import os, requests, datetime import streamlit as st from functools import partial from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from typing import List, Callable, Literal, Optional from streamlit.runtime.uploaded_file_manager import UploadedFile from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI from langchain.schema import HumanMessage, SystemMessage from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate, MessagesPlaceholder from langchain_community.utilities import BingSearchAPIWrapper from langchain_community.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader from langchain_community.document_loaders import Docx2txtLoader from langchain_community.document_loaders import TextLoader from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from langchain_community.vectorstores import FAISS from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings from import Tool from import create_retriever_tool from langchain.agents import create_openai_tools_agent # from langchain.agents import create_tool_calling_agent from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor from langchain_community.agent_toolkits.load_tools import load_tools from langchain.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field def initialize_session_state_variables() -> None: """ Initialize all the session state variables. """ session_defaults = { "ready": False, "bing_subscription_validity": False, "model": "gpt-4o", "language": "English", "topic": "", "positive": "", "negative": "", "agent_descriptions": {}, "new_debate": True, "conversations": [], "conversations4print": [], "simulator": None, "tools": [], "retriever_tool": None, "vector_store_message": "", "conclusions": "", "comments_key": 0, "specified_topic": "", } for key, value in session_defaults.items(): if key not in st.session_state: st.session_state[key] = value def initialize_api_keys(): """ Initialize API keys from Hugging Face secrets and validate them. """ os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY", "") os.environ["BING_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY"] = os.getenv("BING_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY", "") # Validate keys and show warnings/errors if missing if not os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]: st.error("Missing OPENAI_API_KEY. Add it to Hugging Face Space secrets.") if not os.environ["BING_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY"]: st.warning("Missing BING_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY. Bing search may not work.") initialize_api_keys() def is_openai_api_key_valid(): """ Validate the OpenAI API key from Hugging Face secrets. """ openai_api_key = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") if not openai_api_key: return False headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {openai_api_key}"} response = requests.get("", headers=headers) return response.status_code == 200 def is_bing_subscription_key_valid(): """ Validate the Bing Subscription key from Hugging Face secrets. """ bing_subscription_key = os.environ.get("BING_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY") if not bing_subscription_key: return False try: bing_search = BingSearchAPIWrapper( bing_subscription_key=bing_subscription_key, bing_search_url="", k=1 )"Test Query") except Exception: return False return True def check_api_keys() -> None: """ Unset this flag to check the validity of the OpenAI API key. """ st.session_state.ready = False def append_period(text: str) -> str: """ Append a '.' to the input text if it is nonempty and does not end with '.' or '?'. """ if text and text[-1] not in (".", "?"): text += "." return text def get_vector_store(uploaded_files: List[UploadedFile]) -> Optional[FAISS]: """ Take a list of UploadedFile objects as input, and return a FAISS vector store. """ if not uploaded_files: return None documents = [] filepaths = [] loader_map = { ".pdf": PyPDFLoader, ".txt": TextLoader, ".docx": Docx2txtLoader } try: for uploaded_file in uploaded_files: # Create a temporary file within the "files/" directory with NamedTemporaryFile(dir="files/", delete=False) as file: file.write(uploaded_file.getbuffer()) filepath = filepaths.append(filepath) file_ext = os.path.splitext([1] loader_class = loader_map.get(file_ext) if not loader_class: st.error(f"Unsupported file type: {file_ext}", icon="🚨") for filepath in filepaths: if os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) return None # Load the document using the selected loader. loader = loader_class(filepath) documents.extend(loader.load()) with st.spinner("Vector DB in preparation..."): # Split the loaded text into smaller chunks for processing. text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter( chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=200, # separators=["\n", "\n\n", "(?<=\. )", "", " "], ) doc = text_splitter.split_documents(documents) # Create a FAISS vector database. embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings( model="text-embedding-3-large", dimensions=1536 ) vector_store = FAISS.from_documents(doc, embeddings) except Exception as e: vector_store = None st.error(f"An error occurred: {e}", icon="🚨") finally: # Ensure the temporary file is deleted after processing for filepath in filepaths: if os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) return vector_store def get_retriever() -> None: """ Upload document(s), create a vector store, prepare a retriever tool, save the tool to the variable st.session_state.retriever_tool """ st.write("") st.write("##### Document(s) to ask about") uploaded_files = st.file_uploader( label="Upload an article", type=["txt", "pdf", "docx"], accept_multiple_files=True, label_visibility="collapsed", ) left, right = st.columns(2) if left.button(label="$\:\!$Create a vector DB$\,$"): # Create the vector store. vector_store = get_vector_store(uploaded_files) if vector_store is not None: retriever = vector_store.as_retriever() st.session_state.retriever_tool = create_retriever_tool( retriever, name="retriever", description=( "Search for information about the uploaded documents. " "For any questions about the documents, you must use " "this tool!" ), ) st.session_state.vector_store_message = "Vector DB is ready!" if st.session_state.vector_store_message: right.write(f":blue[{st.session_state.vector_store_message}]") class DialogueAgent: """ Class for an individual agent participating in the debate. """ def __init__( self, name: str, system_message: SystemMessage, llm: ChatOpenAI, tools: List[str], ) -> None: = name self.system_message = system_message self.llm = llm self.prefix = f"{}: " = tools self.reset() def reset(self): self.message_history = ["\nHere is the conversation so far.\n"] def send(self) -> str: """ Apply the llm to the message history and return the message string. """ chat_prompt_list = [ ("system", "You are a helpful assistant."), ("human", "{input}"), ] agent_prompt_list = chat_prompt_list + [ MessagesPlaceholder(variable_name="agent_scratchpad") ] chat_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(chat_prompt_list) agent_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(agent_prompt_list) if agent = create_openai_tools_agent( self.llm,, agent_prompt ) agent_executor = AgentExecutor( agent=agent,, verbose=False ) else: agent_executor = chat_prompt | self.llm output = agent_executor.invoke( { "input": "\n".join( [self.system_message.content] + self.message_history + [self.prefix] ) } ) message = output["output"] if else output.content return message def receive(self, name: str, message: str) -> None: """ Concatenate {message} spoken by {name} into message history """ self.message_history.append(f"{name}: {message}\n") class DialogueSimulator: """ Class for simulating the debate. """ def __init__( self, agents: List[DialogueAgent], selection_function: Callable[[int, List[DialogueAgent]], int], ) -> None: self.agents = agents self._step = 0 self.select_next_speaker = selection_function def reset(self): for agent in self.agents: agent.reset() def inject(self, name: str, message: str): """ Initiate the conversation with a {message} from {name} """ for agent in self.agents: agent.receive(name, message) # increment time # self._step += 1 def step(self) -> tuple[str, str]: # 1. choose the next speaker speaker_idx = self.select_next_speaker(self._step, self.agents) speaker = self.agents[speaker_idx] # 2. next speaker sends message try: with st.spinner(f"{} is thinking..."): message = speaker.send() except Exception as e: st.error(f"An error occurred: {e}", icon="🚨") st.stop() # 3. everyone receives message for receiver in self.agents: receiver.receive(, message) # 4. increment time self._step += 1 return, message def select_next_speaker(step: int, agents: List[DialogueAgent]) -> int: """ Return 0, 1, ..., or (the number of agents - 1) corresponding to the next speaker. """ idx = (step) % len(agents) return idx def run_simulator(no_of_rounds: int, simulator: DialogueSimulator) -> None: """ Simulate a given number of rounds for the debate. What each participant speaks is saved to a session state list containing all the conversations so far. """ max_iters = 2 * no_of_rounds iter = 0 while iter < max_iters: name, message = simulator.step() color = "blue" if iter % 2 == 0 else "red" message4print = f"**:{color}[{name}]**: {message}" st.session_state.conversations.append(f"{name}: {message}") st.session_state.conversations4print.append(message4print) st.write(message4print) iter += 1 def generate_agent_description( name: str, conversation_description: str, language: Literal['English', 'Korean'], word_limit: int ) -> str: """ Generate the description for a participant. """ agent_specifier_prompt = [ SystemMessage( content=( "You can add detail to the description of " "the conversation participant." ) ), HumanMessage( content=( f"{conversation_description}\n" f"Please reply with a creative description of '{name}', " f"in {word_limit} words or less in {language}.\n" f"Speak directly to '{name}'.\n" "Give them a point of view.\n" "Do not add anything else." ) ), ] agent_specifier_llm = ChatOpenAI( model=st.session_state.model, temperature=1.0 ) agent_description = agent_specifier_llm.invoke(agent_specifier_prompt) return agent_description.content def generate_system_message( name: str, conversation_description: str, description: str, language: Literal['English', 'Korean'], word_limit: int ) -> str: """ Generate the system message for a participant. """ if description: description_statement = ( f"Your description is as follows: {description}\n\n" ) else: description_statement = "" generated_system_message = ( f"{conversation_description}\n\n" f"Your name is '{name}'.\n\n" f"{description_statement}" "Your goal is to persuade your conversation partner " "of your point of view.\n\n" "DO look up information with your tool " "to refute your partner's claims.\n" "DO cite your sources.\n\n" "DO NOT fabricate fake citations.\n" "DO NOT cite any source that you did not look up.\n\n" "DO NOT restate something that has been said in the past.\n" "Do not add anything else.\n\nStop speaking the moment " "you finish speaking from your perspective.\n\n" f"Answer in {word_limit} words or less in {language}." ) return generated_system_message def get_participant_names(topic: str) -> List[str]: """ Get the names of the positive and negative for the debate. """ participants = ["positive", "negative"] participant_names = [] for participant in participants: ex = "AI alarmist" if participant == "negative" else "AI accelerationist" name_specifier_prompt = [ SystemMessage(content="You are a helpful moderator for a debate."), HumanMessage( content=( "Here is the topic of conversation: " f"{append_period(topic)}\n" f"For the {participant} perspective on the topic, " "write a name in three words or less. Start the name " "with a capital letter and do not use ':' .\n" "For example, for the topic 'The current impact of " "automation and artificial intelligence on employment', " f"'{ex}' could serve as an appropriate name for " f"the {participant} side.\n" "Use a common noun instead of a proper noun, " "as shown in the example." ) ), ] name_specifier_llm = ChatOpenAI( model=st.session_state.model, temperature=1.0 ) participant_name = name_specifier_llm.invoke( name_specifier_prompt ).content participant_names.append(participant_name) return participant_names def continue_debate() -> None: """ Unset the new debate flag to signal that the debate has been set up. """ st.session_state.new_debate = False def reset_debate() -> None: """ Reset all the session state variables. """ st.session_state.topic = "" st.session_state.language = "English" st.session_state.positive = "" st.session_state.negative = "" st.session_state.agent_descriptions = {} st.session_state.specified_topic = "" st.session_state.new_debate = True st.session_state.conversations = [] st.session_state.conversations4print = [] st.session_state.simulator = None st.session_state.names = {} = [] st.session_state.retriever_tool = None st.session_state.vector_store_message = "" st.session_state.conclusions = "" st.session_state.comments_key = 0 def set_tools() -> None: """ Set the tools for the agents. Tools that can be selected are bing_search, arxiv, and retrieval. """ class MySearchToolInput(BaseModel): query: str = Field(description="search query to look up") arxiv = load_tools(["arxiv"])[0] wikipedia = load_tools(["wikipedia"])[0] tool_options = ["ArXiv", "Wikipedia", "Retrieval"] tool_dictionary = {"ArXiv": arxiv, "Wikipedia": wikipedia} if st.session_state.bing_subscription_validity: search = BingSearchAPIWrapper() bing_search = Tool( name="bing_search", description=( "A search engine for comprehensive, accurate, and trusted results. " "Useful for when you need to answer questions about current events. " "Input should be a search query." ), func=partial(search.results, num_results=5), args_schema=MySearchToolInput, ) tool_options.insert(0, "Search") tool_dictionary["Search"] = bing_search st.write("**Tools**") st.session_state.selected_tools = st.multiselect( label="agent tools", options=tool_options, label_visibility="collapsed", ) if "Search" not in tool_options: st.write( "To search the internet, obtain your Bing Subscription " "Key [here]( and enter it in the " "sidebar. Once entered, 'Search' will be displayed in the " "list of tools.", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) if "Retrieval" in st.session_state.selected_tools: # Get the retriever tool and save it to st.session_state.retriever_tool. get_retriever() if st.session_state.retriever_tool is not None: tool_dictionary["Retrieval"] = st.session_state.retriever_tool else: st.session_state.selected_tools.remove("Retrieval") = [ tool_dictionary[key] for key in st.session_state.selected_tools ] def set_debate() -> None: """ Prepare the agents for the debate by setting the topic, the names and descriptions of the participants, and the questions for the debate. """ st.write("**Topic of the debate**") topic = st.text_input( label="topic of the debate", placeholder="Enter your topic", value=st.session_state.topic, label_visibility="collapsed", ) st.session_state.topic = topic.strip() st.write( "**Language** " "used by the debaters", unsafe_allow_html=True ) st.session_state.language = label="language", options=("English", "Hindi", "Spanish", "French", "Chinese", "Korean", "Japanese"), label_visibility="collapsed", index=1, horizontal=True ) st.write("**Model**") st.session_state.model = label="Model", options=("gpt-4o-mini", "gpt-4o"), label_visibility="collapsed", horizontal=True, index=1, ) # Set the tools for the agents set_tools() left, right = st.columns(2) left.write("**Word limit for question suggestions** (≥ 10)") # Word limit for task brainstorming description_word_limit = left.number_input( label="description_word_limit", min_value=10, max_value=500, value=20, step=10, label_visibility="collapsed" ) right.write("**Word limit for each debate response** (≥ 50)") # Word limit for each debate st.session_state.word_limit = right.number_input( label="answer_word_limit", min_value=50, max_value=2000, value=100, step=50, label_visibility="collapsed" ) if st.button("Suggest names for the debaters"): st.session_state.positive, st.session_state.negative = ( get_participant_names(topic) ) left, right = st.columns(2) left.write("**Name for the positive**") positive = left.text_input( label="name of the positive", value=st.session_state.positive, label_visibility="collapsed" ) st.session_state.positive = positive right.write("**Name for the negative**") negative = right.text_input( label="name of the negative", value=st.session_state.negative, label_visibility="collapsed" ) st.session_state.negative = negative st.session_state.names = { positive:, negative:, } conversation_description = ( "Here is the topic of conversation: " f"{append_period(topic)}\nThe participants are: " f"{' and '.join(st.session_state.names.keys())}." ) agent_descriptions, agent_system_messages = {}, {} if positive and negative: if st.button("Suggest descriptions for the debaters"): for name in st.session_state.names.keys(): st.session_state.agent_descriptions[name] = ( generate_agent_description( name, conversation_description, st.session_state.language, description_word_limit ) ) for name in st.session_state.names.keys(): st.write(f"**Description for {name}**") agent_descriptions[name] = st.text_area( label=f"description for {name}", value=st.session_state.agent_descriptions.get(name, ""), label_visibility="collapsed" ) st.session_state.agent_descriptions[name] = agent_descriptions[name] keys_to_delete = [ key for key in st.session_state.agent_descriptions if key not in st.session_state.names ] for key in keys_to_delete: del st.session_state.agent_descriptions[key] for name in st.session_state.names.keys(): agent_system_messages[name] = generate_system_message( name, conversation_description, agent_descriptions[name], st.session_state.language, st.session_state.word_limit ) if st.button("Suggest questions for the debaters"): topic_specifier_prompt = [ SystemMessage(content="You can make a topic more specific."), HumanMessage( content=( "Here is the topic of conversation: " f"{append_period(topic)}\n" "You are the moderator.\n" "Please make the topic more specific.\n" "Please reply with the specified quest in " f"{description_word_limit} words or less in " f"{st.session_state.language}.\n" "Speak directly to the participants: " f"{*st.session_state.names,}.\n" "Do not add anything else." ) ), ] topic_specifier_llm = ChatOpenAI( model=st.session_state.model, temperature=1.0 ) st.session_state.specified_topic = topic_specifier_llm.invoke( topic_specifier_prompt ).content st.write("**Questions for the debaters**") specified_topic = st.text_area( label="questions for the debaters", value=st.session_state.specified_topic, label_visibility="collapsed", ) st.session_state.specified_topic = specified_topic if st.session_state.specified_topic: if st.button("Prepare the debate"): agent_llm = ChatOpenAI( model=st.session_state.model, temperature=0.2 ) agents = [ DialogueAgent( name=name, system_message=SystemMessage(content=system_message), llm=agent_llm, tools=tools, ) for (name, tools), system_message in zip( st.session_state.names.items(), agent_system_messages.values() ) ] st.session_state.simulator = DialogueSimulator( agents=agents, selection_function=select_next_speaker ) st.session_state.simulator.reset() st.session_state.simulator.inject("Moderator", specified_topic) st.session_state.new_debate = False st.rerun() def print_topic_debaters_questions() -> str: """ Print the topic, the names and descriptions of the participants, and questions for the debate. """ st.write("**Topic of the debate**")"**{st.session_state.topic}**") st.write( "**Name for the positive**$\:$: " f"$~$:blue[{st.session_state.positive}]" ) st.write( "**Name for the negative**: " f"$~$:blue[{st.session_state.negative}]" ) agent_descriptions = st.session_state.agent_descriptions dict_name = "agent_descriptions" for name in st.session_state.names.keys(): st.write(f"**Description for {name}**")[name]) st.write("**Moderator**: Here are the questions for the debaters") headers = ( "Topic of the debate: " f"{st.session_state.topic}\n\n" "Name for the positive: " f"{st.session_state.positive}\n" "Name for the negative: " f"{st.session_state.negative}\n\n" ) if agent_descriptions[st.session_state.positive]: headers += ( f"Description for {st.session_state.positive}:\n" f"{locals()[dict_name][st.session_state.positive]}\n\n" ) if agent_descriptions[st.session_state.negative]: headers += ( f"Description for {st.session_state.negative}:\n" f"{locals()[dict_name][st.session_state.negative]}\n\n" ) headers += f"Moderator: {st.session_state.specified_topic}\n\n" return headers def conclude_debate() -> None: """ End the debate by providing a summary of the points raised by each participant and making a concluding remark. Add this conclusion to the list of conversations. """ word_limit = 2 * st.session_state.word_limit moderator_prompt = [ SystemMessage( content=( "You are the Moderator. " "Your goal is to provide a comprehensive summary " "highlighting the key points raised by each participant, " "and then to conclude the debate in a productive manner. " "If there is a clear standout in terms of being more " "persuasive or convincing, mention this in your conclusion." ) ), HumanMessage( content=( f"Answer in {word_limit} words or less " f"in {st.session_state.language}.\n\n" "Here is the complete conversation.\n\n" f"{st.session_state.complete_conversations}\n\n" "Moderator: " ) ), ] moderator_llm = ChatOpenAI( model=st.session_state.model, temperature=0.2 ) with st.spinner("Moderator is thinking..."): st.session_state.conclusions = moderator_llm.invoke( moderator_prompt ).content st.session_state.conversations.append( f"Moderator: {st.session_state.conclusions}" ) st.session_state.conversations4print.append( f"**Moderator**: {st.session_state.conclusions}" ) def multi_agent_debate(): """ Let two agents, equipped with tools such as bing search, arxiv, and retriever, debate on a given topic. The debate can be concluded with a remark and be downloaded. """ page_title = "Multi-lingual Multi-Agent Debate" page_icon = "📚" st.set_page_config( page_title=page_title, page_icon=page_icon, layout="centered" ) # Title and introductory section st.write(f"## {page_icon} $\,${page_title}") # Always display the cover image and acknowledgment at the top st.image("./files/image-3.png", caption=" ", use_container_width=True) """ **Acknowledgment**: This project is inspired by [Twy's Work]( """ ) # Initialize all the session state variables initialize_session_state_variables() # Sidebar for API Key Status with st.sidebar: st.write("### API Key Status") openai_key_status = "✔️ Available" if os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") else "❌ Missing" bing_key_status = "✔️ Available" if os.getenv("BING_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY") else "❌ Missing" st.write(f"**OpenAI Key**: {openai_key_status}") st.write(f"**Bing Key**: {bing_key_status}") # Error if OpenAI API key is missing if not os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"): st.error("OpenAI Key is required for this app to function properly.") # Main app logic if st.session_state.new_debate: set_debate() else: with st.sidebar: st.write("") st.write(f"**Model**: :blue[{st.session_state.model}]") st.write(f"**Language**: :blue[{st.session_state.language}]") st.write(f"**Word limit**: :blue[{st.session_state.word_limit}]") if st.session_state.selected_tools: used_tools = ( f":blue[{', '.join(st.session_state.selected_tools)}]" ) if len(st.session_state.selected_tools) == 1: st.write(f"**Tool**: {used_tools}") else: st.write(f"**Tools**: {used_tools}") else: st.write(f"**Tool**: :blue[None]") headers = print_topic_debaters_questions() st.session_state.complete_conversations = ( headers + "\n\n".join(st.session_state.conversations) ) if st.session_state.conversations: label_debate = "$\,$Continue the debate$\,$" label_no_of_rounds = "Number of additional rounds" value_no_of_rounds = 1 else: label_debate = "$~~~\,$Start the debate$~~~\,$" label_no_of_rounds = "Number of rounds in this debate" value_no_of_rounds = 5 st.write("") for message in st.session_state.conversations4print: st.write(message) if not st.session_state.conclusions: st.write(f"**{label_no_of_rounds}**") c1, _, _ = st.columns(3) no_of_rounds = c1.number_input( label=f"{label_no_of_rounds}", min_value=1, max_value=10, value=value_no_of_rounds, step=1, label_visibility="collapsed", ) if st.session_state.conversations and not st.session_state.conclusions: st.write("**Facilitative comments by the (human) moderator** (Optional)") facilitative_comments = st.text_input( label="facilitative_comments", value="", key="comments" + str(st.session_state.comments_key), label_visibility="collapsed", ) if facilitative_comments: st.session_state.simulator.inject("Moderator", facilitative_comments) st.session_state.conversations.append( f"Moderator: {facilitative_comments}" ) st.session_state.conversations4print.append( f"**Moderator**: {facilitative_comments}" ) st.session_state.comments_key += 1 left, right = st.columns(2) if not st.session_state.conclusions: if left.button(f"{label_debate}"): run_simulator(no_of_rounds, st.session_state.simulator) st.rerun() if st.session_state.conversations: if right.button("Conclude the debate$\,$"): conclude_debate() st.rerun() else: if right.button("$~\:$Back to the setting$~\:$"): st.session_state.new_debate = True st.rerun() left.download_button( label="Download the debate", data=st.session_state.complete_conversations, file_name="multi_agent_debate.txt", mime="text/plain" ) right.button( label="$~~\,\:\!$Reset the debate$~~\,\,$", on_click=reset_debate ) if __name__ == "__main__": multi_agent_debate()