# Code copied and modified from https://huggingface.co./spaces/BAAI/SegVol/blob/main/utils.py from pathlib import Path import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import nibabel as nib import numpy as np import torch from monai.transforms import LoadImage from mrsegmentator import inference from mrsegmentator.utils import add_postfix from PIL import Image, ImageColor, ImageDraw, ImageEnhance from scipy import ndimage from monai.transforms import LoadImage, Orientation, Spacing import SimpleITK as sitk import streamlit as st initial_rectangle = { "version": "4.4.0", "objects": [ { "type": "rect", "version": "4.4.0", "originX": "left", "originY": "top", "left": 50, "top": 50, "width": 100, "height": 100, "fill": "rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.3)", "stroke": "#2909F1", "strokeWidth": 3, "strokeDashArray": None, "strokeLineCap": "butt", "strokeDashOffset": 0, "strokeLineJoin": "miter", "strokeUniform": True, "strokeMiterLimit": 4, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "angle": 0, "flipX": False, "flipY": False, "opacity": 1, "shadow": None, "visible": True, "backgroundColor": "", "fillRule": "nonzero", "paintFirst": "fill", "globalCompositeOperation": "source-over", "skewX": 0, "skewY": 0, "rx": 0, "ry": 0, } ], } def run(tmpdirname): if st.session_state.option is not None: image = Path(__file__).parent / str(st.session_state.option) inference.infer([image], tmpdirname, [0], split_level=2, cpu_only=True) seg_name = add_postfix(image.name, "seg") preds_path = tmpdirname + "/" + seg_name st.session_state.preds_3D = read_image(preds_path) st.session_state.preds_3D_ori = sitk.ReadImage(preds_path) def reflect_box_into_model(box_3d): z1, y1, x1, z2, y2, x2 = box_3d x1_prompt = int(x1 * 256.0 / 325.0) y1_prompt = int(y1 * 256.0 / 325.0) z1_prompt = int(z1 * 32.0 / 325.0) x2_prompt = int(x2 * 256.0 / 325.0) y2_prompt = int(y2 * 256.0 / 325.0) z2_prompt = int(z2 * 32.0 / 325.0) return torch.tensor( np.array([z1_prompt, y1_prompt, x1_prompt, z2_prompt, y2_prompt, x2_prompt]) ) def reflect_json_data_to_3D_box(json_data, view): if view == "xy": st.session_state.rectangle_3Dbox[1] = json_data["objects"][0]["top"] st.session_state.rectangle_3Dbox[2] = json_data["objects"][0]["left"] st.session_state.rectangle_3Dbox[4] = ( json_data["objects"][0]["top"] + json_data["objects"][0]["height"] * json_data["objects"][0]["scaleY"] ) st.session_state.rectangle_3Dbox[5] = ( json_data["objects"][0]["left"] + json_data["objects"][0]["width"] * json_data["objects"][0]["scaleX"] ) print(st.session_state.rectangle_3Dbox) def make_fig(image, preds, px_range = (10, 400), transparency=0.5): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4,4)) image_slice = image.clip(*px_range) ax.imshow( image_slice, cmap="Greys_r", vmin=px_range[0], vmax=px_range[1], ) if preds is not None: image_slice = np.array(preds) alpha = np.zeros(image_slice.shape) alpha[image_slice > 0.1] = transparency ax.imshow( image_slice, cmap="jet", alpha=alpha, vmin=0, vmax=40, ) # plot edges edge_slice = np.zeros(image_slice.shape, dtype=int) for i in np.unique(image_slice): _slice = image_slice.copy() _slice[_slice != i] = 0 edges = ndimage.laplace(_slice) edge_slice[edges != 0] = i cmap = mpl.cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, int(preds.max()))) cmap -= 0.4 cmap = cmap.clip(0, 1) cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(cmap) alpha = np.zeros(edge_slice.shape) alpha[edge_slice > 0.01] = 0.9 ax.imshow( edge_slice, alpha=alpha, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=40, ) plt.axis("off") ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) fig.canvas.draw() # transform to image return Image.frombytes("RGB", fig.canvas.get_width_height(), fig.canvas.tostring_rgb()) ####################################### def make_isotropic(image, interpolator = sitk.sitkLinear, spacing = None): ''' Many file formats (e.g. jpg, png,...) expect the pixels to be isotropic, same spacing for all axes. Saving non-isotropic data in these formats will result in distorted images. This function makes an image isotropic via resampling, if needed. Args: image (SimpleITK.Image): Input image. interpolator: By default the function uses a linear interpolator. For label images one should use the sitkNearestNeighbor interpolator so as not to introduce non-existant labels. spacing (float): Desired spacing. If none given then use the smallest spacing from the original image. Returns: SimpleITK.Image with isotropic spacing which occupies the same region in space as the input image. ''' original_spacing = image.GetSpacing() # Image is already isotropic, just return a copy. if all(spc == original_spacing[0] for spc in original_spacing): return sitk.Image(image) # Make image isotropic via resampling. original_size = image.GetSize() if spacing is None: spacing = min(original_spacing) new_spacing = [spacing]*image.GetDimension() new_size = [int(round(osz*ospc/spacing)) for osz, ospc in zip(original_size, original_spacing)] return sitk.Resample(image, new_size, sitk.Transform(), interpolator, image.GetOrigin(), new_spacing, image.GetDirection(), 0, # default pixel value image.GetPixelID()) def read_image(path): img = sitk.ReadImage(path) img = sitk.DICOMOrient(img, "LPS") img = make_isotropic(img) img = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img) return img