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6.76 kB
"preprompt": "performing",
"separator": "AND",
"endprompt": "",
"items": [
"animal rights",
"app development",
"aquarium keeping",
"art therapy",
"audiobook narration",
"ballroom dancing",
"beer brewing",
"belly dancing",
"bird watching",
"board gaming",
"bonsai cultivation",
"bungee jumping",
"candle making",
"card gaming",
"card making",
"charity work",
"cognitive-behavioral therapy",
"collecting antique books",
"collecting antique furniture",
"collecting antique jewelry",
"collecting autographs",
"collecting cds",
"collecting coins",
"collecting concert posters",
"collecting concert tickets",
"collecting sports memorabilia",
"collecting stamps",
"collecting vintage clothing",
"collecting vintage photographs",
"collecting vintage postcards",
"collecting vintage toys",
"collecting vinyl records",
"community organizing",
"composing music",
"crystal healing",
"cultural exchange",
"dance fitness",
"digital painting",
"dog training",
"drama therapy",
"fantasy sports",
"fashion design",
"feng shui",
"fiction writing",
"fitness boot camp",
"flower arranging",
"fly fishing",
"fly tying",
"furniture making",
"glass blowing",
"glass etching",
"glass fusion",
"glass painting",
"graphic design",
"group therapy",
"home improvement",
"horse racing",
"horse riding",
"horseback riding",
"hot air ballooning",
"hula hooping",
"human rights",
"interior design",
"jewelry making",
"jewelry repair",
"kite flying",
"knife making",
"language learning",
"listening to music",
"lock picking",
"magic tricks",
"makeup artistry",
"makeup tutorials",
"map reading",
"martial arts",
"metal detecting",
"metal engraving",
"mindfulness-based stress reduction",
"model making",
"mosaic art",
"music therapy",
"nail art",
"non-fiction writing",
"online shopping",
"palm reading",
"paper folding",
"paper making",
"pen and ink drawing",
"perfume making",
"personal training",
"playing an instrument",
"playing sports",
"political activism",
"psychic readings",
"public speaking",
"puzzle making",
"puzzle solving",
"rc car racing",
"rc plane flying",
"reptile keeping",
"road trips",
"rubik's cube",
"salsa dancing",
"scenic drives",
"scuba diving",
"show jumping",
"soap making",
"social justice",
"sound design",
"stained glass",
"stone carving",
"swing dancing",
"tai chi",
"tarot card reading",
"tarot reading",
"tea leaf reading",
"terrarium building",
"textile art",
"trivia games",
"urban exploration",
"urban farming",
"video game design",
"video game streaming",
"video gaming",
"virtual reality",
"volunteer work",
"watching sports",
"watercolor painting",
"web design",
"webcomic creation",
"weight loss",
"wildlife photography",
"wine tasting",
"wood carving",
"wood turning",
"writing therapy",
"zine making",
"zipper repair",