import gradio as gr from setup import * import pandas as pd from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl.utils.dataframe import dataframe_to_rows from openpyxl.styles import Font from agents import research_agent from vectorstore import extract_urls, urls_classify_list, clean_and_extract_html_data from usecase_agent import usecase_agent_func, vectorstore_writing # from feasibility_agent import feasibility_agent_func # # Function to create Excel file # def create_excel(df): # # Create a new Excel workbook and select the active sheet # wb = Workbook() # ws = # ws.title = "Use Cases" # # Define and write headers to the Excel sheet # headers = ['Use Case', 'Description', 'URLs'] # ws.append(headers) # # Write data rows # for _, row in df.iterrows(): # try: # use_case = row['use_case'] # description = row['description'] # urls = row['urls_list'] # ws.append([use_case, description, None]) # Add use case and description # if urls: # for url_index, url in enumerate(urls): # cell = ws.cell(row=ws.max_row, column=3) # URLs go into the third column # cell.value = url # cell.hyperlink = url # cell.font = Font(color="0000FF", underline="single") # # Add a new row for additional URLs # if url_index < len(urls) - 1: # ws.append([None, None, None]) # except KeyError as e: # print(f"Missing key in DataFrame row: {e}") # except Exception as e: # print(f"Unexpected error while processing row: {e}") # excel_file_path = "GenAI_use_cases_feasibility.xlsx" # # return excel_file_path # # Function to handle the report and create the DataFrame # def pd_creation(report): # # Assuming feasibility_agent_func returns a dictionary # pd_dict = feasibility_agent_func(report) # # Check for expected keys in pd_dict before proceeding # required_columns = ['use_case', 'description', 'urls_list'] # if not all(col in pd_dict for col in required_columns): # raise ValueError(f"Missing one or more expected columns: {required_columns}") # # Create the DataFrame from the dictionary # df = pd.DataFrame(pd_dict) # # Convert the dataframe to the format expected by Gradio (list of lists) # data = df.values.tolist() # This creates a list of lists from the dataframe # # Create the Excel file and return its path # excel_file_path = create_excel(df) # Create the Excel file and get its path # return data, excel_file_path # Return the formatted data and the Excel file path # Main function that handles the user query and generates the report def main(user_input): # Research Agent agentstate_result = research_agent(user_input) # Vector Store urls, content = extract_urls(agentstate_result) pdf_urls, html_urls = urls_classify_list(urls) html_docs = clean_and_extract_html_data(html_urls) # Writing vector store (not explicitly defined in your example) vectorstore_writing(html_docs) # Use-case agent company_name = agentstate_result['company'] industry_name = agentstate_result['industry'] if company_name: topic = f'GenAI Usecases in {company_name} and {industry_name} industry. Explore {company_name} GenAI applications, key offerings, strategic focus areas, competitors, and market share.' else: topic = f'GenAI Usecases in {industry_name}. Explore {industry_name} GenAI applications, trends, challenges, and opportunities.' max_analysts = 3 report = usecase_agent_func(topic, max_analysts) # pd_dict, excel_file_path = pd_creation(report) # Save the report as a markdown file report_file_path = "" with open(report_file_path, "w") as f: f.write(report) # pd_dict, excel_file_path return report, report_file_path # Example queries examples = [ "How is the retail industry leveraging AI and ML?", "AI applications in automotive manufacturing" ] # Creating the Gradio interface with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as demo: # Header section gr.HTML("

UseCaseGenie - Discover GenAI Use cases for your company and Industry! 🤖🧑‍🍳.

") gr.Markdown("""#### This GenAI Assistant 🤖 helps you discover and explore Generative AI use cases for your company and industry. You can download the generated use case report as a Markdown file to gain insights and explore relevant GenAI applications. ### Steps: 1. Enter your query regarding any company or industry. 2. Click on the 'Submit' button and wait for the GenAI assistant to generate the report. 3. Download the generated report 4. Explore the GenAI use cases and URLs for further analysis. """) # Input for the user query with gr.Row(): user_input = gr.Textbox(label="Enter your Query", placeholder='Type_here...') # Examples to help users with inputs with gr.Row(): gr.Examples(examples=examples, inputs=user_input) # Buttons for submitting and downloading with gr.Row(): submit_button = gr.Button("Submit") clear_btn = gr.ClearButton([user_input], value='Clear') # File download buttons with gr.Row(): # Create a downloadable markdown file download_report_button = gr.File(label="Usecases Report") # # Create a downloadable Excel file # download_excel_button = gr.File(label="Feasibility Excel File") # Display report in Markdown format with gr.Row(): report_output = gr.Markdown(), inputs=[user_input], outputs=[report_output, download_report_button]) # Run the interface demo.launch()