poemsforaphrodite's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
b72ab63 verified
import requests
from ..spec import AbstractFileSystem
from ..utils import infer_storage_options
from .memory import MemoryFile
# TODO: add GIST backend, would be very similar
class GithubFileSystem(AbstractFileSystem):
"""Interface to files in github
An instance of this class provides the files residing within a remote github
repository. You may specify a point in the repos history, by SHA, branch
or tag (default is current master).
Given that code files tend to be small, and that github does not support
retrieving partial content, we always fetch whole files.
When using fsspec.open, allows URIs of the form:
- "github://path/file", in which case you must specify org, repo and
may specify sha in the extra args
- 'github://org:repo@/precip/catalog.yml', where the org and repo are
part of the URI
- 'github://org:repo@sha/precip/catalog.yml', where the sha is also included
``sha`` can be the full or abbreviated hex of the commit you want to fetch
from, or a branch or tag name (so long as it doesn't contain special characters
like "/", "?", which would have to be HTTP-encoded).
For authorised access, you must provide username and token, which can be made
at https://github.com/settings/tokens
url = "https://api.github.com/repos/{org}/{repo}/git/trees/{sha}"
rurl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{org}/{repo}/{sha}/{path}"
protocol = "github"
timeout = (60, 60) # connect, read timeouts
def __init__(
self, org, repo, sha=None, username=None, token=None, timeout=None, **kwargs
self.org = org
self.repo = repo
if (username is None) ^ (token is None):
raise ValueError("Auth required both username and token")
self.username = username
self.token = token
if timeout is not None:
self.timeout = timeout
if sha is None:
# look up default branch (not necessarily "master")
u = "https://api.github.com/repos/{org}/{repo}"
r = requests.get(
u.format(org=org, repo=repo), timeout=self.timeout, **self.kw
sha = r.json()["default_branch"]
self.root = sha
def kw(self):
if self.username:
return {"auth": (self.username, self.token)}
return {}
def repos(cls, org_or_user, is_org=True):
"""List repo names for given org or user
This may become the top level of the FS
org_or_user: str
Name of the github org or user to query
is_org: bool (default True)
Whether the name is an organisation (True) or user (False)
List of string
r = requests.get(
f"https://api.github.com/{['users', 'orgs'][is_org]}/{org_or_user}/repos",
return [repo["name"] for repo in r.json()]
def tags(self):
"""Names of tags in the repo"""
r = requests.get(
return [t["name"] for t in r.json()]
def branches(self):
"""Names of branches in the repo"""
r = requests.get(
return [t["name"] for t in r.json()]
def refs(self):
"""Named references, tags and branches"""
return {"tags": self.tags, "branches": self.branches}
def ls(self, path, detail=False, sha=None, _sha=None, **kwargs):
"""List files at given path
path: str
Location to list, relative to repo root
detail: bool
If True, returns list of dicts, one per file; if False, returns
list of full filenames only
sha: str (optional)
List at the given point in the repo history, branch or tag name or commit
_sha: str (optional)
List this specific tree object (used internally to descend into trees)
path = self._strip_protocol(path)
if path == "":
_sha = sha or self.root
if _sha is None:
parts = path.rstrip("/").split("/")
so_far = ""
_sha = sha or self.root
for part in parts:
out = self.ls(so_far, True, sha=sha, _sha=_sha)
so_far += "/" + part if so_far else part
out = [o for o in out if o["name"] == so_far]
if not out:
raise FileNotFoundError(path)
out = out[0]
if out["type"] == "file":
if detail:
return [out]
return path
_sha = out["sha"]
if path not in self.dircache or sha not in [self.root, None]:
r = requests.get(
self.url.format(org=self.org, repo=self.repo, sha=_sha),
if r.status_code == 404:
raise FileNotFoundError(path)
types = {"blob": "file", "tree": "directory"}
out = [
"name": path + "/" + f["path"] if path else f["path"],
"mode": f["mode"],
"type": types[f["type"]],
"size": f.get("size", 0),
"sha": f["sha"],
for f in r.json()["tree"]
if f["type"] in types
if sha in [self.root, None]:
self.dircache[path] = out
out = self.dircache[path]
if detail:
return out
return sorted([f["name"] for f in out])
def invalidate_cache(self, path=None):
def _strip_protocol(cls, path):
opts = infer_storage_options(path)
if "username" not in opts:
return super()._strip_protocol(path)
return opts["path"].lstrip("/")
def _get_kwargs_from_urls(path):
opts = infer_storage_options(path)
if "username" not in opts:
return {}
out = {"org": opts["username"], "repo": opts["password"]}
if opts["host"]:
out["sha"] = opts["host"]
return out
def _open(
if mode != "rb":
raise NotImplementedError
url = self.rurl.format(
org=self.org, repo=self.repo, path=path, sha=sha or self.root
r = requests.get(url, timeout=self.timeout, **self.kw)
if r.status_code == 404:
raise FileNotFoundError(path)
return MemoryFile(None, None, r.content)