# %% | |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
""" | |
Spyder Editor | |
This is a temporary script file. | |
""" | |
# %% | |
from numpy import arange | |
import xarray as xr | |
import highspy | |
from linopy import Model, EQUAL | |
import pandas as pd | |
import as px | |
import streamlit as st | |
import sourced as src | |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") | |
# you can create columns to better manage the flow of your page | |
# this command makes 3 columns of equal width | |
col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) | |
col1.header("Data Input") | |
col4.header("Download Results") | |
# %% | |
# Color dictionary for figures | |
color_dict = {'Biomass': 'lightgreen', | |
'Lignite': 'brown', | |
'Fossil Gas': 'grey', | |
'Fossil Hard coal': 'darkgrey', | |
'Fossil Oil': 'maroon', | |
'RoR': 'aquamarine', | |
'Hydro Water Reservoir': 'azure', | |
'Nuclear': 'orange', | |
'PV': 'yellow', | |
'WindOff': 'darkblue', | |
'WindOn': 'green', | |
'H2': 'crimson', | |
'Pumped Hydro Storage': 'lightblue', | |
'Battery storages': 'red', | |
'Electrolyzer': 'olive'} | |
# %% | |
with col1: | |
with open('Input_Jahr_2021.xlsx', 'rb') as f: | |
st.download_button('Download Excel Template', f, file_name='Input_Jahr_2021.xlsx') # Defaults to 'application/octet-stream' | |
#url_excel = r'Input_Jahr_2021.xlsx' | |
url_excel = st.file_uploader(label = 'Excel Upload') | |
# %% | |
if url_excel == None: | |
url_excel = r'Input_Jahr_2021.xlsx' | |
sets_dict, params_dict= src.load_data_from_excel(url_excel, load_from_pickle_flag = True) | |
with col4: | |
st.write('Running with standard data') | |
else: | |
sets_dict, params_dict= src.load_data_from_excel(url_excel, load_from_pickle_flag = False) | |
with col4: | |
st.write('Running with user data') | |
# %% | |
def timstep_aggregate(time_steps_aggregate, xr ): | |
return xr.rolling( t = time_steps_aggregate).mean().sel(t = t[0::time_steps_aggregate]) | |
#s_t_r_iRes = timstep_aggregate(6,s_t_r_iRes) | |
# %% | |
#sets_dict, params_dict= src.load_data_from_excel(url_excel,write_to_pickle_flag=True) | |
# %% | |
# sets_dict, params_dict= load_data_from_excel(url_excel, load_from_pickle_flag = False) | |
dt = 6 | |
# Unpack sets_dict into the workspace | |
t = sets_dict['t'] | |
i = sets_dict['i'] | |
iSto = sets_dict['iSto'] | |
iConv = sets_dict['iConv'] | |
iPtG = sets_dict['iPtG'] | |
iRes = sets_dict['iRes'] | |
iHyRes = sets_dict['iHyRes'] | |
# Unpack params_dict into the workspace | |
l_co2 = params_dict['l_co2'] | |
p_co2 = params_dict['p_co2'] | |
# %% | |
eff_i = params_dict['eff_i'] | |
c_fuel_i = params_dict['c_fuel_i'] | |
c_other_i = params_dict['c_other_i'] | |
c_inv_i = params_dict['c_inv_i'] | |
co2_factor_i = params_dict['co2_factor_i'] | |
#c_var_i = params_dict['c_var_i'] | |
K_0_i = params_dict['K_0_i'] | |
e2p_iSto = params_dict['e2p_iSto'] | |
# Aggregate time series | |
D_t = timstep_aggregate(dt,params_dict['D_t']) | |
s_t_r_iRes = timstep_aggregate(dt,params_dict['s_t_r_iRes']) | |
h_t = timstep_aggregate(dt,params_dict['h_t']) | |
t = D_t.get_index('t') | |
partial_year_factor = (8760/len(t))/dt | |
# %% | |
# Sliders and input boxes for parameters | |
with col2: | |
# Slider for CO2 limit [mio. t] | |
l_co2 = st.slider(value=int(params_dict['l_co2']), min_value=0, max_value=750, label="CO2 limit [mio. t]", step=50) | |
# Slider for H2 price / usevalue [€/MWH_th] | |
price_h2 = st.slider(value=100, min_value=0, max_value=300, label="Hydrogen price [€/MWh]", step=10) | |
for i_idx in c_fuel_i.get_index('i'): | |
if i_idx in ['Lignite']: | |
c_fuel_i.loc[i_idx] = st.slider(value=int(c_fuel_i.loc[i_idx]), min_value=0, max_value=300, label=i_idx + ' Price' , step=10) | |
dt = st.number_input(label="Length of timesteps [int]", min_value=1, max_value=len(t), value=6, help="Enter only integers between 1 and 8760 (or 8784 for leap years).") | |
with col3: | |
# Slider for CO2 limit [mio. t] | |
for i_idx in c_fuel_i.get_index('i'): | |
if i_idx in ['Fossil Hard coal', 'Fossil Oil','Fossil Gas']: | |
c_fuel_i.loc[i_idx] = st.slider(value=int(c_fuel_i.loc[i_idx]), min_value=0, max_value=300, label=i_idx + ' Price' , step=10) | |
technologies_invest = st.multiselect(label='Technologies for investment', options=i, default=['Lignite','Fossil Gas','Fossil Hard coal','Fossil Oil','PV','WindOff','WindOn','H2','Pumped Hydro Storage','Battery storages']) | |
technologies_no_invest = [x for x in i if x not in technologies_invest] | |
#time_steps_aggregate = 6 | |
#= xr_profiles.rolling( time_step = time_steps_aggregate).mean().sel(time_step = time[0::time_steps_aggregate]) | |
price_co2 = 0 | |
# Aggregate time series | |
#D_t = timstep_aggregate(dt,params_dict['D_t']) | |
#s_t_r_iRes = timstep_aggregate(dt,params_dict['s_t_r_iRes']) | |
#h_t = timstep_aggregate(dt,params_dict['h_t']) | |
#t = D_t.get_index('t') | |
#partial_year_factor = (8760/len(t))/dt | |
#technologies_no_invest = st.multiselect(label='Technolgy invest', options=i) | |
#technologies_no_invest = ['Electrolyzer','Biomass','RoR','Hydro Water Reservoir','Nuclear'] | |
# %% | |
### Variables | |
m = Model() | |
C_tot = m.add_variables(name = 'C_tot') # Total costs | |
C_op = m.add_variables(name = 'C_op', lower = 0) # Operational costs | |
C_inv = m.add_variables(name = 'C_inv', lower = 0) # Investment costs | |
K = m.add_variables(coords = [i], name = 'K', lower = 0) # Endogenous capacity | |
y = m.add_variables(coords = [t,i], name = 'y', lower = 0) # Electricity production --> für Elektrolyseure ausschließen | |
y_ch = m.add_variables(coords = [t,i], name = 'y_ch', lower = 0) # Electricity consumption --> für alles außer Elektrolyseure und Speicher ausschließen | |
l = m.add_variables(coords = [t,i], name = 'l', lower = 0) # Storage filling level | |
w = m.add_variables(coords = [t], name = 'w', lower = 0) # RES curtailment | |
y_curt = m.add_variables(coords = [t,i], name = 'y_curt', lower = 0) | |
y_h2 = m.add_variables(coords = [t,i], name = 'y_h2', lower = 0) | |
## Objective function | |
C_tot = C_op + C_inv | |
m.add_objective(C_tot) | |
## Costs terms for objective function | |
# Operational costs minus revenue for produced hydrogen | |
C_op_sum = m.add_constraints((y * c_fuel_i/eff_i).sum() * dt - (y_h2.sel(i = iPtG) * price_h2).sum() * dt == C_op, name = 'C_op_sum') | |
# Investment costs | |
C_inv_sum = m.add_constraints((K * c_inv_i).sum() == C_inv, name = 'C_inv_sum') | |
## Load serving | |
loadserve_t = m.add_constraints((((y ).sum(dims = 'i') - y_ch.sum(dims = 'i')) * dt == D_t.sel(t = t) * dt), name = 'load') | |
## Maximum capacity limit | |
maxcap_i_t = m.add_constraints((y - K <= K_0_i), name = 'max_cap') | |
## Maximum capacity limit | |
maxcap_invest_i = m.add_constraints((K.sel(i = technologies_no_invest) <= 0), name = 'max_cap_invest') | |
## Prevent power production by PtG | |
no_power_prod_iPtG_t = m.add_constraints((y.sel(i = iPtG) <= 0), name = 'prevent_ptg_prod') | |
## Maximum storage charging and discharging | |
maxcha_iSto_t = m.add_constraints((y.sel(i = iSto) + y_ch.sel(i = iSto) - K.sel(i = iSto) <= K_0_i.sel(i = iSto)), name = 'max_cha') | |
## Maximum electrolyzer capacity | |
ptg_prod_iPtG_t = m.add_constraints((y_ch.sel(i = iPtG) - K.sel(i = iPtG) <= K_0_i.sel(i = iPtG)), name = 'max_cha_ptg') | |
## PtG H2 production | |
h2_prod_iPtG_t = m.add_constraints(y_ch.sel(i = iPtG) * eff_i.sel(i = iPtG) == y_h2.sel(i = iPtG), name = 'ptg_h2_prod') | |
## Infeed of renewables | |
infeed_iRes_t = m.add_constraints((y.sel(i = iRes) - s_t_r_iRes.sel(i = iRes).sel(t = t) * K.sel(i = iRes) + y_curt.sel(i = iRes) == s_t_r_iRes.sel(i = iRes).sel(t = t) * K_0_i.sel(i = iRes)), name = 'infeed') | |
## Maximum filling level restriction storage power plant | |
maxcapsto_iSto_t = m.add_constraints((l.sel(i = iSto) - K.sel(i = iSto) * e2p_iSto.sel(i = iSto) <= K_0_i.sel(i = iSto) * e2p_iSto.sel(i = iSto)), name = 'max_sto_filling') | |
## Filling level restriction hydro reservoir | |
filling_iHydro_t = m.add_constraints(l.sel(i = iHyRes) - l.sel(i = iHyRes).roll(t = -1) + y.sel(i = iHyRes) * dt == h_t.sel(t = t) * dt, name = 'filling_level_hydro') | |
## Filling level restriction other storages | |
filling_iSto_t = m.add_constraints(l.sel(i = iSto) - (l.sel(i = iSto).roll(t = -1) + (y.sel(i = iSto) / eff_i.sel(i = iSto)) * dt - y_ch.sel(i = iSto) * eff_i.sel(i = iSto) * dt) == 0, name = 'filling_level') | |
## CO2 limit | |
CO2_limit = m.add_constraints(((y / eff_i) * co2_factor_i * dt).sum() <= l_co2 * 1_000_000 , name = 'CO2_limit') | |
# %% | |
m.solve(solver_name = 'highs') | |
st.markdown("---") | |
colb1, colb2 = st.columns(2) | |
# %% | |
#c_var_i.to_dataframe(name='VarCosts') | |
# %% | |
# Installed Cap | |
# Assuming df_excel has columns 'All' and 'Capacities' | |
fig =['K']+K_0_i).to_dataframe(name='K').reset_index(), \ | |
y='i', x='K', orientation='h', title='Total Installed Capacities [MW]', color='i') | |
#fig | |
# %% | |
total_costs = float(m.solution['C_inv'].values) + float(m.solution['C_op'].values) | |
total_costs_rounded = round(total_costs/1e9, 2) | |
df_total_costs = pd.DataFrame({'Total costs':[total_costs]}) | |
with colb1: | |
st.write('Total costs: ' + str(total_costs_rounded) + ' bn. €') | |
# %% | |
#df_Co2_price = pd.DataFrame({'CO2_Price: ':[float(m.constraints['CO2_limit'].dual.values) * (-1)]}) | |
CO2_price = float(m.constraints['CO2_limit'].dual.values) * (-1) | |
CO2_price_rounded = round(CO2_price, 2) | |
df_CO2_price = pd.DataFrame({'CO2 price':[CO2_price]}) | |
with colb2: | |
#st.write(str(df_Co2_price)) | |
st.write('CO2 price: ' + str(CO2_price_rounded) + ' €/t') | |
# %% | |
df_new_capacities = m.solution['K'].to_dataframe().reset_index() | |
fig =['K'].to_dataframe().reset_index(), y='i', x='K', orientation='h', title='New Capacities [MW]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict) | |
with colb1: | |
fig | |
# %% | |
i_with_capacity = m.solution['K'].where( m.solution['K'] > 0).dropna(dim = 'i').get_index('i') | |
df_production = m.solution['y'].sel(i = i_with_capacity).to_dataframe().reset_index() | |
fig = px.area(m.solution['y'].sel(i = i_with_capacity).to_dataframe().reset_index(), y='y', x='t', title='Production [MWh]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict) | |
fig.update_traces(line=dict(width=0)) | |
fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(fillcolor = trace.line.color)) | |
with colb2: | |
fig | |
# %% | |
df_price = m.constraints['load'].dual.to_dataframe().reset_index() | |
#df_price['dual'] = df_price['dual'] | |
# %% | |
fig = px.line(df_price, y='dual', x='t', title='Electricity prices [€/MWh]', range_y=[0,250]) | |
with colb1: | |
fig | |
# %% price duration curve | |
# sort df_price by dual | |
df_price_sorted = df_price.sort_values('dual', ascending=False) | |
# %% | |
df_contr_marg = m.constraints['max_cap'].dual.to_dataframe().reset_index() | |
df_contr_marg['dual'] = df_contr_marg['dual'] / dt * (-1) | |
# %% | |
fig = px.line(df_contr_marg, y='dual', x='t',title='Contribution margin [€]', color='i', range_y=[0,250], color_discrete_map=color_dict) | |
with colb2: | |
fig | |
# %% | |
# curtailment | |
df_curtailment = m.solution['y_curt'].sel(i = iRes).to_dataframe().reset_index() | |
fig = px.area(m.solution['y_curt'].sel(i = iRes).to_dataframe().reset_index(), y='y_curt', x='t', title='Curtailment [MWh]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict) | |
fig.update_traces(line=dict(width=0)) | |
fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(fillcolor = trace.line.color)) | |
with colb1: | |
fig | |
# %% | |
df_charging = m.solution['y_ch'].sel(i = iSto).to_dataframe().reset_index() | |
fig = px.area(m.solution['y_ch'].sel(i = iSto).to_dataframe().reset_index(), y='y_ch', x='t', title='Storage charging [MWh]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict) | |
fig.update_traces(line=dict(width=0)) | |
fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(fillcolor = trace.line.color)) | |
with colb2: | |
fig | |
# %% | |
df_h2_prod = m.solution['y_h2'].sel(i = iPtG).to_dataframe().reset_index() | |
fig = px.area(m.solution['y_h2'].sel(i = iPtG).to_dataframe().reset_index(), y='y_h2', x='t', title='Hydrogen production [MWh_th]', color='i', color_discrete_map=color_dict) | |
fig.update_traces(line=dict(width=0)) | |
fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(fillcolor = trace.line.color)) | |
with colb2: | |
fig | |
# %% | |
((m.solution['y'] / eff_i) * co2_factor_i * dt).sum() | |
# %% | |
import pandas as pd | |
from io import BytesIO | |
#from pyxlsb import open_workbook as open_xlsb | |
import streamlit as st | |
import xlsxwriter | |
# %% | |
output = BytesIO() | |
# Create a Pandas Excel writer using XlsxWriter as the engine | |
with pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine='xlsxwriter') as writer: | |
# Write each DataFrame to a different sheet | |
df_total_costs.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Total costs', index=False) | |
df_CO2_price.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='CO2 price', index=False) | |
df_price.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Prices', index=False) | |
df_contr_marg.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Contribution Margin', index=False) | |
df_new_capacities.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Capacities', index=False) | |
df_production.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Production', index=False) | |
df_charging.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Charging', index=False) | |
D_t.to_dataframe().reset_index().to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Demand', index=False) | |
df_curtailment.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Curtailment', index=False) | |
df_h2_prod.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='H2 production', index=False) | |
with col4: | |
st.download_button( | |
label="Download Excel workbook Results", | |
data=output.getvalue(), | |
file_name="workbook.xlsx", | |
mime="application/" | |
) | |