import os import sys import argparse from PIL import Image project_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) try: sys.path.append(os.path.join(project_root, "submodules/MoGe")) os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false" except: print("Warning: MoGe not found, motion transfer will not be applied") import torch import numpy as np from PIL import Image import torchvision.transforms as transforms from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip from diffusers.utils import load_image, load_video from models.pipelines import DiffusionAsShaderPipeline, FirstFrameRepainter, CameraMotionGenerator, ObjectMotionGenerator from submodules.MoGe.moge.model import MoGeModel def load_media(media_path, max_frames=49, transform=None): """Load video or image frames and convert to tensor Args: media_path (str): Path to video or image file max_frames (int): Maximum number of frames to load transform (callable): Transform to apply to frames Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, float]: Video tensor [T,C,H,W] and FPS """ if transform is None: transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize((480, 720)), transforms.ToTensor() ]) # Determine if input is video or image based on extension ext = os.path.splitext(media_path)[1].lower() is_video = ext in ['.mp4', '.avi', '.mov'] if is_video: frames = load_video(media_path) fps = len(frames) / VideoFileClip(media_path).duration else: # Handle image as single frame image = load_image(media_path) frames = [image] fps = 8 # Default fps for images # Ensure we have exactly max_frames if len(frames) > max_frames: frames = frames[:max_frames] elif len(frames) < max_frames: last_frame = frames[-1] while len(frames) < max_frames: frames.append(last_frame.copy()) # Convert frames to tensor video_tensor = torch.stack([transform(frame) for frame in frames]) return video_tensor, fps, is_video if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--input_path', type=str, default=None, help='Path to input video/image') parser.add_argument('--prompt', type=str, required=True, help='Repaint prompt') parser.add_argument('--output_dir', type=str, default='outputs', help='Output directory') parser.add_argument('--gpu', type=int, default=0, help='GPU device ID') parser.add_argument('--checkpoint_path', type=str, default="EXCAI/Diffusion-As-Shader", help='Path to model checkpoint') parser.add_argument('--depth_path', type=str, default=None, help='Path to depth image') parser.add_argument('--tracking_path', type=str, default=None, help='Path to tracking video, if provided, camera motion and object manipulation will not be applied') parser.add_argument('--repaint', type=str, default=None, help='Path to repainted image, or "true" to perform repainting, if not provided use original frame') parser.add_argument('--camera_motion', type=str, default=None, help='Camera motion mode: "trans " or "rot " or "spiral "') parser.add_argument('--object_motion', type=str, default=None, help='Object motion mode: up/down/left/right') parser.add_argument('--object_mask', type=str, default=None, help='Path to object mask image (binary image)') parser.add_argument('--tracking_method', type=str, default='spatracker', choices=['spatracker', 'moge'], help='Tracking method to use (spatracker or moge)') args = parser.parse_args() # Load input video/image video_tensor, fps, is_video = load_media(args.input_path) if not is_video: args.tracking_method = "moge" print("Image input detected, using MoGe for tracking video generation.") # Initialize pipeline das = DiffusionAsShaderPipeline(gpu_id=args.gpu, output_dir=args.output_dir) if args.tracking_method == "moge" and args.tracking_path is None: moge = MoGeModel.from_pretrained("Ruicheng/moge-vitl").to(das.device) # Repaint first frame if requested repaint_img_tensor = None if args.repaint: if args.repaint.lower() == "true": repainter = FirstFrameRepainter(gpu_id=args.gpu, output_dir=args.output_dir) repaint_img_tensor = repainter.repaint( video_tensor[0], prompt=args.prompt, depth_path=args.depth_path ) else: repaint_img_tensor, _, _ = load_media(args.repaint) repaint_img_tensor = repaint_img_tensor[0] # Take first frame # Generate tracking if not provided tracking_tensor = None pred_tracks = None cam_motion = CameraMotionGenerator(args.camera_motion) if args.tracking_path: tracking_tensor, _, _ = load_media(args.tracking_path) elif args.tracking_method == "moge": # Use the first frame from previously loaded video_tensor infer_result = moge.infer(video_tensor[0].to(das.device)) # [C, H, W] in range [0,1] H, W = infer_result["points"].shape[0:2] pred_tracks = infer_result["points"].unsqueeze(0).repeat(49, 1, 1, 1) #[T, H, W, 3] cam_motion.set_intr(infer_result["intrinsics"]) # Apply object motion if specified if args.object_motion: if args.object_mask is None: raise ValueError("Object motion specified but no mask provided. Please provide a mask image with --object_mask") # Load mask image mask_image ='L') # Convert to grayscale mask_image = transforms.Resize((480, 720))(mask_image) # Resize to match video size # Convert to binary mask mask = torch.from_numpy(np.array(mask_image) > 127) # Threshold at 127 motion_generator = ObjectMotionGenerator(device=das.device) pred_tracks = motion_generator.apply_motion( pred_tracks=pred_tracks, mask=mask, motion_type=args.object_motion, distance=50, num_frames=49, tracking_method="moge" ) print("Object motion applied") # Apply camera motion if specified if args.camera_motion: poses = cam_motion.get_default_motion() # shape: [49, 4, 4] print("Camera motion applied") else: # no poses poses = torch.eye(4).unsqueeze(0).repeat(49, 1, 1) # change pred_tracks into screen coordinate pred_tracks_flatten = pred_tracks.reshape(video_tensor.shape[0], H*W, 3) pred_tracks = cam_motion.w2s(pred_tracks_flatten, poses).reshape([video_tensor.shape[0], H, W, 3]) # [T, H, W, 3] _, tracking_tensor = das.visualize_tracking_moge( pred_tracks.cpu().numpy(), infer_result["mask"].cpu().numpy() ) print('export tracking video via MoGe.') else: # Generate tracking points pred_tracks, pred_visibility, T_Firsts = das.generate_tracking_spatracker(video_tensor) # Apply camera motion if specified if args.camera_motion: poses = cam_motion.get_default_motion() # shape: [49, 4, 4] pred_tracks = cam_motion.apply_motion_on_pts(pred_tracks, poses) print("Camera motion applied") # Apply object motion if specified if args.object_motion: if args.object_mask is None: raise ValueError("Object motion specified but no mask provided. Please provide a mask image with --object_mask") # Load mask image mask_image ='L') # Convert to grayscale mask_image = transforms.Resize((480, 720))(mask_image) # Resize to match video size # Convert to binary mask mask = torch.from_numpy(np.array(mask_image) > 127) # Threshold at 127 motion_generator = ObjectMotionGenerator(device=das.device) pred_tracks = motion_generator.apply_motion( pred_tracks=pred_tracks.squeeze(), mask=mask, motion_type=args.object_motion, distance=50, num_frames=49, tracking_method="spatracker" ).unsqueeze(0) print(f"Object motion '{args.object_motion}' applied using mask from {args.object_mask}") # Generate tracking tensor from modified tracks _, tracking_tensor = das.visualize_tracking_spatracker(video_tensor, pred_tracks, pred_visibility, T_Firsts) das.apply_tracking( video_tensor=video_tensor, fps=8, tracking_tensor=tracking_tensor, img_cond_tensor=repaint_img_tensor, prompt=args.prompt, checkpoint_path=args.checkpoint_path )