vrarch_window_size_values = [
demucs_overlap_values = [
def download_audio(url):
ydl_opts = {
'format': 'bestaudio/best',
'outtmpl': 'ytdl/%(title)s.%(ext)s',
'postprocessors': [{
'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
'preferredcodec': 'wav',
'preferredquality': '192',
with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
info_dict = ydl.extract_info(url, download=True)
file_path = ydl.prepare_filename(info_dict).rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.wav'
sample_rate, audio_data = read(file_path)
audio_array = np.asarray(audio_data, dtype=np.int16)
return sample_rate, audio_array
def roformer_separator(roformer_audio, roformer_model, roformer_output_format, roformer_overlap, roformer_segment_size):
files_list = []
directory = "./outputs"
random_id = str(random.randint(10000, 99999))
pattern = f"{random_id}"
os.makedirs("outputs", exist_ok=True)
write(f'{random_id}.wav', roformer_audio[0], roformer_audio[1])
full_roformer_model = roformer_models[roformer_model]
prompt = f"audio-separator {random_id}.wav --model_filename {full_roformer_model} --output_dir=./outputs --output_format={roformer_output_format} --normalization=0.9 --mdxc_overlap={roformer_overlap} --mdxc_segment_size={roformer_segment_size}"
for file in os.listdir(directory):
if re.search(pattern, file):
files_list.append(os.path.join(directory, file))
stem1_file = files_list[0]
stem2_file = files_list[1]
return stem1_file, stem2_file
def mdxc_separator(mdx23c_audio, mdx23c_model, mdx23c_output_format, mdx23c_segment_size, mdx23c_overlap, mdx23c_denoise):
files_list = []
directory = "./outputs"
random_id = str(random.randint(10000, 99999))
pattern = f"{random_id}"
os.makedirs("outputs", exist_ok=True)
write(f'{random_id}.wav', mdx23c_audio[0], mdx23c_audio[1])
prompt = f"audio-separator {random_id}.wav --model_filename {mdx23c_model} --output_dir=./outputs --output_format={mdx23c_output_format} --normalization=0.9 --mdxc_segment_size={mdx23c_segment_size} --mdxc_overlap={mdx23c_overlap}"
if mdx23c_denoise:
prompt += " --mdx_enable_denoise"
for file in os.listdir(directory):
if re.search(pattern, file):
files_list.append(os.path.join(directory, file))
stem1_file = files_list[0]
stem2_file = files_list[1]
return stem1_file, stem2_file
def mdxnet_separator(mdxnet_audio, mdxnet_model, mdxnet_output_format, mdxnet_segment_size, mdxnet_overlap, mdxnet_denoise):
files_list = []
directory = "./outputs"
random_id = str(random.randint(10000, 99999))
pattern = f"{random_id}"
os.makedirs("outputs", exist_ok=True)
write(f'{random_id}.wav', mdxnet_audio[0], mdxnet_audio[1])
prompt = f"audio-separator {random_id}.wav --model_filename {mdxnet_model} --output_dir=./outputs --output_format={mdxnet_output_format} --normalization=0.9 --mdx_segment_size={mdxnet_segment_size} --mdx_overlap={mdxnet_overlap}"
if mdxnet_denoise:
prompt += " --mdx_enable_denoise"
for file in os.listdir(directory):
if re.search(pattern, file):
files_list.append(os.path.join(directory, file))
stem1_file = files_list[0]
stem2_file = files_list[1]
return stem1_file, stem2_file
def vrarch_separator(vrarch_audio, vrarch_model, vrarch_output_format, vrarch_window_size, vrarch_agression, vrarch_tta, vrarch_high_end_process):
files_list = []
directory = "./outputs"
random_id = str(random.randint(10000, 99999))
pattern = f"{random_id}"
os.makedirs("outputs", exist_ok=True)
write(f'{random_id}.wav', vrarch_audio[0], vrarch_audio[1])
prompt = f"audio-separator {random_id}.wav --model_filename {vrarch_model} --output_dir=./outputs --output_format={vrarch_output_format} --normalization=0.9 --vr_window_size={vrarch_window_size} --vr_aggression={vrarch_agression}"
if vrarch_tta:
prompt += " --vr_enable_tta"
if vrarch_high_end_process:
prompt += " --vr_high_end_process"
for file in os.listdir(directory):
if re.search(pattern, file):
files_list.append(os.path.join(directory, file))
stem1_file = files_list[0]
stem2_file = files_list[1]
return stem1_file, stem2_file
def demucs_separator(demucs_audio, demucs_model, demucs_output_format, demucs_shifts, demucs_overlap):
files_list = []
directory = "./outputs"
random_id = str(random.randint(10000, 99999))
pattern = f"{random_id}"
os.makedirs("outputs", exist_ok=True)
write(f'{random_id}.wav', demucs_audio[0], demucs_audio[1])
prompt = f"audio-separator {random_id}.wav --model_filename {demucs_model} --output_dir=./outputs --output_format={demucs_output_format} --normalization=0.9 --demucs_shifts={demucs_shifts} --demucs_overlap={demucs_overlap}"
for file in os.listdir(directory):
if re.search(pattern, file):
files_list.append(os.path.join(directory, file))
stem1_file = files_list[0]
stem2_file = files_list[1]
stem3_file = files_list[2]
stem4_file = files_list[3]
return stem1_file, stem2_file, stem3_file, stem4_file
def roformer_batch(path_input, path_output, model, output_format, overlap, segment_size):
found_files = []
logs = []
extensions = (".mp3", ".wav", ".flac")
full_roformer_model = roformer_models[model]
for audio_files in os.listdir(path_input):
if audio_files.endswith(extensions):
total_files = len(found_files)
if total_files == 0:
logs.append("No valid audio files.")
yield "\n".join(logs)
logs.append(f"{total_files} audio files found")
for audio_files in found_files:
file_path = os.path.join(path_input, audio_files)
prompt = ["audio-separator", file_path, "-m", f"{full_roformer_model}", f"--output_dir={path_output}", f"--output_format={output_format}", "--normalization=0.9", f"--mdxc_overlap={overlap}", f"--mdxc_segment_size={segment_size}"]
logs.append(f"Processing file: {audio_files}")
yield "\n".join(logs)
logs.append(f"File: {audio_files} processed!")
yield "\n".join(logs)
def mdx23c_batch(path_input, path_output, model, output_format, overlap, segment_size, denoise):
found_files = []
logs = []
extensions = (".mp3", ".wav", ".flac")
for audio_files in os.listdir(path_input):
if audio_files.endswith(extensions):
total_files = len(found_files)
if total_files == 0:
logs.append("No valid audio files.")
yield "\n".join(logs)
logs.append(f"{total_files} audio files found")
for audio_files in found_files:
file_path = os.path.join(path_input, audio_files)
prompt = ["audio-separator", file_path, "-m", f"{model}", f"--output_dir={path_output}", f"--output_format={output_format}", "--normalization=0.9", f"--mdxc_overlap={overlap}", f"--mdxc_segment_size={segment_size}"]
if denoise:
logs.append(f"Processing file: {audio_files}")
yield "\n".join(logs)
logs.append(f"File: {audio_files} processed!")
yield "\n".join(logs)
def mdxnet_batch(path_input, path_output, model, output_format, overlap, segment_size, denoise):
found_files = []
logs = []
extensions = (".mp3", ".wav", ".flac")
for audio_files in os.listdir(path_input):
if audio_files.endswith(extensions):
total_files = len(found_files)
if total_files == 0:
logs.append("No valid audio files.")
yield "\n".join(logs)
logs.append(f"{total_files} audio files found")
for audio_files in found_files:
file_path = os.path.join(path_input, audio_files)
prompt = ["audio-separator", file_path, "-m", f"{model}", f"--output_dir={path_output}", f"--output_format={output_format}", "--normalization=0.9", f"--mdx_overlap={overlap}", f"--mdx_segment_size={segment_size}"]
if denoise:
logs.append(f"Processing file: {audio_files}")
yield "\n".join(logs)
logs.append(f"File: {audio_files} processed!")
yield "\n".join(logs)
def vrarch_batch(path_input, path_output, model, output_format, window_size, agression, tta, high_end_process):
found_files = []
logs = []
extensions = (".mp3", ".wav", ".flac")
for audio_files in os.listdir(path_input):
if audio_files.endswith(extensions):
total_files = len(found_files)
if total_files == 0:
logs.append("No valid audio files.")
yield "\n".join(logs)
logs.append(f"{total_files} audio files found")
for audio_files in found_files:
file_path = os.path.join(path_input, audio_files)
prompt = ["audio-separator", file_path, "-m", f"{model}", f"--output_dir={path_output}", f"--output_format={output_format}", "--normalization=0.9", f"--vr_window_size={window_size}", f"--vr_aggression={agression}"]
if tta:
if high_end_process:
logs.append(f"Processing file: {audio_files}")
yield "\n".join(logs)
logs.append(f"File: {audio_files} processed!")
yield "\n".join(logs)
def demucs_batch(path_input, path_output, model, output_format, shifts, overlap):
found_files = []
logs = []
extensions = (".mp3", ".wav", ".flac")
for audio_files in os.listdir(path_input):
if audio_files.endswith(extensions):
total_files = len(found_files)
if total_files == 0:
logs.append("No valid audio files.")
yield "\n".join(logs)
logs.append(f"{total_files} audio files found")
for audio_files in found_files:
file_path = os.path.join(path_input, audio_files)
prompt = ["audio-separator", file_path, "-m", f"{model}", f"--output_dir={path_output}", f"--output_format={output_format}", "--normalization=0.9", f"--demucs_shifts={shifts}", f"--demucs_overlap={overlap}"]
logs.append(f"Processing file: {audio_files}")
yield "\n".join(logs)
logs.append(f"File: {audio_files} processed!")
yield "\n".join(logs)
with gr.Blocks(theme="NoCrypt/[email protected]", title="🎵 UVR5 UI 🎵") as app:
gr.Markdown("<h1> 🎵 UVR5 UI 🎵 </h1>")
gr.Markdown("If you liked this HF Space you can give me a ❤️")
gr.Markdown("Try UVR5 UI using Colab [here](https://colab.research.google.com/github/Eddycrack864/UVR5-UI/blob/main/UVR_UI.ipynb)")
with gr.Tabs():
with gr.TabItem("BS/Mel Roformer"):
with gr.Row():
roformer_model = gr.Dropdown(
label = "Select the Model",
interactive = True
roformer_output_format = gr.Dropdown(
label = "Select the Output Format",
choices = output_format,
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
roformer_overlap = gr.Slider(
minimum = 2,
maximum = 4,
step = 1,
label = "Overlap",
info = "Amount of overlap between prediction windows.",
value = 4,
interactive = True
roformer_segment_size = gr.Slider(
minimum = 32,
maximum = 4000,
step = 32,
label = "Segment Size",
info = "Larger consumes more resources, but may give better results.",
value = 256,
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
roformer_audio = gr.Audio(
label = "Input Audio",
type = "numpy",
interactive = True
with gr.Accordion("Separation by Link", open = False):
with gr.Row():
roformer_link = gr.Textbox(
label = "Link",
placeholder = "Paste the link here",
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
gr.Markdown("You can paste the link to the video/audio from many sites, check the complete list [here](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/master/supportedsites.md)")
with gr.Row():
roformer_download_button = gr.Button(
variant = "primary"
roformer_download_button.click(download_audio, [roformer_link], [roformer_audio])
with gr.Accordion("Batch Separation", open = False):
with gr.Row():
roformer_input_path = gr.Textbox(
label = "Input Path",
placeholder = "Place the input path here",
interactive = True
roformer_output_path = gr.Textbox(
label = "Output Path",
placeholder = "Place the output path here",
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
roformer_bath_button = gr.Button("Separate!", variant = "primary")
with gr.Row():
roformer_info = gr.Textbox(
label = "Output Information",
interactive = False
roformer_bath_button.click(roformer_batch, [roformer_input_path, roformer_output_path, roformer_model, roformer_output_format, roformer_overlap, roformer_segment_size], [roformer_info])
with gr.Row():
roformer_button = gr.Button("Separate!", variant = "primary")
with gr.Row():
roformer_stem1 = gr.Audio(
show_download_button = True,
interactive = False,
label = "Stem 1",
type = "filepath"
roformer_stem2 = gr.Audio(
show_download_button = True,
interactive = False,
label = "Stem 2",
type = "filepath"
roformer_button.click(roformer_separator, [roformer_audio, roformer_model, roformer_output_format, roformer_overlap, roformer_segment_size], [roformer_stem1, roformer_stem2])
with gr.TabItem("MDX23C"):
with gr.Row():
mdx23c_model = gr.Dropdown(
label = "Select the Model",
choices = mdx23c_models,
interactive = True
mdx23c_output_format = gr.Dropdown(
label = "Select the Output Format",
choices = output_format,
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
mdx23c_segment_size = gr.Slider(
minimum = 32,
maximum = 4000,
step = 32,
label = "Segment Size",
info = "Larger consumes more resources, but may give better results.",
value = 256,
interactive = True
mdx23c_overlap = gr.Slider(
minimum = 2,
maximum = 50,
step = 1,
label = "Overlap",
info = "Amount of overlap between prediction windows.",
value = 8,
interactive = True
mdx23c_denoise = gr.Checkbox(
label = "Denoise",
info = "Enable denoising during separation.",
value = False,
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
mdx23c_audio = gr.Audio(
label = "Input Audio",
type = "numpy",
interactive = True
with gr.Accordion("Separation by Link", open = False):
with gr.Row():
mdx23c_link = gr.Textbox(
label = "Link",
placeholder = "Paste the link here",
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
gr.Markdown("You can paste the link to the video/audio from many sites, check the complete list [here](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/master/supportedsites.md)")
with gr.Row():
mdx23c_download_button = gr.Button(
variant = "primary"
mdx23c_download_button.click(download_audio, [mdx23c_link], [mdx23c_audio])
with gr.Accordion("Batch Separation", open = False):
with gr.Row():
mdx23c_input_path = gr.Textbox(
label = "Input Path",
placeholder = "Place the input path here",
interactive = True
mdx23c_output_path = gr.Textbox(
label = "Output Path",
placeholder = "Place the output path here",
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
mdx23c_bath_button = gr.Button("Separate!", variant = "primary")
with gr.Row():
mdx23c_info = gr.Textbox(
label = "Output Information",
interactive = False
mdx23c_bath_button.click(mdx23c_batch, [mdx23c_input_path, mdx23c_output_path, mdx23c_model, mdx23c_output_format, mdx23c_overlap, mdx23c_segment_size, mdx23c_denoise], [mdx23c_info])
with gr.Row():
mdx23c_button = gr.Button("Separate!", variant = "primary")
with gr.Row():
mdx23c_stem1 = gr.Audio(
show_download_button = True,
interactive = False,
label = "Stem 1",
type = "filepath"
mdx23c_stem2 = gr.Audio(
show_download_button = True,
interactive = False,
label = "Stem 2",
type = "filepath"
mdx23c_button.click(mdxc_separator, [mdx23c_audio, mdx23c_model, mdx23c_output_format, mdx23c_segment_size, mdx23c_overlap, mdx23c_denoise], [mdx23c_stem1, mdx23c_stem2])
with gr.TabItem("MDX-NET"):
with gr.Row():
mdxnet_model = gr.Dropdown(
label = "Select the Model",
choices = mdxnet_models,
interactive = True
mdxnet_output_format = gr.Dropdown(
label = "Select the Output Format",
choices = output_format,
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
mdxnet_segment_size = gr.Slider(
minimum = 32,
maximum = 4000,
step = 32,
label = "Segment Size",
info = "Larger consumes more resources, but may give better results.",
value = 256,
interactive = True
mdxnet_overlap = gr.Dropdown(
label = "Overlap",
choices = mdxnet_overlap_values,
value = mdxnet_overlap_values[0],
interactive = True
mdxnet_denoise = gr.Checkbox(
label = "Denoise",
info = "Enable denoising during separation.",
value = True,
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
mdxnet_audio = gr.Audio(
label = "Input Audio",
type = "numpy",
interactive = True
with gr.Accordion("Separation by Link", open = False):
with gr.Row():
mdxnet_link = gr.Textbox(
label = "Link",
placeholder = "Paste the link here",
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
gr.Markdown("You can paste the link to the video/audio from many sites, check the complete list [here](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/master/supportedsites.md)")
with gr.Row():
mdxnet_download_button = gr.Button(
variant = "primary"
mdxnet_download_button.click(download_audio, [mdxnet_link], [mdxnet_audio])
with gr.Accordion("Batch Separation", open = False):
with gr.Row():
mdxnet_input_path = gr.Textbox(
label = "Input Path",
placeholder = "Place the input path here",
interactive = True
mdxnet_output_path = gr.Textbox(
label = "Output Path",
placeholder = "Place the output path here",
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
mdxnet_bath_button = gr.Button("Separate!", variant = "primary")
with gr.Row():
mdxnet_info = gr.Textbox(
label = "Output Information",
interactive = False
mdxnet_bath_button.click(mdxnet_batch, [mdxnet_input_path, mdxnet_output_path, mdxnet_model, mdxnet_output_format, mdxnet_overlap, mdxnet_segment_size, mdxnet_denoise], [mdxnet_info])
with gr.Row():
mdxnet_button = gr.Button("Separate!", variant = "primary")
with gr.Row():
mdxnet_stem1 = gr.Audio(
show_download_button = True,
interactive = False,
label = "Stem 1",
type = "filepath"
mdxnet_stem2 = gr.Audio(
show_download_button = True,
interactive = False,
label = "Stem 2",
type = "filepath"
mdxnet_button.click(mdxnet_separator, [mdxnet_audio, mdxnet_model, mdxnet_output_format, mdxnet_segment_size, mdxnet_overlap, mdxnet_denoise], [mdxnet_stem1, mdxnet_stem2])
with gr.TabItem("VR ARCH"):
with gr.Row():
vrarch_model = gr.Dropdown(
label = "Select the Model",
choices = vrarch_models,
interactive = True
vrarch_output_format = gr.Dropdown(
label = "Select the Output Format",
choices = output_format,
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
vrarch_window_size = gr.Dropdown(
label = "Window Size",
choices = vrarch_window_size_values,
value = vrarch_window_size_values[0],
interactive = True
vrarch_agression = gr.Slider(
minimum = 1,
maximum = 50,
step = 1,
label = "Agression",
info = "Intensity of primary stem extraction.",
value = 5,
interactive = True
vrarch_tta = gr.Checkbox(
label = "TTA",
info = "Enable Test-Time-Augmentation; slow but improves quality.",
value = True,
visible = True,
interactive = True,
vrarch_high_end_process = gr.Checkbox(
label = "High End Process",
info = "Mirror the missing frequency range of the output.",
value = False,
visible = True,
interactive = True,
with gr.Row():
vrarch_audio = gr.Audio(
label = "Input Audio",
type = "numpy",
interactive = True
with gr.Accordion("Separation by Link", open = False):
with gr.Row():
vrarch_link = gr.Textbox(
label = "Link",
placeholder = "Paste the link here",
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
gr.Markdown("You can paste the link to the video/audio from many sites, check the complete list [here](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/master/supportedsites.md)")
with gr.Row():
vrarch_download_button = gr.Button(
variant = "primary"
vrarch_download_button.click(download_audio, [vrarch_link], [vrarch_audio])
with gr.Accordion("Batch Separation", open = False):
with gr.Row():
vrarch_input_path = gr.Textbox(
label = "Input Path",
placeholder = "Place the input path here",
interactive = True
vrarch_output_path = gr.Textbox(
label = "Output Path",
placeholder = "Place the output path here",
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
vrarch_bath_button = gr.Button("Separate!", variant = "primary")
with gr.Row():
vrarch_info = gr.Textbox(
label = "Output Information",
interactive = False
vrarch_bath_button.click(vrarch_batch, [vrarch_input_path, vrarch_output_path, vrarch_model, vrarch_output_format, vrarch_window_size, vrarch_agression, vrarch_tta, vrarch_high_end_process], [vrarch_info])
with gr.Row():
vrarch_button = gr.Button("Separate!", variant = "primary")
with gr.Row():
vrarch_stem1 = gr.Audio(
show_download_button = True,
interactive = False,
type = "filepath",
label = "Stem 1"
vrarch_stem2 = gr.Audio(
show_download_button = True,
interactive = False,
type = "filepath",
label = "Stem 2"
vrarch_button.click(vrarch_separator, [vrarch_audio, vrarch_model, vrarch_output_format, vrarch_window_size, vrarch_agression, vrarch_tta, vrarch_high_end_process], [vrarch_stem1, vrarch_stem2])
with gr.TabItem("Demucs"):
with gr.Row():
demucs_model = gr.Dropdown(
label = "Select the Model",
choices = demucs_models,
interactive = True
demucs_output_format = gr.Dropdown(
label = "Select the Output Format",
choices = output_format,
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
demucs_shifts = gr.Slider(
minimum = 1,
maximum = 20,
step = 1,
label = "Shifts",
info = "Number of predictions with random shifts, higher = slower but better quality.",
value = 2,
interactive = True
demucs_overlap = gr.Dropdown(
label = "Overlap",
choices = demucs_overlap_values,
value = demucs_overlap_values[0],
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
demucs_audio = gr.Audio(
label = "Input Audio",
type = "numpy",
interactive = True
with gr.Accordion("Separation by Link", open = False):
with gr.Row():
demucs_link = gr.Textbox(
label = "Link",
placeholder = "Paste the link here",
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
gr.Markdown("You can paste the link to the video/audio from many sites, check the complete list [here](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/master/supportedsites.md)")
with gr.Row():
demucs_download_button = gr.Button(
variant = "primary"
demucs_download_button.click(download_audio, [demucs_link], [demucs_audio])
with gr.Accordion("Batch Separation", open = False):
with gr.Row():
demucs_input_path = gr.Textbox(
label = "Input Path",
placeholder = "Place the input path here",
interactive = True
demucs_output_path = gr.Textbox(
label = "Output Path",
placeholder = "Place the output path here",
interactive = True
with gr.Row():
demucs_bath_button = gr.Button("Separate!", variant = "primary")
with gr.Row():
demucs_info = gr.Textbox(
label = "Output Information",
interactive = False
demucs_bath_button.click(demucs_batch, [demucs_input_path, demucs_output_path, demucs_model, demucs_output_format, demucs_shifts, demucs_overlap], [demucs_info])
with gr.Row():
demucs_button = gr.Button("Separate!", variant = "primary")
with gr.Row():
demucs_stem1 = gr.Audio(
show_download_button = True,
interactive = False,
type = "filepath",
label = "Stem 1"
demucs_stem2 = gr.Audio(
show_download_button = True,
interactive = False,
type = "filepath",
label = "Stem 2"
with gr.Row():
demucs_stem3 = gr.Audio(
show_download_button = True,
interactive = False,
type = "filepath",
label = "Stem 3"
demucs_stem4 = gr.Audio(
show_download_button = True,
interactive = False,
type = "filepath",
label = "Stem 4"
demucs_button.click(demucs_separator, [demucs_audio, demucs_model, demucs_output_format, demucs_shifts, demucs_overlap], [demucs_stem1, demucs_stem2, demucs_stem3, demucs_stem4])
with gr.TabItem("Credits"):
UVR5 UI created by **[Eddycrack 864](https://github.com/Eddycrack864).** Join **[AI HUB](https://discord.gg/aihub)** community.
* python-audio-separator by [beveradb](https://github.com/beveradb).
* Special thanks to [Ilaria](https://github.com/TheStingerX) for hosting this space and help.
* Thanks to [Mikus](https://github.com/cappuch) for the help with the code.
* Thanks to [Nick088](https://huggingface.co./Nick088) for the help to fix roformers.
* Thanks to [yt_dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp) devs.
* Separation by link source code and improvements by [Blane187](https://huggingface.co./Blane187).
You can donate to the original UVR5 project here:
[!["Buy Me A Coffee"](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/assets/img/custom_images/orange_img.png)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/uvr5)