import streamlit as st import os from openai import OpenAI import tempfile from langchain.chains import ConversationalRetrievalChain from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI, OpenAIEmbeddings from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from langchain_community.vectorstores import Chroma from langchain_community.document_loaders import ( PyPDFLoader, TextLoader, CSVLoader ) from datetime import datetime from pydub import AudioSegment import pytz from langchain.chains import ConversationalRetrievalChain from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI, OpenAIEmbeddings from langchain_community.vectorstores import Chroma from langchain_community.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader, TextLoader, CSVLoader import os import tempfile from datetime import datetime import pytz class DocumentRAG: def __init__(self): self.document_store = None self.qa_chain = None self.document_summary = "" self.chat_history = [] self.last_processed_time = None self.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") # Fetch the API key from environment variable self.init_time = if not self.api_key: raise ValueError("API Key not found. Make sure to set the 'OPENAI_API_KEY' environment variable.") # Persistent directory for Chroma to avoid tenant-related errors self.chroma_persist_dir = "./chroma_storage" os.makedirs(self.chroma_persist_dir, exist_ok=True) def process_documents(self, uploaded_files): """Process uploaded files by saving them temporarily and extracting content.""" if not self.api_key: return "Please set the OpenAI API key in the environment variables." if not uploaded_files: return "Please upload documents first." try: documents = [] for uploaded_file in uploaded_files: # Save uploaded file to a temporary location temp_file_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=os.path.splitext([1]).name with open(temp_file_path, "wb") as temp_file: temp_file.write( # Determine the loader based on the file type if temp_file_path.endswith('.pdf'): loader = PyPDFLoader(temp_file_path) elif temp_file_path.endswith('.txt'): loader = TextLoader(temp_file_path) elif temp_file_path.endswith('.csv'): loader = CSVLoader(temp_file_path) else: return f"Unsupported file type: {}" # Load the documents try: documents.extend(loader.load()) except Exception as e: return f"Error loading {}: {str(e)}" if not documents: return "No valid documents were processed. Please check your files." # Split text for better processing text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter( chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=200, length_function=len ) documents = text_splitter.split_documents(documents) # Combine text for later summary generation self.document_text = " ".join([doc.page_content for doc in documents]) # Store for later use # Create embeddings and initialize retrieval chain embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(api_key=self.api_key) self.document_store = Chroma.from_documents( documents, embeddings, persist_directory=self.chroma_persist_dir # Persistent directory for Chroma ) self.qa_chain = ConversationalRetrievalChain.from_llm( ChatOpenAI(temperature=0, model_name='gpt-4', api_key=self.api_key), self.document_store.as_retriever(search_kwargs={'k': 6}), return_source_documents=True, verbose=False ) self.last_processed_time = return "Documents processed successfully!" except Exception as e: return f"Error processing documents: {str(e)}" def generate_summary(self, text, language): """Generate a summary of the provided text in the specified language.""" if not self.api_key: return "API Key not set. Please set it in the environment variables." try: client = OpenAI(api_key=self.api_key) response = model="gpt-4", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": f"Summarize the document content concisely in {language}. Provide 3-5 key points for discussion."}, {"role": "user", "content": text[:4000]} ], temperature=0.3 ) return response.choices[0].message.content except Exception as e: return f"Error generating summary: {str(e)}" def create_podcast(self, language): """Generate a podcast script and audio based on doc summary in the specified language.""" if not self.document_summary: return "Please process documents before generating a podcast.", None if not self.api_key: return "Please set the OpenAI API key in the environment variables.", None try: client = OpenAI(api_key=self.api_key) # Generate podcast script script_response = model="gpt-4", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": f"You are a professional podcast producer. Create a natural dialogue in {language} based on the provided document summary."}, {"role": "user", "content": f"""Based on the following document summary, create a 1-2 minute podcast script: 1. Clearly label the dialogue as 'Host 1:' and 'Host 2:' 2. Keep the content engaging and insightful. 3. Use conversational language suitable for a podcast. 4. Ensure the script has a clear opening and closing. Document Summary: {self.document_summary}"""} ], temperature=0.7 ) script = script_response.choices[0].message.content if not script: return "Error: Failed to generate podcast script.", None # Convert script to audio final_audio = AudioSegment.empty() is_first_speaker = True lines = [line.strip() for line in script.split("\n") if line.strip()] for line in lines: if ":" not in line: continue speaker, text = line.split(":", 1) if not text.strip(): continue try: voice = "nova" if is_first_speaker else "onyx" audio_response = model="tts-1", voice=voice, input=text.strip() ) temp_audio_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".mp3") audio_response.stream_to_file( segment = AudioSegment.from_file( final_audio += segment final_audio += AudioSegment.silent(duration=300) is_first_speaker = not is_first_speaker except Exception as e: print(f"Error generating audio for line: {text}") print(f"Details: {e}") continue if len(final_audio) == 0: return "Error: No audio could be generated.", None output_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".mp3").name final_audio.export(output_file, format="mp3") return script, output_file except Exception as e: return f"Error generating podcast: {str(e)}", None def handle_query(self, question, history, language): """Handle user queries in the specified language.""" if not self.qa_chain: return history + [("System", "Please process the documents first.")] try: preface = """ Instruction: Respond in {language}. Be professional and concise, keeping the response under 300 words. If you cannot provide an answer, say: "I am not sure about this question. Please try asking something else." """ query = f"{preface}\nQuery: {question}" result = self.qa_chain({ "question": query, "chat_history": [(q, a) for q, a in history] }) if "answer" not in result: return history + [("System", "Sorry, an error occurred.")] history.append((question, result["answer"])) return history except Exception as e: return history + [("System", f"Error: {str(e)}")] # Initialize RAG system in session state if "rag_system" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.rag_system = DocumentRAG() # Sidebar with st.sidebar: st.title("About") st.markdown( """ This app is inspired by the [RAG_HW HuggingFace Space]( It allows users to upload documents, generate summaries, ask questions, and create podcasts. """ ) st.markdown("### Steps:") st.markdown("1. Upload documents.") st.markdown("2. Generate summary.") st.markdown("3. Ask questions.") st.markdown("4. Create podcast.") # Streamlit UI # Sidebar #with st.sidebar: #st.title("About") #st.markdown( #""" #This app is inspired by the [RAG_HW HuggingFace Space]( #It allows users to: #1. Upload and process documents #2. Generate summaries #3. Ask questions #4. Create podcasts #""" #) # Main App st.title("Document Analyzer & Podcast Generator") # Step 1: Upload and Process Documents st.subheader("Step 1: Upload and Process Documents") uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Upload files (PDF, TXT, CSV)", accept_multiple_files=True) if st.button("Process Documents"): if uploaded_files: with st.spinner("Processing documents, please wait..."): result = st.session_state.rag_system.process_documents(uploaded_files) if "successfully" in result: st.success(result) else: st.error(result) else: st.warning("No files uploaded.") # Step 2: Generate Summaries st.subheader("Step 2: Generate Summaries") st.write("Select Summary Language:") summary_language_options = ["English", "Hindi", "Spanish", "French", "German", "Chinese", "Japanese"] summary_language = "", summary_language_options, horizontal=True, key="summary_language" ) if st.button("Generate Summary"): if hasattr(st.session_state.rag_system, "document_text") and st.session_state.rag_system.document_text: with st.spinner("Generating summary, please wait..."): summary = st.session_state.rag_system.generate_summary(st.session_state.rag_system.document_text, summary_language) if summary: st.session_state.rag_system.document_summary = summary st.text_area("Document Summary", summary, height=200) st.success("Summary generated successfully!") else: st.error("Failed to generate summary.") else:"Please process documents first to generate summaries.") # Step 3: Ask Questions st.subheader("Step 3: Ask Questions") st.write("Select Q&A Language:") qa_language_options = ["English", "Hindi", "Spanish", "French", "German", "Chinese", "Japanese"] qa_language = "", qa_language_options, horizontal=True, key="qa_language" ) if st.session_state.rag_system.qa_chain: history = [] user_question = st.text_input("Ask a question:") if st.button("Submit Question"): with st.spinner("Answering your question, please wait..."): history = st.session_state.rag_system.handle_query(user_question, history, qa_language) for question, answer in history: st.chat_message("user").write(question) st.chat_message("assistant").write(answer) else:"Please process documents first to enable Q&A.") # Step 4: Generate Podcast st.subheader("Step 4: Generate Podcast") st.write("Select Podcast Language:") podcast_language_options = ["English", "Hindi", "Spanish", "French", "German", "Chinese", "Japanese"] podcast_language = "", podcast_language_options, horizontal=True, key="podcast_language" ) if st.session_state.rag_system.document_summary: if st.button("Generate Podcast"): with st.spinner("Generating podcast, please wait..."): script, audio_path = st.session_state.rag_system.create_podcast(podcast_language) if audio_path: st.text_area("Generated Podcast Script", script, height=200), format="audio/mp3") st.success("Podcast generated successfully! You can listen to it above.") else: st.error(script) else:"Please process documents and generate summaries before creating a podcast.")