import HLS from "hls-parser"; import { fetch } from "undici"; import { Innertube, Session } from "youtubei.js"; import { env } from "../../config.js"; import { getCookie, updateCookieValues } from "../cookie/manager.js"; const PLAYER_REFRESH_PERIOD = 1000 * 60 * 15; // ms let innertube, lastRefreshedAt; const codecList = { h264: { videoCodec: "avc1", audioCodec: "mp4a", container: "mp4" }, av1: { videoCodec: "av01", audioCodec: "opus", container: "webm" }, vp9: { videoCodec: "vp9", audioCodec: "opus", container: "webm" } } const hlsCodecList = { h264: { videoCodec: "avc1", audioCodec: "mp4a", container: "mp4" }, vp9: { videoCodec: "vp09", audioCodec: "mp4a", container: "webm" } } const videoQualities = [144, 240, 360, 480, 720, 1080, 1440, 2160, 4320]; const transformSessionData = (cookie) => { if (!cookie) return; const values = { ...cookie.values() }; const REQUIRED_VALUES = [ 'access_token', 'refresh_token' ]; if (REQUIRED_VALUES.some(x => typeof values[x] !== 'string')) { return; } if (values.expires) { values.expiry_date = values.expires; delete values.expires; } else if (!values.expiry_date) { return; } return values; } const cloneInnertube = async (customFetch) => { const shouldRefreshPlayer = lastRefreshedAt + PLAYER_REFRESH_PERIOD < new Date(); if (!innertube || shouldRefreshPlayer) { innertube = await Innertube.create({ fetch: customFetch, retrieve_player: false, }); lastRefreshedAt = +new Date(); } const session = new Session( innertube.session.context, innertube.session.key, innertube.session.api_version, innertube.session.account_index, innertube.session.player, undefined, customFetch ?? innertube.session.http.fetch, innertube.session.cache ); const cookie = getCookie('youtube_oauth'); const oauthData = transformSessionData(cookie); if (!session.logged_in && oauthData) { await session.oauth.init(oauthData); session.logged_in = true; } if (session.logged_in) { if (session.oauth.shouldRefreshToken()) { await session.oauth.refreshAccessToken(); } const cookieValues = cookie.values(); const oldExpiry = new Date(cookieValues.expiry_date); const newExpiry = new Date(session.oauth.oauth2_tokens.expiry_date); if (oldExpiry.getTime() !== newExpiry.getTime()) { updateCookieValues(cookie, { ...session.oauth.client_id, ...session.oauth.oauth2_tokens, expiry_date: newExpiry.toISOString() }); } } const yt = new Innertube(session); return yt; } export default async function(o) { let yt; try { yt = await cloneInnertube( (input, init) => fetch(input, { ...init, dispatcher: o.dispatcher }) ); } catch (e) { if (e.message?.endsWith("decipher algorithm")) { return { error: "youtube.decipher" } } else if (e.message?.includes("refresh access token")) { return { error: "youtube.token_expired" } } else throw e; } let useHLS = o.youtubeHLS; // HLS playlists don't contain the av1 video format, at least with the iOS client if (useHLS && o.format === "av1") { useHLS = false; } let info; try { info = await yt.getBasicInfo(, useHLS ? 'IOS' : 'ANDROID'); } catch (e) { if (e?.info) { const errorInfo = JSON.parse(e?.info); if (errorInfo?.reason === "This video is private") { return { error: "" }; } if (["INVALID_ARGUMENT", "UNAUTHENTICATED"].includes(errorInfo?.error?.status)) { return { error: "youtube.api_error" }; } } if (e?.message === "This video is unavailable") { return { error: "" }; } return { error: "" }; } if (!info) return { error: "" }; const playability = info.playability_status; const basicInfo = info.basic_info; switch(playability.status) { case "LOGIN_REQUIRED": if (playability.reason.endsWith("bot")) { return { error: "youtube.login" } } if (playability.reason.endsWith("age")) { return { error: "" } } if (playability?.error_screen?.reason?.text === "Private video") { return { error: "" } } break; case "UNPLAYABLE": if (playability?.reason?.endsWith("request limit.")) { return { error: "fetch.rate" } } if (playability?.error_screen?.subreason?.text?.endsWith("in your country")) { return { error: "" } } if (playability?.error_screen?.reason?.text === "Private video") { return { error: "" } } break; case "AGE_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED": return { error: "" }; } if (playability.status !== "OK") { return { error: "" }; } if (basicInfo.is_live) { return { error: "" }; } if (basicInfo.duration > env.durationLimit) { return { error: "content.too_long" }; } // return a critical error if returned video is "Video Not Available" // or a similar stub by youtube if ( !== { return { error: "", critical: true } } const quality = o.quality === "max" ? 9000 : Number(o.quality); const normalizeQuality = res => { const shortestSide = res.height > res.width ? res.width : res.height; return videoQualities.find(qual => qual >= shortestSide); } let video, audio, dubbedLanguage, codec = o.format || "h264"; if (useHLS) { const hlsManifest = info.streaming_data.hls_manifest_url; if (!hlsManifest) { return { error: "youtube.no_hls_streams" }; } const fetchedHlsManifest = await fetch(hlsManifest, { dispatcher: o.dispatcher, }).then(r => { if (r.status === 200) { return r.text(); } else { throw new Error("couldn't fetch the HLS playlist"); } }).catch(() => {}); if (!fetchedHlsManifest) { return { error: "youtube.no_hls_streams" }; } const variants = HLS.parse(fetchedHlsManifest).variants.sort( (a, b) => Number(b.bandwidth) - Number(a.bandwidth) ); if (!variants || variants.length === 0) { return { error: "youtube.no_hls_streams" }; } const matchHlsCodec = codecs => ( codecs.includes(hlsCodecList[codec].videoCodec) ); const best = variants.find(i => matchHlsCodec(i.codecs)); const preferred = variants.find(i => matchHlsCodec(i.codecs) && normalizeQuality(i.resolution) === quality ); let selected = preferred || best; if (!selected) { codec = "h264"; selected = variants.find(i => matchHlsCodec(i.codecs)); } if (!selected) { return { error: "youtube.no_matching_format" }; } audio = => i.isDefault); // some videos (mainly those with AI dubs) don't have any tracks marked as default // why? god knows, but we assume that a default track is marked as such in the title if (!audio) { audio = =>"- original")); } if (o.dubLang) { const dubbedAudio = => i.language?.startsWith(o.dubLang) ); if (dubbedAudio && !dubbedAudio.isDefault) { dubbedLanguage = dubbedAudio.language; audio = dubbedAudio; } } = []; selected.subtitles = []; video = selected; } else { // i miss typescript so bad const sorted_formats = { h264: { video: [], audio: [], bestVideo: undefined, bestAudio: undefined, }, vp9: { video: [], audio: [], bestVideo: undefined, bestAudio: undefined, }, av1: { video: [], audio: [], bestVideo: undefined, bestAudio: undefined, }, } const checkFormat = (format, pCodec) => format.content_length && (format.mime_type.includes(codecList[pCodec].videoCodec) || format.mime_type.includes(codecList[pCodec].audioCodec)); // sort formats & weed out bad ones info.streaming_data.adaptive_formats.sort((a, b) => Number(b.bitrate) - Number(a.bitrate) ).forEach(format => { Object.keys(codecList).forEach(yCodec => { const sorted = sorted_formats[yCodec]; const goodFormat = checkFormat(format, yCodec); if (!goodFormat) return; if (format.has_video) {; if (!sorted.bestVideo) sorted.bestVideo = format; } if (format.has_audio) {; if (!sorted.bestAudio) sorted.bestAudio = format; } }) }); const noBestMedia = () => { const vid = sorted_formats[codec]?.bestVideo; const aud = sorted_formats[codec]?.bestAudio; return (!vid && !o.isAudioOnly) || (!aud && o.isAudioOnly) }; if (noBestMedia()) { if (codec === "av1") codec = "vp9"; else if (codec === "vp9") codec = "av1"; // if there's no higher quality fallback, then use h264 if (noBestMedia()) codec = "h264"; } // if there's no proper combo of av1, vp9, or h264, then give up if (noBestMedia()) { return { error: "youtube.no_matching_format" }; } audio = sorted_formats[codec].bestAudio; if (audio?.audio_track && !audio?.audio_track?.audio_is_default) { audio = sorted_formats[codec].audio.find(i => i?.audio_track?.audio_is_default ); } if (o.dubLang) { const dubbedAudio = sorted_formats[codec].audio.find(i => i.language?.startsWith(o.dubLang) && i.audio_track ); if (dubbedAudio && !dubbedAudio?.audio_track?.audio_is_default) { audio = dubbedAudio; dubbedLanguage = dubbedAudio.language; } } if (!o.isAudioOnly) { const qual = (i) => { return normalizeQuality({ width: i.width, height: i.height, }) } const bestQuality = qual(sorted_formats[codec].bestVideo); const useBestQuality = quality >= bestQuality; video = useBestQuality ? sorted_formats[codec].bestVideo : sorted_formats[codec].video.find(i => qual(i) === quality); if (!video) video = sorted_formats[codec].bestVideo; } } const fileMetadata = { title: basicInfo.title.trim(), artist:"- Topic", "").trim() } if (basicInfo?.short_description?.startsWith("Provided to YouTube by")) { const descItems = basicInfo.short_description.split("\n\n", 5); if (descItems.length === 5) { fileMetadata.album = descItems[2]; fileMetadata.copyright = descItems[3]; if (descItems[4].startsWith("Released on:")) { = descItems[4].replace("Released on: ", '').trim(); } } } const filenameAttributes = { service: "youtube", id:, title: fileMetadata.title, author: fileMetadata.artist, youtubeDubName: dubbedLanguage || false, } if (audio && o.isAudioOnly) { let bestAudio = codec === "h264" ? "m4a" : "opus"; let urls = audio.url; if (useHLS) { bestAudio = "mp3"; urls = audio.uri; } return { type: "audio", isAudioOnly: true, urls, filenameAttributes, fileMetadata, bestAudio, isHLS: useHLS, } } if (video && audio) { let resolution; if (useHLS) { resolution = normalizeQuality(video.resolution); filenameAttributes.resolution = `${video.resolution.width}x${video.resolution.height}`; filenameAttributes.extension = hlsCodecList[codec].container; video = video.uri; audio = audio.uri; } else { resolution = normalizeQuality({ width: video.width, height: video.height, }); filenameAttributes.resolution = `${video.width}x${video.height}`; filenameAttributes.extension = codecList[codec].container; video = video.url; audio = audio.url; } filenameAttributes.qualityLabel = `${resolution}p`; filenameAttributes.youtubeFormat = codec; return { type: "merge", urls: [ video, audio, ], filenameAttributes, fileMetadata, isHLS: useHLS, } } return { error: "youtube.no_matching_format" }; }