LLMsearch / script.py
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import time
import re
import json
import os
from datetime import datetime
import gradio as gr
import torch
import modules.shared as shared
from modules import chat, ui as ui_module
from modules.utils import gradio
from modules.text_generation import generate_reply_HF, generate_reply_custom
from .llm_web_search import get_webpage_content, langchain_search_duckduckgo, langchain_search_searxng, Generator
from .langchain_websearch import LangchainCompressor
params = {
"display_name": "LLM Web Search",
"is_tab": True,
"enable": True,
"search results per query": 5,
"langchain similarity score threshold": 0.5,
"instant answers": True,
"regular search results": True,
"search command regex": "",
"default search command regex": r"Search_web\(\"(.*)\"\)",
"open url command regex": "",
"default open url command regex": r"Open_url\(\"(.*)\"\)",
"display search results in chat": True,
"display extracted URL content in chat": True,
"searxng url": "",
"cpu only": True,
"chunk size": 500,
"duckduckgo results per query": 10,
"append current datetime": False,
"default system prompt filename": None,
"force search prefix": "Search_web",
"ensemble weighting": 0.5,
"keyword retriever": "bm25",
"splade batch size": 2,
"chunking method": "character-based",
"chunker breakpoint_threshold_amount": 30
custom_system_message_filename = None
extension_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
langchain_compressor = None
update_history = None
force_search = False
def setup():
Is executed when the extension gets imported.
global params
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "true"
os.environ["QDRANT__TELEMETRY_DISABLED"] = "true"
with open(os.path.join(extension_path, "settings.json"), "r") as f:
saved_params = json.load(f)
save_settings() # add keys of newly added feature to settings.json
except FileNotFoundError:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(extension_path, "system_prompts")):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(extension_path, "system_prompts"))
def save_settings():
global params
with open(os.path.join(extension_path, "settings.json"), "w") as f:
json.dump(params, f, indent=4)
current_datetime = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
return gr.HTML(f'<span style="color:lawngreen"> Settings were saved at {current_datetime}</span>',
def toggle_extension(_enable: bool):
global langchain_compressor, custom_system_message_filename
if _enable:
langchain_compressor = LangchainCompressor(device="cpu" if params["cpu only"] else "cuda",
keyword_retriever=params["keyword retriever"],
model_cache_dir=os.path.join(extension_path, "hf_models"))
compressor_model = langchain_compressor.embeddings.client
custom_system_message_filename = params.get("default system prompt filename")
if not params["cpu only"] and 'langchain_compressor' in globals(): # free some VRAM
model_attrs = ["embeddings", "splade_doc_model", "splade_query_model"]
for model_attr in model_attrs:
if hasattr(langchain_compressor, model_attr):
model = getattr(langchain_compressor, model_attr)
if hasattr(model, "client"):
del model.client
if hasattr(model, "to"):
del model
params.update({"enable": _enable})
return _enable
def get_available_system_prompts():
return ["None"] + sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(extension_path, "system_prompts")))
except FileNotFoundError:
return ["None"]
def load_system_prompt(filename: str or None):
global custom_system_message_filename
if not filename:
if filename == "None" or filename == "Select custom system message to load...":
custom_system_message_filename = None
return ""
with open(os.path.join(extension_path, "system_prompts", filename), "r") as f:
prompt_str = f.read()
if params["append current datetime"]:
prompt_str += f"\nDate and time of conversation: {datetime.now().strftime('%A %d %B %Y %H:%M')}"
shared.settings['custom_system_message'] = prompt_str
custom_system_message_filename = filename
return prompt_str
def save_system_prompt(filename, prompt):
if not filename:
with open(os.path.join(extension_path, "system_prompts", filename), "w") as f:
return gr.HTML(f'<span style="color:lawngreen"> Saved successfully</span>',
def check_file_exists(filename):
if filename == "":
return gr.HTML("", visible=False)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(extension_path, "system_prompts", filename)):
return gr.HTML(f'<span style="color:orange"> Warning: Filename already exists</span>', visible=True)
return gr.HTML("", visible=False)
def timeout_save_message():
return gr.HTML("", visible=False)
def deactivate_system_prompt():
shared.settings['custom_system_message'] = None
return "None"
def toggle_forced_search(value):
global force_search
force_search = value
def ui():
Creates custom gradio elements when the UI is launched.
# Inject custom system message into the main textbox if a default one is set
shared.gradio['custom_system_message'].value = load_system_prompt(custom_system_message_filename)
def update_result_type_setting(choice: str):
if choice == "Instant answers":
params.update({"instant answers": True})
params.update({"regular search results": False})
elif choice == "Regular results":
params.update({"instant answers": False})
params.update({"regular search results": True})
elif choice == "Regular results and instant answers":
params.update({"instant answers": True})
params.update({"regular search results": True})
def update_regex_setting(input_str: str, setting_key: str, error_html_element: gr.component):
if input_str == "":
params.update({setting_key: params[f"default {setting_key}"]})
return {error_html_element: gr.HTML("", visible=False)}
compiled = re.compile(input_str)
if compiled.groups > 1:
raise re.error(f"Only 1 capturing group allowed in regex, but there are {compiled.groups}.")
params.update({setting_key: input_str})
return {error_html_element: gr.HTML("", visible=False)}
except re.error as e:
return {error_html_element: gr.HTML(f'<span style="color:red"> Invalid regex. {str(e).capitalize()}</span>',
def update_default_custom_system_message(check: bool):
if check:
params.update({"default system prompt filename": custom_system_message_filename})
params.update({"default system prompt filename": None})
with gr.Row():
enable = gr.Checkbox(value=lambda: params['enable'], label='Enable LLM web search')
use_cpu_only = gr.Checkbox(value=lambda: params['cpu only'],
label='Run extension on CPU only '
'(Save settings and restart for the change to take effect)')
with gr.Column():
save_settings_btn = gr.Button("Save settings")
saved_success_elem = gr.HTML("", visible=False)
with gr.Row():
result_radio = gr.Radio(
["Regular results", "Regular results and instant answers"],
label="What kind of search results should be returned?",
value=lambda: "Regular results and instant answers" if
(params["regular search results"] and params["instant answers"]) else "Regular results"
with gr.Column():
search_command_regex = gr.Textbox(label="Search command regex string",
placeholder=params["default search command regex"],
value=lambda: params["search command regex"])
search_command_regex_error_label = gr.HTML("", visible=False)
with gr.Column():
open_url_command_regex = gr.Textbox(label="Open URL command regex string",
placeholder=params["default open url command regex"],
value=lambda: params["open url command regex"])
open_url_command_regex_error_label = gr.HTML("", visible=False)
with gr.Column():
show_results = gr.Checkbox(value=lambda: params['display search results in chat'],
label='Display search results in chat')
show_url_content = gr.Checkbox(value=lambda: params['display extracted URL content in chat'],
label='Display extracted URL content in chat')
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
gr.Markdown(value='#### Load custom system message\n'
'Select a saved custom system message from within the system_prompts folder or "None" '
'to clear the selection')
system_prompt = gr.Dropdown(
choices=get_available_system_prompts(), label="Select custom system message",
value=lambda: 'Select custom system message to load...' if custom_system_message_filename is None else
custom_system_message_filename, elem_classes='slim-dropdown')
with gr.Row():
set_system_message_as_default = gr.Checkbox(
value=lambda: custom_system_message_filename == params["default system prompt filename"],
label='Set this custom system message as the default')
refresh_button = ui_module.create_refresh_button(system_prompt, lambda: None,
lambda: {'choices': get_available_system_prompts()},
'refresh-button', interactive=True)
refresh_button.elem_id = "custom-sysprompt-refresh"
delete_button = gr.Button('🗑️', elem_classes='refresh-button', interactive=True)
append_datetime = gr.Checkbox(value=lambda: params['append current datetime'],
label='Append current date and time when loading custom system message')
with gr.Column():
gr.Markdown(value='#### Create custom system message')
system_prompt_text = gr.Textbox(label="Custom system message", lines=3,
value=lambda: load_system_prompt(custom_system_message_filename))
sys_prompt_filename = gr.Text(label="Filename")
sys_prompt_save_button = gr.Button("Save Custom system message")
system_prompt_saved_success_elem = gr.HTML("", visible=False)
with gr.Accordion("Advanced settings", open=False):
ensemble_weighting = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.05, value=lambda: params["ensemble weighting"],
label="Ensemble Weighting", info="Smaller values = More keyword oriented, "
"Larger values = More focus on semantic similarity")
with gr.Row():
keyword_retriever = gr.Radio([("Okapi BM25", "bm25"),("SPLADE", "splade")], label="Sparse keyword retriever",
info="For change to take effect, toggle the extension off and on again",
value=lambda: params["keyword retriever"])
splade_batch_size = gr.Slider(minimum=2, maximum=256, step=2, value=lambda: params["splade batch size"],
label="SPLADE batch size",
info="Smaller values = Slower retrieval (but lower VRAM usage), "
"Larger values = Faster retrieval (but higher VRAM usage). "
"A good trade-off seems to be setting it = 8",
with gr.Row():
chunker = gr.Radio([("Character-based", "character-based"),
("Semantic", "semantic")], label="Chunking method",
value=lambda: params["chunking method"])
chunker_breakpoint_threshold_amount = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=100, step=1,
value=lambda: params["chunker breakpoint_threshold_amount"],
label="Semantic chunking: sentence split threshold (%)",
info="Defines how different two consecutive sentences have"
" to be for them to be split into separate chunks",
gr.Markdown("**Note: Changing the following might result in DuckDuckGo rate limiting or the LM being overwhelmed**")
num_search_results = gr.Number(label="Max. search results to return per query", minimum=1, maximum=100,
value=lambda: params["search results per query"], precision=0)
num_process_search_results = gr.Number(label="Number of search results to process per query", minimum=1,
maximum=100, value=lambda: params["duckduckgo results per query"],
langchain_similarity_threshold = gr.Number(label="Langchain Similarity Score Threshold", minimum=0., maximum=1.,
value=lambda: params["langchain similarity score threshold"])
chunk_size = gr.Number(label="Max. chunk size", info="The maximal size of the individual chunks that each webpage will"
" be split into, in characters", minimum=2, maximum=10000,
value=lambda: params["chunk size"], precision=0)
with gr.Row():
searxng_url = gr.Textbox(label="SearXNG URL",
value=lambda: params["searxng url"])
# Event functions to update the parameters in the backend
enable.input(toggle_extension, enable, enable)
use_cpu_only.change(lambda x: params.update({"cpu only": x}), use_cpu_only, None)
save_settings_btn.click(save_settings, None, [saved_success_elem])
ensemble_weighting.change(lambda x: params.update({"ensemble weighting": x}), ensemble_weighting, None)
keyword_retriever.change(lambda x: params.update({"keyword retriever": x}), keyword_retriever, None)
splade_batch_size.change(lambda x: params.update({"splade batch size": x}), splade_batch_size, None)
chunker.change(lambda x: params.update({"chunking method": x}), chunker, None)
chunker_breakpoint_threshold_amount.change(lambda x: params.update({"chunker breakpoint_threshold_amount": x}),
chunker_breakpoint_threshold_amount, None)
num_search_results.change(lambda x: params.update({"search results per query": x}), num_search_results, None)
num_process_search_results.change(lambda x: params.update({"duckduckgo results per query": x}),
num_process_search_results, None)
langchain_similarity_threshold.change(lambda x: params.update({"langchain similarity score threshold": x}),
langchain_similarity_threshold, None)
chunk_size.change(lambda x: params.update({"chunk size": x}), chunk_size, None)
result_radio.change(update_result_type_setting, result_radio, None)
search_command_regex.change(lambda x: update_regex_setting(x, "search command regex",
search_command_regex, search_command_regex_error_label, show_progress="hidden")
open_url_command_regex.change(lambda x: update_regex_setting(x, "open url command regex",
open_url_command_regex, open_url_command_regex_error_label, show_progress="hidden")
show_results.change(lambda x: params.update({"display search results in chat": x}), show_results, None)
show_url_content.change(lambda x: params.update({"display extracted URL content in chat": x}), show_url_content,
searxng_url.change(lambda x: params.update({"searxng url": x}), searxng_url, None)
lambda x: x, system_prompt, gradio('delete_filename')).then(
lambda: os.path.join(extension_path, "system_prompts", ""), None, gradio('delete_root')).then(
lambda: gr.update(visible=True), None, gradio('file_deleter'))
lambda: "None", None, system_prompt).then(
None, None, None, _js="() => { document.getElementById('custom-sysprompt-refresh').click() }")
system_prompt.change(load_system_prompt, system_prompt, shared.gradio['custom_system_message'])
system_prompt.change(load_system_prompt, system_prompt, system_prompt_text)
# restore checked state if chosen system prompt matches the default
system_prompt.change(lambda x: x == params["default system prompt filename"], system_prompt,
sys_prompt_filename.change(check_file_exists, sys_prompt_filename, system_prompt_saved_success_elem)
sys_prompt_save_button.click(save_system_prompt, [sys_prompt_filename, system_prompt_text],
_js="() => { document.getElementById('custom-sysprompt-refresh').click() }",
show_progress="hidden").then(lambda: "", None,
append_datetime.change(lambda x: params.update({"append current datetime": x}), append_datetime, None)
# '.input' = only triggers when user changes the value of the component, not a function
set_system_message_as_default.input(update_default_custom_system_message, set_system_message_as_default, None)
# A dummy checkbox to enable the actual "Force web search" checkbox to trigger a gradio event
force_search_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(value=False, visible=False, elem_id="Force-search-checkbox")
force_search_checkbox.change(toggle_forced_search, force_search_checkbox, None)
def custom_generate_reply(question, original_question, seed, state, stopping_strings, is_chat):
Overrides the main text generation function.
global update_history, langchain_compressor
if shared.model.__class__.__name__ in ['LlamaCppModel', 'RWKVModel', 'ExllamaModel', 'Exllamav2Model',
generate_func = generate_reply_custom
generate_func = generate_reply_HF
if not params['enable']:
for reply in generate_func(question, original_question, seed, state, stopping_strings, is_chat=is_chat):
yield reply
web_search = False
read_webpage = False
max_search_results = int(params["search results per query"])
instant_answers = params["instant answers"]
# regular_search_results = params["regular search results"]
langchain_compressor.num_results = int(params["duckduckgo results per query"])
langchain_compressor.similarity_threshold = params["langchain similarity score threshold"]
langchain_compressor.chunk_size = params["chunk size"]
langchain_compressor.ensemble_weighting = params["ensemble weighting"]
langchain_compressor.splade_batch_size = params["splade batch size"]
langchain_compressor.chunking_method = params["chunking method"]
langchain_compressor.chunker_breakpoint_threshold_amount = params["chunker breakpoint_threshold_amount"]
search_command_regex = params["search command regex"]
open_url_command_regex = params["open url command regex"]
searxng_url = params["searxng url"]
display_search_results = params["display search results in chat"]
display_webpage_content = params["display extracted URL content in chat"]
if search_command_regex == "":
search_command_regex = params["default search command regex"]
if open_url_command_regex == "":
open_url_command_regex = params["default open url command regex"]
compiled_search_command_regex = re.compile(search_command_regex)
compiled_open_url_command_regex = re.compile(open_url_command_regex)
if force_search:
question += f" {params['force search prefix']}"
reply = None
for reply in generate_func(question, original_question, seed, state, stopping_strings, is_chat=is_chat):
if force_search:
reply = params["force search prefix"] + reply
search_re_match = compiled_search_command_regex.search(reply)
if search_re_match is not None:
yield reply
original_model_reply = reply
web_search = True
search_term = search_re_match.group(1)
print(f"LLM_Web_search | Searching for {search_term}...")
reply += "\n```plaintext"
reply += "\nSearch tool:\n"
if searxng_url == "":
search_generator = Generator(langchain_search_duckduckgo(search_term,
search_generator = Generator(langchain_search_searxng(search_term,
for status_message in search_generator:
yield original_model_reply + f"\n*{status_message}*"
search_results = search_generator.value
except Exception as exc:
exception_message = str(exc)
reply += f"The search tool encountered an error: {exception_message}"
print(f'LLM_Web_search | {search_term} generated an exception: {exception_message}')
if search_results != "":
reply += search_results
reply += f"\nThe search tool did not return any results."
reply += "```"
if display_search_results:
yield reply
open_url_re_match = compiled_open_url_command_regex.search(reply)
if open_url_re_match is not None:
yield reply
original_model_reply = reply
read_webpage = True
url = open_url_re_match.group(1)
print(f"LLM_Web_search | Reading {url}...")
reply += "\n```plaintext"
reply += "\nURL opener tool:\n"
webpage_content = get_webpage_content(url)
except Exception as exc:
reply += f"Couldn't open {url}. Error message: {str(exc)}"
print(f'LLM_Web_search | {url} generated an exception: {str(exc)}')
reply += f"\nText content of {url}:\n"
reply += webpage_content
reply += "```\n"
if display_webpage_content:
yield reply
yield reply
if web_search or read_webpage:
display_results = web_search and display_search_results or read_webpage and display_webpage_content
# Add results to context and continue model output
new_question = chat.generate_chat_prompt(f"{question}{reply}", state)
new_reply = ""
for new_reply in generate_func(new_question, new_question, seed, state,
stopping_strings, is_chat=is_chat):
if display_results:
yield f"{reply}\n{new_reply}"
yield f"{original_model_reply}\n{new_reply}"
if not display_results:
update_history = [state["textbox"], f"{reply}\n{new_reply}"]
def output_modifier(string, state, is_chat=False):
Modifies the output string before it is presented in the UI. In chat mode,
it is applied to the bot's reply. Otherwise, it is applied to the entire
:param string:
:param state:
:param is_chat:
return string
def custom_css():
Returns custom CSS as a string. It is applied whenever the web UI is loaded.
return ''
def custom_js():
Returns custom javascript as a string. It is applied whenever the web UI is
with open(os.path.join(extension_path, "script.js"), "r") as f:
return f.read()
def chat_input_modifier(text, visible_text, state):
Modifies both the visible and internal inputs in chat mode. Can be used to
hijack the chat input with custom content.
:param text:
:param visible_text:
:param state:
return text, visible_text
def state_modifier(state):
Modifies the dictionary containing the UI input parameters before it is
used by the text generation functions.
:param state:
return state
def history_modifier(history):
Modifies the chat history before the text generation in chat mode begins.
:param history:
global update_history
if update_history:
update_history = None
return history