""" Module: app_agent_config This module defines the AgentConfig class, which holds configuration settings for the agent. Dependencies: - utils.tool_loader: Module providing the ToolLoader class for loading tools. - utils.tool_config: Module providing tool_names for configuration. Classes: - AgentConfig: A class for managing configuration settings for the agent. """ from utils.tool_loader import ToolLoader # Importing ToolLoader class from utils.tool_loader module from utils.tool_config import tool_names # Importing tool_names from utils.tool_config module class AgentConfig: """ A class for managing configuration settings for the agent. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes an instance of the AgentConfig class. Attributes: - url_endpoint (str): The URL endpoint for the agent. - tool_checkboxes (list): Checkboxes for available tools. - s_tool_checkboxes (list): Selected checkboxes for tools. - image (list): Image data. - document (str): Document data. - log_enabled (bool): Flag indicating whether logging is enabled. - context (str): Context data. - tool_loader (ToolLoader): Instance of ToolLoader class for loading tools. - agent_urls (list): URLs for different agents. """ self.url_endpoint = "" self.tool_checkboxes = [] self.s_tool_checkboxes = [] self.image = [] self.document = "" self.log_enabled = False self.context = "" self.tool_loader = ToolLoader(tool_names) self.agent_urls = [ "https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/bigcode/starcoder", "https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/OpenAssistant/oasst-sft-4-pythia-12b-epoch-3.5", "https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/gpt2" ]