Upload 4 files
Browse filesupdate from branch german_light
- Input_Jahr_2021.xlsx +2 -2
- +216 -87
- model_data.pkl +2 -2
- +11 -11
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:
3 |
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:03bfa05bc9361595ea2345ee1a423193dab5051900e5acc244100ff787c09624
3 |
size 1127885
@@ -32,14 +32,15 @@ col4.header("Download Results")
32 |
# Color dictionary for figures
33 |
color_dict = {'Biomasse': 'lightgreen',
34 |
'Braunkohle': 'red',
35 |
'Erdgas': '
36 |
'Steinkohle': 'darkgrey',
37 |
'Erdöl': 'brown',
38 |
'Laufwasser': 'aquamarine',
39 |
'Kernenergie': '
40 |
'PV': 'yellow',
41 |
'WindOff': 'darkblue',
42 |
'WindOn': 'blue'
43 |
44 |
# %%
45 |
with col1:
@@ -86,15 +87,14 @@ def timstep_aggregate(time_steps_aggregate, xr ):
86 |
t = sets_dict['t']
87 |
t_original = sets_dict['t']
88 |
i = sets_dict['i']
89 |
90 |
iConv = sets_dict['iConv']
91 |
# iPtG = sets_dict['iPtG']
92 |
iRes = sets_dict['iRes']
93 |
# iHyRes = sets_dict['iHyRes']
94 |
95 |
# Unpack params_dict into the workspace
96 |
97 |
l_co2 = 90
98 |
p_co2 = params_dict['p_co2']
99 |
100 |
eff_i = params_dict['eff_i']
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ c_inv_i = params_dict['c_inv_i']
105 |
co2_factor_i = params_dict['co2_factor_i']
106 |
c_var_i = params_dict['c_var_i']
107 |
K_0_i = params_dict['K_0_i']
108 |
109 |
110 |
# Sliders and input boxes for parameters
111 |
with col2:
@@ -127,13 +127,12 @@ with col3:
127 |
if i_idx in ['Steinkohle', 'Erdöl','Erdgas']:
128 |
c_fuel_i.loc[i_idx] = st.slider(value=int(c_fuel_i.loc[i_idx]), min_value=0, max_value=300, label=i_idx + ' Preis [€/MWh]' , step=10)
129 |
130 |
technologies_invest = st.multiselect(label='Technologien für Investitionen', options=i, default=['
131 |
technologies_no_invest = [x for x in i if x not in technologies_invest]
132 |
133 |
# Aggregate time series
134 |
D_t = timstep_aggregate(dt,params_dict['D_t'])
135 |
# D_t sorted descending
136 |
D_t_sorted = D_t.sortby(D_t, ascending = False)
137 |
s_t_r_iRes = timstep_aggregate(dt,params_dict['s_t_r_iRes'])
138 |
# h_t = timstep_aggregate(dt,params_dict['h_t'])
139 |
t = D_t.get_index('t')
@@ -164,8 +163,8 @@ C_inv = m.add_variables(name = 'C_inv', lower = 0) # Investment costs
164 |
165 |
K = m.add_variables(coords = [i], name = 'K', lower = 0) # Endogenous capacity
166 |
y = m.add_variables(coords = [t,i], name = 'y', lower = 0) # Electricity production --> für Elektrolyseure ausschließen
167 |
168 |
169 |
w = m.add_variables(coords = [t], name = 'w', lower = 0)
170 |
y_curt = m.add_variables(coords = [t,i], name = 'y_curt', lower = 0) # RES curtailment
171 |
# y_h2 = m.add_variables(coords = [t,i], name = 'y_h2', lower = 0)
@@ -183,8 +182,8 @@ C_op_sum = m.add_constraints((y * c_fuel_i/eff_i).sum() * dt == C_op, name = 'C
183 |
C_inv_sum = m.add_constraints((K * c_inv_i).sum() == C_inv, name = 'C_inv_sum')
184 |
185 |
## Load serving
186 |
187 |
loadserve_t = m.add_constraints((((y ).sum(dims = 'i') ) * dt == D_t.sel(t = t) * dt), name = 'load')
188 |
189 |
## Maximum capacity limit
190 |
maxcap_i_t = m.add_constraints((y - K <= K_0_i), name = 'max_cap')
@@ -196,7 +195,7 @@ maxcap_invest_i = m.add_constraints((K.sel(i = technologies_no_invest) <= 0), na
196 |
# no_power_prod_iPtG_t = m.add_constraints((y.sel(i = iPtG) <= 0), name = 'prevent_ptg_prod')
197 |
198 |
## Maximum storage charging and discharging
199 |
200 |
201 |
## Maximum electrolyzer capacity
202 |
# ptg_prod_iPtG_t = m.add_constraints((y_ch.sel(i = iPtG) - K.sel(i = iPtG) <= K_0_i.sel(i = iPtG)), name = 'max_cha_ptg')
@@ -208,13 +207,13 @@ maxcap_invest_i = m.add_constraints((K.sel(i = technologies_no_invest) <= 0), na
208 |
infeed_iRes_t = m.add_constraints((y.sel(i = iRes) - s_t_r_iRes.sel(i = iRes).sel(t = t) * K.sel(i = iRes) + y_curt.sel(i = iRes) == s_t_r_iRes.sel(i = iRes).sel(t = t) * K_0_i.sel(i = iRes)), name = 'infeed')
209 |
210 |
## Maximum filling level restriction storage power plant
211 |
212 |
213 |
## Filling level restriction hydro reservoir
214 |
# filling_iHydro_t = m.add_constraints(l.sel(i = iHyRes) - l.sel(i = iHyRes).roll(t = -1) + y.sel(i = iHyRes) * dt == h_t.sel(t = t) * dt, name = 'filling_level_hydro')
215 |
216 |
## Filling level restriction other storages
217 |
218 |
219 |
## CO2 limit
220 |
CO2_limit = m.add_constraints(((y / eff_i) * co2_factor_i * dt).sum() <= l_co2 * 1_000_000 , name = 'CO2_limit')
@@ -222,7 +221,8 @@ CO2_limit = m.add_constraints(((y / eff_i) * co2_factor_i * dt).sum() <= l_co2 *
222 |
## set run-of-river power plants capacity limit to 5 GW
223 |
RoR_cap = m.add_constraints(K.sel(i = 'Laufwasser') <= 5000, name = 'RoR_cap')
224 |
Biomass_cap = m.add_constraints(K.sel(i = 'Biomasse') <= 9000, name = 'Biomass_cap')
225 |
226 |
227 |
# %%
228 |
m.solve(solver_name = 'highs')
@@ -268,25 +268,46 @@ with colb1:
268 |
269 |
270 |
# %%
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
# %%
291 |
i_with_capacity = m.solution['K'].where( m.solution['K'] > 0).dropna(dim = 'i').get_index('i')
292 |
df_production = m.solution['y'].sel(i = i_with_capacity).to_dataframe().reset_index()
@@ -294,44 +315,48 @@ fig = px.area(m.solution['y'].sel(i = i_with_capacity).to_dataframe().reset_inde
294 |
295 |
fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(fillcolor = trace.line.color))
296 |
297 |
298 |
299 |
300 |
#Add pie chart of total production per technology type in GWh(divide by 1000)
301 |
df_production_sum = (df_production.groupby('i')['y'].sum() * dt / 1000 ).round(0).sort_values(ascending=False).reset_index()
302 |
303 |
fig = px.pie(df_production_sum, names="i", values='y', title='Gesamtproduktion [GWh] als Kuchendiagramm',
304 |
color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict)
305 |
306 |
with colb2:
307 |
308 |
309 |
# %%
310 |
311 |
df_price = m.constraints['load'].dual.to_dataframe().reset_index()
312 |
313 |
fig = px.line(
314 |
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
# %%
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
with colb1:
324 |
325 |
326 |
# %%
327 |
328 |
df_contr_marg = m.constraints['max_cap'].dual.to_dataframe().reset_index()
329 |
df_contr_marg['dual'] = df_contr_marg['dual'] / dt * (-1)
330 |
331 |
332 |
# %%
333 |
334 |
fig = px.line(
335 |
with colb2:
336 |
337 |
@@ -346,62 +371,147 @@ fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(fillcolor = trace.line.color))
346 |
with colb1:
347 |
348 |
349 |
# %%
350 |
df_production_pivot = df_production.pivot(index='t', columns='i', values='y')
351 |
# sort columns according to i_with_capacity
352 |
df_production_pivot = df_production_pivot[i_with_capacity]
353 |
co2_factor_i_with_capacity = co2_factor_i.sel(i = i_with_capacity)
354 |
# colour_dict = {i: color_dict[i] for i in i_with_capacity}
355 |
color_dict_with_capacity = {i: color_dict[i] for i in i_with_capacity}
356 |
357 |
# multiply df_production with co2 factor
358 |
df_production_emissions = df_production_pivot * co2_factor_i_with_capacity
359 |
# unpivot df_production_emissions, sorting by datetime
360 |
df_production_emissions_unpivot = df_production_emissions.reset_index().melt(id_vars='t', var_name='i', value_name='y')
361 |
df_production_emissions_unpivot =
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
# sum up cumulated emissions
366 |
df_production_emissions_sorted['cumsum'] = df_production_emissions_sorted['y'].cumsum()
367 |
368 |
# generate area plot of df_production_emissions_unpivot over t
369 |
fig = px.area(df_production_emissions_unpivot, y='y', x='t', title='Co2-Emissionen [t]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict_with_capacity)
370 |
371 |
fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(fillcolor = trace.line.color))
372 |
# fig = px.area(df_production_emissions_unpivot.sel(i = i_with_capacity).to_dataframe().reset_index(), y='y', x='t', title='Stromproduktion Lastgang [MW]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict)
373 |
# fig.update_traces(line=dict(width=0))
374 |
# fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(fillcolor = trace.line.color))
375 |
with colb2:
376 |
377 |
378 |
379 |
# %%
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(fillcolor
385 |
386 |
with colb2:
387 |
388 |
389 |
# %%
390 |
391 |
392 |
393 |
# fig
394 |
395 |
# with colb2:
396 |
# fig
397 |
398 |
# %%
399 |
# define vector x with size (1,size D_t_sorted)
400 |
x = np.arange(1, D_t_sorted.size + 1)
401 |
fig = px.line(y=D_t_sorted, x=x, title='Lastdauerlinie [€/MWh]', labels={"x": "Stunden im Jahr"})
402 |
with colb2:
403 |
404 |
405 |
# # %%
406 |
# df_h2_prod = m.solution['y_h2'].sel(i = iPtG).to_dataframe().reset_index()
407 |
# fig = px.area(m.solution['y_h2'].sel(i = iPtG).to_dataframe().reset_index(), y='y_h2', x='t', title='Produktion Wasserstoff [MWh_th]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict)
@@ -411,6 +521,25 @@ with colb2:
411 |
# with colb2:
412 |
# fig
413 |
414 |
# %%
415 |
((m.solution['y'] / eff_i) * co2_factor_i * dt).sum()
416 |
# %%
@@ -453,10 +582,10 @@ with pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine='xlsxwriter') as writer:
453 |
disaggregate_df(df_total_costs).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Gesamtkosten', index=False)
454 |
disaggregate_df(df_CO2_price).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='CO2 Preis', index=False)
455 |
disaggregate_df(df_price).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Preise', index=False)
456 |
disaggregate_df(df_contr_marg).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Deckungsbeiträge', index=False)
457 |
disaggregate_df(df_new_capacities).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Kapazitäten', index=False)
458 |
disaggregate_df(df_production).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Produktion', index=False)
459 |
460 |
disaggregate_df(D_t.to_dataframe().reset_index()).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Nachfrage', index=False)
461 |
disaggregate_df(df_curtailment).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Abregelung', index=False)
462 |
# disaggregate_df(df_h2_prod).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='H2 produktion', index=False)
32 |
# Color dictionary for figures
33 |
color_dict = {'Biomasse': 'lightgreen',
34 |
'Braunkohle': 'red',
35 |
'Erdgas': 'orange',
36 |
'Steinkohle': 'darkgrey',
37 |
'Erdöl': 'brown',
38 |
'Laufwasser': 'aquamarine',
39 |
'Kernenergie': 'cyan',
40 |
'PV': 'yellow',
41 |
'WindOff': 'darkblue',
42 |
'WindOn': 'blue',
43 |
'Batteriespeicher': 'purple'}
44 |
45 |
# %%
46 |
with col1:
87 |
t = sets_dict['t']
88 |
t_original = sets_dict['t']
89 |
i = sets_dict['i']
90 |
iSto = sets_dict['iSto']
91 |
iConv = sets_dict['iConv']
92 |
# iPtG = sets_dict['iPtG']
93 |
iRes = sets_dict['iRes']
94 |
# iHyRes = sets_dict['iHyRes']
95 |
96 |
# Unpack params_dict into the workspace
97 |
l_co2 = params_dict['l_co2']
98 |
p_co2 = params_dict['p_co2']
99 |
100 |
eff_i = params_dict['eff_i']
105 |
co2_factor_i = params_dict['co2_factor_i']
106 |
c_var_i = params_dict['c_var_i']
107 |
K_0_i = params_dict['K_0_i']
108 |
e2p_iSto = params_dict['e2p_iSto']
109 |
110 |
# Sliders and input boxes for parameters
111 |
with col2:
127 |
if i_idx in ['Steinkohle', 'Erdöl','Erdgas']:
128 |
c_fuel_i.loc[i_idx] = st.slider(value=int(c_fuel_i.loc[i_idx]), min_value=0, max_value=300, label=i_idx + ' Preis [€/MWh]' , step=10)
129 |
130 |
# technologies_invest = st.multiselect(label='Technologien für Investitionen', options=i, default=['Biomasse','Laufwasser','Kernenergie','Braunkohle','Steinkohle','Erdöl','Erdgas','WindOff','WindOn','PV','Batteriespeicher'])
131 |
technologies_invest = st.multiselect(label='Technologien für Investitionen', options=i, default=['Kernenergie','Braunkohle','Steinkohle','Erdgas'])
132 |
technologies_no_invest = [x for x in i if x not in technologies_invest]
133 |
134 |
# Aggregate time series
135 |
D_t = timstep_aggregate(dt,params_dict['D_t'])
136 |
s_t_r_iRes = timstep_aggregate(dt,params_dict['s_t_r_iRes'])
137 |
# h_t = timstep_aggregate(dt,params_dict['h_t'])
138 |
t = D_t.get_index('t')
163 |
164 |
K = m.add_variables(coords = [i], name = 'K', lower = 0) # Endogenous capacity
165 |
y = m.add_variables(coords = [t,i], name = 'y', lower = 0) # Electricity production --> für Elektrolyseure ausschließen
166 |
y_ch = m.add_variables(coords = [t,i], name = 'y_ch', lower = 0) # Electricity consumption --> für alles außer Elektrolyseure und Speicher ausschließen
167 |
l = m.add_variables(coords = [t,i], name = 'l', lower = 0) # Storage filling level
168 |
w = m.add_variables(coords = [t], name = 'w', lower = 0)
169 |
y_curt = m.add_variables(coords = [t,i], name = 'y_curt', lower = 0) # RES curtailment
170 |
# y_h2 = m.add_variables(coords = [t,i], name = 'y_h2', lower = 0)
182 |
C_inv_sum = m.add_constraints((K * c_inv_i).sum() == C_inv, name = 'C_inv_sum')
183 |
184 |
## Load serving
185 |
loadserve_t = m.add_constraints((((y ).sum(dims = 'i') - y_ch.sum(dims = 'i')) * dt == D_t.sel(t = t) * dt), name = 'load')
186 |
# loadserve_t = m.add_constraints((((y ).sum(dims = 'i') ) * dt == D_t.sel(t = t) * dt), name = 'load')
187 |
188 |
## Maximum capacity limit
189 |
maxcap_i_t = m.add_constraints((y - K <= K_0_i), name = 'max_cap')
195 |
# no_power_prod_iPtG_t = m.add_constraints((y.sel(i = iPtG) <= 0), name = 'prevent_ptg_prod')
196 |
197 |
## Maximum storage charging and discharging
198 |
maxcha_iSto_t = m.add_constraints((y.sel(i = iSto) - y_ch.sel(i = iSto) - K.sel(i = iSto) <= K_0_i.sel(i = iSto)), name = 'max_cha')
199 |
200 |
## Maximum electrolyzer capacity
201 |
# ptg_prod_iPtG_t = m.add_constraints((y_ch.sel(i = iPtG) - K.sel(i = iPtG) <= K_0_i.sel(i = iPtG)), name = 'max_cha_ptg')
207 |
infeed_iRes_t = m.add_constraints((y.sel(i = iRes) - s_t_r_iRes.sel(i = iRes).sel(t = t) * K.sel(i = iRes) + y_curt.sel(i = iRes) == s_t_r_iRes.sel(i = iRes).sel(t = t) * K_0_i.sel(i = iRes)), name = 'infeed')
208 |
209 |
## Maximum filling level restriction storage power plant
210 |
maxcapsto_iSto_t = m.add_constraints((l.sel(i = iSto) - K.sel(i = iSto) * e2p_iSto.sel(i = iSto) <= K_0_i.sel(i = iSto) * e2p_iSto.sel(i = iSto)), name = 'max_sto_filling')
211 |
212 |
## Filling level restriction hydro reservoir
213 |
# filling_iHydro_t = m.add_constraints(l.sel(i = iHyRes) - l.sel(i = iHyRes).roll(t = -1) + y.sel(i = iHyRes) * dt == h_t.sel(t = t) * dt, name = 'filling_level_hydro')
214 |
215 |
## Filling level restriction other storages
216 |
filling_iSto_t = m.add_constraints(l.sel(i = iSto) - (l.sel(i = iSto).roll(t = -1) + (y.sel(i = iSto) / eff_i.sel(i = iSto)) * dt - y_ch.sel(i = iSto) * eff_i.sel(i = iSto) * dt) == 0, name = 'filling_level')
217 |
218 |
## CO2 limit
219 |
CO2_limit = m.add_constraints(((y / eff_i) * co2_factor_i * dt).sum() <= l_co2 * 1_000_000 , name = 'CO2_limit')
221 |
## set run-of-river power plants capacity limit to 5 GW
222 |
RoR_cap = m.add_constraints(K.sel(i = 'Laufwasser') <= 5000, name = 'RoR_cap')
223 |
Biomass_cap = m.add_constraints(K.sel(i = 'Biomasse') <= 9000, name = 'Biomass_cap')
224 |
# Nuclear_cap = m.add_constraints(K.sel(i = 'Kernenergie') <= 3000, name = 'Kernenergie_cap')
225 |
# nuclear_production_constraint = m.add_constraints(y.sel(i='Kernenergie') == K.sel(i='Kernenergie'), name='Nuclear_Production_Capacity')
226 |
227 |
# %%
228 |
m.solve(solver_name = 'highs')
268 |
269 |
270 |
# %%
271 |
D_t_sorted = D_t.sortby(D_t, ascending = False).to_dataframe().reset_index()
272 |
# NaN entries to the end
273 |
D_t_sorted = D_t_sorted.sort_values(by='Nachfrage', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
274 |
# expand df_price to the size of t
275 |
D_t_sorted = D_t_sorted.loc[D_t_sorted.index.repeat(dt)].reset_index(drop=True)
276 |
x_loadcurve = np.arange(1, D_t_sorted['Nachfrage'].size + 1)
277 |
278 |
# residual load curve
279 |
df_production_res = m.solution['y'].sel(i = iRes).to_dataframe().reset_index()
280 |
# sum up over t
281 |
df_production_res_sum = df_production_res.groupby('t')['y'].sum().reset_index()
282 |
# D_t into dateframe
283 |
D_t_df = D_t.to_dataframe().reset_index()
284 |
df_residual = D_t_df['Nachfrage'] - df_production_res_sum['y']
285 |
# sort
286 |
df_residual = df_residual.sort_values(ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
287 |
df_residual = df_residual.loc[df_residual.index.repeat(dt)].reset_index(drop=True)
288 |
289 |
df_combined = pd.DataFrame({
290 |
'x': np.concatenate([x_loadcurve, x_loadcurve]),
291 |
'y': np.concatenate([D_t_sorted['Nachfrage'], df_residual]),
292 |
'label': ['Nachfrage'] * len(x_loadcurve) + ['Residual Load'] * len(x_loadcurve)
293 |
294 |
295 |
# Create the integrated plot using Plotly Express
296 |
fig = px.line(df_combined, x='x', y='y', color='label', title='Lastdauerlinie [€/MW]',
297 |
labels={"x": "Stunden im Jahr", "y": "Leistung [MW]"})
298 |
299 |
# Specific updates for each trace
300 |
301 |
lambda trace: trace.update(line=dict(color='blue')) if == 'Nachfrage' else trace.update(line=dict(color='red', dash='dash'))
302 |
303 |
304 |
with colb2:
305 |
306 |
307 |
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 |
# %%
312 |
i_with_capacity = m.solution['K'].where( m.solution['K'] > 0).dropna(dim = 'i').get_index('i')
313 |
df_production = m.solution['y'].sel(i = i_with_capacity).to_dataframe().reset_index()
315 |
316 |
fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(fillcolor = trace.line.color))
317 |
318 |
with colb1:
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
# %%
324 |
df_price = m.constraints['load'].dual.to_dataframe().reset_index()
325 |
# expand df_price to the size of t
326 |
df_price = df_price.loc[df_price.index.repeat(dt)].reset_index(drop=True)
327 |
# sort prices descending
328 |
df_sorted_price = df_price["dual"].sort_values(ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
329 |
# generate x-axis for price duration curve
330 |
x_price = np.arange(1, df_sorted_price.size + 1)
331 |
332 |
fig = px.line(y=df_sorted_price, x=x_price, title='Preisdauerlinie [€/MWh]', labels={"x": "Stunden im Jahr"},range_y=[0,350])
333 |
with colb2:
334 |
335 |
336 |
# %%
337 |
# calculate full load hours
338 |
df_capacity = m.solution['K'].sel(i = i_with_capacity).to_dataframe().reset_index()
339 |
df_production_sum = (df_production.groupby('i')['y'].sum() * dt).round(0).reset_index()
340 |
# reorder rows according to i_with_capacity
341 |
df_production_sum = df_production_sum.set_index('i').loc[i_with_capacity].reset_index()
342 |
# df_production_sum['i'] = pd.Categorical(df_production_sum['i'], categories=desired_order, ordered=True)
343 |
344 |
df_fullload = df_production_sum['y']/df_capacity['K']
345 |
# to dataframe
346 |
df_fullload = df_fullload.to_frame()
347 |
# rename column
348 |
df_fullload.columns = ['fullload']
349 |
df_fullload['i'] = df_production_sum['i']
350 |
# change order of columns
351 |
df_fullload = df_fullload[['i', 'fullload']]
352 |
fig =, y='i', x=df_fullload['fullload'], orientation='h', title='Volllaststunden [h]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict)
353 |
with colb1:
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 |
# %%
358 |
359 |
fig = px.line(df_price, y='dual', x='t', title='Strompreis [€/MWh]', range_y=[0,350])
360 |
with colb2:
361 |
362 |
371 |
with colb1:
372 |
373 |
374 |
375 |
# %%
376 |
df_charging = m.solution['y_ch'].sel(i = iSto).to_dataframe().reset_index()
377 |
fig = px.area(m.solution['y_ch'].sel(i = iSto).to_dataframe().reset_index(), y='y_ch', x='t', title='Speicherbeladung [MWh]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict)
378 |
379 |
fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(fillcolor = trace.line.color))
380 |
381 |
with colb2:
382 |
383 |
384 |
# %%
385 |
386 |
# df_contr_marg = m.constraints['max_cap'].dual.to_dataframe().reset_index()
387 |
# df_contr_marg['dual'] = df_contr_marg['dual'] / dt * (-1)
388 |
389 |
# fig = px.line(df_contr_marg, y='dual', x='t',title='Deckungsbeitrag [€]', color='i', range_y=[0,350], color_discrete_map=color_dict)
390 |
# with colb2:
391 |
# fig
392 |
393 |
# %%
394 |
# generate dataframe steplength = 1 same size as t
395 |
# x = np.arange(1, t.size + 1)
396 |
x = np.arange(1,t.size)
397 |
df_production_pivot = df_production.pivot(index='t', columns='i', values='y')
398 |
# sort columns according to i_with_capacity
399 |
df_production_pivot = df_production_pivot[i_with_capacity]
400 |
df_efficiency = eff_i.sel(i = i_with_capacity)
401 |
co2_factor_i_with_capacity = co2_factor_i.sel(i = i_with_capacity)
402 |
# colour_dict = {i: color_dict[i] for i in i_with_capacity}
403 |
color_dict_with_capacity = {i: color_dict[i] for i in i_with_capacity}
404 |
desired_order = i_with_capacity.tolist()
405 |
# multiply df_production with co2 factor
406 |
df_production_emissions = df_production_pivot/df_efficiency * co2_factor_i_with_capacity*dt
407 |
# unpivot df_production_emissions, sorting by datetime
408 |
df_production_emissions_unpivot = df_production_emissions.reset_index().melt(id_vars='t', var_name='i', value_name='y')
409 |
df_production_emissions_unpivot['i'] = pd.Categorical(df_production_emissions_unpivot['i'], categories=desired_order, ordered=True)
410 |
df_production_emissions_unpivot = df_production_emissions_unpivot.sort_values(by=['t', 'i'])
411 |
# rearrange rows according to i_with_capacity
412 |
413 |
414 |
# generate area plot of df_production_emissions_unpivot over t
415 |
fig = px.area(df_production_emissions_unpivot, y='y', x='t', title='Co2-Emissionen [t]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict_with_capacity)
416 |
417 |
fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(fillcolor = trace.line.color))
418 |
419 |
with colb1:
420 |
421 |
422 |
# %%
423 |
# Sum up second row of df_production_emissions
424 |
df_production_emissions_sum = df_production_emissions.copy()
425 |
df_production_emissions_sum['total'] = df_production_emissions_sum.sum(axis=1)
426 |
# sort by total generation
427 |
df_production_emissions_sum = df_production_emissions_sum.sort_values(by='total', ascending=True)
428 |
# add cumcum column
429 |
df_production_emissions_sum['cumsum'] = df_production_emissions_sum['total'].cumsum()
430 |
# make t an ordinary column
431 |
df_production_emissions_sum = df_production_emissions_sum.reset_index()
432 |
# add index column
433 |
df_production_emissions_sum['num'] = np.arange(1, df_production_emissions_sum['total'].size + 1)
434 |
435 |
# unpivot df_production_emissions_sum
436 |
unpivoted_df = df_production_emissions_sum.melt(id_vars=['t', 'num'], var_name='i', value_name='y')
437 |
# sort by num
438 |
unpivoted_df_sorted = unpivoted_df.sort_values(by='num', ascending=True)
439 |
# extract those rows where i is in i_with_capacity
440 |
unpivoted_df_sorted_cap = unpivoted_df_sorted[unpivoted_df_sorted['i'].isin(i_with_capacity)]
441 |
# generate stacked area plot of df_unpivoted with i = i_with_capacity
442 |
fig = px.area(unpivoted_df_sorted_cap, y='y', x='t', title='Kumulierte Co2-Emissionen [t]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict_with_capacity)
443 |
444 |
# Update traces
445 |
446 |
fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(fillcolor=trace.line.color))
447 |
448 |
449 |
with colb2:
450 |
451 |
452 |
453 |
# %%
454 |
# plot investment costs
455 |
# c-inv_i to dataframe
456 |
if is None:
457 |
+ = 'c_inv_i'
458 |
c_inv_i_df = c_inv_i.to_dataframe().reset_index()
459 |
# multiply c_inv_i_df with K
460 |
df_invest_costs = df_new_capacities['K']* c_inv_i
461 |
df_invest_costs = df_invest_costs.to_frame()
462 |
df_invest_costs.columns = ['K']
463 |
df_invest_costs['i'] = df_new_capacities['i']
464 |
fig =, y='i', x='K', orientation='h', title='Investitionskosten [Mrd. €]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict)
465 |
466 |
with colb1:
467 |
468 |
469 |
470 |
# %%
471 |
df_production_all = m.solution['y'].sel(i = i).to_dataframe().reset_index()
472 |
# Deckungsbeitrag = Erlöse - Kosten
473 |
df_contr_marg = m.constraints['max_cap'].dual.to_dataframe().reset_index()
474 |
# # contr_margin for i_with_capacity
475 |
# df_contr_marg = df_contr_marg[df_contr_marg['i'].isin(i_with_capacity)]. reset_index(drop=True)
476 |
# # multiply
477 |
df_merged = pd.merge(df_production_all, df_contr_marg, on=['t', 'i'])
478 |
# Perform the multiplication
479 |
df_merged['y_new'] = df_merged['y'] * df_merged['dual']
480 |
df_merged = df_merged[['t', 'i', 'y_new']]
481 |
df_contr_marg_sum = df_merged.groupby('i')['y_new'].sum().reset_index()
482 |
483 |
df_production_res = m.solution['y'].sel(i = iRes).to_dataframe().reset_index()
484 |
df_price_res = m.constraints['load'].dual.to_dataframe().reset_index()
485 |
# multiply with df_price_res
486 |
df_merged_res = pd.merge(df_production_res, df_price_res, on='t')
487 |
df_merged_res['multiplied_value'] = df_merged_res['y'] * df_merged_res['dual']
488 |
df_merged_res = df_merged_res[['t', 'i', 'multiplied_value']]
489 |
df_contr_marg_res = df_merged_res.groupby('i')['multiplied_value'].sum().reset_index()
490 |
df_contr_marg_res['multiplied_value'] = df_contr_marg_res['multiplied_value'] * -dt
491 |
492 |
df_contr_marg_sum = pd.merge(df_contr_marg_sum, df_contr_marg_res, on='i', how='left')
493 |
df_contr_marg_sum['y_new'] = df_contr_marg_sum['multiplied_value'].combine_first(df_contr_marg_sum['y_new'])
494 |
df_contr_marg_sum = df_contr_marg_sum.drop(columns=['multiplied_value'])
495 |
df_contr_marg_sum['y'] = df_contr_marg_sum['y_new']*(-1)
496 |
# rearrange rows according to i
497 |
df_contr_marg_sum = df_contr_marg_sum.set_index('i').loc[i].reset_index()
498 |
# # # barplot
499 |
fig =, y='i', x='y', orientation='h', title='Deckungsbeitrag [Mrd. €]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict)
500 |
501 |
with colb2:
502 |
503 |
504 |
# %%
505 |
# #Add pie chart of total production per technology type in GWh(divide by 1000)
506 |
# df_production_sum = (df_production.groupby('i')['y'].sum() * dt / 1000 ).round(0).sort_values(ascending=False).reset_index()
507 |
508 |
# fig = px.pie(df_production_sum, names="i", values='y', title='Gesamtproduktion [GWh] als Kuchendiagramm',
509 |
# color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict)
510 |
511 |
# with colb2:
512 |
# fig
513 |
514 |
# %%
515 |
# # %%
516 |
# df_h2_prod = m.solution['y_h2'].sel(i = iPtG).to_dataframe().reset_index()
517 |
# fig = px.area(m.solution['y_h2'].sel(i = iPtG).to_dataframe().reset_index(), y='y_h2', x='t', title='Produktion Wasserstoff [MWh_th]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict)
521 |
# with colb2:
522 |
# fig
523 |
524 |
525 |
# %%
526 |
# #add pie chart which shows new capacities
527 |
# #round number of new capacities
528 |
# df_new_capacities_rounded = m.solution['K'].round(0).to_dataframe()
529 |
# #drop all technologies with K<= 0
530 |
# df_new_capacities_rounded = df_new_capacities_rounded[df_new_capacities_rounded["K"] > 0].reset_index()
531 |
532 |
# total_k_sum = df_new_capacities_rounded["K"].sum()
533 |
534 |
# #df_new_capacities_rounded["percentage"] = df_new_capacities_rounded["K"].apply(lambda x: (x/total_k_sum)*100).abs().round(2)
535 |
536 |
# fig = px.pie(df_new_capacities_rounded, names='i', values='K', title='Neu installierte Kapazitäten [MW] als Kuchendiagramm',
537 |
# color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict)
538 |
539 |
# with colb1:
540 |
# fig
541 |
542 |
543 |
# %%
544 |
((m.solution['y'] / eff_i) * co2_factor_i * dt).sum()
545 |
# %%
582 |
disaggregate_df(df_total_costs).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Gesamtkosten', index=False)
583 |
disaggregate_df(df_CO2_price).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='CO2 Preis', index=False)
584 |
disaggregate_df(df_price).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Preise', index=False)
585 |
# disaggregate_df(df_contr_marg).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Deckungsbeiträge', index=False)
586 |
disaggregate_df(df_new_capacities).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Kapazitäten', index=False)
587 |
disaggregate_df(df_production).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Produktion', index=False)
588 |
disaggregate_df(df_charging).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Ladevorgänge', index=False)
589 |
disaggregate_df(D_t.to_dataframe().reset_index()).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Nachfrage', index=False)
590 |
disaggregate_df(df_curtailment).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Abregelung', index=False)
591 |
# disaggregate_df(df_h2_prod).to_excel(writer, sheet_name='H2 produktion', index=False)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:
3 |
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:38a1f162728d5c9435fe52ad066ab037ba90d3c41122d003b7dc754973ea00c1
3 |
size 1066427
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ def load_data_from_excel(url_excel, write_to_pickle_flag = True):
39 |
df_excel = pd.read_excel(url_excel, sheet_name='Technologies')
40 |
iRes = pd.Index(df_excel.iloc[0:4, 4], name='iRes')
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
# df_excel = pd.read_excel(url_excel, sheet_name='Technologies')
46 |
# iPtG = pd.Index(df_excel.iloc[0:1, 8], name='iPtG')
@@ -145,13 +145,13 @@ def load_data_from_excel(url_excel, write_to_pickle_flag = True):
145 |
df_excel = df_excel.set_index('i')
146 |
K_0_i = df_excel.iloc[:,0].to_xarray()
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
# # Inflow for hydro reservoir
157 |
# df_excel = pd.read_excel(url_excel, sheet_name = 'HydroInflow')
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ def load_data_from_excel(url_excel, write_to_pickle_flag = True):
166 |
# Append parameters to the dictionary
167 |
sets_dict['t'] = t
168 |
sets_dict['i'] = i
169 |
170 |
sets_dict['iConv'] = iConv
171 |
# sets_dict['iPtG'] = iPtG
172 |
sets_dict['iRes'] = iRes
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ def load_data_from_excel(url_excel, write_to_pickle_flag = True):
185 |
params_dict['c_var_i'] = c_var_i
186 |
params_dict['s_t_r_iRes'] = s_t_r_iRes
187 |
params_dict['K_0_i'] = K_0_i
188 |
189 |
# params_dict['h_t'] = h_t
190 |
191 |
if write_to_pickle_flag:
39 |
df_excel = pd.read_excel(url_excel, sheet_name='Technologies')
40 |
iRes = pd.Index(df_excel.iloc[0:4, 4], name='iRes')
41 |
42 |
df_excel = pd.read_excel(url_excel, sheet_name='Technologies')
43 |
iSto = pd.Index(df_excel.iloc[0:1, 6], name='iSto')
44 |
45 |
# df_excel = pd.read_excel(url_excel, sheet_name='Technologies')
46 |
# iPtG = pd.Index(df_excel.iloc[0:1, 8], name='iPtG')
145 |
df_excel = df_excel.set_index('i')
146 |
K_0_i = df_excel.iloc[:,0].to_xarray()
147 |
148 |
# Energy-to-power ratio storages
149 |
df_excel = pd.read_excel(url_excel, sheet_name = 'E2P')
150 |
df_excel = df_excel.rename(columns = {'Speicher':'i', 'Unnamed: 1':'E2P-Ratio'})
151 |
#df_excel = i.to_frame().reset_index(drop=True).merge(df_excel, how = 'left')
152 |
df_excel = df_excel.fillna(0)
153 |
df_excel = df_excel.set_index('i')
154 |
e2p_iSto = df_excel.iloc[:,0].to_xarray()
155 |
156 |
# # Inflow for hydro reservoir
157 |
# df_excel = pd.read_excel(url_excel, sheet_name = 'HydroInflow')
166 |
# Append parameters to the dictionary
167 |
sets_dict['t'] = t
168 |
sets_dict['i'] = i
169 |
sets_dict['iSto'] = iSto
170 |
sets_dict['iConv'] = iConv
171 |
# sets_dict['iPtG'] = iPtG
172 |
sets_dict['iRes'] = iRes
185 |
params_dict['c_var_i'] = c_var_i
186 |
params_dict['s_t_r_iRes'] = s_t_r_iRes
187 |
params_dict['K_0_i'] = K_0_i
188 |
params_dict['e2p_iSto'] = e2p_iSto
189 |
# params_dict['h_t'] = h_t
190 |
191 |
if write_to_pickle_flag: