""" This file contains the text content for the leaderboard client. """ HEADER_MARKDOWN = """ # 🇨🇿 BenCzechMark [Beta Preview] Welcome to the leaderboard! Here you can compare models on tasks in Czech language and/or submit your own model. We use our modified fork of [lm-evaluation-harness](https://github.com/DCGM/lm-evaluation-harness) to evaluate every model under same protocol. - Head to **Submission** page to learn about submission details. - See **About** page for brief description of our evaluation protocol & win score mechanism, citation information, and future directions for this benchmark. """ LEADERBOARD_TAB_TITLE_MARKDOWN = """ ## Leaderboard """ SUBMISSION_TAB_TITLE_MARKDOWN = """ ## How to submit 1. Head down to our modified fork of [lm-evaluation-harness](https://github.com/DCGM/lm-evaluation-harness). Follow the instructions and evaluate your model on all 🇨🇿 BenCzechMark tasks, while logging your lm harness outputs into designated folder. 2. Use our script [compile_log_files.py](https://huggingface.co./spaces/CZLC/BenCzechMark/blob/main/compile_log_files.py) for processing log files from your designated folder into single compact submission file that contains everything we need. Example usage: - Download sample outputs for csmpt7b from [csmpt_logdir.zip](https://czechllm.fit.vutbr.cz/csmpt7b/sample_results/csmpt_logdir.zip). - Unzip. - Run the script as with python (with libs jsonlines and tqdm) ```bash python compile_log_files.py \ -i "/csmpt_logdir/csmpt/eval_csmpt7b*" \ -o "/sample_submission.json" ``` 3. Upload your file, and fill the form below! ## Submission To submit your model, please fill in the form below. - *Team name:* The name of your team, as it will appear on the leaderboard - *Model name:* The name of your model - *Model type:* The type of your model (chat, pretrained, ensemble) - *Parameters (B):* The number of parameters of your model in billions (10⁹) - *Input length (# tokens):* The number of input tokens that led to the results - *Precision:* The precision with which the results were obtained - *Description:* Short description of your submission (optional) - *Link to model:* Link to the model's repository or documentation - *Upload your results:* Results json file to submit After filling in the form, click the **Pre-submit model** button. This will run a comparison of your model with the existing leaderboard models. After the tournament is complete, you will be able to submit your model to the leaderboard. """ RANKING_AFTER_SUBMISSION_MARKDOWN = """ This is how will ranking look like after your submission: """ SUBMISSION_DETAILS_MARKDOWN = """ Do you really want to submit a model? This action is irreversible. """ MORE_DETAILS_MARKDOWN = """ ## Model details: """ MODAL_SUBMIT_MARKDOWN = """ Are you sure you want to submit your model? """ ABOUT_MARKDOWN = """ # About - **BenCzechMark Authors & Contributors:** - **BUT FIT** - Martin Fajčík - Martin Dočekal - Jan Doležal - Karel Ondřej - Karel Beneš - Jan Kapsa - Michal Hradiš - **FI MUNI** - Zuzana Nevěřilová - Aleš Horák - Michal Štefánik - **CIIRC CTU** - Adam Jirkovský - David Adamczyk - Jan Hůla - Jan Šedivý - **Hugging Face** - Hynek Kydlíček **Correspondence to:** - Martin Fajčík - Brno University of Technology - Brno, Czech Republic - Email: [martin.fajcik@vut.cz](mailto:martin.fajcik@vut.cz) """