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Indic llm leaderboard UI initialize - Adithya S K
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import re
import streamlit as st
import requests
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from huggingface_hub import HfApi
from huggingface_hub.utils import RepositoryNotFoundError, RevisionNotFoundError
def main():
st.set_page_config(page_title="Indic LLM Leaderboard", layout="wide")
title_column, refresh_column = st.columns([.92, 0.08])
with title_column:
st.title("Indic LLM Leaderboard")
# st.title("\U0001F1EE\U0001F1F3 Indic LLM Leaderboard")
st.markdown("Leaderboard made with 🧐 [Easy Eval](h using [Open LLM Leaderboard]( benchmark suite.")
with refresh_column:
st.button("Refresh", type="primary")
Leaderboard_tab, About_tab ,FAQ_tab, Submit_tab = st.tabs(["πŸ… Leaderboard", "πŸ“ About" , "❗FAQ","πŸš€ Submit"])
with Leaderboard_tab:
title = st.text_input('Model Name', placeholder=" πŸ” Search for your model (separate multiple queries with `;`) and press ENTER...")
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
benchmark_options = st.multiselect(
'Pick Benchmark',
['ARC-Easy', 'ARC-Challenge', 'Hellaswag', 'Boolq','MMLU','Winogrande','Translation','Generation'],['ARC-Easy', 'ARC-Challenge', 'Hellaswag', 'Boolq','MMLU'])
with col2:
language_options = st.multiselect(
'Pick Languages',
['Kannada', 'Hindi', 'Tamil', 'Telegu','Gujarathi','Marathi','Malayalam'],['Kannada', 'Hindi', 'Tamil', 'Telegu','Gujarathi','Marathi','Malayalam'])
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=benchmark_options)
st.dataframe(df, use_container_width=True )
compare_models = st.multiselect(
'Pick Modles to compare them',
['CognitiveLab/Ambari-7b', 'CognitiveLab/Ambari-7b-Hindi'])
# About tab
with About_tab:
### About Indic LLM Leaderboard
### Indic Eval
### Contribute
# FAQ tab
with FAQ_tab:
### FAQ
# Subit tab
with Submit_tab:
### Submit Your Model
with st.expander(label="πŸ“™ Citation"):
code = '''
author = {Adithya S Kolavi},
title = {Indic LLM Leaderboard},
year = {2024},
publisher = {Cognitivelab},
howpublished = "url{}",
st.code(code, language='python')
if __name__ == "__main__":