import streamlit as st |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
import os |
import time |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import random |
import json |
import csv |
from extra_streamlit_components import tab_bar, TabBarItemData |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
from datetime import datetime |
import tracemalloc |
from translate_app import tr |
title = "Jouez avec nous !" |
sidebar_name = "Jeu" |
dataPath = st.session_state.DataPath |
@st.cache_data |
def init_game(): |
new = int(time.time()) |
sentence_test = pd.read_csv(dataPath+'/multilingue/sentence_test_extract.csv') |
sentence_test = sentence_test[4750:] |
with open(dataPath+'/multilingue/lan_to_language.json', 'r') as fichier: |
lan_to_language = json.load(fichier) |
t_now = time.time() |
return sentence_test, lan_to_language, new, t_now |
def find_indice(sent_selected): |
l = list(lan_to_language.keys()) |
for i in range(len(l)): |
if l[i] == sentence_test['lan_code'].iloc[sent_selected]: |
return i |
@st.cache_data |
def set_game(new): |
nb_st = len(sentence_test) |
sent_sel = [] |
while len(sent_sel) < 5: |
nombre = random.randint(0, nb_st) |
if nombre not in sent_sel: |
sent_sel.append(nombre) |
rep_possibles=[] |
for i in range(5): |
rep_possibles.append([find_indice(sent_sel[i])]) |
while len(rep_possibles[i]) < 5: |
rep_possible = random.randint(0, 95) |
if rep_possible not in rep_possibles[i]: |
rep_possibles[i].append(rep_possible) |
random.shuffle(rep_possibles[i]) |
return sent_sel, rep_possibles, new |
def calc_score(n_rep,duration): |
if n_rep==0: return 0 |
s1 = n_rep*200 |
if duration < 60: |
s2 = (60-duration)*200/60 |
if n_rep==5: |
s2 *= 2.5 |
else: |
s2 = max(-(duration-60)*100/60,-100) |
s = int(s1+s2) |
return s |
def read_leaderboard(): |
return pd.read_csv(dataPath+'/game_leaderboard.csv', index_col=False,encoding='utf8') |
def write_leaderboard(lb): |
lb['Nom'] = lb['Nom'].astype(str) |
lb['Rang'] = lb['Rang'].astype(int) |
lb.to_csv(path_or_buf=dataPath+'/game_leaderboard.csv',columns=['Rang','Nom','Score','Timestamp','BR','Duree'],index=False, header=True,encoding='utf8') |
def display_leaderboard(): |
lb = read_leaderboard() |
st.write("**"+tr("Leaderboard")+" :**") |
list_champ = """ |
| Rang | Nom | Score | |
|------|------------|-------|""" |
if len(lb)>0: |
for i in range(len(lb)): |
list_champ += """ |
| """+str(lb['Rang'].iloc[i])+""" | """+str(lb['Nom'].iloc[i])[:9]+""" | """+str(lb['Score'].iloc[i])+""" |""" |
st.markdown(list_champ, unsafe_allow_html=True ) |
return lb |
def write_log(TS,Nom,Score,BR,Duree): |
log = pd.read_csv(dataPath+'/game_log.csv', index_col=False,encoding='utf8') |
date_heure = datetime.fromtimestamp(TS) |
Date = date_heure.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') |
log = pd.concat([log, pd.DataFrame(data={'Date':[Date], 'Nom':[Nom],'Score':[Score],'BR':[BR],'Duree':[Duree]})], ignore_index=True) |
log.to_csv(path_or_buf=dataPath+'/game_log.csv',columns=['Date','Nom','Score','BR','Duree'],index=False, header=True,encoding='utf8') |
def display_files(): |
log = pd.read_csv(dataPath+'/game_log.csv', index_col=False,encoding='utf8') |
lb = pd.read_csv(dataPath+'/game_leaderboard.csv', index_col=False,encoding='utf8') |
st.dataframe(lb) |
st.dataframe(log) |
def run(): |
global sentence_test, lan_to_language |
sentence_test, lan_to_language, new, t_debut = init_game() |
st.write("") |
st.title(tr(title)) |
st.write("#### **"+tr("Etes vous un expert es Langues ?")+"**\n") |
st.markdown(tr( |
""" |
Essayer de trouvez, sans aide, la langue des 5 phrases suivantes. |
Attention : Vous devez être le plus rapide possible ! |
"""), unsafe_allow_html=True |
) |
st.write("") |
player_name = st.text_input(tr("Quel est votre nom ?")) |
if player_name == 'display_files': |
display_files() |
return |
elif player_name == 'malloc_start': |
tracemalloc.start() |
return |
elif player_name == 'malloc_stop': |
snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot() |
top_stats = snapshot.statistics('traceback') |
for k in range(3): |
stat = top_stats[k] |
print("%s memory blocks: %.1f KiB" % (stat.count, stat.size / 1024)) |
for line in stat.traceback.format(): |
print(' >'+line) |
total_mem = sum(stat.size for stat in top_stats) |
print("Total allocated size: %.1f KiB" % (total_mem / 1024)) |
return |
score = 0 |
col1, col2 = st.columns([0.7,0.3]) |
with col2: |
lb = display_leaderboard() |
with col1: |
sent_sel, rep_possibles, new = set_game(new) |
answer = [""] * 5 |
l = list(lan_to_language.values()) |
for i in range(5): |
answer[i] = st.radio("**:blue["+sentence_test['sentence'].iloc[sent_sel[i]]+"]**\n",[l[rep_possibles[i][0]],l[rep_possibles[i][1]],l[rep_possibles[i][2]], \ |
l[rep_possibles[i][3]],l[rep_possibles[i][4]]], horizontal=True, key=i) |
t_previous_debut = t_debut |
t_debut = time.time() |
if st.button(label=tr("Valider"), type="primary"): |
st.cache_data.clear() |
nb_bonnes_reponses = 0 |
for i in range(5): |
if lan_to_language[sentence_test['lan_code'].iloc[sent_sel[i]]]==answer[i]: |
nb_bonnes_reponses +=1 |
t_fin = time.time() |
duration = t_fin - t_previous_debut |
score = calc_score(nb_bonnes_reponses,duration) |
write_log(time.time(),player_name,score,nb_bonnes_reponses,duration) |
if nb_bonnes_reponses >=4: |
st.write(":red[**"+tr("Félicitations, vous avez "+str(nb_bonnes_reponses)+" bonnes réponses !")+"**]") |
st.write(":red["+tr("Votre score est de "+str(score)+" points")+"]") |
else: |
if nb_bonnes_reponses >1 : s="s" |
else: s="" |
st.write("**:red["+tr("Vous avez "+str(nb_bonnes_reponses)+" bonne"+s+" réponse"+s+".")+"]**") |
if nb_bonnes_reponses >0 : s="s" |
else: s="" |
st.write(":red["+tr("Votre score est de "+str(score)+" point"+s)+"]") |
st.write(tr("Bonne réponses")+":") |
for i in range(5): |
st.write("- "+sentence_test['sentence'].iloc[sent_sel[i]]+" -> :blue[**"+lan_to_language[sentence_test['lan_code'].iloc[sent_sel[i]]]+"**]") |
new = int(time.time()) |
st.button(label=tr("Play again ?"), type="primary") |
with col2: |
now = time.time() |
renew_old = ((len(lb)>9) and (lb['Timestamp'].iloc[9])<(now-604800)) |
if (score>0) and ((((score >= lb['Score'].min()) and (len(lb)>9)) or (len(lb)<=9)) or (pd.isna(lb['Score'].min())) or renew_old): |
if player_name not in lb['Nom'].tolist(): |
if (((score >= lb['Score'].min()) and (len(lb)>9)) or (len(lb)<=9)) or (pd.isna(lb['Score'].min())) : |
lb = pd.concat([lb, pd.DataFrame(data={'Nom':[player_name],'Score':[score],'Timestamp':[now],'BR':[nb_bonnes_reponses],'Duree':[duration]})], ignore_index=True) |
lb = lb.sort_values(by=['Score', 'Timestamp'], ascending=[False, False]).reset_index() |
lb = lb.drop(lb.index[10:]) |
else: |
st.write('2:',player_name) |
lb['Nom'].iloc[9]= player_name |
lb['Score'].iloc[9]= score |
lb['Timestamp'].iloc[9]=now |
lb['BR'].iloc[9]=nb_bonnes_reponses |
lb['Duree'].iloc[9]=duration |
lb = lb.reset_index() |
else: |
liste_Nom = lb['Nom'].tolist() |
for i,player in enumerate(liste_Nom): |
if player == player_name: |
if lb['Score'].iloc[i] < score: |
lb['Score'].iloc[i] = score |
lb['Timestamp'].iloc[i]=now |
lb = lb.sort_values(by=['Score', 'Timestamp'], ascending=[False, False]).reset_index() |
for i in range(len(lb)): |
if (i>0): |
if (lb['Score'].iloc[i]==lb['Score'].iloc[i-1]): |
lb['Rang'].iloc[i] = lb['Rang'].iloc[i-1] |
else: |
lb['Rang'].iloc[i] = i+1 |
else: |
lb['Rang'].iloc[i] = i+1 |
if player_name !="": |
write_leaderboard(lb) |
return |