import bcrypt
import gradio as gr
from simple_salesforce import Salesforce
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
import logging
# Set up logging for debugging
# Salesforce Connection
sf = Salesforce(username='', password='Sati@1020', security_token='sSSjyhInIsUohKpG8sHzty2q')
# Flask app to handle order submission
app = Flask(__name__)
# --- Utility Functions ---
# Function to Hash Password
def hash_password(password):
logging.debug(f"Hashing password: {password}")
return bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'), bcrypt.gensalt()).decode('utf-8')
# Function to Verify Password
def verify_password(plain_password, hashed_password):
logging.debug(f"Verifying password: {plain_password} against {hashed_password}")
return bcrypt.checkpw(plain_password.encode('utf-8'), hashed_password.encode('utf-8'))
# --- Salesforce Integration ---
# Signup function
def signup(name, email, phone, password):
email = email.strip()
logging.debug(f"Signup attempt for email: {email}")
query = f"SELECT Id FROM Customer_Login__c WHERE Email__c = '{email}'"
result = sf.query(query)
logging.debug(f"Salesforce query result for signup: {result}")
if len(result['records']) > 0:
logging.warning(f"Email already exists: {email}")
return "Email already exists! Please use a different email."
hashed_password = hash_password(password)
'Name': name.strip(),
'Email__c': email,
'Phone_Number__c': phone.strip(),
'Password__c': hashed_password
})"Signup successful for email: {email}")
return "Signup successful! You can now login."
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error during signup: {str(e)}")
return f"Error during signup: {str(e)}"
# Login function
def login(email, password):
email = email.strip()
logging.debug(f"Login attempt for email: {email}")
query = f"SELECT Name, Password__c FROM Customer_Login__c WHERE Email__c = '{email}'"
result = sf.query(query)
logging.debug(f"Salesforce query result for login: {result}")
if len(result['records']) == 0:
logging.warning(f"Invalid login attempt for email: {email}")
return "Invalid email or password.", None
user = result['records'][0]
stored_password = user['Password__c']
if verify_password(password.strip(), stored_password):"Login successful for email: {email}")
return "Login successful!", user['Name']
logging.warning(f"Invalid password for email: {email}")
return "Invalid email or password.", None
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error during login: {str(e)}")
return f"Error during login: {str(e)}", None
# --- Menu and Add-ons Functions ---
# Function to load menu data from Salesforce
def load_menu_from_salesforce():
query = "SELECT Name, Price__c, Description__c, Image1__c, Image2__c, Veg_NonVeg__c, Section__c FROM Menu_Item__c"
logging.debug(f"Loading menu from Salesforce with query: {query}")
result = sf.query(query)
logging.debug(f"Salesforce menu result: {result}")
return result['records']
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error loading menu from Salesforce: {str(e)}")
return []
# Function to load add-ons data from Salesforce
def load_add_ons_from_salesforce():
query = "SELECT Name, Price__c FROM Add_Ons__c"
logging.debug(f"Loading add-ons from Salesforce with query: {query}")
result = sf.query(query)
logging.debug(f"Salesforce add-ons result: {result}")
return result['records']
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error loading add-ons from Salesforce: {str(e)}")
return []
# Function to filter menu items based on preference
def filter_menu(preference):
menu_data = load_menu_from_salesforce()
filtered_data = {}
logging.debug(f"Filtering menu with preference: {preference}")
for item in menu_data:
if "Section__c" not in item or "Veg_NonVeg__c" not in item:
if item["Section__c"] not in filtered_data:
filtered_data[item["Section__c"]] = []
if preference == "All" or (preference == "Veg" and item["Veg_NonVeg__c"] in ["Veg", "Both"]) or (preference == "Non-Veg" and item["Veg_NonVeg__c"] in ["Non veg", "Both"]):
html_content = '
for section, items in filtered_data.items():
html_content += f"
html_content += '
for item in items:
html_content += f"""
html_content += '
html_content += '
if not any(filtered_data.values()):
logging.debug("No items match the filter.")
return "
No items match your filter.
logging.debug("Filter applied successfully.")
return html_content
# --- Modal and Cart Logic ---
# Create Modal Window HTML
def create_modal_window():
add_ons = load_add_ons_from_salesforce()
add_ons_html = ""
for add_on in add_ons:
add_ons_html += f"""
modal_html = f"""
Your Cart
Total Cart Cost: $0.00
Final Order Summary:
Total Bill: $
return modal_html
# --- Order Submission Logic ---
# Function to create an order in Salesforce
def create_order_in_salesforce(customer_id, cart_items, total_cost):
logging.debug(f"Creating order in Salesforce for customer ID: {customer_id}")
cart_summary = ''
add_ons_summary = ''
instructions_summary = ''
for item in cart_items:
cart_summary += f"Item: {item['name']}, Quantity: {item['quantity']}, Price: {item['total_cost']}\n"
add_ons_summary += ', '.join([addon['name'] for addon in item['add_ons']]) # List of add-ons
instructions_summary += item.get('instructions', '') # Special instructions for the item
# Create the order record in Salesforce
order = sf.Order__c.create({
'Customer_Name__c': customer_id,
'Customer_Email__c': 'customer_email', # Replace with actual email of the customer
'Order_Items__c': cart_summary, # Cart items summary
'Add_Ons__c': add_ons_summary, # Add-ons summary
'Instructions__c': instructions_summary, # Special instructions for the order
'Total_Price__c': total_cost,
'Order_Status__c': 'Pending', # Default order status
'Order_Date_Time__c': '2025-01-20T10:00:00Z' # Current timestamp or system timestamp
})"Order placed successfully with order ID: {order['id']}")
return f"Order placed successfully! Order ID: {order['id']}"
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error during order creation: {str(e)}")
return f"Error during order creation: {str(e)}"
# Route to handle order submission
@app.route('/create-order', methods=['POST'])
def create_order():
data = request.get_json() # Get the JSON data from the request
cart_summary = data['cartSummary'] # Extract the cart summary
total_cost = data['totalCost'] # Extract the total cost
customer_id = data['customerId'] # Extract the customer ID
# Debug log to check if data is correct
logging.debug(f"Order Details: {cart_summary}, {total_cost}, {customer_id}")
# Call the function to create the order in Salesforce
result = create_order_in_salesforce(customer_id, cart_summary, total_cost)
return jsonify({'message': result}) # Return a response with the order result
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error in create_order route: {str(e)}")
return jsonify({'message': f"Error during order creation: {str(e)}"}), 500
# --- Gradio Interface ---
# JavaScript for Modal and Cart
def modal_js():
modal_script = """
return modal_script
# --- Gradio Interface ---
with gr.Blocks() as app:
with gr.Row():
Welcome to Biryani Hub
with gr.Row(visible=True) as login_page:
with gr.Column():
login_email = gr.Textbox(label="Email")
login_password = gr.Textbox(label="Password", type="password")
login_button = gr.Button("Login")
signup_button = gr.Button("Go to Signup")
login_output = gr.Textbox(label="Status")
with gr.Row(visible=False) as signup_page:
with gr.Column():
signup_name = gr.Textbox(label="Name")
signup_email = gr.Textbox(label="Email")
signup_phone = gr.Textbox(label="Phone")
signup_password = gr.Textbox(label="Password", type="password")
submit_signup = gr.Button("Signup")
login_redirect = gr.Button("Go to Login")
signup_output = gr.Textbox(label="Status")
with gr.Row(visible=False) as menu_page:
with gr.Column():
preference = gr.Radio(choices=["All", "Veg", "Non-Veg"], label="Filter Preference", value="All")
menu_output = gr.HTML()