import Store from "../store/store.js"; import { nanoid } from "nanoid"; import { randomBytes } from "crypto"; import { strict as assert } from "assert"; import { setMaxListeners } from "node:events"; import { env } from "../config.js"; import { closeRequest } from "./shared.js"; import { decryptStream, encryptStream } from "../misc/crypto.js"; import { hashHmac } from "../security/secrets.js"; // optional dependency const freebind = env.freebindCIDR && await import('freebind').catch(() => {}); const streamCache = new Store('streams'); const internalStreamCache = new Map(); export function createStream(obj) { const streamID = nanoid(), iv = randomBytes(16).toString('base64url'), secret = randomBytes(32).toString('base64url'), exp = new Date().getTime() + env.streamLifespan * 1000, hmac = hashHmac(`${streamID},${exp},${iv},${secret}`, 'stream').toString('base64url'), streamData = { exp: exp, type: obj.type, urls: obj.url, service: obj.service, filename: obj.filename, requestIP: obj.requestIP, headers: obj.headers, metadata: obj.fileMetadata || false, audioBitrate: obj.audioBitrate, audioCopy: !!obj.audioCopy, audioFormat: obj.audioFormat, isHLS: obj.isHLS || false, }; // FIXME: this is now a Promise, but it is not awaited // here. it may happen that the stream is not // stored in the Store before it is requested. streamCache.set( streamID, encryptStream(streamData, iv, secret), env.streamLifespan ); let streamLink = new URL('/tunnel', env.apiURL); const params = { 'id': streamID, 'exp': exp, 'sig': hmac, 'sec': secret, 'iv': iv } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(params)) { streamLink.searchParams.append(key, value); } return streamLink.toString(); } export function getInternalStream(id) { return internalStreamCache.get(id); } export function createInternalStream(url, obj = {}) { assert(typeof url === 'string'); let dispatcher = obj.dispatcher; if (obj.requestIP) { dispatcher = freebind?.dispatcherFromIP(obj.requestIP, { strict: false }) } const streamID = nanoid(); let controller = obj.controller; if (!controller) { controller = new AbortController(); setMaxListeners(Infinity, controller.signal); } let headers; if (obj.headers) { headers = new Map(Object.entries(obj.headers)); } internalStreamCache.set(streamID, { url, service: obj.service, headers, controller, dispatcher, isHLS: obj.isHLS, }); let streamLink = new URL('/itunnel', `${env.tunnelPort}`); streamLink.searchParams.set('id', streamID); const cleanup = () => { destroyInternalStream(streamLink); controller.signal.removeEventListener('abort', cleanup); } controller.signal.addEventListener('abort', cleanup); return streamLink.toString(); } export function destroyInternalStream(url) { url = new URL(url); if (url.hostname !== '') { return; } const id = url.searchParams.get('id'); if (internalStreamCache.has(id)) { closeRequest(getInternalStream(id)?.controller); internalStreamCache.delete(id); } } function wrapStream(streamInfo) { const url = streamInfo.urls; if (typeof url === 'string') { streamInfo.urls = createInternalStream(url, streamInfo); } else if (Array.isArray(url)) { for (const idx in streamInfo.urls) { streamInfo.urls[idx] = createInternalStream( streamInfo.urls[idx], streamInfo ); } } else throw 'invalid urls'; return streamInfo; } export async function verifyStream(id, hmac, exp, secret, iv) { try { const ghmac = hashHmac(`${id},${exp},${iv},${secret}`, 'stream').toString('base64url'); const cache = await streamCache.get(id.toString()); if (ghmac !== String(hmac)) return { status: 401 }; if (!cache) return { status: 404 }; const streamInfo = JSON.parse(decryptStream(cache, iv, secret)); if (!streamInfo) return { status: 404 }; if (Number(exp) <= new Date().getTime()) return { status: 404 }; return wrapStream(streamInfo); } catch { return { status: 500 }; } }