import os | |
import re | |
import torch | |
import tempfile | |
import logging | |
from import write | |
from pydub import AudioSegment | |
from dotenv import load_dotenv | |
import spaces | |
import gradio as gr | |
import numpy as np | |
# Transformers & Models | |
from transformers import ( | |
AutoTokenizer, | |
AutoModelForCausalLM, | |
pipeline, | |
AutoProcessor, | |
MusicgenForConditionalGeneration, | |
) | |
# Coqui TTS | |
from TTS.api import TTS | |
# Diffusers for sound design generation | |
from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline, AudioLDMPipeline | |
import diffusers | |
from packaging import version | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Setup Logging and Environment Variables | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) | |
load_dotenv() | |
HF_TOKEN = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN") | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Global Model Caches | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
TTS_MODELS = {} | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Utility Function | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def clean_text(text: str) -> str: | |
""" | |
Removes undesired characters (e.g., asterisks) that might not be recognized by the model's vocabulary. | |
""" | |
return re.sub(r'\*', '', text) | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Model Helper Functions | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def get_llama_pipeline(model_id: str, token: str): | |
""" | |
Returns a cached LLaMA text-generation pipeline if available; otherwise, loads and caches it. | |
""" | |
if model_id in LLAMA_PIPELINES: | |
return LLAMA_PIPELINES[model_id] | |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id, use_auth_token=token) | |
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( | |
model_id, | |
use_auth_token=token, | |
torch_dtype=torch.float16, | |
device_map="auto", | |
trust_remote_code=True, | |
) | |
text_pipeline = pipeline("text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) | |
LLAMA_PIPELINES[model_id] = text_pipeline | |
return text_pipeline | |
def get_musicgen_model(model_key: str = "facebook/musicgen-large"): | |
""" | |
Returns a cached MusicGen model and processor if available; otherwise, loads and caches them. | |
Uses the 'large' variant for higher quality outputs. | |
""" | |
if model_key in MUSICGEN_MODELS: | |
return MUSICGEN_MODELS[model_key] | |
model = MusicgenForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_key) | |
processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_key) | |
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" | | | |
MUSICGEN_MODELS[model_key] = (model, processor) | |
return model, processor | |
def get_tts_model(model_name: str = "tts_models/en/ljspeech/tacotron2-DDC"): | |
""" | |
Returns a cached TTS model if available; otherwise, loads and caches it. | |
""" | |
if model_name in TTS_MODELS: | |
return TTS_MODELS[model_name] | |
tts_model = TTS(model_name) | |
TTS_MODELS[model_name] = tts_model | |
return tts_model | |
def get_sound_design_pipeline(model_name: str, token: str): | |
""" | |
Returns a cached DiffusionPipeline for sound design if available; | |
otherwise, it loads and caches the pipeline. | |
NOTE: AudioLDM2Pipeline is available only in diffusers>=0.21.0. | |
Since your requirements fix diffusers==0.20.2, this function will raise an error. | |
""" | |
if version.parse(diffusers.__version__) < version.parse("0.21.0"): | |
raise ValueError("AudioLDM2 requires diffusers>=0.21.0. Please upgrade your diffusers package.") | |
if model_name in SOUND_DESIGN_PIPELINES: | |
return SOUND_DESIGN_PIPELINES[model_name] | |
pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(model_name, pipeline_class=AudioLDMPipeline, use_auth_token=token) | |
SOUND_DESIGN_PIPELINES[model_name] = pipe | |
return pipe | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Script Generation Function | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def generate_script(user_prompt: str, model_id: str, token: str, duration: int): | |
""" | |
Generates a voice-over script, sound design suggestions, and music ideas from a user prompt. | |
Returns a tuple: (voice_script, sound_design, music_suggestions). | |
""" | |
try: | |
text_pipeline = get_llama_pipeline(model_id, token) | |
system_prompt = ( | |
"You are an expert radio imaging producer specializing in sound design and music. " | |
f"Based on the user's concept and the selected duration of {duration} seconds, produce the following:\n" | |
"1. A concise voice-over script. Prefix this section with 'Voice-Over Script:'\n" | |
"2. Suggestions for sound design. Prefix this section with 'Sound Design Suggestions:'\n" | |
"3. Music styles or track recommendations. Prefix this section with 'Music Suggestions:'" | |
) | |
combined_prompt = f"{system_prompt}\nUser concept: {user_prompt}\nOutput:" | |
with torch.inference_mode(): | |
result = text_pipeline( | |
combined_prompt, | |
max_new_tokens=300, | |
do_sample=True, | |
temperature=0.8 | |
) | |
generated_text = result[0]["generated_text"] | |
if "Output:" in generated_text: | |
generated_text = generated_text.split("Output:")[-1].strip() | |
pattern = r"Voice-Over Script:\s*(.*?)\s*Sound Design Suggestions:\s*(.*?)\s*Music Suggestions:\s*(.*)" | |
match =, generated_text, re.DOTALL) | |
if match: | |
voice_script, sound_design, music_suggestions = (grp.strip() for grp in match.groups()) | |
else: | |
voice_script = "No voice-over script found." | |
sound_design = "No sound design suggestions found." | |
music_suggestions = "No music suggestions found." | |
return voice_script, sound_design, music_suggestions | |
except Exception as e: | |
logging.exception("Error generating script") | |
return f"Error generating script: {e}", "", "" | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Voice-Over Generation Function | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def generate_voice(script: str, tts_model_name: str = "tts_models/en/ljspeech/tacotron2-DDC"): | |
""" | |
Generates a voice-over audio file from the provided script using Coqui TTS. | |
Returns the file path to the generated .wav file. | |
""" | |
try: | |
if not script.strip(): | |
return "Error: No script provided." | |
cleaned_script = clean_text(script) | |
tts_model = get_tts_model(tts_model_name) | |
output_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "voice_over.wav") | |
tts_model.tts_to_file(text=cleaned_script, file_path=output_path) | |
return output_path | |
except Exception as e: | |
logging.exception("Error generating voice") | |
return f"Error generating voice: {e}" | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Music Generation Function | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def generate_music(prompt: str, audio_length: int): | |
""" | |
Generates a music track from the 'facebook/musicgen-large' model based on the prompt. | |
Returns the file path to the generated .wav file. | |
""" | |
try: | |
if not prompt.strip(): | |
return "Error: No music suggestion provided." | |
model_key = "facebook/musicgen-large" | |
musicgen_model, musicgen_processor = get_musicgen_model(model_key) | |
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" | |
inputs = musicgen_processor(text=[prompt], padding=True, return_tensors="pt").to(device) | |
with torch.inference_mode(): | |
outputs = musicgen_model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=audio_length) | |
audio_data = outputs[0, 0].cpu().numpy() | |
normalized_audio = (audio_data / max(abs(audio_data)) * 32767).astype("int16") | |
output_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "musicgen_large_generated_music.wav") | |
write(output_path, 44100, normalized_audio) | |
return output_path | |
except Exception as e: | |
logging.exception("Error generating music") | |
return f"Error generating music: {e}" | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Sound Design Generation Function | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def generate_sound_design(prompt: str): | |
""" | |
Generates a sound design audio file based on the provided prompt using AudioLDM 2. | |
Returns the file path to the generated .wav file. | |
""" | |
try: | |
if not prompt.strip(): | |
return "Error: No sound design suggestion provided." | |
pipe = get_sound_design_pipeline("cvssp/audioldm2", HF_TOKEN) | |
# Generate audio from the prompt; assumes the pipeline returns a dict with key 'audios' | |
result = pipe(prompt) | |
audio_samples = result["audios"][0] | |
normalized_audio = (audio_samples / np.max(np.abs(audio_samples)) * 32767).astype("int16") | |
output_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "sound_design_generated.wav") | |
write(output_path, 44100, normalized_audio) | |
return output_path | |
except Exception as e: | |
logging.exception("Error generating sound design") | |
return f"Error generating sound design: {e}" | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Audio Blending with Duration Sync & Ducking (Voice + Sound Design + Music) | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def blend_audio(voice_path: str, sound_effect_path: str, music_path: str, ducking: bool, duck_level: int = 10): | |
""" | |
Blends three audio files (voice, sound design/sound effect, and music): | |
- Loops music and sound design if shorter than the voice track. | |
- Trims both to match the voice duration. | |
- Applies ducking to lower music and sound design volumes during voice segments if enabled. | |
Returns the file path to the blended .wav file. | |
""" | |
try: | |
# Verify input files exist | |
for path in [voice_path, sound_effect_path, music_path]: | |
if not os.path.isfile(path): | |
return f"Error: Missing audio file for {path}" | |
# Load audio segments | |
voice = AudioSegment.from_wav(voice_path) | |
music = AudioSegment.from_wav(music_path) | |
sound_effect = AudioSegment.from_wav(sound_effect_path) | |
voice_len = len(voice) # duration in milliseconds | |
# Loop or trim music to match voice duration | |
if len(music) < voice_len: | |
looped_music = AudioSegment.empty() | |
while len(looped_music) < voice_len: | |
looped_music += music | |
music = looped_music | |
music = music[:voice_len] | |
# Loop or trim sound effect to match voice duration | |
if len(sound_effect) < voice_len: | |
looped_effect = AudioSegment.empty() | |
while len(looped_effect) < voice_len: | |
looped_effect += sound_effect | |
sound_effect = looped_effect | |
sound_effect = sound_effect[:voice_len] | |
# Apply ducking to background tracks if enabled | |
if ducking: | |
music = music - duck_level | |
sound_effect = sound_effect - duck_level | |
# Combine music and sound effect into a background track | |
background = music.overlay(sound_effect) | |
# Overlay voice on top of the background | |
final_audio = background.overlay(voice) | |
output_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "blended_output.wav") | |
final_audio.export(output_path, format="wav") | |
return output_path | |
except Exception as e: | |
logging.exception("Error blending audio") | |
return f"Error blending audio: {e}" | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Gradio Interface | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
with gr.Blocks(css=""" | |
/* Global Styles */ | |
body { | |
background: linear-gradient(135deg, #1d1f21, #3a3d41); | |
color: #f0f0f0; | |
font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif; | |
} | |
.header { | |
text-align: center; | |
padding: 2rem 1rem; | |
background: linear-gradient(90deg, #6a11cb, #2575fc); | |
border-radius: 0 0 20px 20px; | |
margin-bottom: 2rem; | |
} | |
.header h1 { | |
margin: 0; | |
font-size: 2.5rem; | |
} | |
.header p { | |
font-size: 1.2rem; | |
} | |
.gradio-container { | |
background: #2e2e2e; | |
border-radius: 10px; | |
padding: 1rem; | |
} | |
.tab-title { | |
font-size: 1.1rem; | |
font-weight: bold; | |
} | |
.footer { | |
text-align: center; | |
font-size: 0.9em; | |
margin-top: 2rem; | |
padding: 1rem; | |
color: #cccccc; | |
} | |
""") as demo: | |
# Custom Header | |
with gr.Row(elem_classes="header"): | |
gr.Markdown(""" | |
<h1>🎧 Ai Ads Promo</h1> | |
<p>Your all-in-one AI solution for creating professional audio ads.</p> | |
""") | |
gr.Markdown(""" | |
**Welcome to Ai Ads Promo!** | |
This simple, easy-to-use app helps you create amazing audio ads in just a few steps. Here’s how it works: | |
1. **Script Generation:** | |
- Share your idea and let our AI craft a clear and engaging voice-over script, along with sound design and music suggestions. | |
2. **Voice Synthesis:** | |
- Convert your script into a natural-sounding voice-over using advanced text-to-speech technology. | |
3. **Music Production:** | |
- Generate a custom music track that perfectly fits your ad. | |
4. **Sound Design:** | |
- Generate creative sound effects based on our sound design suggestions. | |
5. **Audio Blending:** | |
- Combine your voice-over, sound effects, and music seamlessly. Enable ducking to lower background audio during voice segments. | |
**Benefits:** | |
- **Easy to Use:** Designed for everyone – no technical skills required. | |
- **Fast Results:** Quickly produce professional-sounding audio ads. | |
- **All-In-One:** Everything you need in one convenient app. | |
Get started now and create your perfect audio ad with Ai Ads Promo! | |
""") | |
with gr.Tabs(): | |
# Step 1: Script Generation | |
with gr.Tab("📝 Script Generation"): | |
with gr.Row(): | |
user_prompt = gr.Textbox( | |
label="Promo Ads Idea", | |
placeholder="E.g., A 30-second ad for a radio morning show...", | |
lines=2 | |
) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
llama_model_id = gr.Textbox( | |
label="LLaMA Model ID", | |
value="meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct", | |
placeholder="Enter a valid Hugging Face model ID" | |
) | |
duration = gr.Slider( | |
label="Desired Ad Duration (seconds)", | |
minimum=15, | |
maximum=60, | |
step=15, | |
value=30 | |
) | |
generate_script_button = gr.Button("Generate Script", variant="primary") | |
script_output = gr.Textbox(label="Generated Voice-Over Script", lines=5, interactive=False) | |
sound_design_output = gr.Textbox(label="Sound Design Suggestions", lines=3, interactive=False) | |
music_suggestion_output = gr.Textbox(label="Music Suggestions", lines=3, interactive=False) | | | |
fn=lambda prompt, model_id, dur: generate_script(prompt, model_id, HF_TOKEN, dur), | |
inputs=[user_prompt, llama_model_id, duration], | |
outputs=[script_output, sound_design_output, music_suggestion_output], | |
) | |
# Step 2: Voice Synthesis | |
with gr.Tab("🎤 Voice Synthesis"): | |
gr.Markdown("Generate a natural-sounding voice-over using Coqui TTS.") | |
selected_tts_model = gr.Dropdown( | |
label="TTS Model", | |
choices=[ | |
"tts_models/en/ljspeech/tacotron2-DDC", | |
"tts_models/en/ljspeech/vits", | |
"tts_models/en/sam/tacotron-DDC", | |
], | |
value="tts_models/en/ljspeech/tacotron2-DDC", | |
multiselect=False | |
) | |
generate_voice_button = gr.Button("Generate Voice-Over", variant="primary") | |
voice_audio_output = gr.Audio(label="Voice-Over (WAV)", type="filepath") | | | |
fn=lambda script, tts_model: generate_voice(script, tts_model), | |
inputs=[script_output, selected_tts_model], | |
outputs=voice_audio_output, | |
) | |
# Step 3: Music Production | |
with gr.Tab("🎶 Music Production"): | |
gr.Markdown("Generate a custom music track using the **MusicGen Large** model.") | |
audio_length = gr.Slider( | |
label="Music Length (tokens)", | |
minimum=128, | |
maximum=1024, | |
step=64, | |
value=512, | |
info="Increase tokens for longer audio (inference time may vary)." | |
) | |
generate_music_button = gr.Button("Generate Music", variant="primary") | |
music_output = gr.Audio(label="Generated Music (WAV)", type="filepath") | | | |
fn=lambda music_prompt, length: generate_music(music_prompt, length), | |
inputs=[music_suggestion_output, audio_length], | |
outputs=[music_output], | |
) | |
# Step 4: Sound Design Generation | |
with gr.Tab("🎧 Sound Design Generation"): | |
gr.Markdown("Generate a creative sound design track based on the sound design suggestions from the script.") | |
generate_sound_design_button = gr.Button("Generate Sound Design", variant="primary") | |
sound_design_audio_output = gr.Audio(label="Generated Sound Design (WAV)", type="filepath") | | | |
fn=generate_sound_design, | |
inputs=[sound_design_output], | |
outputs=[sound_design_audio_output], | |
) | |
# Step 5: Audio Blending (Voice + Sound Design + Music) | |
with gr.Tab("🎚️ Audio Blending"): | |
gr.Markdown("Blend your voice-over, sound design, and music track. The background audio (music and sound design) can be ducked during voice segments.") | |
ducking_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label="Enable Ducking?", value=True) | |
duck_level_slider = gr.Slider( | |
label="Ducking Level (dB attenuation)", | |
minimum=0, | |
maximum=20, | |
step=1, | |
value=10 | |
) | |
blend_button = gr.Button("Blend Audio", variant="primary") | |
blended_output = gr.Audio(label="Final Blended Output (WAV)", type="filepath") | | | |
fn=blend_audio, | |
inputs=[voice_audio_output, sound_design_audio_output, music_output, ducking_checkbox, duck_level_slider], | |
outputs=blended_output | |
) | |
# Footer | |
gr.Markdown(""" | |
<div class="footer"> | |
<hr> | |
Created with ❤️ by <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #88aaff;"></a> | |
<br> | |
<small>Ai Ads Promo © 2025</small> | |
</div> | |
""") | |
# Visitor Badge | |
gr.HTML(""" | |
<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 1rem;"> | |
<a href=""> | |
<img src="" alt="visitor badge"/> | |
</a> | |
</div> | |
""") | |
demo.launch(debug=True) | |