from typing import ( Any, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, cast, Generator ) import torch from langchain_community.retrievers import QdrantSparseVectorRetriever from langchain_community.vectorstores.qdrant import Qdrant from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import Field from langchain_core.callbacks import CallbackManagerForRetrieverRun from langchain.schema import Document try: from qdrant_client import QdrantClient, models except ImportError: pass def batchify(_list: List, batch_size: int) -> Generator[List, None, None]: for i in range(0, len(_list), batch_size): yield _list[i:i + batch_size] class MyQdrantSparseVectorRetriever(QdrantSparseVectorRetriever): splade_doc_tokenizer: Any = Field(repr=False) splade_doc_model: Any = Field(repr=False) splade_query_tokenizer: Any = Field(repr=False) splade_query_model: Any = Field(repr=False) device: Any = Field(repr=False) batch_size: int = Field(repr=False) sparse_encoder: Any or None = Field(repr=False) class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" arbitrary_types_allowed = True def compute_document_vectors(self, texts: List[str], batch_size: int) -> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[List[float]]]: indices = [] values = [] for text_batch in batchify(texts, batch_size): with torch.no_grad(): tokens = self.splade_doc_tokenizer(text_batch, truncation=True, padding=True, return_tensors="pt").to(self.device) output = self.splade_doc_model(**tokens) logits, attention_mask = output.logits, tokens.attention_mask relu_log = torch.log(1 + torch.relu(logits)) weighted_log = relu_log * attention_mask.unsqueeze(-1) tvecs, _ = torch.max(weighted_log, dim=1) # extract all non-zero values and their indices from the sparse vectors for batch in tvecs.cpu(): indices.append(batch.nonzero(as_tuple=True)[0].numpy()) values.append(batch[indices[-1]].numpy()) return indices, values def compute_query_vector(self, text: str): """ Computes a vector from logits and attention mask using ReLU, log, and max operations. """ with torch.no_grad(): tokens = self.splade_query_tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt").to(self.device) output = self.splade_query_model(**tokens) logits, attention_mask = output.logits, tokens.attention_mask relu_log = torch.log(1 + torch.relu(logits)) weighted_log = relu_log * attention_mask.unsqueeze(-1) max_val, _ = torch.max(weighted_log, dim=1) query_vec = max_val.squeeze().cpu() query_indices = query_vec.nonzero().numpy().flatten() query_values = query_vec.detach().numpy()[query_indices] return query_indices, query_values def add_texts( self, texts: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ): client = cast(QdrantClient, self.client) indices, values = self.compute_document_vectors(texts, self.batch_size) points = [ models.PointStruct( id=i + 1, vector={ self.sparse_vector_name: models.SparseVector( indices=indices[i], values=values[i], ) }, payload={ self.content_payload_key: texts[i], self.metadata_payload_key: metadatas[i] if metadatas else None, }, ) for i in range(len(texts)) ] client.upsert(self.collection_name, points=points, **kwargs) if self.device == "cuda": torch.cuda.empty_cache() def _get_relevant_documents(self, query: str, *, run_manager: CallbackManagerForRetrieverRun) -> List[Document]: client = cast(QdrantClient, self.client) query_indices, query_values = self.compute_query_vector(query) results = self.collection_name, query_filter=self.filter, query_vector=models.NamedSparseVector( name=self.sparse_vector_name, vector=models.SparseVector( indices=query_indices, values=query_values, ), ), limit=self.k, with_vectors=False, **self.search_options, ) return [ Qdrant._document_from_scored_point( point, self.collection_name, self.content_payload_key, self.metadata_payload_key, ) for point in results ]